Blob Blame History Raw
From 4daf1128d4bb2c7e30b0c2f3d279c8fa5759bb39 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Gerd Hoffmann <>
Date: Thu, 6 May 2010 09:58:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/7] Makefile cleanup

Use a single rule for building bios binaries.
Use target specific variables to set compile flags.

This makes it more obvious what the differences between the versions
are.  It also makes it easier to add new bios binaries with slightly
different settings.
 Makefile |   76 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------------
 1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 00e8c66..c3c744c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ VGABIOS_DATE = "-DVGABIOS_DATE=\"$(RELDATE)\""

 all: bios cirrus-bios

-bios: biossums vgabios.bin vgabios.debug.bin
+bios: vgabios.bin vgabios.debug.bin

 cirrus-bios: vgabios-cirrus.bin vgabios-cirrus.debug.bin

@@ -27,6 +26,39 @@ clean:

 dist-clean: clean

+# source files
+VGA_FILES := vgabios.c vgabios.h vgafonts.h vgatables.h
+VBE_FILES := vbe.h vbe.c vbetables.h
+# build flags
+vgabios.bin              : VGAFLAGS := -DVBE
+vgabios.debug.bin        : VGAFLAGS := -DVBE -DDEBUG
+vgabios-cirrus.bin       : VGAFLAGS := -DCIRRUS -DPCIBIOS 
+vgabios-cirrus.debug.bin : VGAFLAGS := -DCIRRUS -DPCIBIOS -DCIRRUS_DEBUG
+# dist names
+vgabios.bin              : DISTNAME := VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.bin
+vgabios.debug.bin        : DISTNAME := VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.debug.bin
+vgabios-cirrus.bin       : DISTNAME := VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.bin
+vgabios-cirrus.debug.bin : DISTNAME := VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.debug.bin
+# dependencies
+vgabios.bin              : $(VGA_FILES) $(VBE_FILES) biossums
+vgabios.debug.bin        : $(VGA_FILES) $(VBE_FILES) biossums
+vgabios-cirrus.bin       : $(VGA_FILES) clext.c biossums
+vgabios-cirrus.debug.bin : $(VGA_FILES) clext.c biossums
+# build rule
+	$(GCC) -E -P vgabios.c $(VGABIOS_VERS) $(VGAFLAGS) $(VGABIOS_DATE) > _$*_.c
+	$(BCC) -o $*.s -C-c -D__i86__ -S -0 _$*_.c
+	sed -e 's/^\.text//' -e 's/^\.data//' $*.s > _$*_.s
+	$(AS86) _$*_.s -b $*.bin -u -w- -g -0 -j -O -l $*.txt
+	rm -f _$*_.s _$*_.c $*.s
+	mv $*.bin $(DISTNAME)
+	./biossums $(DISTNAME)
+	ls -l $(DISTNAME)
 	VGABIOS_VERS=\"-DVGABIOS_VERS=\\\"$(RELVERS)\\\"\" make bios cirrus-bios
 	/bin/rm -f  *.o *.s *.ld86 \
@@ -37,46 +69,6 @@ release:
 	cp VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.debug.bin ../$(RELEASE).cirrus.debug.bin
 	tar czvf ../$(RELEASE).tgz --exclude CVS -C .. $(RELEASE)/

-vgabios.bin: vgabios.c vgabios.h vgafonts.h vgatables.h vbe.h vbe.c vbetables.h
-	$(GCC) -E -P vgabios.c $(VGABIOS_VERS) -DVBE $(VGABIOS_DATE) > _vgabios_.c
-	$(BCC) -o vgabios.s -C-c -D__i86__ -S -0 _vgabios_.c
-	sed -e 's/^\.text//' -e 's/^\.data//' vgabios.s > _vgabios_.s
-	$(AS86) _vgabios_.s -b vgabios.bin -u -w- -g -0 -j -O -l vgabios.txt
-	rm -f _vgabios_.s _vgabios_.c vgabios.s
-	mv vgabios.bin VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.bin
-	./biossums VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.bin
-	ls -l VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.bin
-vgabios.debug.bin: vgabios.c vgabios.h vgafonts.h vgatables.h vbe.h vbe.c vbetables.h
-	$(GCC) -E -P vgabios.c $(VGABIOS_VERS) -DVBE -DDEBUG $(VGABIOS_DATE) > _vgabios-debug_.c
-	$(BCC) -o vgabios-debug.s -C-c -D__i86__ -S -0 _vgabios-debug_.c
-	sed -e 's/^\.text//' -e 's/^\.data//' vgabios-debug.s > _vgabios-debug_.s
-	$(AS86) _vgabios-debug_.s -b vgabios.debug.bin -u -w- -g -0 -j -O -l vgabios.debug.txt
-	rm -f _vgabios-debug_.s _vgabios-debug_.c vgabios-debug.s
-	mv vgabios.debug.bin VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.debug.bin
-	./biossums VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.debug.bin
-	ls -l VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.debug.bin
-vgabios-cirrus.bin: vgabios.c vgabios.h vgafonts.h vgatables.h clext.c
-	$(GCC) -E -P vgabios.c $(VGABIOS_VERS) -DCIRRUS -DPCIBIOS $(VGABIOS_DATE) > _vgabios-cirrus_.c
-	$(BCC) -o vgabios-cirrus.s -C-c -D__i86__ -S -0 _vgabios-cirrus_.c
-	sed -e 's/^\.text//' -e 's/^\.data//' vgabios-cirrus.s > _vgabios-cirrus_.s
-	$(AS86) _vgabios-cirrus_.s -b vgabios-cirrus.bin -u -w- -g -0 -j -O -l vgabios.cirrus.txt
-	rm -f _vgabios-cirrus_.s _vgabios-cirrus_.c vgabios-cirrus.s
-	mv vgabios-cirrus.bin VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.bin
-	./biossums VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.bin
-	ls -l VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.bin
-vgabios-cirrus.debug.bin: vgabios.c vgabios.h vgafonts.h vgatables.h clext.c
-	$(GCC) -E -P vgabios.c $(VGABIOS_VERS) -DCIRRUS -DCIRRUS_DEBUG -DPCIBIOS $(VGABIOS_DATE) > _vgabios-cirrus-debug_.c
-	$(BCC) -o vgabios-cirrus-debug.s -C-c -D__i86__ -S -0 _vgabios-cirrus-debug_.c
-	sed -e 's/^\.text//' -e 's/^\.data//' vgabios-cirrus-debug.s > _vgabios-cirrus-debug_.s
-	$(AS86) _vgabios-cirrus-debug_.s -b vgabios.cirrus.debug.bin -u -w- -g -0 -j -O -l vgabios.cirrus.debug.txt
-	rm -f _vgabios-cirrus-debug_.s _vgabios-cirrus-debug_.c vgabios-cirrus-debug.s
-	mv vgabios.cirrus.debug.bin VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.debug.bin
-	./biossums VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.debug.bin
-	ls -l VGABIOS-lgpl-latest.cirrus.debug.bin
 biossums: biossums.c
 	$(CC) -o biossums biossums.c
