rjones / rpms / ghc

Forked from rpms/ghc 5 months ago
Blob Blame History Raw
--- ghc-8.2.2/libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/Install.hs~	2017-05-05 23:51:43.000000000 +0900
+++ ghc-8.2.2/libraries/Cabal/Cabal/Distribution/Simple/Install.hs	2018-02-27 12:22:13.159432104 +0900
@@ -215,8 +215,7 @@
                       ++ " in " ++ binPref)
     inPath <- isInSearchPath binPref
     when (not inPath) $
-      warn verbosity ("The directory " ++ binPref
-                      ++ " is not in the system search path.")
+      warn verbosity ("Executable installed in " ++ binPref)
     case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
       GHC   -> GHC.installExe   verbosity lbi binPref buildPref progFix pkg_descr exe
       GHCJS -> GHCJS.installExe verbosity lbi binPref buildPref progFix pkg_descr exe