[MESSAGELIST] [MESSAGE] [TITLE]Please click 'Accept' to allow internet access.[/TITLE] [TEXT]In order to play the free multiplayer first person shooter: Urban Terror, the Urban Terror datafiles are needed. Urban Terror is a mod/total conversion based on the Quake 3 engine. Click Accept, to download the Urban Terror datafiles, which can be freely downloaded from the internet. The Urban Terror zip is around 700MB, so you need a minimum of 1.4GB free space on your HOME partition! [/TEXT] [/MESSAGE] [MESSAGE] [TITLE]License Information[/TITLE] [TEXT]Urban Terror is distributed free over the Internet and is covered by the Quake 3SDK licence agreement [EULA]. The mod files may not be sold [in any form] or distributed on physical media unless with permission from iD Software. For further information on legal use of programs derived from Quake 3 source code, please contact their respective authors.[/TEXT] [/MESSAGE] [/MESSAGELIST] [FILELIST] [FILE] [FILENAME]UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zip[/FILENAME] [MD5]1370306ea236f65f595e7ca70765e469[/MD5] [PATH]$HOME/.q3a[/PATH] [MIRRORS] [URL]ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/urbanterror/UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zip[/URL] [URL]http://dls.urt.voxel.net/q3ut4/UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zip[/URL] [URL]http://vlaai.snt.utwente.nl/pub/games/urbanterror/UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zip[/URL] [URL]http://files.uaaportal.com/gamefiles/current-version/UrbanTerror_41_FULL.zip[/URL] [/MIRRORS] [/FILE] [/FILELIST]