#3 [WIP] Sanity/cpe-applicability: new test to verify CPE AL extension
Opened 2 years ago by mmarhefk. Modified 6 months ago
tests/ mmarhefk/scap-security-guide cpe_al  into  main

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ 

+ summary: Verify CPE applicability language.

+ description: |

+   Verify that CPEs are correctly built into a data stream and that they are

+   properly evaluated on a tested system with specific OS and RPM versions.

+   Source tree is built from the scap-security-guide source RPM by running

+   %prep stage and applying patches from the spec file.

+ contact: Matus Marhefka <mmarhefk@redhat.com>

+ component:

+ - scap-security-guide

+ test: ./runtest.sh

+ framework: beakerlib

+ require:

+ - library(distribution/Cleanup)

+ - library(distribution/RpmSnapshot)

+ - url: https://src.fedoraproject.org/tests/scap-security-guide.git

+   name: /Library/scap-common

+   nick: scap-common-lib

+ recommend:

+ - scap-security-guide

+ - openscap-scanner

+ - yum-utils

+ - rpm-build

+ - dnf-plugins-core

+ - findutils

+ - openssh-server

+ - libxml2

+ duration: 1h

+ enabled: true

+ tag:

+ - CI-Tier-1

+ - Tier1

+ - rhel8-buildroot

+ - rhel9-buildroot

+ - MidWeekProductization

+ tier: '1'

+ extra-summary: /CoreOS/scap-security-guide/Sanity/cpe-applicability

+ extra-task: /CoreOS/scap-security-guide/Sanity/cpe-applicability

@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ 

+ #!/bin/bash

+ # vim: dict+=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k

+ . /usr/share/beakerlib/beakerlib.sh || exit 1


+ PACKAGE="scap-security-guide"


+ RULE_PREFIX="xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_rule"

+ declare -A RULE_RESULTS=(

+     ["test_cpe_applicable"]="pass"

+     ["test_cpe_applicable_no_platforms"]="pass"

+     ["test_cpe_applicable_legacy_platform"]="pass"

+     ["test_cpe_applicable_complex"]="pass"

+     ["test_cpe_applicable_more_platforms"]="pass"

+     ["test_cpe_applicable_os_interval"]="pass"

+     ["test_cpe_not_applicable"]="notapplicable"

+     ["test_cpe_not_applicable_os"]="notapplicable"

+     ["test_cpe_not_applicable_arch"]="notapplicable"

+     ["test_cpe_not_applicable_package"]="notapplicable"

+ )



+ function assertStringNotEmpty() {

+     local string="$1"

+     local assert_msg="$2"


+     if [ -z "$string" ]; then

+         rlFail "$assert_msg"

+     else

+         rlPass "$assert_msg"

+     fi

+ }



+ # Function verifies that CPE platforms from rule with ID <RULE_ID> are correctly

+ # built into a data stream <DATASTREAM>.

+ #

+ # Usage:

+ #     verifyCpePlatformInDS <RULE_ID> <DATASTREAM>

+ #

+ # Description of a data stream with a rule which has applicability limited by a CPE platform:

+ # <xccdf-1.2:rule> element has a subelement <xccdf-1.2:platform idref="#PLATFORM_ID"/>.

+ # Then there is a <cpe-lang:platform-specification> element under <xccdf-1.2:Becnhmark>

+ # which contains <cpe-lang:platform> elements (referenced from the <xccdf-1.2:platform> elements).

+ # Each platform contains logical tests (<cpe-lang:logical-test>) and fact-refs

+ # (<cpe-lang:fact-ref>). Fact-refs are, for example, defined like this:

+ # <cpe-lang:fact-ref name="cpe:/a:machine"/>

+ # so they are pointing to a CPE name in <cpe-dict> component. The CPE item is defined like this

+ #     <cpe-dict:cpe-item name="cpe:/a:machine">

+ #       <cpe-dict:title xml:lang="en-us">Bare-metal or Virtual Machine</cpe-dict:title>

+ #       <cpe-dict:check system="http://oval.mitre.org/XMLSchema/oval-definitions-5" href="ssg-rhel8-cpe-oval.xml">oval:ssg-installed_env_is_a_machine:def:1</cpe-dict:check>

+ #     </cpe-dict:cpe-item>

+ # and it is pointing to an actual OVAL inventory check which is defined in the OVAL

+ # component of the data stream.

+ function verifyCpePlatformInDS() {

+     local rule="$1"

+     local ds="$2"


+     local platform_idref=$(xmllint --xpath "string(//*[local-name()=\"Rule\"][@id=\"$rule\"]/*[local-name()=\"platform\"]/@idref)" "$ds" | tr -d '#')

+     assertStringNotEmpty "$platform_idref" "Rule '$rule' contains platform with idref '$platform_idref'"


+     rlRun "xmllint --xpath '//*[local-name()=\"platform-specification\"]/*[local-name()=\"platform\"][@id=\"$platform_idref\"]/*[local-name()=\"logical-test\"]' $ds" \

+         0 "Platform '$platform_idref' contains logical-test element"


+     local fact_refs=$(xmllint --xpath "//*[local-name()=\"platform-specification\"]/*[local-name()=\"platform\"][@id=\"$platform_idref\"]/*[local-name()=\"logical-test\"]//*[local-name()=\"fact-ref\"]/@name" "$ds" \

+         | sed 's|name="\([^"]\+\)"|\1|g')

+     assertStringNotEmpty "$fact_refs" "Platform '$platform_idref' contains fact-ref elements '$fact_refs'"


+     for fact_ref in $fact_refs; do

+         oval_def=$(xmllint --xpath "string(//*[local-name()=\"cpe-list\"]/*[local-name()=\"cpe-item\"][@name=\"$fact_ref\"]/*[local-name()=\"check\"])" "$ds")

+         assertStringNotEmpty "$fact_ref" "cpe-item '$fact_ref' contains check element '$oval_def'"


+         rlRun "xmllint --xpath '//*[local-name()=\"oval_definitions\"]/*[local-name()=\"definitions\"]/*[local-name()=\"definition\"][@id=\"$oval_def\"]' $ds" \

+             0 "OVAL definition referenced by check element '$oval_def' exists in data stream"

+     done

+ }



+ rlJournalStart


+     rlPhaseStartSetup

+         rlImport "distribution/Cleanup" || rlDie "Failed to import Cleanup library"

+         rlImport "distribution/RpmSnapshot" || rlDie "Failed to import RpmSnapshot library"

+         rlImport "scap-common-lib/scap-common" || rlDie "Failed to import scap-common library"

+         rlAssertRpm "$PACKAGE"

+         rlAssertRpm "openscap-scanner"


+         PKG_NAME="kernel"

+         PKG_VERSION="$(rpm -q "$PKG_NAME" --queryformat "%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}\n" | tail -n1 | sed "s/\(\.fc\|\.el\).*$//")"


+         # TEST_ARCH must be different than architecture of the host running the test.

+         if [ "$(rlGetArch)" == "aarch64" ]; then

+             TEST_ARCH="s390x"

+         else

+             TEST_ARCH="aarch64"

+         fi


+         if rlIsRHEL || rlIsCentOS; then

+             # DISTRO_NAME must be rhel also for centos as it is built as a derivative of rhel.

+             DISTRO_NAME="rhel"

+             PRODUCT="${DISTRO_NAME}$(rlGetDistroRelease)"

+             DISTRO_VERSION=$(grep "^VERSION_ID" /etc/os-release | sed 's|VERSION_ID=["]*\([^"]\+\)["]*|\1|')

+             if rlIsCentOS; then

+                 # CentOS Stream does not have minor version.

+                 DISTRO_VERSION_FUTURE="$(( DISTRO_VERSION + 1 ))"

+                 # Only RHEL and Fedora are supported in os_linux platform atm.

+                 RULE_RESULTS["test_cpe_applicable"]="notapplicable"

+                 RULE_RESULTS["test_cpe_applicable_os_interval"]="notapplicable"

+             else

+                 DISTRO_VERSION_MAJOR=$(cut -f 1 -d '.' <<< "$DISTRO_VERSION")

+                 DISTRO_VERSION_MINOR=$(cut -f 2 -d '.' <<< "$DISTRO_VERSION")


+             fi

+         else

+             DISTRO_NAME="fedora"

+             PRODUCT="${DISTRO_NAME}"

+             DISTRO_VERSION="$(rlGetDistroRelease)"


+         fi

+         DS_NAME="ssg-$(scapCommonGetDistroName)-ds.xml"


+         RpmSnapshotCreate

+         CleanupRegister "RpmSnapshotRevert"

+         rlRun "TmpDir=\$(mktemp -d)"

+         CleanupRegister "rlRun 'rm -r $TmpDir' 0 'Removing tmp directory'"

+         rlRun "cp -r test_rules/ $TmpDir"

+         rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"

+         CleanupRegister "rlRun 'popd'"


+         scapCommonInstallAnsible || rlDie "Failed to install required Ansible packages"


+         rlFetchSrcForInstalled "$PACKAGE"

+         if rlIsFedora || rlIsRHEL ">=8" || rlIsCentOS ">=8"; then

+             rlRun "dnf builddep -y $PACKAGE*"

+         else

+             rlRun "yum-builddep -y $PACKAGE*"

+         fi

+         TOP_DIR=$(rpm --eval %_topdir)

+         rlRun "rm -rf $TOP_DIR" 0-255

+         CleanupRegister "rlRun 'rm -rf $TOP_DIR'"

+         rlRun "rpm -ihv `ls *.rpm`" 0 "Install $PACKAGE source RPM"

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     rlPhaseStartSetup "Prepare source tree (%prep stage and patches from the spec file)"

+         #rlRun "rpmbuild -v -bp ${TOP_DIR}/SPECS/${PACKAGE}.spec"

+         #TODO

+         rlRun "git clone https://github.com/ComplianceAsCode/content -b cpe_versioning"

+         TOP_DIR="content"

+         #TODO


+         #SRC_DIR=$(readlink -f ${TOP_DIR}/BUILD/${PACKAGE}* | tail -n1)

+         #TODO

+         SRC_DIR=$(readlink -f ${TOP_DIR} | tail -n1)

+         #TODO

+         RULES_DIR="${SRC_DIR}/linux_os/guide/system"

+         PKG_APPLICABILITY_CONF="${SRC_DIR}/shared/applicability/package.yml"

+         BUILD_DIR="${SRC_DIR}/build"

+         DS="${BUILD_DIR}/${DS_NAME}"


+         rlLog "ENV:"

+         rlLog "  SRC_DIR             : $SRC_DIR"

+         rlLog "  BUILD_DIR           : $BUILD_DIR"

+         rlLog "  DS                  : $DS"

+         rlLog "  OS                  : $DISTRO_NAME"

+         rlLog "  OS VERSION          : $DISTRO_VERSION"


+         rlLog "  TEST PKG            : $PKG_NAME"

+         rlLog "  TEST PKG VERSION    : $PKG_VERSION"

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     rlPhaseStartSetup "Insert test content into the source tree"

+         # Extend source tree with our prepared content updated with

+         # versions of RHEL and test RPM.

+         if ! grep -q "${PKG_NAME}:" "$PKG_APPLICABILITY_CONF"; then

+             rlRun "echo '    $PKG_NAME:

+         title: \"SSH Server Test\"

+         pkgname: $PKG_NAME' >> $PKG_APPLICABILITY_CONF" \

+                 0 "Define $PKG_NAME package applicability"

+         fi

+         for f in $(find test_rules/ -iname "*rule.yml"); do

+             rlRun "sed -i \"s/{PRODTYPE}/$PRODUCT/g\" $f"

+             rlRun "sed -i \"s/{DISTRO_NAME}/$DISTRO_NAME/g\" $f"

+             rlRun "sed -i \"s/{DISTRO_VERSION}/$DISTRO_VERSION/g\" $f"

+             rlRun "sed -i \"s/{DISTRO_VERSION_FUTURE}/$DISTRO_VERSION_FUTURE/g\" $f"

+             rlRun "sed -i \"s/{TEST_ARCH}/$TEST_ARCH/g\" $f"

+             rlRun "sed -i \"s/{PKG_NAME}/$PKG_NAME/g\" $f"

+             rlRun "sed -i \"s/{PKG_VERSION}/$PKG_VERSION/g\" $f"

+         done

+         rlRun "cp -r test_rules/ $RULES_DIR"

+         rlRun "cd $SRC_DIR"

+         rlRun "mkdir -p build"

+         rlRun "./build_product $PRODUCT --derivatives" \

+             0 "Building $PRODUCT data stream" \

+             || { CleanupDo; rlDie "Failed to build $PRODUCT data stream"; }

+         rlRun "cd -"

+     rlPhaseEnd


+     for rule in ${!RULE_RESULTS[@]}; do

+         rule_id="${RULE_PREFIX}_${rule}"

+         rlPhaseStartTest "$rule - verify CPE is properly built into a data stream"

+             rlRun "cat ${RULES_DIR}/test_rules/${rule}/rule.yml" 0 "Print full rule.yml"

+             if [ "$rule" == "test_cpe_applicable_no_platforms" ]; then

+                 rlLogInfo "$rule has no platforms, skiping."

+             else

+                 verifyCpePlatformInDS "$rule_id" "$DS"

+             fi

+         rlPhaseEnd

+         rlPhaseStartTest "$rule - scan result corresponds with its CPE applicability"

+             rule_exp_result="${RULE_RESULTS[$rule]}"

+             rlRun "oscap xccdf eval --verbose INFO --progress --profile '(all)' --rule $rule_id $DS >stdout 2>stderr"

+             rlAssertNotGrep "(^E:|^openscap error:)" stderr -iE

+             rlAssertGrep "${rule_id}:${rule_exp_result}" stdout -i

+             if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then

+                 rlRun "cat stdout"

+                 rlRun "cat stderr"

+             fi

+         rlPhaseEnd

+         rlPhaseStartTest "$rule - verify Ansible remediation CPE applicability"

+             ruleDS="$(basename $DS).${rule}"

+             rlRun "cp $DS $ruleDS" 0 "Create a copy of data stream to generate Ansible remediation"

+             rlRun "sed -i '/<.*Rule.*id=\"${rule_id}\"/s/selected=\"false\"/selected=\"true\"/g' $ruleDS" \

+                 0 "Select only single rule in the data stream copy - $rule"

+             rlRun "oscap xccdf generate fix --fix-type ansible --output ${rule}.yml $ruleDS" \

+                 0 "Generate Ansible remediation for the rule $rule"

+             cat "${rule}.yml"

+             rlRun "ansible-playbook --syntax-check ${rule}.yml" \

+                 0 "Verify generated Ansible remediation has correct syntax"

+             rlRun -s "ansible-playbook -i \"localhost,\" -c local ${rule}.yml" \

+                 0 "Run generated Ansible remediation for rule $rule"

+             rlAssertGrep "failed=0" "$rlRun_LOG"

+             rlAssertGrep "ok=[1-9]\+" "$rlRun_LOG"

+             if [ "$rule_exp_result" == "pass" ]; then

+                 rlAssertGrep "skipped=0" "$rlRun_LOG"

+             else

+                 rlAssertGrep "skipped=1" "$rlRun_LOG"

+             fi

+             rlRun "rm -f $rlRun_LOG $ruleDS"

+         rlPhaseEnd

+     done


+     rlPhaseStartCleanup

+         CleanupDo

+     rlPhaseEnd


+ rlJournalPrintText

+ rlJournalEnd

@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ title: 'Test group'


+ description: |-

+     Test group

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Applicable rule, platform requires:

+     greater or equal OS version than installed [true]

+     and

+     greater or equal package version than installed [true]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platforms:

+     - "os_linux[{DISTRO_NAME}]>={DISTRO_VERSION} and package[{PKG_NAME}]>={PKG_VERSION}"


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Applicable rule, platform requires:

+     lower OS version than installed and greater or equal package version than installed [false]

+     or

+     negated (CPU architecture different than architecture of the installed system) [true]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platforms:

+     - "(os_linux[{DISTRO_NAME}]<{DISTRO_VERSION} and package[{PKG_NAME}]>={PKG_VERSION}) or not arch[{TEST_ARCH}]"


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Applicable rule, platform requires:

+     greater or equal package version than installed [true]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platform: "package[{PKG_NAME}]>={PKG_VERSION}"


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Applicable rule, platform requires:

+     greater or equal OS version than installed [true]

+     and

+     negated (CPU architecture different than architecture of the installed system) [true]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platforms:

+     - "package[{PKG_NAME}]>={PKG_VERSION}"

+     - "not arch[{TEST_ARCH}]"


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Applicable rule, it has no platform which would be restricting its applicability.


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Applicable rule, platform requires:

+     greater or equal OS version than installed [true]

+     and

+     lower OS version than installed OS + 1 (note: for RHEL, minor version is incremented by 1 and major is left the same) [true]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platforms:



+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Not applicable rule, platform requires:

+     lower OS version than installed [false]

+     and

+     greater or equal package version than installed [true]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platforms:

+     - "os_linux[{DISTRO_NAME}]<{DISTRO_VERSION} and package[{PKG_NAME}]>={PKG_VERSION}"


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Not applicable rule, platform requires:

+     CPU architecture different than architecture of the installed system [false]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platforms:

+     - "arch[{TEST_ARCH}]"


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Not applicable rule, platform requires:

+     greater or equal OS version than installed OS + 1 (note: for RHEL, minor version is incremented by 1 and major is left the same) [false]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platforms:

+     - "os_linux[{DISTRO_NAME}]>={DISTRO_VERSION_FUTURE}"


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ 

+ documentation_complete: true


+ prodtype: {PRODTYPE}


+ title: 'Test rule'


+ description: |-

+     Not applicable rule, platform requires:

+     lower package version than installed [false]


+ rationale: |-

+     Test rationale.


+ severity: medium


+ platforms:

+     - "package[{PKG_NAME}]<{PKG_VERSION}"


+ template:

+     name: file_existence

+     vars:

+         filepath: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

+         exists: true

For testing purposes the test temporarily uses https://github.com/ComplianceAsCode/content/tree/cpe_versioning to build and test the CPE AL feature.

rebased onto 228408439e75a01cee3350740041591d21daf9c5

2 years ago

rebased onto 17d3bce48df3c0da68a0a110dd2d4cd460ad5138

2 years ago

Can you explain it?
There is no CentOS platform in content, but CentOS is RHEL derivative. Thus, I expect what's applicable on RHEL it's also applicable on CentOS when using CentOS datastream.

Add description as the function is hard to read. Ideally, with some short real datastream example showing what kind of elements we are interested in.

Add short description for each rule why it's expected to be applicable/notapplicable. E.g. Not applicable because requires older package version than installed

Add short description for each rule why it's expected to be applicable/notapplicable. E.g. Not applicable because requires older package version than installed

Let's have the short description in rule title

rebased onto 7dc2fc4b0abd20541382c8efd430499e6fb47490

2 years ago

@mlysonek Thanks for the review, hopefully I've addressed all your points.

Can you explain it?
There is no CentOS platform in content, but CentOS is RHEL derivative. Thus, I expect what's applicable on RHEL it's also applicable on CentOS when using CentOS datastream.

I would expect that too, but right now if you have any platform with os_linux[rhel] it will not evaluate as true on CentOS Stream. We need to discuss if we want to change it.

rebased onto f424ab63cfbccbd89e18f52b562f6f440405d5d8

2 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Sanity/cpe-applicability: add a check for Ansible remediations applicability
  • Sanity/cpe-applicability: new test to verify CPE AL extension
2 years ago

Why [1-3] range? Can we not just use e.g. [1-9]\d* to have it general?

Why [1-3] range? Can we not just use e.g. [1-9]\d* to have it general?

Because the Ansible remediation for all test rules will run at least 1 but maximum of 3 tasks depending on applicability.

@mmarhefk That's true for file_existence template. But if we will add more rules with different template, then it might be different number and still valid.

rebased onto b855f78a020e4097f90e3b5fdcd0e6d0d9dd4e95

2 years ago

rebased onto 924ac0a

a year ago

Rebased and updated to use scap-common library.

Please remove the openssh, its versioning scheme is too complex therefore won't be supported by the CPE AL templating.

1 new commit added

  • Sanity/cpe-applicability: change tested package
a year ago

Can we close this PR or is it still expected to be merged?

Can we close this PR or is it still expected to be merged?

We should still update and merge this. We used the test when developing CPE applicability checks for our rules in upstream so we should be running the test to verify there are no regressions.

I will take a look into it and update the test if needed.