#14 WIP: Testing proposed upstream changes
Closed 3 years ago by churchyard. Opened 3 years ago by torsava.
rpms/ torsava/python-rpm-generators sync-upstream-pr  into  master

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ 

+ /test-sources-2020-04-29.tar.gz

+ /tests/__pycache__/

+ /tests/data/scripts_pythondistdeps/usr/

file modified
+6 -1
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 

  Name:           python-rpm-generators

  Summary:        Dependency generators for Python RPMs

  Version:        11

- Release:        4%{?dist}

+ Release:        5%{?dist}


  # Originally all those files were part of RPM, so license is kept here

  License:        GPLv2+
@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@ 




+ * Wed Apr 29 2020 Tomas Orsava <torsava@redhat.com> - 11-5

+ - Testing proposed upstream changes:

+   https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/pull/1195

+ - Added a new test suite


  * Tue Apr 28 2020 Miro Hrončok <mhroncok@redhat.com> - 11-4

  - Don't define global Lua variables from Python generator


file modified
+288 -249
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ 


  # Copyright 2010 Per Øyvind Karlsen <proyvind@moondrake.org>

  # Copyright 2015 Neal Gompa <ngompa13@gmail.com>

+ # Copyright 2020 SUSE LLC


  # This program is free software. It may be redistributed and/or modified under

  # the terms of the LGPL version 2.1 (or later).
@@ -10,8 +11,12 @@ 

  # RPM python dependency generator, using .egg-info/.egg-link/.dist-info data



+ # Please know:

+ # - Notes from an attempted rewrite from pkg_resources to importlib.metadata in

+ #   2020 can be found in the message of the commit that added this line.


  from __future__ import print_function

- from getopt import getopt

+ import argparse

  from os.path import basename, dirname, isdir, sep

  from sys import argv, stdin, version

  from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
@@ -50,27 +55,29 @@ 

          if self.pre:

              rpm_suffix = '~{}'.format(''.join(str(x) for x in self.pre))

          elif self.dev:

-             rpm_suffix = '~{}'.format(''.join(str(x) for x in self.dev))

+             rpm_suffix = '~~{}'.format(''.join(str(x) for x in self.dev))

          elif self.post:

              rpm_suffix = '^post{}'.format(self.post[1])


              rpm_suffix = ''

          return '{}{}{}'.format(rpm_epoch, rpm_version, rpm_suffix)



  def convert_compatible(name, operator, version_id):

      if version_id.endswith('.*'):

          print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id))

-         exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR

+         exit(65)  # os.EX_DATAERR

      version = RpmVersion(version_id)

      if len(version.version) == 1:

          print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id))

-         exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR

+         exit(65)  # os.EX_DATAERR

      upper_version = RpmVersion(version_id)



      return '({} >= {} with {} < {})'.format(

          name, version, name, upper_version)



  def convert_equal(name, operator, version_id):

      if version_id.endswith('.*'):

          version_id = version_id[:-2] + '.0'
@@ -78,13 +85,15 @@ 

      version = RpmVersion(version_id)

      return '{} = {}'.format(name, version)



  def convert_arbitrary_equal(name, operator, version_id):

      if version_id.endswith('.*'):

          print('Invalid requirement: {} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version_id))

-         exit(65) # os.EX_DATAERR

+         exit(65)  # os.EX_DATAERR

      version = RpmVersion(version_id)

      return '{} = {}'.format(name, version)



  def convert_not_equal(name, operator, version_id):

      if version_id.endswith('.*'):

          version_id = version_id[:-2]
@@ -96,6 +105,7 @@ 

      return '({} < {} or {} > {})'.format(

          name, version, name, lower_version)



  def convert_ordered(name, operator, version_id):

      if version_id.endswith('.*'):

          # PEP 440 does not define semantics for prefix matching
@@ -112,275 +122,304 @@ 

          version = RpmVersion(version_id)

      return '{} {} {}'.format(name, operator, version)



  OPERATORS = {'~=': convert_compatible,

               '==': convert_equal,

               '===': convert_arbitrary_equal,

               '!=': convert_not_equal,

               '<=': convert_ordered,

-              '<':  convert_ordered,

+              '<': convert_ordered,

               '>=': convert_ordered,

-              '>':  convert_ordered}

+              '>': convert_ordered}


- def convert(name, operator, version_id):

-     return OPERATORS[operator](name, operator, version_id)


+ def convert(name, operator, version_id):

+     try:

+         return OPERATORS[operator](name, operator, version_id)

+     except Exception as exc:

+         raise RuntimeError("Cannot process Python package version `{}` for name `{}`".

+                            format(version_id, name)) from exc


- opts, args = getopt(

-     argv[1:], 'hPRrCEMmLl:',

-     ['help', 'provides', 'requires', 'recommends', 'conflicts', 'extras', 'majorver-provides', 'majorver-only', 'legacy-provides' , 'legacy'])


- Provides = False

- Requires = False

- Recommends = False

- Conflicts = False

- Extras = False

- Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant = False

- PyMajorVer_Deps = False

- legacy_Provides = False

- legacy = False


  def normalize_name(name):


      import re

      return re.sub(r'[-_.]+', '-', name).lower()


- for o, a in opts:

-     if o in ('-h', '--help'):

-         print('-h, --help\tPrint help')

-         print('-P, --provides\tPrint Provides')

-         print('-R, --requires\tPrint Requires')

-         print('-r, --recommends\tPrint Recommends')

-         print('-C, --conflicts\tPrint Conflicts')

-         print('-E, --extras\tPrint Extras ')

-         print('-M, --majorver-provides\tPrint extra Provides with Python major version only')

-         print('-m, --majorver-only\tPrint Provides/Requires with Python major version only')

-         print('-L, --legacy-provides\tPrint extra legacy pythonegg Provides')

-         print('-l, --legacy\tPrint legacy pythonegg Provides/Requires instead')

-         exit(1)

-     elif o in ('-P', '--provides'):

-         Provides = True

-     elif o in ('-R', '--requires'):

-         Requires = True

-     elif o in ('-r', '--recommends'):

-         Recommends = True

-     elif o in ('-C', '--conflicts'):

-         Conflicts = True

-     elif o in ('-E', '--extras'):

-         Extras = True

-     elif o in ('-M', '--majorver-provides'):

-         Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant = True

-     elif o in ('-m', '--majorver-only'):

-         PyMajorVer_Deps = True

-     elif o in ('-L', '--legacy-provides'):

-         legacy_Provides = True

-     elif o in ('-l', '--legacy'):

-         legacy = True


- if Requires:

-     py_abi = True

- else:

-     py_abi = False

- py_deps = {}

- if args:

-     files = args

- else:

-     files = stdin.readlines()


- for f in files:

-     f = f.strip()

-     lower = f.lower()

-     name = 'python(abi)'

-     # add dependency based on path, versioned if within versioned python directory

-     if py_abi and (lower.endswith('.py') or lower.endswith('.pyc') or lower.endswith('.pyo')):

-         if name not in py_deps:

-             py_deps[name] = []

-         purelib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, plat_specific=0).split(version[:3])[0]

-         platlib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, plat_specific=1).split(version[:3])[0]

-         for lib in (purelib, platlib):

-             if lib in f:

-                 spec = ('==', f.split(lib)[1].split(sep)[0])

-                 if spec not in py_deps[name]:

-                     py_deps[name].append(spec)


-     # XXX: hack to workaround RPM internal dependency generator not passing directories

-     lower_dir = dirname(lower)

-     if lower_dir.endswith('.egg') or \

-             lower_dir.endswith('.egg-info') or \

-             lower_dir.endswith('.dist-info'):

-         lower = lower_dir

-         f = dirname(f)

-     # Determine provide, requires, conflicts & recommends based on egg/dist metadata

-     if lower.endswith('.egg') or \

-             lower.endswith('.egg-info') or \

-             lower.endswith('.dist-info'):

-         # This import is very slow, so only do it if needed

-         from pkg_resources import Distribution, FileMetadata, PathMetadata, Requirement, parse_version

-         dist_name = basename(f)

-         if isdir(f):

-             path_item = dirname(f)

-             metadata = PathMetadata(path_item, f)

-         else:

-             path_item = f

-             metadata = FileMetadata(f)

-         dist = Distribution.from_location(path_item, dist_name, metadata)

-         # Check if py_version is defined in the metadata file/directory name

-         if not dist.py_version:

-             # Try to parse the Python version from the path the metadata

-             # resides at (e.g. /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/...)

-             import re

-             res = re.search(r"/python(?P<pyver>\d+\.\d+)/", path_item)

-             if res:

-                 dist.py_version = res.group('pyver')

-             else:

-                 warn("Version for {!r} has not been found".format(dist), RuntimeWarning)

-                 continue


-         # XXX: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/pull/1275

-         import platform

-         platform.python_version = lambda: dist.py_version


-         # This is the PEP 503 normalized name.

-         # It does also convert dots to dashes, unlike dist.key.

-         # In the current code, we only add additional provides with this.

-         # Later, we can start requiring them.

-         # See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1791530

-         normalized_name = normalize_name(dist.project_name)


-         if Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant or PyMajorVer_Deps or legacy_Provides or legacy:

-             # Get the Python major version

-             pyver_major = dist.py_version.split('.')[0]

-         if Provides:

-             # If egg/dist metadata says package name is python, we provide python(abi)

-             if dist.key == 'python':

-                 name = 'python(abi)'

-                 if name not in py_deps:

-                     py_deps[name] = []

-                 py_deps[name].append(('==', dist.py_version))

-             if not legacy or not PyMajorVer_Deps:

-                 name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(dist.py_version, dist.key)

-                 if name not in py_deps:

-                     py_deps[name] = []

-                 name_ = 'python{}dist({})'.format(dist.py_version, normalized_name)

-                 if name_ not in py_deps:

-                     py_deps[name_] = []

-             if Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant or PyMajorVer_Deps:

-                 pymajor_name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(pyver_major, dist.key)

-                 if pymajor_name not in py_deps:

-                     py_deps[pymajor_name] = []

-                 pymajor_name_ = 'python{}dist({})'.format(pyver_major, normalized_name)

-                 if pymajor_name_ not in py_deps:

-                     py_deps[pymajor_name_] = []

-             if legacy or legacy_Provides:

-                 legacy_name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dist.key)

-                 if legacy_name not in py_deps:

-                     py_deps[legacy_name] = []

-             if dist.version:

-                 version = dist.version

-                 spec = ('==', version)

-                 if spec not in py_deps[name]:

-                     if not legacy:


+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     """To allow this script to be importable (and its classes/functions

+        reused), actions are performed only when run as a main script."""


+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0])

+     group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)

+     group.add_argument('-P', '--provides', action='store_true', help='Print Provides')

+     group.add_argument('-R', '--requires', action='store_true', help='Print Requires')

+     group.add_argument('-r', '--recommends', action='store_true', help='Print Recommends')

+     group.add_argument('-C', '--conflicts', action='store_true', help='Print Conflicts')

+     group.add_argument('-E', '--extras', action='store_true', help='Print Extras')

+     group_majorver = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()

+     group_majorver.add_argument('-M', '--majorver-provides', action='store_true', help='Print extra Provides with Python major version only')

+     group_majorver.add_argument('--majorver-provides-versions', action='append',

+                                 help='Print extra Provides with Python major version only for listed '

+                                      'Python VERSIONS (appended or comma separated without spaces, e.g. 2.7,3.9)')

+     parser.add_argument('-m', '--majorver-only', action='store_true', help='Print Provides/Requires with Python major version only')

+     parser.add_argument('-n', '--normalized-names-format', action='store',

+                         default="legacy-dots", choices=["pep503", "legacy-dots"],

+                         help='Format of normalized names according to pep503 or legacy format that allows dots [default]')

+     parser.add_argument('--normalized-names-provide-both', action='store_true',

+                         help='Provide both `pep503` and `legacy-dots` format of normalized names (useful for a transition period)')

+     parser.add_argument('-L', '--legacy-provides', action='store_true', help='Print extra legacy pythonegg Provides')

+     parser.add_argument('-l', '--legacy', action='store_true', help='Print legacy pythonegg Provides/Requires instead')

+     parser.add_argument('files', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)

+     args = parser.parse_args()


+     py_abi = args.requires

+     py_deps = {}


+     if args.majorver_provides_versions:

+         # Go through the arguments (can be specified multiple times),

+         # and parse individual versions (can be comma-separated)

+         args.majorver_provides_versions = [v for vstring in args.majorver_provides_versions

+                                              for v in vstring.split(",")]


+     # If normalized_names_require_pep503 is True we require the pep503

+     # normalized name, if it is False we provide the legacy normalized name

+     normalized_names_require_pep503 = args.normalized_names_format == "pep503"


+     # If normalized_names_provide_pep503/legacy is True we provide the

+     #   pep503/legacy normalized name, if it is False we don't

+     normalized_names_provide_pep503 = \

+         args.normalized_names_format == "pep503" or args.normalized_names_provide_both

+     normalized_names_provide_legacy = \

+         args.normalized_names_format == "legacy-dots" or args.normalized_names_provide_both


+     # At least one type of normalization must be provided

+     assert normalized_names_provide_pep503 or normalized_names_provide_legacy


+     for f in (args.files or stdin.readlines()):

+         f = f.strip()

+         lower = f.lower()

+         name = 'python(abi)'

+         # add dependency based on path, versioned if within versioned python directory

+         if py_abi and (lower.endswith('.py') or lower.endswith('.pyc') or lower.endswith('.pyo')):

+             if name not in py_deps:

+                 py_deps[name] = []

+             purelib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, plat_specific=0).split(version[:3])[0]

+             platlib = get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, plat_specific=1).split(version[:3])[0]

+             for lib in (purelib, platlib):

+                 if lib in f:

+                     spec = ('==', f.split(lib)[1].split(sep)[0])

+                     if spec not in py_deps[name]:


-                         if name != name_:

-                             py_deps[name_].append(spec)

-                     if Provides_PyMajorVer_Variant:

-                         py_deps[pymajor_name].append(spec)

-                         if pymajor_name != pymajor_name_:

-                             py_deps[pymajor_name_].append(spec)

-                     if legacy or legacy_Provides:

-                         py_deps[legacy_name].append(spec)

-         if Requires or (Recommends and dist.extras):

-             name = 'python(abi)'

-             # If egg/dist metadata says package name is python, we don't add dependency on python(abi)

-             if dist.key == 'python':

-                 py_abi = False

-                 if name in py_deps:

-                     py_deps.pop(name)

-             elif py_abi and dist.py_version:

-                 if name not in py_deps:

-                     py_deps[name] = []

-                 spec = ('==', dist.py_version)

-                 if spec not in py_deps[name]:

-                     py_deps[name].append(spec)

-             deps = dist.requires()

-             if Recommends:

-                 depsextras = dist.requires(extras=dist.extras)

-                 if not Requires:

-                     for dep in reversed(depsextras):

-                         if dep in deps:

-                             depsextras.remove(dep)

-                 deps = depsextras

-             # console_scripts/gui_scripts entry points need pkg_resources from setuptools

-             if ((dist.get_entry_map('console_scripts') or

-                      dist.get_entry_map('gui_scripts')) and

-                     (lower.endswith('.egg') or

-                      lower.endswith('.egg-info'))):

-                 # stick them first so any more specific requirement overrides it

-                 deps.insert(0, Requirement.parse('setuptools'))

-             # add requires/recommends based on egg/dist metadata

-             for dep in deps:

-                 if legacy:

-                     name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dep.key)


+         # XXX: hack to workaround RPM internal dependency generator not passing directories

+         lower_dir = dirname(lower)

+         if lower_dir.endswith('.egg') or \

+                 lower_dir.endswith('.egg-info') or \

+                 lower_dir.endswith('.dist-info'):

+             lower = lower_dir

+             f = dirname(f)

+         # Determine provide, requires, conflicts & recommends based on egg/dist metadata

+         if lower.endswith('.egg') or \

+                 lower.endswith('.egg-info') or \

+                 lower.endswith('.dist-info'):

+             # This import is very slow, so only do it if needed

+             # - Notes from an attempted rewrite from pkg_resources to

+             #   importlib.metadata in 2020 can be found in the message of

+             #   the commit that added this line.

+             from pkg_resources import Distribution, FileMetadata, PathMetadata, Requirement, parse_version

+             dist_name = basename(f)

+             if isdir(f):

+                 path_item = dirname(f)

+                 metadata = PathMetadata(path_item, f)

+             else:

+                 path_item = f

+                 metadata = FileMetadata(f)

+             dist = Distribution.from_location(path_item, dist_name, metadata)

+             # Check if py_version is defined in the metadata file/directory name

+             if not dist.py_version:

+                 # Try to parse the Python version from the path the metadata

+                 # resides at (e.g. /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/...)

+                 import re

+                 res = re.search(r"/python(?P<pyver>\d+\.\d+)/", path_item)

+                 if res:

+                     dist.py_version = res.group('pyver')


-                     if PyMajorVer_Deps:

-                         name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(pyver_major, dep.key)

-                     else:

-                         name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(dist.py_version, dep.key)

-                 for spec in dep.specs:

+                     warn("Version for {!r} has not been found".format(dist), RuntimeWarning)

+                     continue


+             # pkg_resources use platform.python_version to evaluate if a

+             # dependency is relevant based on environment markers [1],

+             # e.g. requirement `argparse;python_version<"2.7"`

+             #

+             # Since we're running this script on one Python version while

+             # possibly evaluating packages for different versions, we mock the

+             # platform.python_version function. Discussed upstream [2].

+             #

+             # [1] https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/#environment-markers

+             # [2] https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/pull/1275

+             import platform

+             platform.python_version = lambda: dist.py_version


+             # This is the PEP 503 normalized name.

+             # It does also convert dots to dashes, unlike dist.key.

+             # See https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1791530

+             normalized_name = normalize_name(dist.project_name)


+             if args.majorver_provides or args.majorver_provides_versions or \

+                     args.majorver_only or args.legacy_provides or args.legacy:

+                 # Get the Python major version

+                 pyver_major = dist.py_version.split('.')[0]

+             if args.provides:

+                 # If egg/dist metadata says package name is python, we provide python(abi)

+                 if dist.key == 'python':

+                     name = 'python(abi)'

                      if name not in py_deps:

                          py_deps[name] = []

+                     py_deps[name].append(('==', dist.py_version))

+                 if not args.legacy or not args.majorver_only:

+                     if normalized_names_provide_legacy:

+                         name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(dist.py_version, dist.key)

+                         if name not in py_deps:

+                             py_deps[name] = []

+                     if normalized_names_provide_pep503:

+                         name_ = 'python{}dist({})'.format(dist.py_version, normalized_name)

+                         if name_ not in py_deps:

+                             py_deps[name_] = []

+                 if args.majorver_provides or args.majorver_only or \

+                         (args.majorver_provides_versions and dist.py_version in args.majorver_provides_versions):

+                     if normalized_names_provide_legacy:

+                         pymajor_name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(pyver_major, dist.key)

+                         if pymajor_name not in py_deps:

+                             py_deps[pymajor_name] = []

+                     if normalized_names_provide_pep503:

+                         pymajor_name_ = 'python{}dist({})'.format(pyver_major, normalized_name)

+                         if pymajor_name_ not in py_deps:

+                             py_deps[pymajor_name_] = []

+                 if args.legacy or args.legacy_provides:

+                     legacy_name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dist.key)

+                     if legacy_name not in py_deps:

+                         py_deps[legacy_name] = []

+                 if dist.version:

+                     version = dist.version

+                     spec = ('==', version)


+                     if normalized_names_provide_legacy:

+                         if spec not in py_deps[name]:

+                             py_deps[name].append(spec)

+                             if args.majorver_provides or \

+                                     (args.majorver_provides_versions and dist.py_version in args.majorver_provides_versions):

+                                 py_deps[pymajor_name].append(spec)

+                     if normalized_names_provide_pep503:

+                         if spec not in py_deps[name_]:

+                             py_deps[name_].append(spec)

+                             if args.majorver_provides or \

+                                     (args.majorver_provides_versions and dist.py_version in args.majorver_provides_versions):

+                                 py_deps[pymajor_name_].append(spec)

+                     if args.legacy or args.legacy_provides:

+                         if spec not in py_deps[legacy_name]:

+                             py_deps[legacy_name].append(spec)

+             if args.requires or (args.recommends and dist.extras):

+                 name = 'python(abi)'

+                 # If egg/dist metadata says package name is python, we don't add dependency on python(abi)

+                 if dist.key == 'python':

+                     py_abi = False

+                     if name in py_deps:

+                         py_deps.pop(name)

+                 elif py_abi and dist.py_version:

+                     if name not in py_deps:

+                         py_deps[name] = []

+                     spec = ('==', dist.py_version)

                      if spec not in py_deps[name]:


-                 if not dep.specs:

-                     py_deps[name] = []

-         # Unused, for automatic sub-package generation based on 'extras' from egg/dist metadata

-         # TODO: implement in rpm later, or...?

-         if Extras:

-             deps = dist.requires()

-             extras = dist.extras

-             print(extras)

-             for extra in extras:

-                 print('%%package\textras-{}'.format(extra))

-                 print('Summary:\t{} extra for {} python package'.format(extra, dist.key))

-                 print('Group:\t\tDevelopment/Python')

-                 depsextras = dist.requires(extras=[extra])

-                 for dep in reversed(depsextras):

-                     if dep in deps:

-                         depsextras.remove(dep)

-                 deps = depsextras

+                 deps = dist.requires()

+                 if args.recommends:

+                     depsextras = dist.requires(extras=dist.extras)

+                     if not args.requires:

+                         for dep in reversed(depsextras):

+                             if dep in deps:

+                                 depsextras.remove(dep)

+                     deps = depsextras

+                 # console_scripts/gui_scripts entry points need pkg_resources from setuptools

+                 if ((dist.get_entry_map('console_scripts') or

+                     dist.get_entry_map('gui_scripts')) and

+                     (lower.endswith('.egg') or

+                      lower.endswith('.egg-info'))):

+                     # stick them first so any more specific requirement overrides it

+                     deps.insert(0, Requirement.parse('setuptools'))

+                 # add requires/recommends based on egg/dist metadata

                  for dep in deps:

-                     for spec in dep.specs:

-                         if spec[0] == '!=':

-                             print('Conflicts:\t{} {} {}'.format(dep.key, '==', spec[1]))

+                     if normalized_names_require_pep503:

+                         dep_normalized_name = normalize_name(dep.project_name)

+                     else:

+                         dep_normalized_name = dep.key


+                     if args.legacy:

+                         name = 'pythonegg({})({})'.format(pyver_major, dep.key)

+                     else:

+                         if args.majorver_only:

+                             name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(pyver_major, dep_normalized_name)


-                             print('Requires:\t{} {} {}'.format(dep.key, spec[0], spec[1]))

-                 print('%%description\t{}'.format(extra))

-                 print('{} extra for {} python package'.format(extra, dist.key))

-                 print('%%files\t\textras-{}\n'.format(extra))

-         if Conflicts:

-             # Should we really add conflicts for extras?

-             # Creating a meta package per extra with recommends on, which has

-             # the requires/conflicts in stead might be a better solution...

-             for dep in dist.requires(extras=dist.extras):

-                 name = dep.key

-                 for spec in dep.specs:

-                     if spec[0] == '!=':

+                             name = 'python{}dist({})'.format(dist.py_version, dep_normalized_name)

+                     for spec in dep.specs:

                          if name not in py_deps:

                              py_deps[name] = []

-                         spec = ('==', spec[1])

                          if spec not in py_deps[name]:


- names = list(py_deps.keys())

- names.sort()

- for name in names:

-     if py_deps[name]:

-         # Print out versioned provides, requires, recommends, conflicts

-         spec_list = []

-         for spec in py_deps[name]:

-             spec_list.append(convert(name, spec[0], spec[1]))

-         if len(spec_list) == 1:

-             print(spec_list[0])

+                     if not dep.specs:

+                         py_deps[name] = []

+             # Unused, for automatic sub-package generation based on 'extras' from egg/dist metadata

+             # TODO: implement in rpm later, or...?

+             if args.extras:

+                 deps = dist.requires()

+                 extras = dist.extras

+                 print(extras)

+                 for extra in extras:

+                     print('%%package\textras-{}'.format(extra))

+                     print('Summary:\t{} extra for {} python package'.format(extra, dist.key))

+                     print('Group:\t\tDevelopment/Python')

+                     depsextras = dist.requires(extras=[extra])

+                     for dep in reversed(depsextras):

+                         if dep in deps:

+                             depsextras.remove(dep)

+                     deps = depsextras

+                     for dep in deps:

+                         for spec in dep.specs:

+                             if spec[0] == '!=':

+                                 print('Conflicts:\t{} {} {}'.format(dep.key, '==', spec[1]))

+                             else:

+                                 print('Requires:\t{} {} {}'.format(dep.key, spec[0], spec[1]))

+                     print('%%description\t{}'.format(extra))

+                     print('{} extra for {} python package'.format(extra, dist.key))

+                     print('%%files\t\textras-{}\n'.format(extra))

+             if args.conflicts:

+                 # Should we really add conflicts for extras?

+                 # Creating a meta package per extra with recommends on, which has

+                 # the requires/conflicts in stead might be a better solution...

+                 for dep in dist.requires(extras=dist.extras):

+                     name = dep.key

+                     for spec in dep.specs:

+                         if spec[0] == '!=':

+                             if name not in py_deps:

+                                 py_deps[name] = []

+                             spec = ('==', spec[1])

+                             if spec not in py_deps[name]:

+                                 py_deps[name].append(spec)


+     names = list(py_deps.keys())

+     names.sort()

+     for name in names:

+         if py_deps[name]:

+             # Print out versioned provides, requires, recommends, conflicts

+             spec_list = []

+             for spec in py_deps[name]:

+                 spec_list.append(convert(name, spec[0], spec[1]))

+             if len(spec_list) == 1:

+                 print(spec_list[0])

+             else:

+                 # Sort spec_list so that the results can be tested easily

+                 print('({})'.format(' with '.join(sorted(spec_list))))


-             print('({})'.format(' with '.join(spec_list)))

-     else:

-         # Print out unversioned provides, requires, recommends, conflicts

-         print(name)

+             # Print out unversioned provides, requires, recommends, conflicts

+             print(name)

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ SHA512 (test-sources-2020-04-29.tar.gz) = a5539fbe05a4f7128b4f82e960c3f1392a55ad53086dfd7fbc436d2743feaf64784e08667237baed3a32f149db25bc63e4ab3efc2b0270f969c59550b75102b1

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ 

+ Metadata-Version: 2.1

+ Name: pyreq2rpm.tests

+ Version: 2020.04.07.024dab0

+ Summary: Test package to verify conversion of dependencies from pip/python to rpm format, data taken from pyreq2rpm

+ Author: Tomas Orsava (author of this metapackage)

+ Home-page: https://github.com/gordonmessmer/pyreq2rpm

+ License: MIT

+ Description: This dist-info is mock metadata for a fictional package pyreq2rpm.tests

+         The important part of its contents is the requires.txt that contains

+         different formats of Python requirements taken from

+         https://github.com/gordonmessmer/pyreq2rpm, that are numbered as to be

+         unique. The metadata is then processed through

+         scripts/pythondistdeps.py and the resulting RPM requires compared to

+         expected results.


+         The version of the package contains the date when I converted the test

+         data from upstream to this metapackage, as well as the short hash of

+         the last git commit.


+         From the requirements I have omitted those that are incorrect, as they

+         crash the pythondistdeps.py script.

@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ 

+ # Taken from pyreq2rpm, removed tests that are expected to fail

+ foobar0~=2.4.8

+ foobar1~=

+ foobar2~=


+ foobar4~=2.0



+ foobar7~=2.4.8b5

+ foobar8~=2.0.0b5

+ foobar9~=2.4.8.post1

+ foobar10~=2.0.post1

+ foobar11==2.4.8

+ foobar12==

+ foobar13==

+ foobar14==2.4.8.*

+ foobar15==2.0

+ foobar16==2

+ foobar17==2.*

+ foobar18==2.4.8b5

+ foobar19==2.0.0b5

+ foobar20==2.4.8.post1

+ foobar21==2.0.post1

+ foobar22===2.4.8

+ foobar23===

+ foobar24===


+ foobar26===2.0

+ foobar27===2


+ foobar29===2.4.8b5

+ foobar30===2.0.0b5

+ foobar31===2.4.8.post1

+ foobar32===2.0.post1

+ foobar33!=2.4.8

+ foobar34!=

+ foobar35!=

+ foobar36!=2.4.8.*

+ foobar37!=2.0

+ foobar38!=2

+ foobar39!=2.*

+ foobar40!=2.4.8b5

+ foobar41!=2.0.0b5

+ foobar42!=2.4.8.post1

+ foobar43!=2.0.post1

+ foobar44<=2.4.8

+ foobar45<=

+ foobar46<=

+ foobar47<=2.4.8.*

+ foobar48<=2.0

+ foobar49<=2

+ foobar50<=2.*

+ foobar51<=2.4.8b5

+ foobar52<=2.0.0b5

+ foobar53<=2.4.8.post1

+ foobar54<=2.0.post1

+ foobar55<2.4.8

+ foobar56<

+ foobar57<

+ foobar58<2.4.8.*

+ foobar59<2.0

+ foobar60<2

+ foobar61<2.*

+ foobar62<2.4.8b5

+ foobar63<2.0.0b5

+ foobar64<2.4.8.post1

+ foobar65<2.0.post1

+ foobar66>=2.4.8

+ foobar67>=

+ foobar68>=

+ foobar69>=2.4.8.*

+ foobar70>=2.0

+ foobar71>=2

+ foobar72>=2.*

+ foobar73>=2.4.8b5

+ foobar74>=2.0.0b5

+ foobar75>=2.4.8.post1

+ foobar76>=2.0.post1

+ foobar77>2.4.8

+ foobar78>

+ foobar79>

+ foobar80>2.4.8.*

+ foobar81>2.0

+ foobar82>2

+ foobar83>2.*

+ foobar84>2.4.8b5

+ foobar85>2.0.0b5

+ foobar86>2.4.8.post1

+ foobar87>2.0.post1

+ pyparsing0

+ pyparsing1>=2.0.1,!=2.0.4,!=2.1.2,!=2.1.6

+ babel>=1.3,!=2.0


+ # Tests for breakages in Fedora

+ fedora-python-nb2plots==0+unknown


+ # Other tests

+ hugo1==1.0.0.dev7

+ hugo2<=8a4

+ hugo3!=11.1.1b14

+ hugo4>11rc0

+ hugo5===11.1.0.post3

The added file is too large to be shown here, see it at: tests/data/scripts_pythondistdeps/test-data.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ 

+ setuptools:

+     wheel:

+         '41.6.0': ['2.7', '3.7', '3.9']

+     sdist:

+         '41.6.0': ['2.7', '3.7', '3.9', '3.10']

+ pip:

+     wheel:

+         '19.1.1': ['2.7', '3.7']

+         '20.0.2': ['3.9']

+     sdist:

+         '20.0.2': ['3.11']

+ packaging:

+     wheel:

+         '19.0': ['2.7', '3.7']

+         '20.1': ['3.9']

+ attrs:

+     sdist:

+         '19.1.0': ['2.7', '3.9']

+ pyparsing:

+     wheel:

+         '2.4.0': ['2.7', '3.7', '3.9']

+ six:

+     wheel:

+         '1.12.0': ['2.7', '3.7', '3.9']

+ tox:

+     wheel:

+         '3.14.0': ['2.7', '3.7', '3.9']

+ urllib3:

+     sdist:

+         '1.25.7': ['2.7', '3.9']

+ zope.component:

+     sdist:

+         '4.3.0': ['2.7', '3.9']

+ zope.event:

+     wheel:

+         '4.2.0': ['2.7', '3.9']

+ zope.schema:

+     sdist:

+         '4.4.2': ['2.7', '3.9']

+ zope.interface:

+     sdist:

+         '5.1.0': ['3.9']

+     wheel:

+         '4.6.0': ['2.7']

+ lxml:

+     lib: lib64

+     wheel:

+         '4.4.0': ['2.7', '3.7']

+ scipy:

+     lib: lib64

+     wheel:

+         '1.2.1': ['2.7', '3.7']

+ numpy:

+     lib: lib64

+     wheel:

+         '1.16.4': ['2.7']

+         '1.17.4': ['3.7']

+ numpy-stl:

+     lib: lib64

+     sdist:

+         '2.11.2': ['2.7', '3.7', '3.9']

+ PyQt5_sip:

+     lib: lib64

+     wheel:

+         '4.19.19': ['3.7']

+ PyQtWebEngine:

+     lib: lib64

+     wheel:

+         '5.12.1': ['3.7', '3.9']

+ MarkupSafe:

+     lib: lib64

+     wheel:

+         '1.1.1': ['2.7', '3.7']

+ simplejson:

+     lib: lib64

+     sdist:

+         '3.16.0': ['2.7', '3.7', '3.9']

+ backports.range:

+     lib: lib64

+     sdist:

+         '3.7.2': ['2.7', '3.7', '3.9']

+ mistune:

+     sdist:

+         '0.8.4': ['2.7', '3.9']

+ astroid:

+     wheel:

+         '2.3.3': ['3.7', '3.9']

+ kubernetes:

+     wheel:

+         '11.0.0b2': ['2.7']

+         '11.0.0': ['3.9']

+ fsleyes:

+     wheel:

+         '0.32.3': ['3.9']

+ taskotron-python-versions:

+     wheel:

+         '0.1.dev6': ['3.9']

@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@ 

+ ../../../update-test-sources.sh 

\ No newline at end of file

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ 

+ # Run tests using pytest, e.g. from the root directory

+ #   $ python3 -m pytest --ignore tests/testing/ -vvv

+ #

+ # If there are any breakags, the best way to see differences is using a diff:

+ #   $ diff tests/data/scripts_pythondistdeps/test-data.yaml <(python3 tests/test_scripts_pythondistdeps.py)

+ #

+ #   - Test cases and expected results are saved in test-data.yaml inside

+ #     TEST_DATA_PATH (currently ./data/scripts_pythondistdeps/)

+ #   - To regenerate test-data.yaml file with the current results of

+ #     pythondistdeps.py for each test configuration, execute this test file

+ #     directly and results will be on stdout

+ #       $ python3 test_scripts_pythondistdeps.py

+ #

+ # To add new test-data, add them to the test-requires.yaml: they will be

+ # downloaded automatically. And then add the resulting dist-info/egg-info paths

+ # into test-data.yaml under whichever requires/provides configurations you want

+ # to test

+ # - To find all dist-info/egg-info directories in the test-data directory,

+ #   run inside test-data:

+ #     $ find . -type d -regex ".*\(dist-info\|egg-info\)" | sort

+ #

+ # Requirements for this script:

+ # - Python >= 3.6

+ # - pip >= 20.0.1

+ # - setuptools

+ # - pytest

+ # - pyyaml

+ # - wheel



+ from pathlib import Path

+ import pytest

+ import shlex

+ import shutil

+ import subprocess

+ import sys

+ import tempfile

+ import yaml


+ PYTHONDISTDEPS_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / '..' / 'pythondistdeps.py'

+ TEST_DATA_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / 'data' / 'scripts_pythondistdeps'



+ def run_pythondistdeps(provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path):

+     """Runs pythondistdeps.py on `dits_egg_info_path` with given

+     provides and requires parameters and returns a dict with generated provides and requires"""

+     info_path = TEST_DATA_PATH / dist_egg_info_path

+     files = '\n'.join(map(str, info_path.iterdir()))


+     provides = subprocess.check_output((sys.executable, PYTHONDISTDEPS_PATH, *shlex.split(provides_params)),

+             input=files, encoding="utf-8")

+     requires = subprocess.check_output((sys.executable, PYTHONDISTDEPS_PATH, *shlex.split(requires_params)),

+             input=files, encoding="utf-8")


+     return {"provides": provides.strip(), "requires": requires.strip()}



+ def load_test_data():

+     """Reads the test-data.yaml and loads the test data into a dict."""

+     with TEST_DATA_PATH.joinpath('test-data.yaml').open() as file:

+         return yaml.safe_load(file)



+ def generate_test_cases(test_data):

+     """Goes through the test data dict and yields test cases.

+     Test case is a tuple of 4 elements:

+         - provides parameters

+         - requires parameters

+         - path to the dist-info/egg-info directory inside test-data

+         - dict with expected results ("requires" and "provides")"""

+     for requires_params in test_data:

+         for provides_params in test_data[requires_params]:

+             for dist_egg_info_path in test_data[requires_params][provides_params]:

+                 expected = test_data[requires_params][provides_params][dist_egg_info_path]

+                 yield (provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expected)



+ def check_and_install_test_data():

+     """Checks if the appropriate metadata are present in TEST_DATA_PATH, and if

+        not, downloads them through pip from PyPI."""

+     with TEST_DATA_PATH.joinpath('test-requires.yaml').open() as file:

+         test_requires = yaml.safe_load(file)

+         downloaded_anything = False


+         for package in test_requires:

+             # To be as close to the real environment, we want some packages saved in /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib,

+             # for these we explicitly set lib64 as a parameter, and by default we use /usr/lib.

+             lib = test_requires[package].pop("lib", "lib")


+             # type is either `wheel` or `sdist`

+             for type in test_requires[package]:

+                 for pkg_version in test_requires[package][type]:

+                     for py_version in test_requires[package][type][pkg_version]:

+                         py_version_nodots = py_version.replace(".", "")

+                         package_underscores = package.replace("-", "_")


+                         suffix = ".egg-info" if type == "sdist" else ".dist-info"

+                         pre_suffix = f"-py{py_version}" if type == "sdist" else ""


+                         install_path = TEST_DATA_PATH / "usr" / lib / f"python{py_version}" \

+                                 / "site-packages" / f"{package_underscores}-{pkg_version}{pre_suffix}{suffix}"


+                         if install_path.exists():

+                             continue


+                         # If this is the first package we're downloading,

+                         # display what's happening

+                         if not downloaded_anything:

+                             sys.exit("Test data missing")


+                             print("=====================")

+                             print("Downloading test data")

+                             print("=====================\n")

+                             downloaded_anything = True


+                         # We use a temporary directory to unpack/install the

+                         # package to, and then we move only the metadata to the

+                         # final location

+                         with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:

+                             import runpy

+                             backup_argv = sys.argv[:]


+                             if type == "wheel":

+                                 from pkg_resources import parse_version

+                                 abi = f"cp{py_version_nodots}"

+                                 # The "m" was removed from the abi flag in Python version 3.8

+                                 if parse_version(py_version) < parse_version('3.8'):

+                                     abi += "m"


+                                 # Install = download and unpack wheel into our

+                                 #   temporary directory

+                                 sys.argv[1:] = ["install", "--no-deps",

+                                         "--only-binary", ":all:",

+                                         "--platform", "manylinux1_x86_64",

+                                         "--python-version", py_version,

+                                         "--implementation", "cp",

+                                         "--abi", abi,

+                                         "--target", temp_dir,

+                                         "--no-build-isolation",

+                                         f"{package}=={pkg_version}"]

+                             else:

+                                 # Download sdist that we'll unpack later

+                                 sys.argv[1:] = ["download", "--no-deps",

+                                         "--no-binary", ":all:",

+                                         "--dest", temp_dir,

+                                         "--no-build-isolation",

+                                         f"{package}=={pkg_version}"]


+                             try:

+                                 # run_module() alters sys.modules and sys.argv, but restores them at exit

+                                 runpy.run_module("pip", run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True)

+                             except SystemExit as exc:

+                                 pass

+                             finally:

+                                 sys.argv[:] = backup_argv


+                             temp_path = Path(temp_dir)

+                             if type == "sdist":

+                                 # Wheel were already unpacked by pip, sdists we

+                                 # have to unpack ourselves

+                                 sdist_path = next(temp_path.glob(f"{package}-{pkg_version}.*"))


+                                 if sdist_path.suffix == ".zip":

+                                     import zipfile

+                                     archive = zipfile.ZipFile(sdist_path)

+                                 else:

+                                     import tarfile

+                                     archive = tarfile.open(sdist_path)


+                                 archive.extractall(temp_path)

+                             try:

+                                 info_path = next(temp_path.glob(f"**/*{suffix}"))


+                                 # Let's check the wheel metadata has the

+                                 # expected directory name. We don't check for

+                                 # egg-info metadata, because we're pulling them

+                                 # from sdists where they don't have the proper

+                                 # directory name

+                                 if type == "wheel":

+                                     if info_path.name != install_path.name:

+                                         print("\nWarning: wheel metadata have unexpected directory name.\n"

+                                               f"Expected: {install_path.name}\n"

+                                               f"Actual: {info_path.name}\n"

+                                               f"Info: package '{package}', version '{pkg_version}'"

+                                               f" for Python {py_version}\n"

+                                               f"Possible resolution: Specify the package version with"

+                                               f" trailing zeros in test-requires.yaml", file=sys.stderr)


+                                 shutil.move(info_path, install_path)


+                                 relative_path = install_path.relative_to(TEST_DATA_PATH)

+                                 print(f"\nDownloaded metadata to '{relative_path}'" \

+                                         f" inside test-data directory.\n")

+                             except StopIteration:

+                                 # temp_path.glob() did not find any file and

+                                 # thus there's been some problem

+                                 sys.exit(f"Problem occured while getting dist-info/egg-info"

+                                         f" for package '{package}', version '{pkg_version}'"

+                                         f" for Python {py_version}")

+         if downloaded_anything:

+             print("\n==============================")

+             print("Finished downloading test data")

+             print("==============================")



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)

+ def fixture_check_and_install_test_data():

+     """Wrapper fixture, because a fixture can't be called as a function."""

+     check_and_install_test_data()



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expected",

+         generate_test_cases(load_test_data()))

+ def test_pythondistdeps(provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expected):

+     """Runs pythondistdeps with the given parameters and dist-info/egg-info

+     path, compares the results with the expected results"""

+     assert expected == run_pythondistdeps(provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path)



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     """If the script is called directly, we check and install test data if needed,

+     we look up all the test configurations in test-data.yaml, run

+     pythondistdeps for each, save the results and print the resulting YAML file

+     with the updated results."""


+     check_and_install_test_data()


+     # Set YAML dump style to block style

+     def str_presenter(dumper, data):

+         if len(data.splitlines()) > 1:  # check for multiline string

+             return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data, style='|')

+         return dumper.represent_scalar('tag:yaml.org,2002:str', data)

+     yaml.add_representer(str, str_presenter)


+     # Run pythondistdeps for each test configuration

+     test_data = load_test_data()

+     for provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path, expected in generate_test_cases(test_data):

+         # Print a dot to stderr for each test run to keep user informed about progress

+         print(".", end="", flush=True, file=sys.stderr)

+         test_data[requires_params][provides_params][dist_egg_info_path] = \

+             run_pythondistdeps(provides_params, requires_params, dist_egg_info_path)


+     print(yaml.dump(test_data, indent=4))


file modified
+25 -8
@@ -2,16 +2,17 @@ 

  - hosts: localhost


      - classic

-   tasks:

-     - dnf:

-         name: "*"

-         state: latest


- - hosts: localhost

+   pre_tasks:

+   - import_role:

+       name: standard-test-source

+     vars:

+       fetch_only: True

+   - name: Update system

+     dnf:

+       name: "*"

+       state: latest


    - role: standard-test-basic

-     tags:

-     - classic


      - pythonabi:

          dir: .
@@ -19,6 +20,22 @@ 

      - pythonname:

          dir: .

          run: ./pythonname.sh

+     - prepare-test-data:

+         dir: .

+         run: tar -xvf test-sources-*.tar.gz -C ./tests/data/scripts_pythondistdeps/

+     - tree:

+         dir: .

+         run: echo "HUGO DEBUG:" && tree .

+     - pythondistdeps:

+         dir: ./tests

+         # Use update-test-sources.sh to update the test data

+         run: python3 -m pytest --capture=no -vvv


+     - tree

      - rpm-build

      - python3-devel

+     - python3-pip

+     - python3-pytest

+     - python3-pyyaml

+     - python3-setuptools

+     - python3-wheel

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash


+ #

+ # Requirements:

+ # - pip >= 20.0.1

+ #


+ # First prune old test data

+ rm -rf ./tests/data/scripts_pythondistdeps/usr


+ # First run the test suite, it will download the test-data again

+ python3 -m pytest --capture=no -vvv


+ # Archive the test data into a file with today's date

+ archive=test-sources-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tar.gz

+ tar -zcvf ${archive} -C ./tests/data/scripts_pythondistdeps/ usr


+ # Now manually run:

+ # $ fedpkg new-sources ${archive}


Added a new test suite

- Instead of single commit, port commit-by-commit from upstream (especially to save the note about importlib)
- Use the newly added parameters

Build failed.

1 new commit added

  • fixup: Fix location where we run the test
3 years ago

Build succeeded.

1 new commit added

  • fixup fetch_only probably causes sources not to be unpacked at all
3 years ago

The tests succeeded, but they donwloaded the data through pip at runtime instead of using the tarball with the test data. Let's see if this fixes it.

Build failed.

1 new commit added

  • fixup ci
3 years ago

Build failed.

Building in the 3.9 copr repo with version bumped to 666 and this:

%__pythondist_provides  %{_rpmconfigdir}/pythondistdeps.py --provides --normalized-names-format pep503 --normalized-names-provide-both --majorver-provides-versions 2.7,%{__default_python3_version}
%__pythondist_requires  %{_rpmconfigdir}/pythondistdeps.py --requires --normalized-names-format pep503


$ rpm -qp --requires /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-python39/result/python3-zope-component-4.3.0-13.fc33.noarch.rpm 
python(abi) = 3.9
python3.9dist(zope.interface) >= 4.1

$ rpm -qp --provides /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-python39/result/python3-zope-component-4.3.0-13.fc33.noarch.rpm 
python-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python3-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python3.9dist(zope-component) = 4.3
python3.9dist(zope.component) = 4.3
python39-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python39-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python3dist(zope-component) = 4.3
python3dist(zope.component) = 4.3


$ rpm -qp --requires /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-python39/result/python3-zope-component-4.3.0-13.fc33.noarch.rpm 
python(abi) = 3.9
python3.9dist(zope-interface) >= 4.1

$ rpm -qp --provides /var/lib/mock/fedora-rawhide-python39/result/python3-zope-component-4.3.0-13.fc33.noarch.rpm 
python-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python3-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python3.9dist(zope-component) = 4.3
python3.9dist(zope.component) = 4.3
python39-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python39-zope-component = 4.3.0-13.fc33
python3dist(zope-component) = 4.3
python3dist(zope.component) = 4.3

1 new commit added

  • fixup: Create the usr directory
3 years ago

Build failed.

1 new commit added

  • fixup Try full path for srcdir
3 years ago

Build failed.

1 new commit added

  • fixup srcdir syntax error
3 years ago

Build succeeded.

1 new commit added

  • fixup fail if test data missing
3 years ago

Build failed.

2 new commits added

  • fixup see contects of test folder
  • fixup unify tests
3 years ago

Build failed.

2 new commits added

  • fixup tests.yml
  • fixup move tag classic
3 years ago

Build failed.

1 new commit added

  • fixup unpack sources ourselves
3 years ago

1 new commit added

  • fixup Run update before tests
3 years ago

Pull-Request has been closed by churchyard

3 years ago
Build completed for 22265d98
3 years ago
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3 years ago
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Jobs result is failure
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Jobs result is failure
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3 years ago
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Jobs result is success
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Jobs result is failure
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Jobs result is failure
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Jobs result is failure
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3 years ago
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Jobs result is failure
3 years ago
Fedora CI
Package tests for 22265d98: passed
3 years ago
Build completed for 9a6d3bdf
3 years ago
Jobs result is pending
3 years ago
Jobs result is success
3 years ago
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3 years ago
Jobs result is failure
3 years ago
Build completed for 0a5307e9
3 years ago
Jobs result is pending
3 years ago