5fc4b5a test fcontext equivalences via the restorecond service

2 files Authored by mmalik 6 months ago, Committed by mmalik 6 months ago,
    test fcontext equivalences via the restorecond service
    A recent bug report revealed that the restorecond service (after its
    start) mislabels files in the /usr/bin/ directory when its configuration
    file (/etc/selinux/restorecond.conf) contains the following line:
    Further investigation revealed that the problem is caused by the
    selinux-policy component which does not define a file context
    equivalency between /bin and /usr/bin (/bin is a symlink to /usr/bin).
    The TC reproduces the situation and it also tests other symlinks which
    are present in /. The restorecond service behaved correctly the whole
    The TC covers RHEL-5032.