
The bitcoin-core package.

Preparing a new update

Perform the following steps to prepare the update to a new version. The sample commands below are performed with version 24.0.

Generic package update steps:

$ rm -f bitcoin-core-*.tar.gz SHA256SUMS*

$ rpmdev-bumpspec -D -c "Update to 24.0." -n 24.0 bitcoin-core.spec

$ spectool -g bitcoin-core.spec
100% of  10.9 MiB |#######################################################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:01 Time:  0:00:01
Downloaded: bitcoin-24.0.tar.gz
100% of  10.3 KiB |#######################################################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
Downloaded: SHA256SUMS.asc
100% of   2.8 KiB |#######################################################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time:  0:00:00
Downloaded: SHA256SUMS
File '/home/slaanesh/workspace/fedora/bitcoin-core/db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' already present.

When uploading sources, make sure the DB tarball is included even if it has not changed as otherwise will not be available in the Koji build root:

$ fedpkg new-sources bitcoin-24.0.tar.gz SHA256SUMS SHA256SUMS.asc db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
File already uploaded: db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
Uploading: bitcoin-24.0.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100.0%
Uploading: SHA256SUMS
######################################################################## 100.0%
Uploading: SHA256SUMS.asc
######################################################################## 100.0%
Source upload succeeded. Don't forget to commit the sources file

After this, based from the list of keys that have signed the release and that are listed inside the tarball, download the available ones:

$ rm -f *.gpg

$ ./ 24.0

Prepare directory and list of GPG keys used to sign the release... done.
Attempting to download all listed GPG keys for release 24.0... done.
List of valid keys used to sign the release:
# 9D3CC86A72F8494342EA5FD10A41BDC3F4FAFF1C - Aaron Clauson (sipsorcery)
Source21: bitcoin-9D3CC86A72F8494342EA5FD10A41BDC3F4FAFF1C-pubring.gpg
# 152812300785C96444D3334D17565732E08E5E41 - Andrew Chow (achow101)
Source22: bitcoin-152812300785C96444D3334D17565732E08E5E41-pubring.gpg
# 0AD83877C1F0CD1EE9BD660AD7CC770B81FD22A8 - Ben Carman (benthecarman)
Source23: bitcoin-0AD83877C1F0CD1EE9BD660AD7CC770B81FD22A8-pubring.gpg
# 101598DC823C1B5F9A6624ABA5E0907A0380E6C3 - CoinForensics (CoinForensics)
Source24: bitcoin-101598DC823C1B5F9A6624ABA5E0907A0380E6C3-pubring.gpg
# 6B002C6EA3F91B1B0DF0C9BC8F617F1200A6D25C - Gloria Zhao (glozow)
Source25: bitcoin-6B002C6EA3F91B1B0DF0C9BC8F617F1200A6D25C-pubring.gpg
# D1DBF2C4B96F2DEBF4C16654410108112E7EA81F - Hennadii Stepanov (hebasto)
Source26: bitcoin-D1DBF2C4B96F2DEBF4C16654410108112E7EA81F-pubring.gpg
# E777299FC265DD04793070EB944D35F9AC3DB76A - Michael Ford (fanquake)
Source27: bitcoin-E777299FC265DD04793070EB944D35F9AC3DB76A-pubring.gpg
# F4FC70F07310028424EFC20A8E4256593F177720 - Oliver Gugger (guggero, Oliver Gugger)
Source28: bitcoin-F4FC70F07310028424EFC20A8E4256593F177720-pubring.gpg
# 133EAC179436F14A5CF1B794860FEB804E669320 - Pieter Wuille (sipa)
Source29: bitcoin-133EAC179436F14A5CF1B794860FEB804E669320-pubring.gpg
# 6A8F9C266528E25AEB1D7731C2371D91CB716EA7 - Sebastian Falbesoner (theStack)
Source30: bitcoin-6A8F9C266528E25AEB1D7731C2371D91CB716EA7-pubring.gpg
# ED9BDF7AD6A55E232E84524257FF9BDBCC301009 - Sjors Provoost (sjors)
Source31: bitcoin-ED9BDF7AD6A55E232E84524257FF9BDBCC301009-pubring.gpg
# 71A3B16735405025D447E8F274810B012346C9A6 - Wladimir J. van der Laan (laanwj)
Source32: bitcoin-71A3B16735405025D447E8F274810B012346C9A6-pubring.gpg

After this, it's time to commit and build:

$ git add bitcoin-*-pubring.gpg
$ git commit -a -m "Update to 24.0"

$ fedpkg build --nowait