#6 CI: Drop virtualenv tests, F31+ no longer supports Python 2.6 envs
Merged 4 years ago by churchyard. Opened 4 years ago by churchyard.
rpms/ churchyard/python26 no_virtualenv  into  master

file modified
+2 -7
@@ -4,14 +4,9 @@ 

    - role: standard-test-basic


      - classic

-     repositories:

-     - repo: "https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/python.git"

-       dest: "python"


      - smoke:

-         dir: python/smoke

-         run: METHOD=virtualenv TOX=false VERSION=2.6 ./venv.sh

+         run: python2.6 --version 2>&1 | grep -F "Python 2.6"


-     - gcc

-     - virtualenv

+     - grep

      - python26

Replace the tests with a very simple sanity check.

rebased onto 774bcbb

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by churchyard

4 years ago