Name: python-svg Version: 0.2.2b Release: 4%{?dist} Summary: Python wrapper for svg Group: Development/Libraries License: BSD URL: Source0: BuildArch: noarch BuildRequires: python2-devel,python-setuptools %description pySVG is a pure Python library to create/load and manipulate SVG documents. It's main use is to "code" svg images. %package doc Summary: Documentation for python-syg Group: Development/Libraries Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release} %description doc pySVG is a pure Python library to create/load and manipulate SVG documents. It's main use is to "code" svg images. These are the documentation files. %prep %setup -qn pysvg-%{version} rm -f doc/html/.buildinfo # Convert to utf-8 for file in `find . -name '*.py'`; do iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 -o $ $file && \ touch -r $file $ && \ mv $ $file done #Strip bad EOL encodings for file in `find . -name '*.txt'` doc/html/_static/pygments.css; do sed -i "s|\r||g" $file done for file in `find . -name '*.py'`; do sed -i "s|\r||g" $file done #Remove shabangs. for lib in `find . -name '*.py'`; do sed -i '/\/usr\/bin\/python/d' $lib done %build %{__python} build %install %{__python} install --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name '*.egg-info' | xargs rm -rf %files %doc doc/license.txt %{python_sitelib}/pysvg %files doc %doc doc/ %changelog * Sun Aug 04 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.2.2b-4 - Rebuilt for * Thu Feb 14 2013 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.2.2b-3 - Rebuilt for * Thu Nov 15 2012 Jon Ciesla - 0.2.2b-2 - Remove egg-info, fix EOL encoding, add doc subpackage. * Thu Nov 15 2012 Jon Ciesla - 0.2.2b-1 - New version with clarified license. * Thu Jun 07 2012 Jon Ciesla - 0.2.1-1 - Initial package version