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This file contains information relevant to upgrading VIT from one version to another. Breaking changes between major versions, and significant changes between release versions will be addressed.

Note: for upgrade issues prior to VIT 1.3, please see the legacy changelog.


Complete ground up rewrite in Python, feature-complete with VIT 1.x.

New features:

  • Advanced tab completion
  • Per-column colorization with markers (see COLOR.md)
  • Intelligent sub-project indenting
  • Multiple/customizable themes (see CUSTOMIZE.md)
  • Override/customize column formatters (see CUSTOMIZE.md)
  • Fully-customizable key bindings (see CUSTOMIZE.md)
  • Table-row striping
  • Show version/context/report execution time in status area
  • Customizable config dir (see CUSTOMIZE.md)
  • Comand line bash completion wrapper (see INSTALL.md)
  • Context support

This release also changes the software license from GPL to MIT.

Breaking changes:

  • Configuration has been moved from ${HOME}/.vitrc to ${HOME}/.vit/config.ini -- the location of the config directory can be customized, see CUSTOMIZE.md for details.
  • The format of the configuration file has changed, customizations in the legacy .vitrc file will need to be manually ported to the new format. The config.sample.ini file is heavily commented, and should contain reference to everything you need to migrate the legacy configuration. If no config.ini exists in the VIT configuration directory, VIT will offer the option to install the sample config upon startup -- this is the easiest way to get started with porting and customization.
  • The method of denotating tasks has changed. It is now mapped to the ACTION_TASK_DENOTATE core action, which in the default keybindings is triggered by <Shift>e when the task is highlighted.
  • VIT 1.3 supports Taskd sync via the s keybinding, which was undocumented. VIT 2.x properly documents this functionality, and moves it to the keybinding <Shift>s by default.
  • The burndown configuration option and display has been removed -- it may be added again in a future release or via plugin functionality.