mvadkert / rpms / beakerlib

Forked from rpms/beakerlib 6 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw
From 24815efefc6375b558904d4c54a1f533d8a6a80c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Dalibor Pospisil <>
Date: Tue, 16 May 2017 17:38:51 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] reworked fallback mechanism, fixing bz1448510

 src/ | 251 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 177 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 152ba84..9bd1561 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -565,93 +565,188 @@ from
 # return information of the first matching package
+# $1 - method (rpm | repoquery)
+# $2 - packages (NVR)
 __INTERNAL_rpmGetPackageInfo() {
-    local package_info package_info_raw res=0
-    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): getting package info for '$1'"
-    package_info_raw="$(rpm --qf "%{name} %{version} %{release} %{arch} %{sourcerpm}\n" -q "$1")" || {
-        rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): package_info_raw: '$package_info_raw'"
-        rlLogInfo "rpm '$1' not installed, trying repoquery"
-        package_info_raw="$(repoquery --qf "%{name} %{version} %{release} %{arch} %{sourcerpm}\n" -q "$1")"
-    } || {
-        rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): package_info_raw: '$package_info_raw'"
-        rlLogError "rpm '$1' not available in any repository"
-        let res++
+  local package_info package_info_raw res=0
+  rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): getting package info for '$2'"
+  package_info_raw="$($1 --qf "%{name} %{version} %{release} %{arch} %{sourcerpm}\n" -q "$2")"
+  [[ $? -ne 0 || -z "$package_info_raw" ]] && {
+    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): package_info_raw: '$package_info_raw'"
+    rlLogInfo "rpm '$2' not available using '$1' tool"
+    let res++
+  }
+  if [[ $res -eq 0 ]]; then
+    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): package_info_raw: '$package_info_raw'"
+    # get first package
+    local tmp=( $(echo "$package_info_raw" | head -n 1 ) )
+    # extract component name from source_rpm
+    package_info="${tmp[@]:0:4} $(__INTERNAL_getNVRA "${tmp[4]/.rpm}")" || {
+      rlLogError "parsing package info '$package_info_raw' failed"
+      let res++
-    if [[ $res -eq 0 ]]; then
-        rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): package_info_raw: '$package_info_raw'"
-        # get first package
-        local tmp=( $(echo "$package_info_raw" | head -n 1 ) )
-        # extract component name from source_rpm
-        package_info="${tmp[@]:0:4} $(__INTERNAL_getNVRA "${tmp[4]/.rpm}")" || {
-            rlLogError "parsing package info '$package_info_raw' failed"
-            let res++
-        }
-        rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): package_info: '$package_info'"
-        echo "$package_info"
-    fi
-    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): returning $res"
-    return $res
+    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): package_info: '$package_info'"
+    rlLogInfo "got rpm info for '$2' via '$1'"
+    echo "$package_info"
+  fi
+  rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): returning $res"
+  return $res
-    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): parsing NVRA for '$1'"
-    local pat='(.+)-([^-]+)-(.+)\.([^.]+)$'
-    [[ "$1" =~ $pat ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[@]:1}"
+BEAKERLIB_rpm_fetch_base_url=( "" )
+BEAKERLIB_rpm_packageinfo_base_url=( "" )
+# generate combinations for various methods and parameters of finding the package
+__INTERNAL_rpmInitUrl() {
+    local i j k
+    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): preparing download variants"
+    __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase=()
+    for k in rpm repoquery; do
+      for j in nvr n; do
+        for i in "${BEAKERLIB_rpm_fetch_base_url[@]}"; do
+          __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase+=( "$k" ); # tool
+          __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase+=( "$j" ); # package_spec
+          __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase+=( "$i" ); # base_url
+        done
+      done
+    done
+    for j in koji; do
+      for i in "${BEAKERLIB_rpm_packageinfo_base_url[@]}"; do
+        __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase+=( "$j" ) ; # tool
+        __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase+=( "nvra.rpm" )   ; # package_spec
+        __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase+=( "$i" ) ; # base_url
+      done
+    done
+    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): $(set | grep ^__INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase=)"
-__INTERNAL_rpmGetPath() {
+__INTERNAL_WGET="wget -t 3 -T 180 -w 20 --waitretry=30 --no-check-certificate"
+# __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl N V R A | --source N V R
+__INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl() {
     local source=''
     [[ "$1" == "--source" ]] && {
-    local package="$1"
-    local N V R A CN CV CR CA res=0 nil
-    if IFS=' ' read N V R A < <(__INTERNAL_getNVRA "$package"); then
-        rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): getting component for $N-$V-$R.$A"
-        IFS=' ' read nil nil nil nil CN CV CR CA < <(__INTERNAL_rpmGetPackageInfo "$N") || \
-        let res++
-    else
-        rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): getting component, N, V, R, and A for $1"
-        IFS=' ' read N V R A CN CV CR CA < <(__INTERNAL_rpmGetPackageInfo "$package") || \
-        let res++
-    fi
-    if [[ $res -eq 0 ]]; then
-        if [[ -z "$source" ]]; then
-            echo "$CN/$CV/$CR/$A/$N-$V-$R.$A.rpm"
-        else
-            echo "$CN/$CV/$CR/src/$CN-$CV-$CR.src.rpm"
-        fi
-    else
-        rlLogError "rpm path counld not be constructed"
-    fi
+    local N=$1 V=$2 R=$3 A=$4 nil res url
+    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): process $N-$V-$R.$A"
+    while [[ -n "$__INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase" ]]; do
+      res=0
+      local tool=${__INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase[0]}
+      local package_spec=${__INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase[1]}
+      local base_url=${__INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase[2]}
+      #rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): $(set | grep ^__INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase=)"
+      rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): remove first three indices of __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase"
+      __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase=( "${__INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl_phase[@]:3}" )
+      rlLogInfo "trying tool $tool with $package_spec"
+      case $tool,$package_spec in
+        *,nvr)
+          IFS=' ' read nil nil nil nil CN CV CR CA < <(__INTERNAL_rpmGetPackageInfo $tool "$N-$V-$R")
+          res=$?
+          if [[ -n "$source" ]]; then
+            url="$base_url/$CN/$CV/$CR/src/$CN-$CV-$CR.src.rpm"
+          else
+            url="$base_url/$CN/$CV/$CR/$A/$N-$V-$R.$A.rpm"
+          fi
+          ;;
+        *,n)
+          IFS=' ' read nil nil nil nil CN CV CR CA < <(__INTERNAL_rpmGetPackageInfo $tool "$N")
+          res=$?
+          if [[ -n "$source" ]]; then
+            url="$base_url/$CN/$V/$R/src/$CN-$V-$R.src.rpm"
+          else
+            url="$base_url/$CN/$V/$R/$A/$N-$V-$R.$A.rpm"
+          fi
+          ;;
+        koji,nvra.rpm)
+          rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): get rpm info"
+          local rpm_info=$($__INTERNAL_WGET -O - "$base_url/search?match=exact&type=rpm&terms=$N-$V-$R.$A.rpm")
+          [[ $? -ne 0 || -z "$rpm_info" ]] && {
+            rlLogError "could not download rpm information"
+            let res++
+            continue
+          }
+          #[[ "$DEBUG" ]] && rlLogDebug "rpm_info='$rpm_info'"
+          local buildurl=$(echo "$rpm_info" | grep Version | grep -o '[^"]*buildID=[^"]*')
+          [[ $? -ne 0 || -z "$buildurl" ]] && {
+            rlLogError "could not find buildID"
+            let res++
+            continue
+          }
+          rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): extracted buildurl='$buildurl'"
+          [[ "$buildurl" =~ http ]] || buildurl="$base_url/$buildurl"
+          rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): using buildurl='$buildurl'"
+          local buildinfo=$($__INTERNAL_WGET -O - "$buildurl")
+          [[ $? -ne 0 || -z "$buildinfo" ]] && {
+            rlLogError "could not download build information"
+            let res++
+            continue
+          }
+          #[[ -n "$DEBUG" ]] && rlLogDebug "buildinfo='$buildinfo'"
+          if [[ -n "$source" ]]; then
+            url=$(echo "$buildinfo" | grep download | grep -o 'http[^"]*.src.rpm')
+          else
+            url=$(echo "$buildinfo" | grep download | grep -o "http[^\"]*/$N-$V-$R.$A.rpm")
+          fi
+          [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && {
+            rlLogError "could not find package url"
+            let res++
+            continue
+          }
+          ;;
+        *)
+          rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): unknown case"
+          rlLogError "there's a bug in the code, unknown case!"
+          let res++
+          break
+      esac
+      [[ $res -eq 0 ]] && break
+    done
+    [[ -z "$url" ]] && {
+      rlLogError "could not find package url"
+      let res++
+    }
+    rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): using url='$url'"
+    [[ $res -eq 0 ]] && __INTERNAL_RETURN_VALUE="$url"
     rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): returning $res"
     return $res
-BEAKERLIB_rpm_fetch_base_url=( "" )
+    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): parsing NVRA for '$1'"
+    local pat='(.+)-([^-]+)-(.+)\.([^.]+)$'
+    [[ "$1" =~ $pat ]] && echo "${BASH_REMATCH[@]:1}"
 __INTERNAL_rpmDirectDownload() {
-    local res=0 url pkg baseurl path
-    path="$(__INTERNAL_rpmGetPath "$@")" || return 1
-    for baseurl in "${BEAKERLIB_rpm_fetch_base_url[@]}"; do
-        url="$baseurl/$path"
+    local url pkg
+    __INTERNAL_rpmInitUrl
+    while __INTERNAL_rpmGetNextUrl "$@"; do
         local pkg=$(basename "$url")
         rlLog "trying download from '$url'"
-        if wget --no-check-certificate -O $pkg "$url" >&2; then
-            rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): package '$pkg' was successfully downloaded"
+        if $__INTERNAL_WGET -O $pkg "$url"; then
+            rlLogInfo "$FUNCNAME(): package '$pkg' was successfully downloaded"
             echo "$pkg"
             return 0
-        else
-            rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): package '$pkg' was not successfully downloaded"
-            let res++
+        rm -f "$pkg"
+        rlLogWarning "package '$pkg' was not successfully downloaded"
-    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): returning $res"
-    return $res
+    rlLogError "package '$pkg' was not successfully downloaded"
+    rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): returning 1"
+    return 1
@@ -659,15 +754,16 @@ __INTERNAL_rpmDirectDownload() {
 # __INTERNAL_rpmGetWithYumDownloader
 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-#  Download package(s) using yumdownloader
+#  Download package using yumdownloader
 __INTERNAL_rpmGetWithYumDownloader() {
     local source=''
+    local package="$1-$2-$3.$4"
     [[ "$1" == "--source" ]] && {
+      local package="$1-$2-$3"
-    local package="$1"     # list of packages to download
     rlLogDebug "${FUNCNAME}(): Trying yumdownloader to download $package"
     if ! which yumdownloader &> /dev/null ; then
@@ -697,6 +793,7 @@ __INTERNAL_rpmGetWithYumDownloader() {
                 return 1
             [[ $pkg_cnt -gt 1 ]] && rlLogWarning "got more than one package"
+            rm -f $pkg
             rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): moving package to local dir"
             mv $tmp/* ./
             rlLogDebug "$FUNCNAME(): removing tmp dir '$tmp'"
@@ -811,7 +908,7 @@ rlRpmInstall(){
         return 0
         local tmp=$(mktemp -d)
-        ( cd $tmp; __INTERNAL_rpmDownload "$N-$V-$R.$A" )
+        ( cd $tmp; __INTERNAL_rpmDownload $N $V $R $A )
         if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
             rlLog "RPM: $N-$V-$R.$A.rpm"
             rpm -Uhv --oldpackage "$tmp/$N-$V-$R.$A.rpm"
@@ -870,7 +967,7 @@ Returns 0 if specified package was downloaded succesfully.
-    local source='' NVRA res pkg
+    local source='' res pkg N V R A
     [[ "$1" == "--source" ]] && {
@@ -878,23 +975,28 @@ rlRpmDownload(){
     if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then
         local package="$1"
         [[ -n "$source" ]] && package="$package.src"
-        if ! __INTERNAL_getNVRA "$package" > /dev/null; then
+        if ! IFS=' ' read N V R A < <(__INTERNAL_getNVRA "$package"); then
             rlLogError "$FUNCNAME: Bad N.V.R-A format"
             return 1
-       NVRA="$1"
     elif [[ -z "$source" && $# -eq 4 ]]; then
-        NVRA="$1-$2-$3.$4"
+        N="$1"
+        V="$2"
+        R="$3"
+        A="$4"
     elif [[ -n "$source" && $# -ge 3 ]]; then
-        NVRA="$1-$2-$3"
+        N="$1"
+        V="$2"
+        R="$3"
+        A=""
         rlLogError "$FUNCNAME: invalid parameter(s)"
         return 1
-    rlLog "$FUNCNAME: Fetching ${source:+source }RPM $NVRA"
+    rlLog "$FUNCNAME: Fetching ${source:+source }RPM $N-$V-$R.$A"
-    if pkg=$(__INTERNAL_rpmDownload $source "$NVRA"); then
+    if pkg=$(__INTERNAL_rpmDownload $source $N $V $R $A); then
         rlLog "RPM: $pkg"
         echo "$pkg"
         return 0
@@ -932,13 +1034,14 @@ Returns 0 if the source package was succesfully downloaded.
     local PKGNAME=$1 srcrpm
-    if ! PKG=$(rpm -q ${PKGNAME}); then
+    local N V R nil
+    if ! IFS=' ' read N V R nil nil nil nil nil < <((__INTERNAL_rpmGetPackageInfo rpm "$PKGNAME")); then
         rlLogError "$FUNCNAME: The package is not installed, can't download the source"
         return 1
-    rlLog "$FUNCNAME: Fetching source rpm for installed $PKG"
+    rlLog "$FUNCNAME: Fetching source rpm for installed $N-$V-$R"
-    if srcrpm="$(__INTERNAL_rpmDownload --source "$PKG")"; then
+    if srcrpm="$(__INTERNAL_rpmDownload --source $N $V $R)"; then
         echo "$srcrpm"
         return 0