#9 Fix the issue with packit builds
Merged 10 months ago by zlopez. Opened 10 months ago by zlopez.
rpms/ zlopez/python-fasjson-client fix_packit  into  rawhide

file modified
+1 -2
@@ -24,8 +24,7 @@ 

          - "poetry version -s"


          - "wget https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-fasjson-client/raw/main/f/python-fasjson-client.spec -O python-fasjson-client.spec"

-          # we need poetry v1.1.7 because of a bug in 1.1.8 where python evaluates incorrectly

-         - "sh -c 'wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/install-poetry.py && python3 install-poetry.py --version 1.1.7 && rm install-poetry.py'"

+         - "sh -c 'wget -O install-poetry.py https://install.python-poetry.org/ && python3 install-poetry.py && rm install-poetry.py'"



    # upon upstream PRs, perform copr builds

The URL that is currently used by .packit.yaml returns 404. Let's use the correct one.

Pull-Request has been merged by zlopez

10 months ago