6babc46 Update to 0.36

Authored and Committed by pghmcfc 8 years ago
    Update to 0.36
    - New upstream release 0.36
      - Ron Savage is now co-maintainer
      - Move eg/ to examples/
      - Add examples/failure.01.pl from CPAN RT#104897
      - Move pod tests into xt/author/pod.t by cutting them out of t/00_basic.t
        (CPAN RT#85686, CPAN RT#85209)
      - Add repository https://github.com/ronsavage/Regexp-Assemble.git
      - Fix some spelling errors in the pod (CPAN RT#84336)
      - Move Assemble.pm into lib/Regexp/
      - Move the contents of the TODO file into the docs, and delete that file
      - Rearrange pod, but not by running this module over it :-)
      - Update Makefile.PL
      - Add Changelog.ini
      - Update MANIFEST.SKIP
    - This release by RSAVAGE → update source URL
    - Update character coding patch
file modified
+2 -1
Regexp-Assemble-0.36-utf8.patch Regexp-Assemble-0.35-utf8.patch
file renamed
+5 -5
file modified
+30 -12
file modified
+1 -1