rdossant / rpms / ceph

Forked from rpms/ceph 6 years ago
Blob Blame History Raw

%global _hardened_build 1

%bcond_with ocf

%if ! (0%{?fedora} > 12 || 0%{?rhel} > 5)
%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")}
%{!?python_sitearch: %global python_sitearch %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib(1))")}

# common
Name:		ceph
Version:	0.81.0
Release:	4%{?dist}
Summary:	User space components of the Ceph file system
License:	GPL-2.0
Group:		System Environment/Base
URL:		http://ceph.com/
Source0:        https://ceph.com/download/%{name}-0.81.tar.bz2
Patch0:         ceph-0.81.0-test-librbd-fsx.c.patch
Patch1:         ceph-0.81.0-Makefile.in.patch
Patch2:         ceph-0.81.0-configure.ac.patch
%if ( 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7 )
ExcludeArch:	ppc ppc64
Requires:	librbd1 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	librados2 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	libcephfs1 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	python
Requires:	python-argparse
Requires:	python-ceph
Requires:	python-requests
Requires:       xfsprogs
Requires:	cryptsetup
Requires:	parted
Requires:	util-linux
Requires:	hdparm
Requires:       redhat-lsb-core
Requires(post):	binutils
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
BuildRequires:	make
BuildRequires:	gcc-c++
BuildRequires:	libtool
BuildRequires:	boost-devel
BuildRequires:	libedit-devel
BuildRequires:	perl
BuildRequires:	gdbm
BuildRequires:	pkgconfig
BuildRequires:	python
BuildRequires:	python-nose
BuildRequires:	python-argparse
BuildRequires:  libaio-devel
BuildRequires:  libcurl-devel
BuildRequires:  libxml2-devel
BuildRequires:  libuuid-devel
BuildRequires:  libblkid-devel >= 2.17
BuildRequires:  libudev-devel
BuildRequires:  leveldb-devel > 1.2
%if ( ! (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7) )
BuildRequires:  xfsprogs-devel
BuildRequires:  yasm
%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?centos} || 0%{?fedora}
BuildRequires:  snappy-devel

# specific
%if ! 0%{?rhel}
BuildRequires:  sharutils

%if 0%{defined suse_version}
%if 0%{?suse_version} > 1210
Requires:       gptfdisk
BuildRequires:  gperftools-devel
Requires:       scsirastools
BuildRequires:  google-perftools-devel
Recommends:	logrotate
BuildRequires:	%insserv_prereq
BuildRequires:	mozilla-nss-devel
BuildRequires:	keyutils-devel
BuildRequires:	libatomic-ops-devel
BuildRequires:  fdupes
Requires:       gdisk
BuildRequires:	nss-devel
BuildRequires:	keyutils-libs-devel
BuildRequires:	libatomic_ops-devel
Requires:	gdisk
Requires(post):	chkconfig
# google-perftools is not available on these:
%if ( ! (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6 ) )
%ifnarch ppc s390 s390x
BuildRequires: gperftools-devel
%ifnarch ppc ppc64 s390 s390x
BuildRequires: gperftools-devel

Ceph is a massively scalable, open-source, distributed
storage system that runs on commodity hardware and delivers object,
block and file system storage.

# packages
%package fuse
Summary:	Ceph fuse-based client
Group:		System Environment/Base
Requires:	%{name}
BuildRequires:	fuse-devel
%description fuse
FUSE based client for Ceph distributed network file system

%package -n rbd-fuse
Summary:	Ceph fuse-based client
Group:		System Environment/Base
Requires:	%{name}
BuildRequires:	fuse-devel
%description -n rbd-fuse
FUSE based client to map Ceph rbd images to files

%package devel
Summary:	Ceph headers
Group:		Development/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
Requires:	%{name} = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	librados2 = %{version}
Requires:	librbd1 = %{version}
Requires:	libcephfs1 = %{version}
%description devel
This package contains libraries and headers needed to develop programs
that use Ceph.

%package radosgw
Summary:	Rados REST gateway
Group:		Development/Libraries
Requires:	librados2 = %{version}-%{release}
%if 0%{defined suse_version}
BuildRequires:	libexpat-devel
BuildRequires:	FastCGI-devel
Requires:	apache2-mod_fcgid
BuildRequires:	expat-devel
BuildRequires:	fcgi-devel
%description radosgw
radosgw is an S3 HTTP REST gateway for the RADOS object store. It is
implemented as a FastCGI module using libfcgi, and can be used in
conjunction with any FastCGI capable web server.

%if %{with ocf}
%package resource-agents
Summary:	OCF-compliant resource agents for Ceph daemons
Group:		System Environment/Base
License:	LGPL-2.0
Requires:	%{name} = %{version}
Requires:	resource-agents
%description resource-agents
Resource agents for monitoring and managing Ceph daemons
under Open Cluster Framework (OCF) compliant resource
managers such as Pacemaker.

%package -n librados2
Summary:	RADOS distributed object store client library
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?centos} || 0%{?fedora}
Obsoletes:	ceph-libs
%description -n librados2
RADOS is a reliable, autonomic distributed object storage cluster
developed as part of the Ceph distributed storage system. This is a
shared library allowing applications to access the distributed object
store using a simple file-like interface.

%package -n librbd1
Summary:	RADOS block device client library
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?centos} || 0%{?fedora}
Obsoletes:	ceph-libs
%description -n librbd1
RBD is a block device striped across multiple distributed objects in
RADOS, a reliable, autonomic distributed object storage cluster
developed as part of the Ceph distributed storage system. This is a
shared library allowing applications to manage these block devices.

%package -n libcephfs1
Summary:	Ceph distributed file system client library
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
%if 0%{?rhel} || 0%{?centos} || 0%{?fedora}
Obsoletes:	ceph-libs
%description -n libcephfs1
Ceph is a distributed network file system designed to provide excellent
performance, reliability, and scalability. This is a shared library
allowing applications to access a Ceph distributed file system via a
POSIX-like interface.

%package -n python-ceph
Summary:	Python libraries for the Ceph distributed filesystem
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
Requires:	librados2 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	librbd1 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	libcephfs1 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	python-flask
%if 0%{defined suse_version}
%description -n python-ceph
This package contains Python libraries for interacting with Cephs RADOS
object storage.

%package -n rest-bench
Summary:	RESTful benchmark
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
Requires:	librados2 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	librbd1 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	libcephfs1 = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n rest-bench
RESTful bencher that can be used to benchmark radosgw performance.

%package -n ceph-test
Summary:	Ceph benchmarks and test tools
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
Requires:	librados2 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	librbd1 = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:	libcephfs1 = %{version}-%{release}
%description -n ceph-test
This package contains Ceph benchmarks and test tools.

%package -n libcephfs_jni1
Summary:	Java Native Interface library for CephFS Java bindings.
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
Requires:	java
Requires:	libcephfs1 = %{version}-%{release}
BuildRequires:  java-devel
%description -n libcephfs_jni1
This package contains the Java Native Interface library for CephFS Java

%package -n cephfs-java
Summary:	Java libraries for the Ceph File System.
Group:		System Environment/Libraries
License:	LGPL-2.0
Requires:	java
Requires:	libcephfs_jni1 = %{version}-%{release}
BuildRequires:  java-devel
%if ( 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7 )
Requires:       junit4
BuildRequires:  junit4
Requires:       junit
BuildRequires:  junit
%description -n cephfs-java
This package contains the Java libraries for the Ceph File System.

%if 0%{?opensuse} || 0%{?suse_version}

# common
%setup -q -n ceph-0.81
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%if ( 0%{?fedora} && 0%{?fedora} > 20 )
%patch2 -p1

# Find jni.h
for i in /usr/{lib64,lib}/jvm/java/include{,/linux}; do
    [ -d $i ] && java_inc="$java_inc -I$i"


MY_CONF_OPT="$MY_CONF_OPT --with-radosgw"

export RPM_OPT_FLAGS=`echo $RPM_OPT_FLAGS | sed -e 's/i386/i486/'`

%{configure}	CPPFLAGS="$java_inc" \
		--prefix=/usr \
		--localstatedir=/var \
		--sysconfdir=/etc \
		--docdir=%{_docdir}/ceph \
		--with-nss \
		--without-cryptopp \
		--with-rest-bench \
		--with-debug \
		--enable-cephfs-java \
		%{?_with_ocf} \
%if ( 0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} < 7 )
		--without-libxfs \
%if ( ! (0%{?rhel} && 0%{?rhel} <= 6 ) )
%ifarch ppc s390 s390x
		--without-tcmalloc \
%ifarch ppc ppc64 s390 s390x
		--without-tcmalloc \

# fix bug in specific version of libedit-devel
%if 0%{defined suse_version}
sed -i -e "s/-lcurses/-lncurses/g" Makefile
sed -i -e "s/-lcurses/-lncurses/g" src/Makefile
sed -i -e "s/-lcurses/-lncurses/g" man/Makefile
sed -i -e "s/-lcurses/-lncurses/g" src/ocf/Makefile
sed -i -e "s/-lcurses/-lncurses/g" src/java/Makefile

make -j$(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)

find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name "*.la" -exec rm -f {} ';'
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name "*.a" -exec rm -f {} ';'
install -D src/init-ceph $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}/ceph
install -D src/init-radosgw.sysv $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}/ceph-radosgw
install -D src/init-rbdmap $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}/rbdmap
install -D src/rbdmap $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ceph/rbdmap
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}
ln -sf ../../etc/init.d/ceph %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}/rcceph
ln -sf ../../etc/init.d/ceph-radosgw %{buildroot}/%{_sbindir}/rcceph-radosgw
install -m 0644 -D src/logrotate.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/ceph
install -m 0644 -D src/rgw/logrotate.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/radosgw
chmod 0644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/ceph/sample.ceph.conf
chmod 0644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/ceph/sample.fetch_config

# udev rules
install -m 0644 -D udev/50-rbd.rules $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/udev/rules.d/50-rbd.rules
install -m 0644 -D udev/60-ceph-partuuid-workaround.rules $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/udev/rules.d/60-ceph-partuuid-workaround.rules

%if (0%{?rhel} || 0%{?rhel} < 7)
install -m 0644 -D udev/95-ceph-osd-alt.rules $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/udev/rules.d/95-ceph-osd.rules
install -m 0644 -D udev/95-ceph-osd.rules $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/udev/rules.d/95-ceph-osd.rules

#set up placeholder directories
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/ceph
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/run/ceph
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/ceph
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/tmp
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/mon
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/osd
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/mds
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/radosgw

%if %{defined suse_version}
# Fedora seems to have some problems with this macro, use it only on SUSE
%fdupes -s $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{python_sitelib}
%fdupes %buildroot


/sbin/chkconfig --add ceph
mkdir -p %{_localstatedir}/run/ceph/

%if %{defined suse_version}
%stop_on_removal ceph
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
    /sbin/service ceph stop >/dev/null 2>&1
    /sbin/chkconfig --del ceph

if [ "$1" -ge "1" ] ; then
    /sbin/service ceph condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
%if %{defined suse_version}
%restart_on_update ceph
# Package removal cleanup
if [ "$1" -eq "0" ] ; then
    rm -rf /var/log/ceph
    rm -rf /etc/ceph

# files
%docdir %{_docdir}
%dir %{_docdir}/ceph
%dir %{_libdir}/ceph
%dir %{_libdir}/rados-classes
%dir %{_libdir}/ceph/erasure-code
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/ceph/
%config %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/ceph
%config %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/rados
%config %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/radosgw-admin
%config %{_sysconfdir}/bash_completion.d/rbd
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/ceph/rbdmap
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/ceph
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/radosgw
#set up placeholder directories
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/tmp
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/mon
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/osd
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/mds
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/ceph/bootstrap-mds
%dir %{_localstatedir}/log/ceph/
%ghost %dir %{_localstatedir}/run/ceph/

%files fuse

%files -n rbd-fuse

%files devel
%dir %{_includedir}/cephfs
%dir %{_includedir}/rados
%dir %{_includedir}/rbd

%files radosgw
%dir %{_localstatedir}/log/radosgw/

%post radosgw
%if %{defined suse_version}
%fillup_and_insserv -f -y ceph-radosgw

%preun radosgw
%if %{defined suse_version}
%stop_on_removal ceph-radosgw

%postun radosgw
%if %{defined suse_version}
%restart_on_update ceph-radosgw
# Package removal cleanup
if [ "$1" -eq "0" ] ; then
    rm -rf /var/log/radosgw

%if %{with ocf}
%files resource-agents
%dir /usr/lib/ocf
%dir /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d
%dir /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/ceph

%files -n librados2

%post -n librados2

%postun -n librados2

%files -n librbd1

%post -n librbd1
mkdir -p /usr/lib64/qemu/ 
ln -sf %{_libdir}/librbd.so.1 /usr/lib64/qemu/librbd.so.1

%postun -n librbd1

%files -n libcephfs1

%post -n libcephfs1

%postun -n libcephfs1

%files -n python-ceph

%files -n rest-bench

%files -n ceph-test

%files -n libcephfs_jni1

%files -n cephfs-java

* Fri Jul 4 2014 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]redhat.com> - 0.81.0-4
- upstream ceph.spec file

* Tue Jul 1 2014 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]redhat.com> - 0.81.0-3
- upstream ceph.spec file

* Sat Jun 07 2014 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.81.0-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild

* Thu Jun 5 2014 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]redhat.com>
- el6 ppc64 likewise for tcmalloc, merge from origin/el6

* Thu Jun 5 2014 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]redhat.com>
- el6 ppc64 does not have gperftools, merge from origin/el6

* Thu Jun 5 2014 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]redhat.com> - 0.81.0-1
- ceph-0.81.0

* Wed Jun  4 2014 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 0.80.1-5
- gperftools now available on aarch64/ppc64

* Fri May 23 2014 Petr Machata <pmachata@redhat.com> - 0.80.1-4
- Rebuild for boost 1.55.0

* Fri May 23 2014 David Tardon <dtardon@redhat.com> - 0.80.1-3
- rebuild for boost 1.55.0

* Wed May 14 2014 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]redhat.com> - 0.80.1-2
- build epel-6
- exclude %%{_libdir}/ceph/erasure-code in base package

* Tue May 13 2014 Kaleb S. KEITHLEY <kkeithle[at]redhat.com> - 0.80.1-1
- Update to latest stable upstream release, BZ 1095201
- PIE, _hardened_build, BZ 955174

* Thu Feb 06 2014 Ken Dreyer <ken.dreyer@inktank.com> - 0.72.2-2
- Move plugins from -devel into -libs package (#891993). Thanks Michael

* Mon Jan 06 2014 Ken Dreyer <ken.dreyer@inktank.com> 0.72.2-1
- Update to latest stable upstream release
- Use HTTPS for URLs
- Submit Automake 1.12 patch upstream
- Move unversioned shared libs from ceph-libs into ceph-devel

* Wed Dec 18 2013 Marcin Juszkiewicz <mjuszkiewicz@redhat.com> 0.67.3-4
- build without tcmalloc on aarch64 (no gperftools)

* Sat Nov 30 2013 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 0.67.3-3
- gperftools not currently available on aarch64

* Mon Oct 07 2013 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 0.67.3-2
- fix build on non-x86_64 64-bit arches

* Wed Sep 11 2013 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> - 0.67.3-1
- update to 0.67.3

* Wed Sep 11 2013 Michael Schwendt <mschwendt@fedoraproject.org> - 0.61.7-3
- let base package include all its documentation files via %%doc magic,
  so for Fedora 20 Unversioned Docdirs no files are included accidentally
- include the sample config files again (instead of just an empty docdir
  that has been added for #846735)
- don't include librbd.so.1 also in -devel package (#1003202)
- move one misplaced rados plugin from -devel into -libs package (#891993)
- include missing directories in -devel and -libs packages
- move librados-config into the -devel pkg where its manual page is, too
- add %%_isa to subpackage dependencies
- don't use %%defattr anymore
- add V=1 to make invocation for verbose build output

* Wed Jul 31 2013 Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@fedoraproject.org> 0.61.7-2
- re-enable tmalloc on arm now gperftools is fixed

* Mon Jul 29 2013 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> - 0.61.7-1
- Update to 0.61.7

* Sat Jul 27 2013 pmachata@redhat.com - 0.56.4-2
- Rebuild for boost 1.54.0

* Fri Mar 29 2013 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> - 0.56.4-1
- Update to 0.56.4
- Add upstream d02340d90c9d30d44c962bea7171db3fe3bfba8e to fix logrotate

* Wed Feb 20 2013 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> - 0.56.3-1
- Update to 0.56.3

* Mon Feb 11 2013 Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com> - 0.53-2
- Rebuilt to try to fix boost dependency problem in Rawhide.

* Thu Nov  1 2012 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> - 0.53-1
- Update to 0.53

* Mon Sep 24 2012 Jonathan Dieter <jdieter@lesbg.com> - 0.51-3
- Fix automake 1.12 error
- Rebuild after buildroot was messed up

* Tue Sep 18 2012 Jonathan Dieter <jdieter@lesbg.com> - 0.51-2
- Use system leveldb

* Fri Sep 07 2012 David Nalley <david@gnsa.us> - 0.51-1
- Updating to 0.51
- Updated url and source url. 

* Wed Jul 18 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.46-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild

* Wed May  9 2012 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> - 0.46-1
- updated to upstream 0.46
- broke out libcephfs (rhbz# 812975)

* Mon Apr 23 2012 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> - 0.45-2
- fix detection of C++11 atomic header

* Thu Apr 12 2012 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> - 0.45-1
- updating to upstream 0.45

* Wed Apr  4 2012 Niels de Vos <devos@fedoraproject.org> - 0.44-5
- Add LDFLAGS=-lpthread on any ARM architecture

* Mon Mar 26 2012 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> 0.44-4
- gperftools not available also on ppc

* Mon Mar 26 2012 Jonathan Dieter <jdieter@lesbg.com> - 0.44-3
- Remove unneeded patch

* Sun Mar 25 2012 Jonathan Dieter <jdieter@lesbg.com> - 0.44-2
- Update to 0.44
- Fix build problems

* Mon Mar  5 2012 Jonathan Dieter <jdieter@lesbg.com> - 0.43-1
- Update to 0.43
- Remove upstreamed compile fixes patch
- Remove obsoleted dump_pop patch

* Tue Feb 28 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.41-2
- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage

* Thu Feb 16 2012 Tom Callaway <spot@fedoraproject.org> 0.41-1
- update to 0.41
- fix issues preventing build
- rebuild against gperftools

* Sat Dec 03 2011 David Nalley <david@gnsa.us> 0.38-1
- updating to upstream 0.39

* Sat Nov 05 2011 David Nalley <david@gnsa.us> 0.37-1
- create /etc/ceph - bug 745462
- upgrading to 0.37, fixing 745460, 691033
- fixing various logrotate bugs 748930, 747101

* Fri Aug 19 2011 Dan Horák <dan[at]danny.cz> 0.31-4
- google-perftools not available also on s390(x)

* Mon Jul 25 2011 Karsten Hopp <karsten@redhat.com> 0.31-3
- build without tcmalloc on ppc64, BR google-perftools is not available there

* Tue Jul 12 2011 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.31-2
- Remove curl/types.h include since we don't use it anymore

* Tue Jul 12 2011 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.31-1
- Update to 0.31

* Tue Apr  5 2011 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.26-2
- Add the compile fix patch

* Tue Apr  5 2011 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.26
- Update to 0.26

* Tue Mar 22 2011 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.25.1-1
- Update to 0.25.1

* Tue Feb 08 2011 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng@lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.21.3-2
- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild

* Wed Sep 29 2010 Steven Pritchard <steve@kspei.com> 0.21.3-1
- Update to 0.21.3.

* Mon Aug 30 2010 Steven Pritchard <steve@kspei.com> 0.21.2-1
- Update to 0.21.2.

* Thu Aug 26 2010 Steven Pritchard <steve@kspei.com> 0.21.1-1
- Update to 0.21.1.
- Sample configs moved to /usr/share/doc/ceph/.
- Added cclass, rbd, and cclsinfo.
- Dropped mkmonfs and rbdtool.
- mkcephfs moved to /sbin.
- Add libcls_rbd.so.

* Tue Jul  6 2010 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.20.2-1
- update to 0.20.2

* Wed May  5 2010 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.20-1
- update to 0.20
- disable hadoop building
- remove all the test binaries properly

* Fri Apr 30 2010 Sage Weil <sage@newdream.net> 0.19.1-5
- Remove java deps (no need to build hadoop by default)
- Include all required librados helpers
- Include fetch_config sample
- Include rbdtool
- Remove misc debugging, test binaries

* Fri Apr 30 2010 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.19.1-4
- Add java-devel and java tricks to get hadoop to build

* Mon Apr 26 2010 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.19.1-3
- Move the rados and cauthtool man pages into the base package

* Sun Apr 25 2010 Jonathan Dieter <jdieter@lesbg.com> 0.19.1-2
- Add missing libhadoopcephfs.so* to file list
- Add COPYING to all subpackages
- Fix ownership of /usr/lib[64]/ceph
- Enhance description of fuse client

* Tue Apr 20 2010 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.19.1-1
- Update to 0.19.1

* Mon Feb  8 2010 Josef Bacik <josef@toxicpanda.com> 0.18-1
- Initial spec file creation, based on the template provided in the ceph src