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.TH CLI4 1

cli4 \- Command line access to CloudFlare v4 API

.B cli4
[\fBitem\fR=\fIvalue\fR ...]
.IR /command ...

.B cli4
provides command line access to CloudFlare v4 API

.IP "[\-V, \-\-version]"
Display program version number and exit.
.IP "[\-h, \-\-help]"
This information (in a terse form).
.IP "[\-v, \-\-verbose]"
Provide some protcol debugging information.
.IP "[\-q, \-\-quiet]"
Don't output any JSON/YAML responses.
.IP "[\-j, \-\-json]"
Output response data in JSON format (the default).
.IP "[\-y, \-\-yaml]"
Output response data in YAML format (if yaml package installed).
.IP "[\-n, \-\-ndjson]"
Output response data in NDJSON format (if jsonlines package installed).
.IP "\-\-get"
Send HTTP request as a \fBGET\fR (the default).
.IP "\-\-patch"
Send HTTP request as a \fBPATCH\fR.
.IP "\-\-post"
Send HTTP request as a \fBPOST\fR.
.IP "\-\-put"
Send HTTP request as a \fBPUT\fR.
.IP "\-\-delete"
Send HTTP request as a \fBDELETE\fR.
.IP "item=\fIvalue\fR"
Set a paramater or data value to send with a \fBGET\fR, \fBPATCH\fR, \fBPOST\fR, \fBPUT\fR or \fBDELETE\fR command. The value is sent as a string.
.IP item:=\fIvalue\fR
Set a paramater or data value to send with a \fBGET\fR, \fBPATCH\fR, \fBPOST\fR, \fBPUT\fR or \fBDELETE\fR command. The value is sent as an interger.
.IP /command...
The API command.
The command uses slash (\fB/\fR) to seperate the verbs in the same way that the CloudFlare v4 API documentation does.
Any verb starting with colon (\fB:\fR) is either converted to zone_id, user_id, organtization_id, or otherwise.

The output is either JSON or YAML formatted.

.B cli4 /zones
List infomation for all zones.

.B cli4 /zones/
List specific zone info.

.B cli4 /zones/
List settings for a specific zone.

.B cli4 --delete purge_everything=true /zones/
Purge cache for a specific zone.

.B cli4 --delete files='[]' /zones/
Purge cache for a specific zone.

.B cli4 --delete files='[,] /zones/
Purge cache for a specific zone.

.B cli4 --delete tags='[tag1,tag2,tag3]' /zones/
Purge cache for a specific zone.

.B cli4 /zones/
List available plans for a zone.

.B cli4 --patch status=active /zones/
Make DNSSEC active for specfic zone.

.B cli4 /zones/
List DNSSEC infomation and status for a specific zone.

The CloudFlare API can be found Each API call is provided via a similarly named function within the CloudFlare class.