This application needs the users to access serial and/or parallel port
Alain Portal cab04f4
in RW mode, depends upon the programmer is used.
Alain Portal cab04f4
So, administrator have to add allowed users to uucp and/or lp groups.
Alain Portal cab04f4
To do this, type the following command line:
Alain Portal cab04f4
    useradd -G lp,uucp allowed_user
Alain Portal cab04f4
Alain Portal cab04f4
for each allowed_user you want to add.
Alain Portal cab04f4
And if a parallel port programmer is used, you need to load the ppdev module,
Alain Portal cab04f4
by typing the following command line:
Alain Portal cab04f4
    modprobe ppdev
Alain Portal 0036423
Alain Portal 0036423
Alain Portal 0036423
If you want to use the SDCC Compiler with Piklab, you have to modify
Alain Portal 0036423
the PATH for the whole system, not only for a single user.
Alain Portal 0036423
So, you have to add the following:
Alain Portal 0036423
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Alain Portal 0036423
in /etc/profile, before the command line
Alain Portal 0036423
    export PATH