Blob Blame History Raw
%global pypi_name bidict

Name:           python-%{pypi_name}
Version:        0.21.2
Release:        2%{?dist}
Summary:        Bidirectional mapping library for Python

License:        MPLv2.0
Patch0:         bidict-remove-setuptools-scm.patch
BuildArch:      noarch

Forward declarations for all the custom interpreted text roles that Sphinx
defines and that are used below. This helps Sphinx-unaware tools (e.g.
rst2html, PyPI's and GitHub's renderers, etc.

%package -n     python3-%{pypi_name}
Summary:        %{summary}

BuildRequires:  python3-devel
BuildRequires:  python3dist(coverage)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(hypothesis)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(py)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pytest)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pytest-benchmark)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(pytest-cov)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(setuptools)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(sortedcollections)
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{pypi_name}}

%description -n python3-%{pypi_name}
Forward declarations for all the custom interpreted text roles that Sphinx
defines and that are used below. This helps Sphinx-unaware tools (e.g.
rst2html, PyPI's and GitHub's renderers, etc.

%package -n python-%{pypi_name}-doc
Summary:        bidict documentation

BuildRequires:  python3dist(sphinx-autodoc-typehints)
BuildRequires:  python3dist(sphinx)
%description -n python-%{pypi_name}-doc
Documentation for bidict.

%autosetup -n %{pypi_name}-%{version} -p1
rm -rf %{pypi_name}.egg-info

PYTHONPATH=${PWD} sphinx-build-3 docs html
rm -rf html/.{doctrees,buildinfo}


%pytest -v tests --ignore=tests/properties/ --ignore=tests/properties/

%files -n python3-%{pypi_name}
%license LICENSE

%files -n python-%{pypi_name}-doc
%doc html
%license LICENSE

* Wed Jan 27 2021 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.21.2-2
- Rebuilt for

* Tue Sep 08 2020 Fabian Affolter <> - 0.21.2-1
- Initial package for Fedora