6ed875b Add mp4parse-rust patch to build with rust 1.70

Authored and Committed by erack a year ago
    Add mp4parse-rust patch to build with rust 1.70
    Discovered as
    apparently its commit summary "Fix unstable-name-collisions warning by using
    fully qualified path" being completely unrelated to this confusing error
        error[E0277]: the trait bound `u64: Mul<NonZeroU8>` is not satisfied
    	--> /builddir/build/BUILD/thunderbird-102.11.1/third_party/rust/mp4parse/src/lib.rs:3188:62
        3188 |                 static_assertions::const_assert!(<$lhs>::MAX * <$rhs>::MAX <= <$output>::MAX);
    	 |                                                              ^ no implementation for `u64 * NonZeroU8`
        3198 | impl_mul!((U8, std::num::NonZeroU8) => (U16, u16));
    	 | -------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    	 = help: the trait `~const Mul<NonZeroU8>` is not implemented for `u64`
    	 = help: the following other types implement trait `Mul<Rhs>`:
    		   <&'a u64 as Mul<u64>>
    		   <&u64 as Mul<&u64>>
    		   <u64 as Mul<&u64>>
    		   <u64 as Mul>
    	 = note: this error originates in the macro `impl_mul` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
        note: erroneous constant used
    	--> /builddir/build/BUILD/thunderbird-102.11.1/third_party/rust/mp4parse/src/lib.rs:3198:1
        3198 | impl_mul!((U8, std::num::NonZeroU8) => (U16, u16));
    	 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    	 = note: this note originates in the macro `static_assertions::const_assert` which comes from the expansion of the macro `impl_mul` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
        error[E0277]: the trait bound `u64: Mul<NonZeroU8>` is not satisfied
    	--> /builddir/build/BUILD/thunderbird-102.11.1/third_party/rust/mp4parse/src/lib.rs:3188:62
        3188 |                 static_assertions::const_assert!(<$lhs>::MAX * <$rhs>::MAX <= <$output>::MAX);
    	 |                                                              ^ no implementation for `u64 * NonZeroU8`
        3199 | impl_mul!((U32, std::num::NonZeroU8) => (U32MulU8, u64));
    	 | -------------------------------------------------------- in this macro invocation
    	 = help: the trait `~const Mul<NonZeroU8>` is not implemented for `u64`
    	 = help: the following other types implement trait `Mul<Rhs>`:
    		   <&'a u64 as Mul<u64>>
    		   <&u64 as Mul<&u64>>
    		   <u64 as Mul<&u64>>
    		   <u64 as Mul>
    	 = note: this error originates in the macro `impl_mul` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
        note: erroneous constant used
    	--> /builddir/build/BUILD/thunderbird-102.11.1/third_party/rust/mp4parse/src/lib.rs:3199:1
        3199 | impl_mul!((U32, std::num::NonZeroU8) => (U32MulU8, u64));
    	 | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    	 = note: this note originates in the macro `static_assertions::const_assert` which comes from the expansion of the macro `impl_mul` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
        For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0277`.
        error: could not compile `mp4parse` (lib) due to 2 previous errors
  • Build canceled
    Built as thunderbird-102.11.1-1.fc39
    a year ago
file modified
+6 -0