John Berninger c5aff79
Wordpress is a database driven blogging program designed to make it exceedingly
John Berninger c5aff79
easy to publish an online blog, sometimes also called a weblog or journal.
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Once this package is installed, there are a few configuration items which need
John Berninger c5aff79
to be performed before the blog is usable.  First, you need to establish a
John Berninger c5aff79
username and password to connect to your MySQL database as, and make both
John Berninger c5aff79
MySQL and Wordpress aware of this.  Let's start by creating the database and the
John Berninger c5aff79
username / password inside MySQL first:
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John Berninger c5aff79
  # mysql
John Berninger c5aff79
  mysql> create database wordpress;
John Berninger c5aff79
  Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
John Berninger c5aff79
John Berninger c5aff79
  mysql> grant all privileges on wordpress.* to wordpress identified by 'wordpress';
John Berninger c5aff79
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
John Berninger c5aff79
John Berninger c5aff79
  mysql> flush privileges;
John Berninger c5aff79
  Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
John Berninger c5aff79
John Berninger c5aff79
  mysql> exit
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John Berninger 63cf95b
Under certain curcumstances, you may need to run variations of the "grant"
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mysql> grant all privileges on wordpress.* to wordpress@localhost identified by 'wordpress';
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John Berninger 63cf95b
mysql> grant all privileges on wordpress.* to wordpress@'%' identified by 'wordpress';
John Berninger 63cf95b
John Berninger c5aff79
This has created an empty database called 'wordpress', created a user named
John Berninger c5aff79
'wordpress' with a password of 'wordpress', and given the 'wordpress' user total
John Berninger c5aff79
permission over the 'wordpress' database.  Obviously, you'll want to select a
John Berninger c5aff79
different password, and you may want to choose different database and user
John Berninger c5aff79
names depending on your installation.  The specific values you choose are
John Berninger c5aff79
not constrained, they simply need to be consistent between the database and the
John Berninger c5aff79
config file.
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Next, you need to edit your /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php file to reflect the
John Berninger c5aff79
values you've chosen.  These values will go in the appropriate places at the
John Berninger c5aff79
beginning of that file.
John Berninger c5aff79
John Berninger c5aff79
Once that's done and the database server and web server have been started, 
John Berninger c5aff79
open a web browser to http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php and 
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follow the instructions given to you on the pages you see to set up the 
John Berninger c5aff79
database tables and begin publishing your blog.
John Berninger bb1dfc5
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John Berninger bb1dfc5
John Berninger bb1dfc5
John Berninger bb1dfc5
In order to upgrade from a 2.1 series package, there are several steps you
John Berninger bb1dfc5
will need to take.  If you've already performed the 'yum update', all is not 
John Berninger bb1dfc5
lost, and you more than likely still be able to complete the upgrade
John Berninger bb1dfc5
John Berninger bb1dfc5
John Berninger bb1dfc5
First, you will want to back up your entire database.  This is simply common
John Berninger bb1dfc5
sense, but it is also mentioned explicitly in Wordpress's upgrade instructions.
John Berninger bb1dfc5
John Berninger bb1dfc5
You should have disabled all your plugins.  Having old plugins still active
John Berninger bb1dfc5
could cause problems, as the old plugins may not be compatible with the new
John Berninger bb1dfc5
version of Wordpress.
John Berninger bb1dfc5
John Berninger bb1dfc5
Once all the plugins are disabled, run the actual yum update.  Once this
John Berninger bb1dfc5
completes, you should point a browser at 
John Berninger bb1dfc5
http://<your wordpress host>/wordpress/wp-admin/upgrade.php and follow the
John Berninger bb1dfc5
instructions that appear in the browser window.  Once this is completed, you 
John Berninger bb1dfc5
can begin reactivating plugins one at a time.
John Berninger bb1dfc5
John Berninger bb1dfc5
If you need a more detailed upgrade document, or you run into problems, please
John Berninger bb1dfc5
see the Wordpress upgrade documentation at 
John Berninger bb1dfc5