#21 snapd: update to 2.51
Merged 2 years ago by bboozzoo. Opened 2 years ago by bboozzoo.
rpms/ bboozzoo/snapd bboozzoo/update-2.51  into  rawhide

file modified
@@ -66,3 +66,5 @@ 




+ /snapd_2.51.no-vendor.tar.xz

+ /snapd_2.51.only-vendor.tar.xz

file modified
+236 -1
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ 

  %{!?_systemd_system_env_generator_dir: %global _systemd_system_env_generator_dir %{_prefix}/lib/systemd/system-environment-generators}


  Name:           snapd

- Version:        2.50

+ Version:        2.51

  Release:        1%{?dist}

  Summary:        A transactional software package manager

  License:        GPLv3
@@ -933,6 +933,241 @@ 




+ * Mon May 31 2021 Maciek Borzecki <maciek.borzecki@gmail.com> - 2.51-1

+ - Relase 2.51 to Fedora (RHBZ#1962474)


+ * Thu May 27 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson@canonical.com>

+ - New upstream release 2.51

+  - cmd/snap: stacktraces debug endpoint

+  - secboot: deactivate volume again when model checker fails

+  - store: extra log message, a few minor cleanups

+  - packaging/debian-sid: update systemd patch

+  - snapstate: adjust update-gadget-assets user visible message

+  - tests/nested/core/core20-create-recovery: verify that recovery

+    system can be created at runtime

+  - gadget: support creating vfat partitions during bootstrap

+  - daemon/api_quotas.go: support updating quotas with ensure action

+  - daemon: tighten access to a couple of POST endpoints that should

+    be really be root-only

+  - seed/seedtest, overlord/devicestate: move seed validation helper

+    to seedtest

+  - overlord/hookstate/ctlcmd: remove unneeded parameter

+  - snap/quota: add CurrentMemoryUsage for current memory usage of a

+    quota group

+  - systemd: add CurrentMemoryUsage to get current memory usage for a

+    unit

+  - o/snapstate: introduce minimalInstallInfo interface

+  - o/hookstate: print pending info (ready, inhibited or none)

+  - osutil: a helper to find out the total amount of memory in the

+    system

+  - overlord, overlord/devicestate: allow for reloading modeenv in

+    devicemgr when testing

+  - daemon: refine access testing

+  - spread: disable unattended-upgrades on debian

+  - tests/lib/reset: make nc exit after a while when connection is

+    idle

+  - daemon: replace access control flags on commands with access

+    checkers

+  - release-tools/changelog.py: refactor regexp + file reading/writing

+  - packaging/debian-sid: update locale patch for the latest master

+  - overlord/devicestate: tasks for creating recovery systems at

+    runtime

+  - release-tools/changelog.py: implement script to update all the

+    changelog files

+  - tests: change machine type used for nested testsPrices:

+  - cmd/snap: include locale when linting description being lower case

+  - o/servicestate: add RemoveSnapFromQuota

+  - interfaces/serial-port: add Qualcomm serial port devices to

+    allowed list

+  - packaging: merge 2.50.1 changelog back

+  - interfaces/builtin: introduce raw-input interface

+  - tests: remove tests.cleanup prepare from nested test

+  - cmd/snap-update-ns: fix linter errors

+  - asserts: fix errors reported by linter

+  - o/hookstate/ctlcmd: allow system-mode for non-root

+  - overlord/devicestate: comment why explicit system mode check is

+    needed in ensuring tried recovery systems (#10275)

+  - overlord/devicesate: observe snap writes when creating recovery

+    systems

+  - packaging/ubuntu-16.04/changelog: add placeholder for 2.50.1

+  - tests: moving to tests directories snaps built locally - part 1

+  - seed/seedwriter: fail early when system seed directory exists

+  - o/snapstate: autorefresh phase1 for refresh-control

+  - c/snap: more precise message for ErrorKindSystemRestart op !=

+    reboot

+  - tests: simplify the tests.cleanup tool

+  - boot: helpers for manipulating current and good recovery systems

+    list

+  - o/hookstate, o/snapstate: print revision, version, channel with

+    snapctl --pending

+  - overlord:  unit test tweaks, use well known snap IDs, setup snap

+    declarations for most common snaps

+  - tests/nested/manual: add test for install-device + snapctl reboot

+  - o/servicestate: restart slices + services on modifications

+  - tests: update mount-ns test to support changes in the distro

+  - interfaces: fix linter issues

+  - overlord: mock logger in managers unit tests

+  - tests: adding support for fedora-34

+  - tests: adding support for debian 10 on gce

+  - boot: reseal given keys when the respective boot chain has changed

+  - secboot: switch encryption key size to 32 byte (thanks to Chris)

+  - interfaces/dbus: allow claiming 'well-known' D-Bus names with a

+    wildcard suffix

+  - spread: bump delta reference version

+  - interfaces: builtin: update permitted paths to be compatible with

+    UC20

+  - overlord: fix errors reported by linter

+  - tests: remove old fedora systems from tests

+  - tests: update spread url

+  - interfaces/camera: allow devices in /sys/devices/platform/**/usb*

+  - interfaces/udisks2: Allow access to the login manager via dbus

+  - cmd/snap: exit normally if "snap changes" has no changes

+    (LP #1823974)

+  - tests: more fixes for spread suite on openSUSE

+  - tests: fix tests expecting cgroup v1/hybrid on openSUSE Tumbleweed

+  - daemon: fix linter errors

+  - spread: add Fedora 34, leave a TODO about dropping Fedora 32

+  - interfaces: fix linter errors

+  - tests: use op.paths tools instead of dirs.sh helper - part 2

+  - client: Fix linter errors

+  - cmd/snap: Fix errors reported by linter

+  - cmd/snap-repair: fix linter issues

+  - cmd/snap-bootstrap: Fix linter errors

+  - tests: update permission denied message for test-snapd-event on

+    ubuntu 2104

+  - cmd/snap: small tweaks based on previous reviews

+  - snap/snaptest: helper that mocks both the squashfs file and a snap

+    directory

+  - overlord/devicestate: tweak comment about creating recovery

+    systems, formatting tweaks

+  - overlord/devicestate: move devicemgr base suite helpers closer to

+    test suite struct

+  - overlord/devicestate: keep track of tried recovery system

+  - seed/seedwriter: clarify in the diagram when SetInfo is called

+  - overlord/devicestate: add helper for creating recovery systems at

+    runtime

+  - snap-seccomp: update syscalls.go list

+  - boot,image: support image.Customizations.BootFlags

+  - overlord: support snapctl --halt|--poweroff in gadget install-

+    device

+  - features,servicestate: add experimental.quota-groups flag

+  - o/servicestate: address comments from previous PR

+  - tests: basic spread test for snap quota commands

+  - tests: moving the snaps which are not locally built to the store

+    directory

+  - image,c/snap: implement prepare-image --customize

+  - daemon: implement REST API for quota groups (create / list / get)

+  - cmd/snap, client: snap quotas command

+  - o/devicestate,o/hookstate/ctlcmd: introduce SystemModeInfo methods

+    and snapctl system-mode

+  - o/servicestate/quota_control.go: introduce (very) basic group

+    manipulation methods

+  - cmd/snap, client: snap remove-quota command

+  - wrappers, quota: implement quota groups slice generation

+  - snap/quotas: followups from previous PR

+  - cmd/snap: introduce 'snap quota' command

+  - o/configstate/configcore/picfg.go: use ubuntu-seed config.txt in

+    uc20 run mode

+  - o/servicestate: test has internal ordering issues, consider both

+    cases

+  - o/servicestate/quotas: add functions for getting and setting

+    quotas in state

+  - tests: new buckets for snapd-spread project on gce

+  - spread.yaml: update the gce project to start using snapd-spread

+  - quota: new package for managing resource groups

+  - many: bind and check keys against models when using FDE hooks v2

+  - many: move responsibilities down seboot -> kernel/fde and boot ->

+    secboot

+  - packaging: add placeholder changelog

+  - o/configstate/configcore/vitality: fix RequireMountedSnapdSnap

+    bug

+  - overlord: properly mock usr-lib-snapd tests to mimic an Ubuntu

+    Core system

+  - many: hide EncryptionKey size and refactors for fde hook v2 next

+    steps

+  - tests: adding debug info for create user tests

+  - o/hookstate: add "refresh" command to snapctl (hidden, not

+    complete yet)

+  - systemd: wait for zfs mounts (LP #1922293)

+  - testutil: support referencing files in FileEquals checker

+  - many: refactor to kernel/fde and allow `fde-setup initial-setup`

+    to return json

+  - o/snapstate: store refresh-candidates in the state

+  - o/snapstate: helper for creating gate-auto-refresh hooks

+  - bootloader/bootloadertest: provide interface implementation as

+    mixins, provide a mock for recovery-aware-trusted-asses bootloader

+  - tests/lib/nested: do not compress images, return early when

+    restored from pristine image

+  - boot: split out a helper for making recovery system bootable

+  - tests: update os.query check to match new bullseye codename used

+    on sid images

+  - o/snapstate: helper for getting snaps affected by refresh, define

+    new hook

+  - wrappers: support in EnsureSnapServices a callback to observe

+    changes (#10176)

+  - gadget: multi line support in gadget's cmdline file

+  - daemon: test that requesting restart from (early) Ensure works

+  - tests: use op.paths tools instead of dirs.sh helper - part 1

+  - tests: add new command to snaps-state to get current core, kernel

+    and gadget

+  - boot, gadget: move opening the snap container into the gadget

+    helper

+  - tests, overlord: extend unit tests, extend spread tests to cover

+    full command line support

+  - interfaces/builtin: introduce dsp interface

+  - boot, bootloader, bootloader/assets: support for full command line

+    override from gadget

+  - overlord/devicestate, overlord/snapstate: add task for updating

+    kernel command lines from gadget

+  - o/snapstate: remove unused DeviceCtx argument of

+    ensureInstallPreconditions

+  - tests/lib/nested: proper status return for tpm/secure boot checks

+  - cmd/snap, boot: add snapd_full_cmdline_args to dumped boot vars

+  - wrappers/services.go: refactor helper lambda function to separate

+    function

+  - boot/flags.go: add HostUbuntuDataForMode

+  - boot: handle updating of components that contribute to kernel

+    command line

+  - tests: add 20.04 to systems for nested/core

+  - daemon: add new accessChecker implementations

+  - boot, overlord/devicestate: consider gadget command lines when

+    updating boot config

+  - tests: fix prepare-image-grub-core18 for arm devices

+  - tests: fix gadget-kernel-refs-update-pc test on arm and when

+    $TRUST_TEST_KEY is false

+  - tests: enable help test for all the systems

+  - boot: set extra command line arguments when preparing run mode

+  - boot: load bits of kernel command line from gadget snaps

+  - tests: update layout for tests - part 2

+  - tests: update layout for tests - part 1

+  - tests: remove the snap profiler from the test suite

+  - boot: drop gadget snap yaml which is already defined elsewhere in

+    the tests

+  - boot: set extra kernel command line arguments when making a

+    recovery system bootable

+  - boot: pass gadget path to command line helpers, load gadget from

+    seed

+  - tests: new os.paths tool

+  - daemon: make ucrednetGet() return a *ucrednet structure

+  - boot: derive boot variables for kernel command lines

+  - cmd/snap-bootstrap/initramfs-mounts: fix boot-flags location from

+    initramfs


+ * Wed May 19 2021 Ian Johnson <ian.johnson@canonical.com>

+ - New upstream release 2.50.1

+  - interfaces: update permitted /lib/.. paths to be compatible with

+    UC20

+  - interfaces: builtin: update permitted paths to be compatible with

+    UC20

+  - interfaces/greengrass-support: delete white spaces at the end of

+    lines

+  - snap-seccomp: update syscalls.go list

+  - many: backport kernel command line for 2.50

+  - interfaces/dbus: allow claiming 'well-known' D-Bus names with a

+    wildcard suffix

+  - interfaces/camera: allow devices in /sys/devices/platform/**/usb*

+  - interfaces/builtin: introduce dsp interface


  * Wed May  5 2021 Maciek Borzecki <maciek.borzecki@gmail.com> - 2.50-1

  - Release 2.50 to Fedora (RHBZ#1936784)


file modified
+2 -2
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@ 

- SHA512 (snapd_2.50.no-vendor.tar.xz) = 04d2d09befcc6e621b01735b5c71faf0b9ed021fb2a9646b624655e133ea159e7ec7cebf016aecb4997cd47fc91b84dfc0beff9258568691ce163396d43715c6

- SHA512 (snapd_2.50.only-vendor.tar.xz) = 2dd8b3c582d6391a863c16e3bb7f0476b0dae77dba5276dda8eb11e0955a71a069986611da5b82e2fcc03ac9d8b1928e9896fc83491471ff07f9674cd6c027ee

+ SHA512 (snapd_2.51.no-vendor.tar.xz) = d907ecb17f3f6ee8ef171ce9387e943551b3ba8a0fb906719e5cb3ba05b08d9ac2c459cb05572061aa86428a1e4d05ab8cd070f53bb39afe38a220412b8131c3

+ SHA512 (snapd_2.51.only-vendor.tar.xz) = 0c2e0a910c9c5325844c5112f019c4c03c9e6eeeadf8c4458a0b21ce32ca40cdb97d7bfce9a03cbf0542383c53a695b70a85b8e0f6b5c76151cf05c7764a06c1

Build failed. More information on how to proceed and troubleshoot errors available at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Zuul-based-ci

Pull-Request has been merged by bboozzoo

2 years ago