#44 forge: sync with -devel state
Closed 5 years ago by nim. Opened 5 years ago by nim.
Unknown source pr34-pr33-pr32-f27  into  f27

file modified
+94 -96
@@ -60,13 +60,27 @@

  if (rpm.expand("%{?-i}") ~= "") then

    informative     = true


- local tag         = rpm.expand("%{?tag}")

- local commit      = rpm.expand("%{?commit}")

+ -- Packaging a moving branch is quite a bad idea, but since at least Gitlab

+ -- will treat branches and tags the same way better support branches explicitly

+ -- than have packagers hijack %{tag} to download branch states

+ local                       tag = rpm.expand("%{?tag}")

+ local                    commit = rpm.expand("%{?commit}")

+ local                    branch = rpm.expand("%{?branch}")

+ local                   version = rpm.expand("%{?version}")

+ local                       ref = ""

+ if     (tag     ~= "") then ref = "%{?tag}"

+ elseif (commit  ~= "") then ref = "%{?commit}"

+ elseif (branch  ~= "") then ref = "%{?branch}"

+ else                        ref = "%{?version}"

+ end

+ if (rpm.expand(ref) == "") then

+   rpm.expand("%{error:You need to define Version:, %{commit} or %{tag} before the macro invocation !}")

+ end

  -- Be explicit about the spec variables we’re setting

  local function explicitset(rpmvariable,value)

    rpm.define(rpmvariable .. " " .. value)

    if verbose then

-     rpm.expand("%{echo:Setting %%{" .. rpmvariable .. "} = " .. value .. "\\n}")

+     rpm.expand("%{echo:Setting %%{" .. rpmvariable .. "} = " .. value .. "}")



  -- Never ever stomp on a spec variable the packager already set
@@ -75,128 +89,97 @@




+ -- Computes the suffix of a version string, removing vprefix if it matches

+ -- For example with vprefix 1.2.3: 1.2.3.rc2 → .rc2 but 1.2.30 → 1.2.30 not 0

+ local function getversionsuffix(vstring,vprefix)

+   if (string.sub(vstring, 1, #vprefix) == vprefix) and

+      (not string.match(string.sub(vstring, #vprefix + 1), "^%.?%d")) then

+     return string.sub(vstring, #vprefix + 1)

+   else

+     return vstring

+   end

+ end

  -- Set spec variable values for each known software publishing service

  if (forgeurl ~= "") then

    local forge          = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://([^/]+)/")

    if (forge == nil) then

      if not silent then

-       rpm.expand("%{error:URLs must include a protocol such as https:// and a path starting with / !\\n}")

+       rpm.expand("%{error:URLs must include a protocol such as https:// and a path starting with / !}")



      if (string.match(forge, "^gitlab[%.-]") or string.match(forge, "[%.-]gitlab[%.]")) then

        forgeurl = string.match(forgeurl, "https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+")

        if (forgeurl == nil) then

          if not silent then

-           rpm.expand("%{error:Gitlab URLs must match https://(…[-.])gitlab[-.]…/owner/repo !\\n}")

+           rpm.expand("%{error:Gitlab URLs must match https://(…[-.])gitlab[-.]…/owner/repo !}")



          explicitset("forgeurl",   forgeurl)

-         if (commit == "") then

-           rpm.expand("%{error:All Gitlab URLs require commit value knowledge: you need to define %{commit}!\\nPlease vote on https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/38830\\n}")

-         end

          safeset("archiveext",     "tar.bz2")

          safeset("forgesetupargs", "-n %{archivename}")

-         if (commit ~= "") or (tag ~= "") then

-           safeset("scm", "git")

-         end

-         local owner   = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/]+)")

-         local repo    = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/]+)")

-         local version = rpm.expand("%{?version}")

-         if (version ~= "") and (version ~= "0") and (tag == "") then

-           -- GitLab does not have strong versionning semantics

-           -- Some projects use "version" as release tag, others "v" + "version"

-           -- Tag value needs to be explicitly declared before calling the macro

-           -- in the second case

-           tag = version

-           safeset("tag", tag)

-         end

-         if (tag ~= "") then

-           safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{tag}-%{commit}")

-           safeset("archiveurl",  "%{forgeurl}/repository/%{tag}/archive.%{archiveext}")

-         else

-           safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{commit}")

-           safeset("archiveurl",  "%{forgeurl}/repository/%{commit}/archive.%{archiveext}")

-         end

+         if (ref ~= "%{?version}") then safeset("scm", "git") end

+         local repo  = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/]+)")

+         safeset("archivename", repo .. "-" .. ref)

+         safeset("archiveurl",  "%{forgeurl}/-/archive/" .. ref .. "/%{archivename}.%{archiveext}")



      if (string.match(forge, "^github[%.-]") or string.match(forge, "[%.-]github[%.]")) then

        forgeurl = string.match(forgeurl, "https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+")

        if (forgeurl == nil) then

          if not silent then

-           rpm.expand("%{error:GitHub URLs must match https://(…[-.])github[-.]…/owner/repo !\\n}")

+           rpm.expand("%{error:GitHub URLs must match https://(…[-.])github[-.]…/owner/repo !}")



          explicitset("forgeurl",   forgeurl)

          safeset("archiveext",     "tar.gz")

-         local forgesetupargs = "-n %{archivename}"

-         if (commit ~= "") or (tag ~= "") then

-           safeset("scm", "git")

-         end

-         local owner = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/([^/]+)")

-         local repo  = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/]+)")

-         if (tag ~= "") then

-           -- if upstream used a version suffix such as -rc1 or -beta it will not

-           -- be a valid version string for rpm but github will accept it fine and

-           -- use the same naming as for other versions: v prefix in the tag and

-           -- archivename, no v prefix in the topdir naming inside the archive

-           local version = rpm.expand("%{?version}")

-           if version ~= "" and

-              (string.match(tag, "^v" .. version .. "[^%d]") or

-               string.match(tag, "^v" .. version .. "$"))    then

-             forgesetupargs = "-n " .. repo .. "-" .. string.gsub(tag, "^v", "")

-           end

-           safeset("archivename",   repo .. "-%{tag}")

-           safeset("archiveurl",    "%{forgeurl}/archive/%{tag}.%{archiveext}")

+         safeset("forgesetupargs", "-n %{archivename}")

+         -- Workaround the way GitHub injects "v"s before some version strings (but not all!)

+         -- To package one of the minority of sane GitHub projects that do not munge their version

+         -- strings set tag to %{version} in your spec

+         local fileref = ref

+         if (ref == "%{?version}") then

+           ref = "v" .. ref


-           if (commit ~= "") then

-             safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{commit}")

-             safeset("archiveurl",  "%{forgeurl}/archive/%{commit}/" .. repo .. "-%{commit}.%{archiveext}")

-           else

-             safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{version}")

-             safeset("archiveurl",   "%{forgeurl}/archive/v%{version}.%{archiveext}")

+           safeset("scm", "git")

+           if (fileref ~= "%{?commit}") and string.match(rpm.expand(fileref), "^v[%d]") then

+             fileref = string.gsub(rpm.expand(fileref), "^v", "")



-         safeset("forgesetupargs", forgesetupargs)

+         local repo = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://[^/]+/[^/]+/([^/]+)")

+         safeset("archivename", repo .. "-" .. fileref)

+         safeset("archiveurl",  "%{forgeurl}/archive/" .. ref .. "/%{archivename}.%{archiveext}")



      if (forge == "code.googlesource.com") then

        forgeurl = string.match(forgeurl, "https://code.googlesource.com/[^#?]*[^/#?]+")

        if (forgeurl == nil) then

          if not silent then

-           rpm.expand("%{error:Googlesource URLs must match https://code.googlesource.com/…/repo !\\n}")

+           rpm.expand("%{error:Googlesource URLs must match https://code.googlesource.com/…/repo !}")



          explicitset("forgeurl",   forgeurl)

          safeset("archiveext",     "tar.gz")

          safeset("forgesetupargs", "-c")

-         if (commit ~= "") or (tag ~= "") then

+         if (ref == "%{?version}") then

+           ref = "v" .. ref

+         else

            safeset("scm", "git")


          local repo = string.match(forgeurl, "^[^:]+://.+/([^/?#]+)")

-         if (tag ~= "") then

-           safeset("archivename",   repo .. "-%{tag}")

-           safeset("archiveurl",    "%{forgeurl}/+archive/%{tag}.%{archiveext}")

-         else

-           if (commit ~= "") then

-             safeset("archivename", repo .. "-%{commit}")

-             safeset("archiveurl",  "%{forgeurl}/+archive/%{commit}.%{archiveext}")

-           else

-             safeset("archivename", repo .. "-v%{version}")

-             safeset("archiveurl",  "%{forgeurl}/+archive/v%{version}.%{archiveext}")

-           end

-         end

+         safeset("archivename", repo .. "-" .. ref)

+         safeset("archiveurl",  "%{forgeurl}/+archive/" .. ref .. ".%{archiveext}")



      if (forge == "bitbucket.org") then

        forgeurl = string.match(forgeurl, "https://[^/]+/[^/]+/[^/#?]+")

        if (forgeurl == nil) then

          if not silent then

-           rpm.expand("%{error:BitBucket URLs must match https://bitbucket.org/owner/repo !\\n}")

+           rpm.expand("%{error:BitBucket URLs must match https://bitbucket.org/owner/repo !}")



          explicitset("forgeurl",   forgeurl)

          if (commit == "") then

-           rpm.expand("%{error:All BitBucket URLs require commit value knowledge: you need to define %{commit}!\\n}")

+           rpm.expand("%{error:All BitBucket URLs require commit value knowledge: you need to define %{commit}!}")


          local shortcommit = string.sub(commit, 1, 12)

          safeset("archiveext", "tar.bz2")
@@ -216,13 +199,13 @@


      if (forge == "pagure.io") then

        if not silent then

-         rpm.expand("%{error:https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/861 needs to be resolved before the “pagure.io”\\nsoftware publishing service can be supported.\\n}")

+         rpm.expand("%{error:https://pagure.io/pagure/issue/861 needs to be resolved before the “pagure.io”\\nsoftware publishing service can be supported.}")



      -- Final tests to check forgeurl was successfuly parsed

      if not silent then

        if (rpm.expand("%{?archivename}") == "") or (rpm.expand("%{?archiveurl}") == "") then

-         rpm.expand("%{error:Automation for the “" .. forge .. "”\\nsoftware publishing service is not implemented yet.\\nPlease extend the %%forgemeta macro!\\n}")

+         rpm.expand("%{error:Automation for the “" .. forge .. "”\\nsoftware publishing service is not implemented yet.\\nPlease extend the %%forgemeta macro!}")



@@ -246,33 +229,48 @@

      safeset("forgesource", "%{?archiveurl}#/%{?archivename}.%{archiveext}")



- -- dist processing (computing the correct pefix for snapshots)

- local distprefix = rpm.expand("%{?tag}")

- local version    = rpm.expand("%{?version}")

- if (distprefix == version) or (distprefix == "v" .. version) then

-   distprefix = ""

- end

- if (distprefix == "") then

-   distprefix = string.sub(rpm.expand("%{?commit}"), 1, 7)

+ -- dist processing (computing the correct prefix for snapshots)

+ local distprefix = rpm.expand(ref)

+ if     (ref == "%{?commit}") then

+   distprefix = string.sub(distprefix, 1, 7)

+ elseif (ref ~= "%{?branch}") then

+   distprefix = getversionsuffix(distprefix,        version)

+   distprefix = getversionsuffix(distprefix, "v" .. version)

+   distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "[.-]+", ".")

+   distprefix = string.gsub(distprefix, "^%.", "")


  if (distprefix ~= "") then

-   local dist = ".%{?date}%{!?date:%([ -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename}.%{archiveext} ] && date +%Y%m%d -u -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename}.%{archiveext})}%{scm}" .. string.gsub(distprefix, "-",".") .. rpm.expand("%{?dist}")

-   explicitset("dist", dist)

+   distprefix = "%{scm}" .. distprefix

+   date = rpm.expand("%{?date}")

+   if (date ~= "") then

+     distprefix = date .. distprefix

+   else

+     distprefix = "%([ -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename}.%{archiveext} ] && date +%Y%m%d -u -r %{_sourcedir}/%{archivename}.%{archiveext})" .. distprefix

+   end

+   safeset ("distprefix", "." .. distprefix)

+    -- Workaround releases where distprefix is not used by default

+    local dist = rpm.expand("%{?dist}")

+    local edistprefix = rpm.expand(distprefix)

+    if (edistprefix ~= "") and (string.sub(dist, 1, #edistprefix) ~= edistprefix) then

+      rpmmacros.explicitset("dist", "%{?distprefix}" .. dist,verbose)

+    end


  -- Final spec variable summary if the macro was called with -i

  if informative then

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:Forge-specific packaging variables\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  forgeurl:        %{?forgeurl}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  forgesource:     %{?forgesource}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  forgesetupargs:  %{?forgesetupargs}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:Generic variables\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  archivename:     %{?archivename}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  archiveext:      %{?archiveext}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  archiveurl:      %{?archiveurl}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  scm:             %{?scm}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  tag:             %{?tag}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  commit:          %{?commit}\\n}")

-   rpm.expand("%{echo:  dist:            %{?dist} (snapshot date is either manually supplied or computed once %%{_sourcedir}/%%{archivename}.%%{archiveext} is available)\\n}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:Forge-specific packaging variables}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  forgeurl:        %{?forgeurl}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  forgesource:     %{?forgesource}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  forgesetupargs:  %{?forgesetupargs}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:Generic packaging variables}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  archivename:     %{?archivename}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  archiveext:      %{?archiveext}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  archiveurl:      %{?archiveurl}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  scm:             %{?scm}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  tag:             %{?tag}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  commit:          %{?commit}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  branch:          %{?branch}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  date:            %{?date}}")

+   rpm.expand("%{echo:  distprefix:      %{?distprefix} (snapshot date is either manually supplied or computed once %%{_sourcedir}/%%{archivename}.%%{archiveext} is available)}")




Pull-Request has been closed by nim

5 years ago