Blob Blame History Raw
# shellcheck shell=bash
# Test a container image.
# Always use sourced from a specific container testfile 
# reguires definition of CID_FILE_DIR
# CID_FILE_DIR=$(mktemp --suffix=<container>_test_cidfiles -d)
# reguires definition of TEST_LIST 
# ctest_container_creation
# ctest_doc_content"

# Container CI tests
# abbreviated as "ct"

# may be redefined in the specific container testfile

# ct_cleanup
# --------------------
# Cleans up containers used during tests. Stops and removes all containers
# referenced by cid_files in CID_FILE_DIR. Dumps logs if a container exited
# unexpectedly. Removes the cid_files and CID_FILE_DIR as well.
# Uses: $CID_FILE_DIR - path to directory containing cid_files
# Uses: $EXPECTED_EXIT_CODE - expected container exit code
function ct_cleanup() {
  for cid_file in "$CID_FILE_DIR"/* ; do
    local container
    container=$(cat "$cid_file")

    : "Stopping and removing container $container..."
    docker stop "$container"
    exit_status=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.ExitCode}}' "$container")
    if [ "$exit_status" != "$EXPECTED_EXIT_CODE" ]; then
      : "Dumping logs for $container"
      docker logs "$container"
    docker rm -v "$container"
    rm "$cid_file"
  rmdir "$CID_FILE_DIR"
  : "Done."

# ct_enable_cleanup
# --------------------
# Enables automatic container cleanup after tests.
function ct_enable_cleanup() {
  trap ct_cleanup EXIT SIGINT

# ct_get_cid [name]
# --------------------
# Prints container id from cid_file based on the name of the file.
# Argument: name - name of cid_file where the container id will be stored
# Uses: $CID_FILE_DIR - path to directory containing cid_files
function ct_get_cid() {
  local name="$1" ; shift || return 1
  cat "$CID_FILE_DIR/$name"

# ct_get_cip [id]
# --------------------
# Prints container ip address based on the container id.
# Argument: id - container id
function ct_get_cip() {
  local id="$1" ; shift
  docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' "$(ct_get_cid "$id")"

# ct_wait_for_cid [cid_file]
# --------------------
# Holds the execution until the cid_file is created. Usually run after container
# creation.
# Argument: cid_file - name of the cid_file that should be created
function ct_wait_for_cid() {
  local cid_file=$1
  local max_attempts=10
  local sleep_time=1
  local attempt=1
  local result=1
  while [ $attempt -le $max_attempts ]; do
    [ -f "$cid_file" ] && [ -s "$cid_file" ] && return 0
    : "Waiting for container start..."
    attempt=$(( attempt + 1 ))
    sleep $sleep_time
  return 1

# ct_assert_container_creation_fails [container_args]
# --------------------
# The invocation of docker run should fail based on invalid container_args
# passed to the function. Returns 0 when container fails to start properly.
# Argument: container_args - all arguments are passed directly to dokcer run
# Uses: $CID_FILE_DIR - path to directory containing cid_files
function ct_assert_container_creation_fails() {
  local ret=0
  local max_attempts=10
  local attempt=1
  local cid_file=assert
  set +e
  local old_container_args="${CONTAINER_ARGS-}"
  # we really work with CONTAINER_ARGS as with a string
  # shellcheck disable=SC2124
  if ct_create_container "$cid_file" ; then
    local cid
    cid=$(ct_get_cid "$cid_file")

    while [ "$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' "$cid")" == "true" ] ; do
      sleep 2
      attempt=$(( attempt + 1 ))
      if [ "$attempt" -gt "$max_attempts" ]; then
        docker stop "$cid"
    exit_status=$(docker inspect -f '{{.State.ExitCode}}' "$cid")
    if [ "$exit_status" == "0" ]; then
    docker rm -v "$cid"
    rm "$CID_FILE_DIR/$cid_file"
  [ -n "$old_container_args" ] && CONTAINER_ARGS="$old_container_args"
  set -e
  return "$ret"

# ct_create_container [name, command]
# --------------------
# Creates a container using the IMAGE_NAME and CONTAINER_ARGS variables. Also
# stores the container id to a cid_file located in the CID_FILE_DIR, and waits
# for the creation of the file.
# Argument: name - name of cid_file where the container id will be stored
# Argument: command - optional command to be executed in the container
# Uses: $CID_FILE_DIR - path to directory containing cid_files
# Uses: $CONTAINER_ARGS - optional arguments passed directly to docker run
# Uses: $IMAGE_NAME - name of the image being tested
function ct_create_container() {
  local cid_file="$CID_FILE_DIR/$1" ; shift
  # create container with a cidfile in a directory for cleanup
  # shellcheck disable=SC2086
  docker run --cidfile="$cid_file" -d ${CONTAINER_ARGS:-} "$IMAGE_NAME" "$@"
  ct_wait_for_cid "$cid_file" || return 1
  : "Created container $(cat "$cid_file")"

# ct_scl_usage_old [name, command, expected]
# --------------------
# Tests three ways of running the SCL, by looking for an expected string
# in the output of the command
# Argument: name - name of cid_file where the container id will be stored
# Argument: command - executed inside the container
# Argument: expected - string that is expected to be in the command output
# Uses: $CID_FILE_DIR - path to directory containing cid_files
# Uses: $IMAGE_NAME - name of the image being tested
function ct_scl_usage_old() {
  local name="$1"
  local command="$2"
  local expected="$3"
  local out=""
  : "  Testing the image SCL enable"
  out=$(docker run --rm "${IMAGE_NAME}" /bin/bash -c "${command}")
  if ! echo "${out}" | grep -q "${expected}"; then
    echo "ERROR[/bin/bash -c \"${command}\"] Expected '${expected}', got '${out}'" >&2
    return 1
  out=$(docker exec "$(ct_get_cid "$name")" /bin/bash -c "${command}" 2>&1)
  if ! echo "${out}" | grep -q "${expected}"; then
    echo "ERROR[exec /bin/bash -c \"${command}\"] Expected '${expected}', got '${out}'" >&2
    return 1
  out=$(docker exec "$(ct_get_cid "$name")" /bin/sh -ic "${command}" 2>&1)
  if ! echo "${out}" | grep -q "${expected}"; then
    echo "ERROR[exec /bin/sh -ic \"${command}\"] Expected '${expected}', got '${out}'" >&2
    return 1

# ct_doc_content_old [strings]
# --------------------
# Looks for occurence of stirngs in the documentation files and checks
# the format of the files. Files examined: help.1
# Argument: strings - strings expected to appear in the documentation
# Uses: $IMAGE_NAME - name of the image being tested
function ct_doc_content_old() {
  local tmpdir
  tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
  local f
  : "  Testing documentation in the container image"
  # Extract the help files from the container
  # shellcheck disable=SC2043
  for f in help.1 ; do
    docker run --rm "${IMAGE_NAME}" /bin/bash -c "cat /${f}" >"${tmpdir}/$(basename "${f}")"
    # Check whether the files contain some important information
    for term in "$@" ; do
      if ! grep -F -q -e "${term}" "${tmpdir}/$(basename "${f}")" ; then
        echo "ERROR: File /${f} does not include '${term}'." >&2
        return 1
    # Check whether the files use the correct format
    for term in TH PP SH ; do
      if ! grep -q "^\.${term}" "${tmpdir}/help.1" ; then
        echo "ERROR: /help.1 is probably not in troff or groff format, since '${term}' is missing." >&2
        return 1
  : "  Success!"

# full_ca_file_path
# Return string for full path to CA file
function full_ca_file_path()
  echo "/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/RH-IT-Root-CA.crt"
# ct_mount_ca_file
# ------------------
# Check if /etc/pki/certs/RH-IT-Root-CA.crt file exists
# return mount string for containers or empty string
function ct_mount_ca_file()
  # mount CA file only if NPM_REGISTRY variable is present.
  local mount_parameter=""
  if [ -n "$NPM_REGISTRY" ] && [ -f "$(full_ca_file_path)" ]; then
    mount_parameter="-v $(full_ca_file_path):$(full_ca_file_path):Z"
  echo "$mount_parameter"

# ct_build_s2i_npm_variables URL_TO_NPM_JS_SERVER
# ------------------------------------------
# Function returns -e NPM_MIRROR and -v MOUNT_POINT_FOR_CAFILE
# or empty string
function ct_build_s2i_npm_variables()
  if [ -n "$NPM_REGISTRY" ] && [ -f "$(full_ca_file_path)" ]; then
    npm_variables="-e NPM_MIRROR=$NPM_REGISTRY $(ct_mount_ca_file)"
  echo "$npm_variables"

# ct_npm_works
# --------------------
# Checks existance of the npm tool and runs it.
function ct_npm_works() {
  local tmpdir
  tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
  : "  Testing npm in the container image"
  local cid_file="${tmpdir}/cid"
  if ! docker run --rm "${IMAGE_NAME}" /bin/bash -c "npm --version" >"${tmpdir}/version" ; then
    echo "ERROR: 'npm --version' does not work inside the image ${IMAGE_NAME}." >&2
    return 1

  # shellcheck disable=SC2046
  docker run -d $(ct_mount_ca_file) --rm --cidfile="$cid_file" "${IMAGE_NAME}-testapp"

  # Wait for the container to write it's CID file
  ct_wait_for_cid "$cid_file" || return 1

  if ! docker exec "$(cat "$cid_file")" /bin/bash -c "npm --verbose install jquery && test -f node_modules/jquery/src/jquery.js" >"${tmpdir}/jquery" 2>&1 ; then
    echo "ERROR: npm could not install jquery inside the image ${IMAGE_NAME}." >&2
    return 1

  if [ -n "$NPM_REGISTRY" ] && [ -f "$(full_ca_file_path)" ]; then
    if ! grep -qo "$NPM_REGISTRY" "${tmpdir}/jquery"; then
        echo "ERROR: Internal repository is NOT set. Even it is requested."
        return 1

  if [ -f "$cid_file" ]; then
      docker stop "$(cat "$cid_file")"
      rm "$cid_file"
  : "  Success!"

# -------------------------------------
# Append DIRECTORY to VARIABLE of name PATH_VARNAME, the VARIABLE must consist
# of colon-separated list of directories.
ct_path_append ()
    if eval "test -n \"\${$1-}\""; then
        eval "$1=\$2:\$$1"
        eval "$1=\$2"

# ct_path_foreach PATH ACTION [ARGS ...]
# --------------------------------------
# For each DIR in PATH execute ACTION (path is colon separated list of
# directories).  The particular calls to ACTION will look like
# '$ ACTION directory [ARGS ...]'
ct_path_foreach ()
    local dir dirlist action save_IFS
    shift 2
    for dir in $dirlist; do "$action" "$dir" "$@" ; done

# ct_run_test_list
# --------------------
# Execute the tests specified by TEST_LIST
# Uses: $TEST_LIST - list of test names
function ct_run_test_list() {
  for test_case in $TEST_LIST; do
    : "Running test $test_case"
    # shellcheck source=/dev/null
    [ -f "test/$test_case" ] && source "test/$test_case"
    # shellcheck source=/dev/null
    [ -f "../test/$test_case" ] && source "../test/$test_case"

# ct_gen_self_signed_cert_pem
# ---------------------------
# Generates a self-signed PEM certificate pair into specified directory.
# Argument: output_dir - output directory path
# Argument: base_name - base name of the certificate files
# Resulted files will be those:
#   <output_dir>/<base_name>-cert-selfsigned.pem -- public PEM cert
#   <output_dir>/<base_name>-key.pem -- PEM private key
ct_gen_self_signed_cert_pem() {
  local output_dir=$1 ; shift
  local base_name=$1 ; shift
  mkdir -p "${output_dir}"
  openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout "${output_dir}"/"${base_name}"-key.pem -subj '/C=GB/ST=Berkshire/L=Newbury/O=My Server Company' > "${base_name}"-req.pem
  openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -key "${output_dir}"/"${base_name}"-key.pem -batch > "${output_dir}"/"${base_name}"-cert-selfsigned.pem

# ct_obtain_input FILE|DIR|URL
# --------------------
# Either copies a file or a directory to a tmp location for local copies, or
# downloads the file from remote location.
# Resulted file path is printed, so it can be later used by calling function.
# Arguments: input - local file, directory or remote URL
function ct_obtain_input() {
  local input=$1
  local extension="${input##*.}"

  # Try to use same extension for the temporary file if possible
  [[ "${extension}" =~ ^[a-z0-9]*$ ]] && extension=".${extension}" || extension=""

  local output
  output=$(mktemp "/var/tmp/test-input-XXXXXX$extension")
  if [ -f "${input}" ] ; then
    cp -f "${input}" "${output}"
  elif [ -d "${input}" ] ; then
    rm -f "${output}"
    cp -r -LH "${input}" "${output}"
  elif echo "${input}" | grep -qe '^http\(s\)\?://' ; then
    curl "${input}" > "${output}"
    echo "ERROR: file type not known: ${input}" >&2
    return 1
  echo "${output}"

# ct_test_response
# ----------------
# Perform GET request to the application container, checks output with
# a reg-exp and HTTP response code.
# Argument: url - request URL path
# Argument: expected_code - expected HTTP response code
# Argument: body_regexp - PCRE regular expression that must match the response body
# Argument: max_attempts - Optional number of attempts (default: 20), three seconds sleep between
# Argument: ignore_error_attempts - Optional number of attempts when we ignore error output (default: 10)
ct_test_response() {
  local url="$1"
  local expected_code="$2"
  local body_regexp="$3"
  local max_attempts=${4:-20}
  local ignore_error_attempts=${5:-10}

  : "  Testing the HTTP(S) response for <${url}>"
  local sleep_time=3
  local attempt=1
  local result=1
  local status
  local response_code
  local response_file
  response_file=$(mktemp /tmp/ct_test_response_XXXXXX)
  while [ "${attempt}" -le "${max_attempts}" ]; do
    curl --connect-timeout 10 -s -w '%{http_code}' "${url}" >"${response_file}" && status=0 || status=1
    if [ "${status}" -eq 0 ]; then
      response_code=$(tail -c 3 "${response_file}")
      if [ "${response_code}" -eq "${expected_code}" ]; then
      grep -qP -e "${body_regexp}" "${response_file}" || result=1;
      # Some services return 40x code until they are ready, so let's give them
      # some chance and not end with failure right away
      # Do not wait if we already have expected outcome though
      if [ "${result}" -eq 0 ] || [ "${attempt}" -gt "${ignore_error_attempts}" ] || [ "${attempt}" -eq "${max_attempts}" ] ; then
    attempt=$(( attempt + 1 ))
    sleep "${sleep_time}"
  rm -f "${response_file}"
  return "${result}"

# ct_registry_from_os OS
# ----------------
# Transform operating system string [os] into registry url
# Argument: OS - string containing the os version
ct_registry_from_os() {
  local registry=""
  case $1 in
  echo "$registry"

 # ct_get_public_image_name OS BASE_IMAGE_NAME VERSION
# ----------------
# Transform the arguments into public image name
# Argument: OS - string containing the os version
# Argument: BASE_IMAGE_NAME - string containing the base name of the image as defined in the Makefile
# Argument: VERSION - string containing the version of the image as defined in the Makefile
ct_get_public_image_name() {
  local os=$1; shift
  local base_image_name=$1; shift
  local version=$1; shift

  local public_image_name
  local registry

  registry=$(ct_registry_from_os "$os")
  if [ "x$os" == "xrhel7" ]; then
  elif [ "x$os" == "xrhel8" ]; then
  elif [ "x$os" == "xcentos7" ]; then

  echo "$public_image_name"

# ct_assert_cmd_success CMD
# ----------------
# Evaluates [cmd] and fails if it does not succeed.
# Argument: CMD - Command to be run
function ct_assert_cmd_success() {
  echo "Checking '$*' for success ..."
  if ! eval "$@" &>/dev/null; then
    echo " FAIL"
    return 1
  echo " PASS"
  return 0

# ct_assert_cmd_failure CMD
# ----------------
# Evaluates [cmd] and fails if it succeeds.
# Argument: CMD - Command to be run
function ct_assert_cmd_failure() {
  echo "Checking '$*' for failure ..."
  if eval "$@" &>/dev/null; then
    echo " FAIL"
    return 1
  echo " PASS"
  return 0

# ct_random_string [LENGTH=10]
# ----------------------------
# Generate pseudorandom alphanumeric string of LENGTH bytes, the
# default length is 10.  The string is printed on stdout.
   export LC_ALL=C
   dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 bs=10k 2>/dev/null \
       | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' \
       | fold -w "${1-10}" \
       | head -n 1

# ct_s2i_usage IMG_NAME [S2I_ARGS]
# ----------------------------
# Create a container and run the usage script inside
# Argument: IMG_NAME - name of the image to be used for the container run
# Argument: S2I_ARGS - Additional list of source-to-image arguments, currently unused.
    local img_name=$1; shift
    local s2i_args="$*";
    local usage_command="/usr/libexec/s2i/usage"
    docker run --rm "$img_name" bash -c "$usage_command"

# ct_s2i_build_as_df APP_PATH SRC_IMAGE DST_IMAGE [S2I_ARGS]
# ----------------------------
# Create a new s2i app image from local sources in a similar way as source-to-image would have used.
# Argument: APP_PATH - local path to the app sources to be used in the test
# Argument: SRC_IMAGE - image to be used as a base for the s2i build
# Argument: DST_IMAGE - image name to be used during the tagging of the s2i build result
# Argument: S2I_ARGS - Additional list of source-to-image arguments.
#                      Only used to check for pull-policy=never and environment variable definitions.
    local app_path=$1; shift
    local src_image=$1; shift
    local dst_image=$1; shift
    local s2i_args="$*";
    local local_app=upload/src/
    local local_scripts=upload/scripts/
    local user_id=
    local df_name=
    local tmpdir=
    local incremental=false
    local mount_options=""

    # Run the entire thing inside a subshell so that we do not leak shell options outside of the function
    # Error out if any part of the build fails
    set -e

    # Use /tmp to not pollute cwd
    tmpdir=$(mktemp -d)
    df_name=$(mktemp -p "$tmpdir" Dockerfile.XXXX)
    cd "$tmpdir"
    # Check if the image is available locally and try to pull it if it is not
    docker images "$src_image" &>/dev/null || echo "$s2i_args" | grep -q "pull-policy=never" || docker pull "$src_image"
    user=$(docker inspect -f "{{.Config.User}}" "$src_image")
    # Default to root if no user is set by the image
    # run the user through the image in case it is non-numeric or does not exist
    # NOTE: The '-eq' test is used to check if $user is numeric as it will fail if $user is not an integer
    if ! [ "$user" -eq "$user" ] 2>/dev/null && ! user_id=$(docker run --rm "$src_image" bash -c "id -u $user 2>/dev/null"); then
        echo "ERROR: id of user $user not found inside image $src_image."
        echo "Terminating s2i build."
        return 1
    echo "$s2i_args" | grep -q "\-\-incremental" && incremental=true
    if $incremental; then
        inc_tmp=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir incremental.XXXX)
        setfacl -m "u:$user_id:rwx" "$inc_tmp"
        # Check if the image exists, build should fail (for testing use case) if it does not
        docker images "$dst_image" &>/dev/null || (echo "Image $dst_image not found."; false)
        # Run the original image with a mounted in volume and get the artifacts out of it
        cmd="if [ -s /usr/libexec/s2i/save-artifacts ]; then /usr/libexec/s2i/save-artifacts > \"$inc_tmp/artifacts.tar\"; else touch \"$inc_tmp/artifacts.tar\"; fi"
        docker run --rm -v "$inc_tmp:$inc_tmp:Z" "$dst_image" bash -c "$cmd"
        # Move the created content into the $tmpdir for the build to pick it up
        mv "$inc_tmp/artifacts.tar" "$tmpdir/"
    # Strip file:// from APP_PATH and copy its contents into current context
    mkdir -p "$local_app"
    cp -r "${app_path/file:\/\//}/." "$local_app"
    [ -d "$local_app/.s2i/bin/" ] && mv "$local_app/.s2i/bin" "$local_scripts"
    # Create a Dockerfile named df_name and fill it with proper content
    #FIXME: Some commands could be combined into a single layer but not sure if worth the trouble for testing purposes
    cat <<EOF >"$df_name"
FROM $src_image
LABEL ""="$src_image" \\
USER root
COPY $local_app /tmp/src
    [ -d "$local_scripts" ] && echo "COPY $local_scripts /tmp/scripts" >> "$df_name" &&
    echo "RUN chown -R $user_id:0 /tmp/scripts" >>"$df_name"
    echo "RUN chown -R $user_id:0 /tmp/src" >>"$df_name"
    # Check for custom environment variables inside .s2i/ folder
    if [ -e "$local_app/.s2i/environment" ]; then
        # Remove any comments and add the contents as ENV commands to the Dockerfile
        sed '/^\s*#.*$/d' "$local_app/.s2i/environment" | while read -r line; do
            echo "ENV $line" >>"$df_name"
    # Filter out env var definitions from $s2i_args and create Dockerfile ENV commands out of them
    echo "$s2i_args" | grep -o -e '\(-e\|--env\)[[:space:]=]\S*=\S*' | sed -e 's/-e /ENV /' -e 's/--env[ =]/ENV /' >>"$df_name"
    # Check if CA autority is present on host and add it into Dockerfile
    [ -f "$(full_ca_file_path)" ] && echo "RUN cd /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors && update-ca-trust extract" >>"$df_name"

    # Add in artifacts if doing an incremental build
    if $incremental; then
        { echo "RUN mkdir /tmp/artifacts"
          echo "ADD artifacts.tar /tmp/artifacts"
          echo "RUN chown -R $user_id:0 /tmp/artifacts" ; } >>"$df_name"

    echo "USER $user_id" >>"$df_name"
    # If exists, run the custom assemble script, else default to /usr/libexec/s2i/assemble
    if [ -x "$local_scripts/assemble" ]; then
        echo "RUN /tmp/scripts/assemble" >>"$df_name"
        echo "RUN /usr/libexec/s2i/assemble" >>"$df_name"
    # If exists, set the custom run script as CMD, else default to /usr/libexec/s2i/run
    if [ -x "$local_scripts/run" ]; then
        echo "CMD /tmp/scripts/run" >>"$df_name"
        echo "CMD /usr/libexec/s2i/run" >>"$df_name"

    # Check if -v parameter is present in s2i_args and add it into docker build command
    mount_options=$(echo "$s2i_args" | grep -o -e '\(-v\)[[:space:]]\.*\S*' || true)

    # Run the build and tag the result
    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
    docker build $mount_options -f "$df_name" --no-cache=true -t "$dst_image" .

# ct_check_image_availability PUBLIC_IMAGE_NAME
# ----------------------------
# Pull an image from the public repositories to see if the image is already available.
# Argument: PUBLIC_IMAGE_NAME - string containing the public name of the image to pull
ct_check_image_availability() {
  local public_image_name=$1;

  # Try pulling the image to see if it is accessible
  if ! docker pull "$public_image_name" &>/dev/null; then
    echo "$public_image_name could not be downloaded via 'docker'"
    return 1

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