2af6bba sysusers/provides: parse and output static IDs

1 file Authored by Luca BRUNO 2 years ago, Committed by zbyszek 2 years ago,
1 file changed. 37 lines added. 4 lines removed.
    sysusers/provides: parse and output static IDs
    This adds support for parsing static UIDs and GIDs from sysusers.d
    fragments, and automatically forwarding them to the generated
    'Provides' entries.
    It will allow inspecting users/groups with static IDs directly
    from package metadata:
    $ rpm --query --provides --package gdm-41.0-3.fc36.x86_64.rpm
    group(gdm) = 42
    user(gdm) = 42
file modified
+37 -4