#2 Relax h11 dependency
Merged 3 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 3 years ago by carlwgeorge.
rpms/ carlwgeorge/python-matrix-nio relax-h11  into  master

file modified
+6 -1
@@ -34,7 +34,12 @@ 


  %autosetup -n %{srcname}-%{version}

  # Update BRs

- sed -i -e 's/aiofiles.*/aiofiles = "*"/' -e 's/h2.*/h2 = "*"/' -e 's/pycryptodome.*/pycryptodomex = "*"/' pyproject.toml

+ sed \

+     -e 's/aiofiles.*/aiofiles = "*"/' \

+     -e 's/h11.*/h11 = "*"/' \

+     -e 's/h2.*/h2 = "*"/' \

+     -e 's/pycryptodome.*/pycryptodomex = "*"/' \

+     -i pyproject.toml




h11 in rawhide has been updated to 0.12.0 (see https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/python-h11/pull-request/1) but this project's pyproject.toml file is currently restricting the dependency to 0.9.*. I'm making an assumption that this version is compatible, but we can't know for sure as the tests aren't being run. I took a quick look at running the tests also but couldn't get them working.

I don't see anything related to h11 on the upstream GitHub project either.

Would there be any info on what's changed in h11 between the versions? I can take a look at opening a PR upstream perhaps?


The only thing listed as incompatible from 0.9 to 0.12 is this:

Headers added by h11, rather than passed to it, now have titlecased names. Whilst this should help compatibility it replaces the previous lowercased header names.

That should be fine. Thanks @carlgeorge . Merging + building etc.

Pull-Request has been merged by ankursinha

3 years ago