Carl George b213e8e
diff -Naurp sh-1.12.14.orig/ sh-1.12.14/
Carl George b213e8e
--- sh-1.12.14.orig/	2017-06-06 21:51:42.000000000 -0500
Carl George b213e8e
+++ sh-1.12.14/	2017-06-07 08:49:59.350791975 -0500
Carl George b213e8e
@@ -3519,14 +3519,9 @@ if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
     if action in ("test", "travis"):
Carl George 6644cd9
         import test
Carl George 6644cd9
-        coverage = None
Carl George 6644cd9
-        if test.HAS_UNICODE_LITERAL:
Carl George 6644cd9
-            import coverage
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
         env = os.environ.copy()
Carl George 6644cd9
         env["SH_TESTS_RUNNING"] = "1"
Carl George 6644cd9
-        if coverage:
Carl George 6644cd9
-            test.append_module_path(env, coverage)
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
         # if we're testing locally, run all versions of python on the system
Carl George 6644cd9
         if action == "test":
Carl George b213e8e
diff -Naurp sh-1.12.14.orig/ sh-1.12.14/
Carl George b213e8e
--- sh-1.12.14.orig/	2017-06-06 21:51:42.000000000 -0500
Carl George b213e8e
+++ sh-1.12.14/	2017-06-07 08:49:59.351791993 -0500
Carl George 6644cd9
@@ -6,31 +6,6 @@ IS_PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
Carl George 6644cd9
 IS_PY2 = not IS_PY3
Carl George 6644cd9
 MINOR_VER = sys.version_info[1]
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-# coverage doesn't work in python 3.1, 3.2 due to it just being a shit
Carl George 6644cd9
-# python
Carl George 6644cd9
-HAS_UNICODE_LITERAL = not (IS_PY3 and MINOR_VER in (1, 2))
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-cov = None
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-    run_idx = int(os.environ.pop("SH_TEST_RUN_IDX", "0"))
Carl George 6644cd9
-    first_run = run_idx == 0
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-    import coverage
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-    # for some reason, we can't run auto_data on the first run, or the coverage
Carl George 6644cd9
-    # numbers get really screwed up
Carl George 6644cd9
-    auto_data = True
Carl George 6644cd9
-    if first_run:
Carl George 6644cd9
-        auto_data = False
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-    cov = coverage.Coverage(auto_data=auto_data)
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-    if first_run:
Carl George 6644cd9
-        cov.erase()
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-    cov.start()
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
 from os.path import exists, join, realpath, dirname, split
Carl George 6644cd9
 import unittest
Carl George b213e8e
Carl George b213e8e
@@ -3045,6 +3020,4 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
-        if cov:
Carl George 6644cd9
-            cov.stop()
Carl George 6644cd9
Carl George 6644cd9
+        pass