#2 Update to 0.8.0
Merged 3 years ago by ankursinha. Opened 3 years ago by dcavalca.
rpms/ dcavalca/python-stdlib-list v0.8.0  into  rawhide

file modified
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ 




+ /python-stdlib-list-0.8.0.tar.gz

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ 

- From 644e180c76ba9150621c8dd8f09279e7264089bc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

- From: "Ankur Sinha (Ankur Sinha Gmail)" <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com>

- Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 19:06:57 +0100

- Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Add python 3.9


- ---

-  README.md            | 2 +-

-  stdlib_list/base.py  | 2 +-

-  stdlib_list/fetch.py | 2 +-

-  3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


- diff --git a/README.md b/README.md

- index 22bf835..a4d7b99 100644

- --- a/README.md

- +++ b/README.md

- @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

-  Python Standard Library List

-  ============================


- -This package includes lists of all of the standard libraries for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 along with the code for scraping the official Python docs to get said lists.

- +This package includes lists of all of the standard libraries for Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9 along with the code for scraping the official Python docs to get said lists.


-  Listing the modules in the standard library? Wait, why on Earth would you care about that?!

-  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- diff --git a/stdlib_list/base.py b/stdlib_list/base.py

- index d79262e..746dfbf 100644

- --- a/stdlib_list/base.py

- +++ b/stdlib_list/base.py

- @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ base_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

-  list_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "lists")


-  long_versions = ["2.6.9", "2.7.9", "3.2.6", "3.3.6", "3.4.3", "3.5", "3.6",

- -                 "3.7", "3.8"]

- +                 "3.7", "3.8", "3.9"]


-  short_versions = [".".join(x.split(".")[:2]) for x in long_versions]


- diff --git a/stdlib_list/fetch.py b/stdlib_list/fetch.py

- index e3b196a..1a9e774 100644

- --- a/stdlib_list/fetch.py

- +++ b/stdlib_list/fetch.py

- @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def fetch_list(version=None):

-      :param str|None version: A specified version of Python. If not specified, then all

-      available versions of Python will have their inventory objects fetched

-      and parsed, and have their module names written to file.

- -    (one of ``"2.6"``, ``"2.7"``, ``"3.2"``, ``"3.3"``, ``"3.4"``, ``"3.5"``, or ``None``)

- +    (one of ``"2.6"``, ``"2.7"``, ``"3.2"``, ``"3.3"``, ``"3.4"``, ``"3.5"``, ``"3.6"``, ``"3.7"``, ``"3.8"``, ``"3.9"`` or ``None``)


-      """


- -- 

- 2.26.2


@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@ 

- From 8e6d0a63dab2f2766fc0b638fb10171b117d0582 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

- From: "Ankur Sinha (Ankur Sinha Gmail)" <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com>

- Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 20:08:26 +0100

- Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Add list for 3.9


- ---

-  stdlib_list/lists/3.9.txt | 334 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

-  1 file changed, 334 insertions(+)

-  create mode 100644 stdlib_list/lists/3.9.txt


- diff --git a/stdlib_list/lists/3.9.txt b/stdlib_list/lists/3.9.txt

- new file mode 100644

- index 0000000..a5f0f01

- --- /dev/null

- +++ b/stdlib_list/lists/3.9.txt

- @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@

- +__future__

- +__main__

- +_thread

- +abc

- +aifc

- +argparse

- +array

- +ast

- +asynchat

- +asyncio

- +asyncore

- +atexit

- +audioop

- +base64

- +bdb

- +binascii

- +binhex

- +bisect

- +builtins

- +bz2

- +cProfile

- +calendar

- +cgi

- +cgitb

- +chunk

- +cmath

- +cmd

- +code

- +codecs

- +codeop

- +collections

- +collections.abc

- +colorsys

- +compileall

- +concurrent.futures

- +configparser

- +contextlib

- +contextvars

- +copy

- +copyreg

- +crypt

- +csv

- +ctypes

- +curses

- +curses.ascii

- +curses.panel

- +curses.textpad

- +dataclasses

- +datetime

- +dbm

- +dbm.dumb

- +dbm.gnu

- +dbm.ndbm

- +decimal

- +difflib

- +dis

- +distutils

- +distutils.archive_util

- +distutils.bcppcompiler

- +distutils.ccompiler

- +distutils.cmd

- +distutils.command

- +distutils.command.bdist

- +distutils.command.bdist_dumb

- +distutils.command.bdist_msi

- +distutils.command.bdist_packager

- +distutils.command.bdist_rpm

- +distutils.command.bdist_wininst

- +distutils.command.build

- +distutils.command.build_clib

- +distutils.command.build_ext

- +distutils.command.build_py

- +distutils.command.build_scripts

- +distutils.command.check

- +distutils.command.clean

- +distutils.command.config

- +distutils.command.install

- +distutils.command.install_data

- +distutils.command.install_headers

- +distutils.command.install_lib

- +distutils.command.install_scripts

- +distutils.command.register

- +distutils.command.sdist

- +distutils.core

- +distutils.cygwinccompiler

- +distutils.debug

- +distutils.dep_util

- +distutils.dir_util

- +distutils.dist

- +distutils.errors

- +distutils.extension

- +distutils.fancy_getopt

- +distutils.file_util

- +distutils.filelist

- +distutils.log

- +distutils.msvccompiler

- +distutils.spawn

- +distutils.sysconfig

- +distutils.text_file

- +distutils.unixccompiler

- +distutils.util

- +distutils.version

- +doctest

- +email

- +email.charset

- +email.contentmanager

- +email.encoders

- +email.errors

- +email.generator

- +email.header

- +email.headerregistry

- +email.iterators

- +email.message

- +email.mime

- +email.parser

- +email.policy

- +email.utils

- +encodings.idna

- +encodings.mbcs

- +encodings.utf_8_sig

- +ensurepip

- +enum

- +errno

- +faulthandler

- +fcntl

- +filecmp

- +fileinput

- +fnmatch

- +formatter

- +fractions

- +ftplib

- +functools

- +gc

- +getopt

- +getpass

- +gettext

- +glob

- +graphlib

- +grp

- +gzip

- +hashlib

- +heapq

- +hmac

- +html

- +html.entities

- +html.parser

- +http

- +http.client

- +http.cookiejar

- +http.cookies

- +http.server

- +imaplib

- +imghdr

- +imp

- +importlib

- +importlib.abc

- +importlib.machinery

- +importlib.resources

- +importlib.util

- +inspect

- +io

- +ipaddress

- +itertools

- +json

- +json.tool

- +keyword

- +lib2to3

- +linecache

- +locale

- +logging

- +logging.config

- +logging.handlers

- +lzma

- +mailbox

- +mailcap

- +marshal

- +math

- +mimetypes

- +mmap

- +modulefinder

- +msilib

- +msvcrt

- +multiprocessing

- +multiprocessing.connection

- +multiprocessing.dummy

- +multiprocessing.managers

- +multiprocessing.pool

- +multiprocessing.shared_memory

- +multiprocessing.sharedctypes

- +netrc

- +nis

- +nntplib

- +numbers

- +operator

- +optparse

- +os

- +os.path

- +ossaudiodev

- +parser

- +pathlib

- +pdb

- +pickle

- +pickletools

- +pipes

- +pkgutil

- +platform

- +plistlib

- +poplib

- +posix

- +pprint

- +profile

- +pstats

- +pty

- +pwd

- +py_compile

- +pyclbr

- +pydoc

- +queue

- +quopri

- +random

- +re

- +readline

- +reprlib

- +resource

- +rlcompleter

- +runpy

- +sched

- +secrets

- +select

- +selectors

- +shelve

- +shlex

- +shutil

- +signal

- +site

- +smtpd

- +smtplib

- +sndhdr

- +socket

- +socketserver

- +spwd

- +sqlite3

- +ssl

- +stat

- +statistics

- +string

- +stringprep

- +struct

- +subprocess

- +sunau

- +symbol

- +symtable

- +sys

- +sysconfig

- +syslog

- +tabnanny

- +tarfile

- +telnetlib

- +tempfile

- +termios

- +test

- +test.support

- +test.support.bytecode_helper

- +test.support.script_helper

- +test.support.socket_helper

- +textwrap

- +threading

- +time

- +timeit

- +tkinter

- +tkinter.colorchooser

- +tkinter.commondialog

- +tkinter.dnd

- +tkinter.filedialog

- +tkinter.font

- +tkinter.messagebox

- +tkinter.scrolledtext

- +tkinter.simpledialog

- +tkinter.tix

- +tkinter.ttk

- +token

- +tokenize

- +trace

- +traceback

- +tracemalloc

- +tty

- +turtle

- +turtledemo

- +types

- +typing

- +unicodedata

- +unittest

- +unittest.mock

- +urllib

- +urllib.error

- +urllib.parse

- +urllib.request

- +urllib.response

- +urllib.robotparser

- +uu

- +uuid

- +venv

- +warnings

- +wave

- +weakref

- +webbrowser

- +winreg

- +winsound

- +wsgiref

- +wsgiref.handlers

- +wsgiref.headers

- +wsgiref.simple_server

- +wsgiref.util

- +wsgiref.validate

- +xdrlib

- +xml

- +xml.dom

- +xml.dom.minidom

- +xml.dom.pulldom

- +xml.etree.ElementTree

- +xml.parsers.expat

- +xml.parsers.expat.errors

- +xml.parsers.expat.model

- +xml.sax

- +xml.sax.handler

- +xml.sax.saxutils

- +xml.sax.xmlreader

- +xmlrpc.client

- +xmlrpc.server

- +zipapp

- +zipfile

- +zipimport

- +zlib

- +zoneinfo

- -- 

- 2.26.2


file modified
+6 -9
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ 

  not a module is part of the standard library will come in}


  Name:       python-%{pypi_name}

- Version:    0.6.0

- Release:    8%{?dist}

+ Version:    0.8.0

+ Release:    1%{?dist}

  Summary:    A list of Python Standard Libraries


  License:    MIT
@@ -18,18 +18,12 @@ 

  Source0:    %{url}/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz

  BuildArch:  noarch


- # Enable py3.9

- # https://github.com/jackmaney/python-stdlib-list/pull/34

- Patch0:     0001-Add-python-3.9.patch

- Patch1:     0002-Add-list-for-3.9.patch




  BuildRequires:  python3-devel

  BuildRequires:  python3dist(setuptools)

  BuildRequires:  python3dist(sphinx)

  BuildRequires:  python3dist(sphinx-rtd-theme)

- BuildRequires:  git-core



@@ -52,7 +46,7 @@ 

  Documentation for %{name}



- %autosetup -S git

+ %autosetup

  # Remove bundled egg-info

  rm -rf %{pypi_name}.egg-info

@@ -77,6 +71,9 @@ 

  %doc html



+ * Mon Mar 15 2021 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca@fedoraproject.org> - 0.8.0-1

+ - Update to 0.8.0


  * Sun Mar 07 2021 Davide Cavalca <dcavalca@fedoraproject.org> - 0.6.0-8

  - Build docs

  - Use GitHub tarball instead of PyPI

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -1,1 +1,1 @@ 

- SHA512 (python-stdlib-list-0.6.0.tar.gz) = a19a9768930155c5f1f240a7413964e4344b02a4819a5131ef33e40049d1d96ea34c4a31c9b3bf938d17ebb0f2e83eacfdd584f6b44b62d1dbbcda66ba01cff7

+ SHA512 (python-stdlib-list-0.8.0.tar.gz) = e18d893e257408125249064b9466e50f684a5358d0d8ab1693bf3529f23b47f82dc23b52cea6f8be89c7dc2bac58f8981ace0b7d7a016b295855562dba1aebc3

Upgrade to the latest version to unblock python-usort, which requires 0.7.0 or later (#1936257).

Pull-Request has been merged by ankursinha

3 years ago