Blob Blame History Raw
--- theano/tensor/tests/	2019-01-15 14:13:57.000000000 -0700
+++ theano/tensor/tests/	2019-08-15 09:02:44.459403923 -0600
@@ -344,93 +344,6 @@ def makeTester(name, op, expected, check
-        def test_good(self):
-            if skip:
-                raise SkipTest(skip)
-            good = self.add_memmap_values(self.good)
-            for testname, inputs in iteritems(good):
-                inputs = [copy(input) for input in inputs]
-                inputrs = [TensorType(
-                    dtype=input.dtype,
-                    broadcastable=[shape_elem == 1
-                                   for shape_elem in input.shape]
-                    )() for input in inputs]
-                try:
-                    node = safe_make_node(self.op, *inputrs)
-                except Exception as exc:
-                    err_msg = ("Test %s::%s: Error occurred while"
-                               " making a node with inputs %s") % (
-                                   self.op, testname, inputs)
-                    exc.args += (err_msg,)
-                    raise
-                try:
-                    f = inplace_func(inputrs, node.outputs, mode=mode, name='test_good')
-                except Exception as exc:
-                    err_msg = ("Test %s::%s: Error occurred while"
-                               " trying to make a Function") % (self.op, testname)
-                    exc.args += (err_msg,)
-                    raise
-                if (isinstance(self.expected, dict) and
-                        testname in self.expected):
-                    expecteds = self.expected[testname]
-                    # with numpy version, when we print a number and read it
-                    # back, we don't get exactly the same result, so we accept
-                    # rounding error in that case.
-                    eps = 5e-9
-                else:
-                    expecteds = self.expected(*inputs)
-                    eps = 1e-10
-                if any([i.dtype in ('float32', 'int8', 'uint8', 'uint16')
-                        for i in inputs]):
-                    eps = 1e-6
-                eps = np.max([eps, _eps])
-                try:
-                    variables = f(*inputs)
-                except Exception as exc:
-                    err_msg = ("Test %s::%s: Error occurred while calling"
-                               " the Function on the inputs %s") % (
-                                   self.op, testname, inputs)
-                    exc.args += (err_msg,)
-                    raise
-                if not isinstance(expecteds, (list, tuple)):
-                    expecteds = (expecteds, )
-                for i, (variable, expected) in enumerate(
-                        izip(variables, expecteds)):
-                    if (variable.dtype != expected.dtype or
-                            variable.shape != expected.shape or
-                            not np.allclose(variable, expected,
-                                            atol=eps, rtol=eps)):
-              "Test %s::%s: Output %s gave the wrong"
-                                   " value. With inputs %s, expected %s (dtype %s),"
-                                   " got %s (dtype %s). eps=%f"
-                                   " np.allclose returns %s %s") % (
-                            self.op,
-                            testname,
-                            i,
-                            inputs,
-                            expected,
-                            expected.dtype,
-                            variable,
-                            variable.dtype,
-                            eps,
-                            np.allclose(variable, expected,
-                                        atol=eps, rtol=eps),
-                            np.allclose(variable, expected)))
-                for description, check in iteritems(self.checks):
-                    if not check(inputs, variables):
-              "Test %s::%s: Failed check: %s (inputs"
-                                   " were %s, outputs were %s)") % (
-                            self.op, testname, description,
-                            inputs, variables))
         def test_bad_build(self):
             if skip:
                 raise SkipTest(skip)