#68 [DO NOT MERGE] Include experimental support for marshalparser
Closed 3 years ago by lbalhar. Opened 3 years ago by lbalhar.
rpms/ lbalhar/python-rpm-macros marshal  into  master

file modified
@@ -73,3 +73,10 @@ 





+ # Experimental functionality to fix byte-cache files to make

+ # byte-compilation reproducible

+ %py_fix_byte_cache()\

+   PYTHONPATH="%{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat"\\\

+   find %1 -name "*.pyc" | xargs\\\

+   %{__python3} -s -B -m marshalparser -fo

file added
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ 

+ from bits import testBit, clearBit, bytes_to_float, bytes_to_int

+ from collections import namedtuple

+ from dataclasses import dataclass

+ from sys import byteorder

+ from pathlib import Path

+ from object_types import types

+ import argparse

+ import binascii

+ import sys


+ PY33 = sys.version_info >= (3, 3)

+ PY37 = sys.version_info >= (3, 7)

+ PY38 = sys.version_info >= (3, 8)


+ if PY37:

+     PYC_HEADER_LEN = 16

+ elif PY33:

+     PYC_HEADER_LEN = 12

+ else:

+     PYC_HEADER_LEN = 8




+ DEBUG = False


+ # Flag_ref = namedtuple("Flag_ref", ["byte", "type", "content", "usages"])

+ Reference = namedtuple("Reference", ["byte", "index"])



+ @dataclass

+ class Flag_ref:

+     byte: int

+     type: str

+     content: object

+     usages: int = 0



+ class MarshalParser:

+     def __init__(self, filename):

+         self.filename = filename


+         with open(filename, "rb") as fh:

+             self.bytes = bytes(fh.read())

+             iterator = enumerate(self.bytes)

+             # skip pyc header (first n bytes)

+             if filename.suffix == ".pyc":

+                 for x in range(PYC_HEADER_LEN):

+                     next(iterator)


+         self.iterator = iterator


+     def parse(self):

+         self.references = []  # references to existing objects with FLAG_REF

+         self.flag_refs = []  # objects with FLAG_REF on

+         self.output = ""

+         self.indent = 0

+         self.read_object()


+     def record_object_start(self, i, b, ref_id):

+         """

+         Records human readable output of parsing process

+         """

+         byte = binascii.hexlify(b.to_bytes(1, byteorder))

+         bytestring = b.to_bytes(1, byteorder)

+         type = types[bytestring]

+         ref = ""

+         if ref_id is not None:

+             ref = f"REF[{ref_id}]"

+         line = f"n={i}/{hex(i)} byte=({byte}, {bytestring}, " \

+                f"{bin(b)}) {type} {ref}\n"

+         if DEBUG:

+             print(line)

+         self.output += " " * self.indent + line


+     def record_object_result(self, result):

+         """

+         Records the result of object parsing with its type

+         """

+         line = f"result={result}, type={type(result)}\n"

+         self.output += " " * self.indent + line


+     def record_object_info(self, info):

+         """

+         Records some info about parsed object

+         """

+         line = f"{info}\n"

+         self.output += " " * self.indent + line


+     def read_object(self):

+         """

+         Main method for reading/parsing objects and recording references.

+         Simple objects are parsed directly, complex uses other read_* methods

+         """

+         i, b = next(self.iterator)

+         ref_id = None

+         if testBit(b, 7):

+             b = clearBit(b, 7)

+             # Save a slot in global references

+             ref_id = len(self.flag_refs)

+             self.flag_refs.append(None)


+         bytestring = b.to_bytes(1, byteorder)

+         try:

+             type = types[bytestring]

+         except KeyError:

+             print(f"Cannot read/parse byte {b} {bytestring} on possition {i}")

+             print("Might be error or unsupported TYPE")

+             print(self.output)

+             sys.exit(1)

+         self.record_object_start(i, b, ref_id)


+         # Increase indentation

+         self.indent += 2


+         if type == "TYPE_CODE":

+             result = self.read_codeobject()


+         elif type == "TYPE_LONG":

+             result = self.read_py_long()


+         elif type in ("TYPE_INT"):

+             result = self.read_long()


+         elif type in ("TYPE_STRING", "TYPE_UNICODE",

+                       "TYPE_ASCII", "TYPE_INTERNED"):

+             result = self.read_string()


+         elif type == "TYPE_SMALL_TUPLE":

+             # small tuple — size is only one byte

+             size = bytes_to_int(self.read_bytes())

+             self.record_object_info(f"Small tuple size: {size}")

+             result = []

+             for x in range(size):

+                 result.append(self.read_object())

+             result = tuple(result)


+         elif type in ("TYPE_TUPLE", "TYPE_LIST", "TYPE_SET", "TYPE_FROZENSET"):

+             # regular tuple, list, set, frozenset

+             size = self.read_long()

+             self.record_object_info(f"tuple/list/set size: {size}")

+             result = []

+             for x in range(size):

+                 result.append(self.read_object())

+             if type == "TYPE_TUPLE":

+                 result = tuple(result)

+             elif type == "TYPE_SET":

+                 result = set(result)

+             elif type == "TYPE_FROZENSET":

+                 result = frozenset(result)


+         elif type == "TYPE_NULL":

+             result = "null"


+         elif type == "TYPE_NONE":

+             result = None


+         elif type == "TYPE_TRUE":

+             result = True


+         elif type == "TYPE_FALSE":

+             result = False


+         elif type == "TYPE_STOPITER":

+             result = StopIteration


+         elif type == "TYPE_ELLIPSIS":

+             result = ...


+         elif type in ("TYPE_SHORT_ASCII_INTERNED", "TYPE_SHORT_ASCII"):

+             result = self.read_string(short=True)


+         elif type == "TYPE_REF":

+             index = self.read_long()

+             self.references.append(Reference(byte=i, index=index))

+             self.flag_refs[index].usages += 1

+             result = f"REF to {index}: " + str(self.flag_refs[index])


+         elif type == "TYPE_BINARY_FLOAT":

+             result = bytes_to_float(self.read_bytes(count=8))


+         elif type == "TYPE_BINARY_COMPLEX":

+             real = bytes_to_float(self.read_bytes(count=8))

+             imag = bytes_to_float(self.read_bytes(count=8))

+             result = complex(real, imag)


+         elif type == "TYPE_DICT":

+             result = {}

+             while True:

+                 key = self.read_object()

+                 if key == "null":

+                     break

+                 value = self.read_object()

+                 result[key] = value


+         # decrease indentation

+         self.indent -= 2

+         try:

+             self.record_object_result(result)

+         except UnboundLocalError:

+             raise RuntimeError(

+                 f"Error: type [{type}] is recognized but result is not present"

+             )


+         # Save the result to the self.references

+         if ref_id is not None:

+             self.flag_refs[ref_id] = Flag_ref(

+                 byte=i, type=type, content=result

+             )


+         return result


+     def read_bytes(self, count=1):

+         bytes = b""

+         for x in range(count):

+             index, byte = next(self.iterator)

+             byte = byte.to_bytes(1, byteorder)

+             bytes += byte

+         return bytes


+     def read_string(self, size=None, short=False):

+         if size is None:

+             if short:

+                 # short == size is stored as one byte

+                 size = bytes_to_int(self.read_bytes())

+             else:

+                 # non-short == size is stored as long (4 bytes)

+                 size = self.read_long()

+         bytes = self.read_bytes(size)

+         return bytes


+     def read_long(self, signed=False):

+         bytes = self.read_bytes(count=4)

+         return bytes_to_int(bytes, signed=signed)


+     def read_short(self):

+         b = self.read_bytes(count=2)

+         x = b[0]

+         x |= b[1] << 8

+         # Sign-extension, in case short greater than 16 bits

+         x |= -(x & 0x8000)

+         return x


+     def read_py_long(self):

+         n = self.read_long(signed=True)

+         result, shift = 0, 0

+         for i in range(abs(n)):

+             result += self.read_short() << shift

+             shift += PyLong_MARSHAL_SHIFT


+         return result if n > 0 else -result


+     def read_codeobject(self):

+         argcount = self.read_long()

+         if PY38:

+             posonlyargcount = self.read_long()

+         kwonlyargcount = self.read_long()

+         nlocals = self.read_long()

+         stacksize = self.read_long()

+         flags = self.read_long()

+         code = self.read_object()

+         consts = self.read_object()

+         names = self.read_object()

+         varnames = self.read_object()

+         freevars = self.read_object()

+         cellvars = self.read_object()

+         filename = self.read_object()

+         name = self.read_object()

+         firstlineno = self.read_long()

+         lnotab = self.read_object()


+         co = dict(locals())

+         del co["self"]  # removed Marshalparser instance from co


+         return co


+     def unused_ref_flags(self):

+         unused = []

+         for index, flag_ref in enumerate(self.flag_refs):

+             if flag_ref.usages == 0:

+                 unused.append((index, flag_ref))

+         return unused


+     def clear_unused_ref_flags(self, overwrite=False):

+         # List of flag_refs and references ordered by number of byte in a file

+         final_list = self.flag_refs + self.references

+         final_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.byte)

+         # a map where at a beginning, index in list == number of flag_ref

+         # but when unused flag is removed:

+         # - numbers in the list are original numbers of flag_refs

+         # - indexes of the list are new numbers

+         flag_ref_map = list(range(len(self.flag_refs)))

+         # new mutable content

+         content = bytearray(self.bytes)


+         for r in final_list:

+             if isinstance(r, Flag_ref) and r.usages == 0:

+                 # Clear FLAG_REF bit and remove it from map

+                 # all subsequent refs will have lower index in the map

+                 flag_ref_map.remove(self.flag_refs.index(r))

+                 content[r.byte] = clearBit(content[r.byte], 7)

+             elif isinstance(r, Reference):

+                 # Find a new index of flag_ref after some was removed

+                 new_index = flag_ref_map.index(r.index)

+                 # write new number as 4-byte integer

+                 content[r.byte + 1:r.byte + 5] = new_index.to_bytes(

+                     4, byteorder

+                 )


+         # Skip writing if there is no difference

+         if bytes(content) != self.bytes:

+             if overwrite:

+                 suffix = ""

+             else:

+                 suffix = ".fixed"


+             new_name = self.filename.with_suffix(suffix + self.filename.suffix)


+             with open(new_name, mode="wb") as fh:

+                 fh.write(content)

+         else:

+             print("Content is the same, nothing to fix…")



+ def main():

+     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

+         description="Marshalparser and fixer for .pyc files"

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-p",

+         "--print",

+         action="store_true",

+         dest="print",

+         default=False,

+         help="Print human-readable parser output",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-u",

+         "--unused",

+         action="store_true",

+         dest="unused",

+         default=False,

+         help="Print unused references",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-f",

+         "--fix",

+         action="store_true",

+         dest="fix",

+         default=False,

+         help="Fix references",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "-o",

+         "--overwrite",

+         action="store_true",

+         dest="overwrite",

+         default=False,

+         help="Overwrite existing pyc file (works with --fix)",

+     )

+     parser.add_argument(metavar="files", dest="files", nargs="*")


+     args = parser.parse_args()


+     for file in args.files:

+         parser = MarshalParser(Path(file))

+         parser.parse()

+         if args.print:

+             print(parser.output)

+         if args.unused:

+             unused = parser.unused_ref_flags()

+             if unused:

+                 print("Unused FLAG_REFs:")

+                 print("\n".join([f"{i} - {f}" for i, f in unused]))


+         if args.fix:

+             parser.clear_unused_ref_flags(overwrite=args.overwrite)



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     main()

file modified
+7 -1
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 

  Name:           python-rpm-macros

  Version:        3.9

- Release:        4%{?dist}

+ Release:        5%{?dist}

  Summary:        The common Python RPM macros


  # macros and lua: MIT, compileall2.py: PSFv2
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ 

  # Python code

  %global compileall2_version 0.7.1

  Source301:      https://github.com/fedora-python/compileall2/raw/v%{compileall2_version}/compileall2.py

+ Source302:      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/frenzymadness/MarshalParser/master/marshalparser.py


  BuildArch:      noarch

@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@ 


  mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat

  install -m 644 compileall2.py %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/

+ install -m 644 marshalparser.py %{buildroot}%{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/



@@ -97,6 +99,7 @@ 

  %files -n python-srpm-macros



+ %{_rpmconfigdir}/redhat/marshalparser.py



  %files -n python2-rpm-macros
@@ -107,6 +110,9 @@ 




+ * Fri Jul 10 2020 Lumír Balhar <lbalhar@redhat.com> - 3.9-5

+ - Include experimental support for marshalparser


  * Tue Jun 16 2020 Lumír Balhar <lbalhar@redhat.com> - 3.9-4

  - Use compileall from stdlib for Python >= 3.9


This change introduces a new macro %py_fix_byte_cache which aims to use marshalparser to fix byte-compilation reproducibility (partially, for now). The macro takes a folder and fixes all .pyc files recursively.

Problem with byte-compilation reproducibility is described in https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1686078

My plan is to do a release so the URL will change but implementation into RPM might need some changes so it can wait.

I am going to test it in COPR https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/lbalhar/marshal/builds/

This is not ready to be merged but I'd like to gather some first feedback to know about things to avoid.

Build succeeded.

What is not clear to me:

  • How does an example usage in spec look like?
  • Will brp-python-bytecompile not override the result?
  • Can marshalparser fix Python 3.N bytecode when interpreted by Python 3.M (for any N != M)?

How does an example usage in spec look like?

My plan is to implement it as a command %py_fix_byte_cache folder_to_fix but it might change because I might need to move its execution outside of a specfile so we might end up with something like %global _py_enable_bytecache_fix 1 or something similar.

Will brp-python-bytecompile not override the result?

Good question. I have to investigate it and make it the very last step after all byte-compilation attempts.

Can marshalparser fix Python 3.N bytecode when interpreted by Python 3.M (for any N != M)?

Not now. Currently, marshal parser takes important info from sys.version_info so it has to be executed with the same Python it fixes pyc files for. However, Python version is in pyc files' names so it should not be hard to change. Do you think this might be beneficial? I thought that during an RPM build we should use the same Python interpreter used for byte-compilation.

Good question. I have to investigate it and make it the very last step after all byte-compilation attempts.

The problem of course is, that some paths are compiled with the BRP script and some not.

Do you think this might be beneficial? I thought that during an RPM build we should use the same Python interpreter used for byte-compilation.

In that case, the macro should not hardcode interpreting it with %{__python3}, but should allow passing the interpreter as an argument.

Pull-Request has been closed by lbalhar

3 years ago