%global srcname yamlordereddictloader %global sum YAML loader for PyYAML that maintains key order Name: python-%{srcname} Version: 0.3.0 Release: 3%{?dist} Summary: %{sum} License: MIT URL: https://github.com/fmenabe/python-yamlordereddictloader Source0: https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/y/%{srcname}/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRequires: python2-devel BuildRequires: python3-devel BuildRequires: PyYAML BuildRequires: python3-PyYAML BuildArch: noarch %description This is a loader for PyYAML that maintains the order of the keys and values in a dictionary as they appear in the input file. This can be useful for certain applications where named values should also be maintained in a particular order %package -n python2-%{srcname} Summary: %{sum} Requires: PyYAML %{?python_provide:%python_provide python2-%{srcname}} %description -n python2-%{srcname} This is a loader for PyYAML that maintains the order of the keys and values in a dictionary as they appear in the input file. This can be useful for certain applications where named values should also be maintained in a particular order %package -n python3-%{srcname} Summary: %{sum} Requires: python3-PyYAML %{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-%{srcname}} %description -n python3-%{srcname} This is a loader for PyYAML that maintains the order of the keys and values in a dictionary as they appear in the input file. This can be useful for certain applications where named values should also be maintained in a particular order %prep %setup -q -n %{srcname}-%{version} %build %py2_build %py3_build %install %py2_install %py3_install %files -n python2-%{srcname} %doc README.rst %license LICENSE.txt %{python2_sitelib}/%{srcname}.py* %{python2_sitelib}/%{srcname}-%{version}-py%{python2_version}.egg-info %files -n python3-%{srcname} %doc README.rst %license LICENSE.txt %{python3_sitelib}/%{srcname}.py* %{python3_sitelib}/%{srcname}-%{version}-py%{python3_version}.egg-info %{python3_sitelib}/__pycache__/%{srcname}.cpython*pyc %changelog * Fri Feb 09 2018 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.3.0-3 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild * Thu Jul 27 2017 Fedora Release Engineering - 0.3.0-2 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild * Mon May 29 2017 Greg Hellings - 0.3.0-1 - New upstream version 0.3.0 * Thu Apr 20 2017 Greg Hellings - 0.2.2-2 - Removed outdated comments in spec file * Thu Apr 20 2017 Greg Hellings - 0.2.2-1 - Upstream version 0.2.2 - Added new LICENSE from upstream to files * Wed Apr 19 2017 Greg Hellings - 0.2.0-1 - Upstream version 0.2.0 - Added README.rst - Added PyYAML/python3-PyYAML as requires * Mon Apr 03 2017 Greg Hellings - 0.1.1-1 - Upstream version 0.1.1