Blob Blame History Raw
%global     npm_name cjs-module-lexer
%global     prebuilt_blobs lib/lexer.wasm

Name:       nodejs-%{npm_name}
Summary:    A very fast lexer used to detect the named exports of a CommonJS module
Version:    1.3.1
Release:    %autorelease

License:    MIT
# The archive does not contain sources, only built artifacts
# Production archive is not needed
Source2:     %{npm_name}-%{version}-nm-dev.tgz
Source3:     %{npm_name}-%{version}-bundled-licenses.txt


# Binary files in this package are aimed at the wasm32-wasi "architecture".
%global     _binaries_in_noarch_packages_terminate_build 0
BuildArch:  noarch
# change this conditional to the fedora and rhel releases containing lld
# versions which include support for s390x:
%if 0
ExclusiveArch: %{nodejs_arches} noarch
ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} x86_64 aarch64 ppc64le riscv64 noarch

BuildRequires: clang lld make wasi-libc-devel binaryen
BuildRequires: nodejs-devel npm
# for autosetup -S git_am
BuildRequires: git-core

A very fast JS CommonJS module syntax lexer used to detect the most likely list
of named exports of a CommonJS module.  This project is used in Node.js core
for detecting the named exports available when importing a CJS module into ESM,
and is maintained for this purpose.

%autosetup -n %{npm_name}-%{version} -S git_am
cp -p %{S:3} .

rm -rf %{prebuilt_blobs}
tar -xzf %{S:2} && ln -rsf node_modules_dev node_modules
mkdir dist

%make_build -j1 \
    WASM_CC=clang WASM_OPT=wasm-opt \
    WASM_CFLAGS='--target=wasm32-wasi --sysroot=/usr/wasm32-wasi' \
    WASM_LDFLAGS='-nostartfiles -nodefaultlibs -lc' \
    clean optimize

EXTERNAL_PATH="%{nodejs_sitelib}/%{npm_name}" npm --offline run build
npm --offline pkg set 'files[]=lib/lexer.wasm'
npm --offline pack

mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{nodejs_sitelib}/%{npm_name}
tar --strip-components=1 -xzf %{npm_name}-%{version}.tgz -C %{buildroot}%{nodejs_sitelib}/%{npm_name}

%{__nodejs} -e 'require("./")'
%nodejs_symlink_deps --check
npm --offline run test

%license LICENSE %{npm_name}-%{version}-bundled-licenses.txt
%dir %{nodejs_sitelib}
