Entry Point Inspector

Entry Point Inspector is a tool for looking at the entry point plugins installed on a system.


Name Description
ep show Shows the details for a single entry point.
group list Shows the groups for which plugins are available.
group show Shows the members of a specific group.
help print detailed help for another command


$ epi group list
| Name                     |
| cliff.formatter.list     |
| cliff.formatter.show     |
| console_scripts          |
| distutils.commands       |
| distutils.setup_keywords |
| egg_info.writers         |
| epi.commands             |
| setuptools.file_finders  |
| setuptools.installation  |

$ epi group show epi.commands
| Name       | Module                      | Member         | Distribution              | Error |
| group_list | entry_point_inspector.group | GroupList      | entry-point-inspector 0.1 |       |
| group_show | entry_point_inspector.group | GroupShow      | entry-point-inspector 0.1 |       |
| ep_show    | entry_point_inspector.ep    | EntryPointShow | entry-point-inspector 0.1 |       |

$ epi -v ep show epi.commands ep_show
Looking for ep_show in group epi.commands
| Field        | Value                                                              |
| Module       | entry_point_inspector.ep                                           |
| Member       | EntryPointShow                                                     |
| Distribution | entry-point-inspector 0.1                                          |
| Path         | /Users/dhellmann/Devel/entry_point_inspector/entry_point_inspector |
| Error        |                                                                    |

$ epi -v ep show epi.commands ep_show --distribution "entry-point-inspector==0.1"
Loading ep_show from epi.commands using distribution entry-point-inspector==0.1
| Field        | Value                                                              |
| Module       | entry_point_inspector.ep                                           |
| Member       | EntryPointShow                                                     |
| Distribution | entry-point-inspector 0.1                                          |
| Path         | /Users/dhellmann/Devel/entry_point_inspector/entry_point_inspector |
| Error        |                                                                    |

See Also