Jaromir Capik a3163de
srpm $1
Jaromir Capik a3163de
mcd $BUILDDIR/$1
Jaromir Capik a3163de
$SRC/${1}-*/configure $TCONFIGARGS
Jaromir Capik a3163de
Jaromir Capik a3163de
# Touch sed.1 so that it will not be built.
Jaromir Capik a3163de
# The makefile in the sed/doc directory attempts to run the
Jaromir Capik a3163de
# built sed binary in order to extract the --help output, but
Jaromir Capik a3163de
# this fails because the sed binary is a cross-tool.
Jaromir Capik a3163de
touch doc/sed.1
Jaromir Capik a3163de
make $J V=1
Jaromir Capik a3163de
make $J install DESTDIR=${ROOTFS}