# Some miscellaneous Fedora-related macros # A directory for rpm macros %rpmmacrodir /usr/lib/rpm/macros.d # A directory for appdata metainfo. This has changed between releases so a # macro is useful. %_metainfodir %{_datadir}/metainfo # A directory for SWID tag files describing the installation %_swidtagdir %{_prefix}/lib/swidtag/fedoraproject.org # A helper to apply the fedora.wordwrap filter to the content of an rpm # variable, and print the result. Optional parameter: # – -v (default value: _description) # Putting multiple lines of UTF-8 text inside a variable is usually # accomplished with a %%{expand: some_text}. %wordwrap(v:) %{lua: local fedora = require "fedora.common" local variable = "%{" .. rpm.expand("%{-v*}%{!-v:_description}") .. "}" print(fedora.wordwrap(variable)) }