#1 Correct the license
Closed 3 years ago by eclipseo. Opened 4 years ago by bowlofeggs.
rpms/ bowlofeggs/rust-askalono-cli license  into  master

file modified
+6 -2
@@ -6,12 +6,13 @@ 


  Name:           rust-%{crate}

  Version:        0.3.0

- Release:        3%{?dist}

+ Release:        4%{?dist}

  Summary:        Tool to detect the contents of license files


  # Upstream license specification: Apache-2.0

  # https://github.com/amzn/askalono/issues/38

- License:        ASL 2.0

+ # cargo-license can be used to determine this set of licenses

+ License:        ASL 2.0 and (ASL 2.0 and BSD or MIT) and (ASL 2.0 or MIT) and MIT and (MIT or Unlicense)

  URL:            https://crates.io/crates/askalono-cli

  Source:         %{crates_source}

  # Initial patched metadata
@@ -54,6 +55,9 @@ 




+ * Fri Jan 17 2020 Randy Barlow <bowlofeggs@fedoraproject.org> - 0.3.0-4

+ - Correct the license to reflect the bundled libraries' licenses.


  * Fri Jul 26 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <releng@fedoraproject.org> - 0.3.0-3

  - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild


Since the built executable includes bundled libraries, we need to
set the License field such that it reflects the bundled libraries'
licenses as well. I used cargo-license to do this, and here is the
report it generated:

$ cargo-license
Apache-2.0 (1): askalono
Apache-2.0 AND BSD-2-Clause OR MIT (1): crossbeam-queue
Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0 (1): ryu
Apache-2.0 OR MIT (48): either, num-traits, backtrace-sys, rayon, crossbeam-epoch, cfg-if, winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu, backtrace, unicode-xid, serde_json, failure, env_logger, quote, itoa, zstd-sys, rayon-core, unicode-normalization, cc, libc, num_cpus, autocfg, rustc-demangle, regex, hermit-abi, semver-parser, lazy_static, serde, autocfg, serde_derive, crossbeam-utils, log, smallvec, thread_local, jobserver, regex-syntax, quick-error, crossbeam-deque, winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, scopeguard, syn, semver, humantime, glob, winapi, rustc_version, proc-macro2, zstd-safe, failure_derive
MIT (6): zstd, rmp-serde, atty, rmp, synstructure, memoffset
MIT OR Unlicense (5): winapi-util, termcolor, aho-corasick, byteorder, memchr

Signed-off-by: Randy Barlow randy@electronsweatshop.com

Shouldn't we just use ASL 2.0 and MIT?

Actually ASL 2.0 and BSD and MIT..

I need to update to 0.4.2 as well so I'll do the change with it.

Hi @ignatenkobrain!

I wrote the license field this way because it was my interpretation of this section of the guidelines:


Essentially, that made me think we were supposed to indicate any packages that had or statements by using parenthesis.

The guidleline example did not describe what to do if there was a license that was in an or, and was also used elsewhere. i.e., if lib a is MIT and lib b is MIT or ASL, do we write "MIT and (MIT or ASL)"? That was my reading.

We could check with the license list if you have a different interpretation.

By this section https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/LicensingGuidelines/#_mixed_source_licensing_scenario it seems we should go with Randy's scenario. Though you seem to miss Ryu under Apache or Boost:

# cargo-license:
# Apache-2.0 (1): askalono
# Apache-2.0 AND BSD-2-Clause OR MIT (1): crossbeam-queue
# Apache-2.0 OR BSL-1.0 (1): ryu
# Apache-2.0 OR MIT (48): either, num-traits, backtrace-sys, rayon, crossbeam-epoch, cfg-if, 
# winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu, backtrace, unicode-xid, serde_json, failure, env_logger, quote, 
# itoa, zstd-sys, rayon-core, unicode-normalization, cc, libc, num_cpus, autocfg, rustc-demangle, 
# regex, hermit-abi, semver-parser, lazy_static, serde, autocfg, serde_derive, crossbeam-utils, 
# log, smallvec, thread_local, jobserver, regex-syntax, quick-error, crossbeam-deque, winapi-
# x86_64-pc-windows-gnu, scopeguard, syn, semver, humantime, glob, winapi, rustc_version, 
# proc-macro2, zstd-safe, failure_derive
# MIT (6): zstd, rmp-serde, atty, rmp, synstructure, memoffset
# MIT OR Unlicense (5): winapi-util, termcolor, aho-corasick, byteorder, memchr
License:        ASL 2.0 and (ASL 2.0 or MIT and BSD) and (ASL 2.0 or Boost) and (ASL 2.0 or MIT) and MIT and (MIT or Unlicense)

Pull-Request has been closed by eclipseo

3 years ago