Additional packages you might want to install ============================================= trac has a very limited set requirements which are actually needed to run the application. In Fedora we only specify *mandatory* requirements so we don't pull in a lot of bloat for people that don't need it. This is a list of additional packages you might want to install to get more functionality: * subversion -- browse subversion repositories in trac * pytz -- use real time zones (including summer/winter time) for date display * python-pygments -- source code highlighting * python-psycopg2 -- use a Postgres database (instead of sqlite) * MySQL-python -- use a MySQL database (instead of sqlite) Additional plugins ============================================= Besides the packages mentioned above which extend the core trac, there are some plugins which are packaged for Fedora. Typically their names start with 'trac-'. To get a list of packaged plugins, issue: yum list 'trac-*' Global Trac ini ============================================= As of trac 0.11 a default global ini is no longer used. The Fedora package still ships one for convenience. If you want to make use of this config you will need to add a section in your project conf/trac.ini: [inherit] file = /etc/trac/trac.ini or use --inherit=/etc/trac/trac.ini when creating a new project See for more info. trac.*gi ============================================= As of trac-0.12.2-8, we no longer ship trac.*gi files by default. The trac.wsgi file is now in /usr/share/doc//, and the config you need should be generated with trac-admin deploy per upstream. See BZ 720760 for more information.