#7 WIP: EPEL8 support
Closed 2 years ago by crobinso. Opened 4 years ago by orion.
rpms/ orion/qemu epel8  into  rawhide

file modified
@@ -55,9 +55,11 @@ 


  # Matches xen ExclusiveArch

  %global have_xen 0

+ %if 0%{?fedora}

  %ifarch %{ix86} x86_64 armv7hl aarch64

  %global have_xen 1


+ %endif


  # Matches edk2.spec ExclusiveArch

  %global have_edk2 0

  • Drop xen for EPEL8
  • Use python3-sphinx and libslirp for EPEL8

Waiting on:

which all build fine so just waiting on branching and building.

Also, we seem to have a circular dep with emu-sanity-check-nodeps that I don't know how to resolve.

I've asked about xen (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1761632) but that may take longer, so disabled for now.

This is claiming to add EPEL8 support but this PR is opened against rawhide branch, not an EPEL8 branch.

rebased onto c2763a2

3 years ago

Well, since qemu is in RHEL8, it can't be in EPEL8 - at least not directly and so there cannot be an epel8 branch. Perhaps as a module though. This is more about allowing people to be able to rebuild the fedora branch on EL8 in order to have a more complete or up to date qemu package (the RHEL8 packages do not provide the arch emulators for example).

RHEL has called its package and contents qemu-kvm, not qemu, precisely to allow possibility for EPEL to ship qemu if desired.

Interesting. Are there plans to request and build an EPEL8 branch of qemu then?

rawhide spec should be buildable on epel nowadays. virt-preview repo is publishing builds against centos stream8 for example: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/virtmaint-sig/virt-preview/

Pull-Request has been closed by crobinso

2 years ago