#169 Use gem macros for rubygem-rbs subpackage.
Merged 4 months ago by vondruch. Opened 4 months ago by vondruch.
rpms/ vondruch/ruby macroize-rubygem-rbs  into  rawhide

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -1568,9 +1568,9 @@ 


  %files -n rubygem-rbs


- %dir %{_libdir}/gems/%{name}/rbs-%{rbs_version}

- %{_libdir}/gems/%{name}/rbs-%{rbs_version}/gem.build_complete

- %{_libdir}/gems/%{name}/rbs-%{rbs_version}/rbs_extension.so

+ %dir %{gem_extdir_mri rbs}

+ %{gem_extdir_mri rbs}/gem.build_complete

+ %{gem_extdir_mri rbs}/rbs_extension.so

  %dir %{gem_instdir rbs}

  %exclude %{gem_instdir rbs}/.*

  %license %{gem_instdir rbs}/BSDL

This were apparenlyt overlooked previously.

Build succeeded.

Let's merge this and build it with the AI_ADDRCONFIG revert?

Pull-Request has been merged by vondruch

4 months ago

Let's merge this and build it with the AI_ADDRCONFIG revert?

Merged. I was waiting for CI. Feel free to proceed with build. Thx
