Blob Blame History Raw

%global pkgname   dirsrv
%global srcname   389-ds-base

# Exclude i686 bit arches
ExcludeArch: i686 

# for a pre-release, define the prerel field e.g. .a1 .rc2 - comment out for official release
# also remove the space between % and global - this space is needed because
# fedpkg verrel stupidly ignores comment lines
#% global prerel .rc3
# also need the relprefix field for a pre-release e.g. .0 - also comment out for official release
#% global relprefix 0.

# If perl-Socket-2.000 or newer is available, set 0 to use_Socket6.
%global use_Socket6 0

%global use_asan 0
%global use_rust 0
%global bundle_jemalloc 1
%if %{use_asan}
%global bundle_jemalloc 0

%if %{bundle_jemalloc}
%global jemalloc_name jemalloc
%global jemalloc_ver 5.2.1
%global __provides_exclude ^libjemalloc\\.so.*$

# Use Clang instead of GCC
%global use_clang 0

# Build cockpit plugin
%global use_cockpit 1

# fedora 15 and later uses tmpfiles.d
# otherwise, comment this out
%{!?with_tmpfiles_d: %global with_tmpfiles_d %{_sysconfdir}/tmpfiles.d}

# systemd support
%global groupname %{pkgname}.target

# set PIE flag
%global _hardened_build 1

Summary:          389 Directory Server (base)
Name:             389-ds-base
Release:          %{?relprefix}1%{?prerel}%{?dist}
License:          GPLv3+
Conflicts:        selinux-policy-base < 3.9.8
Conflicts:        freeipa-server < 4.0.3
Obsoletes:        %{name} <=
Obsoletes:        %{name}-legacy-tools <
Obsoletes:        %{name}-legacy-tools-debuginfo <
Provides:         ldif2ldbm >= 0

BuildRequires:    nspr-devel
BuildRequires:    nss-devel >= 3.34
BuildRequires:    openldap-devel
BuildRequires:    libdb-devel
BuildRequires:    cyrus-sasl-devel
BuildRequires:    icu
BuildRequires:    libicu-devel
BuildRequires:    pcre-devel
BuildRequires:    cracklib-devel
%if %{use_clang}
BuildRequires:    libatomic
BuildRequires:    clang
BuildRequires:    gcc
BuildRequires:    gcc-c++
# The following are needed to build the snmp ldap-agent
BuildRequires:    net-snmp-devel
BuildRequires:    lm_sensors-devel
BuildRequires:    bzip2-devel
BuildRequires:    zlib-devel
BuildRequires:    openssl-devel
# the following is for the pam passthru auth plug-in
BuildRequires:    pam-devel
BuildRequires:    systemd-units
BuildRequires:    systemd-devel
%if %{use_asan}
BuildRequires:    libasan
# If rust is enabled
%if %{use_rust}
BuildRequires: cargo
BuildRequires: rust
BuildRequires:    pkgconfig
BuildRequires:    pkgconfig(systemd)
BuildRequires:    pkgconfig(krb5)

# Needed to support regeneration of the autotool artifacts.
BuildRequires:    autoconf
BuildRequires:    automake
BuildRequires:    libtool
# For our documentation
BuildRequires:    doxygen
# For tests!
BuildRequires:    libcmocka-devel
BuildRequires:    libevent-devel
# For lib389 and related components
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-devel
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-ldap
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-six
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-pyasn1
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-pyasn1-modules
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-dateutil
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-argcomplete
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-argparse-manpage
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-libselinux
BuildRequires:    python%{python3_pkgversion}-policycoreutils

# For cockpit
%if %{use_cockpit}
BuildRequires:    rsync

Requires:         %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:         python%{python3_pkgversion}-lib389 = %{version}-%{release}

# this is needed for using semanage from our setup scripts
Requires:         policycoreutils-python-utils
Requires:         /usr/sbin/semanage
Requires:         libsemanage-python%{python3_pkgversion}

Requires:         selinux-policy >= 3.14.1-29

# the following are needed for some of our scripts
Requires:         openldap-clients
Requires:         /usr/bin/c_rehash
Requires:         python%{python3_pkgversion}-ldap

# this is needed to setup SSL if you are not using the
# administration server package
Requires:         nss-tools
Requires:         nss >= 3.34

# these are not found by the auto-dependency method
# they are required to support the mandatory LDAP SASL mechs
Requires:         cyrus-sasl-gssapi
Requires:         cyrus-sasl-md5
Requires:         cyrus-sasl-plain

# this is needed for
Requires:         libdb-utils

# Needed for password dictionary checks
Requires:         cracklib-dicts

# Needed by
Requires:         perl-DB_File
Requires:         perl-Archive-Tar

# Picks up our systemd deps.

Obsoletes:        %{name} <=

# should be used to generate the source tarball from git
Source1:          %{name}
Source2:          %{name}-devel.README
%if %{bundle_jemalloc}

389 Directory Server is an LDAPv3 compliant server.  The base package includes
the LDAP server and command line utilities for server administration.
%if %{use_asan}
WARNING! This build is linked to Address Sanitisation libraries. This probably
isn't what you want. Please contact support immediately.
Please see for more information.

%package          libs
Summary:          Core libraries for 389 Directory Server
BuildRequires:    nspr-devel
BuildRequires:    nss-devel >= 3.34
BuildRequires:    openldap-devel
BuildRequires:    libdb-devel
BuildRequires:    cyrus-sasl-devel
BuildRequires:    libicu-devel
BuildRequires:    pcre-devel
BuildRequires:    libtalloc-devel
BuildRequires:    libevent-devel
BuildRequires:    libtevent-devel
BuildRequires:    make
Requires:         krb5-libs
Requires:         libevent
BuildRequires:    systemd-devel
Provides:         svrcore = 4.1.4
Conflicts:        svrcore
Obsoletes:        svrcore <= 4.1.3

%description      libs
Core libraries for the 389 Directory Server base package.  These libraries
are used by the main package and the -devel package.  This allows the -devel
package to be installed with just the -libs package and without the main package.

%package          devel
Summary:          Development libraries for 389 Directory Server
Requires:         %{name}-libs = %{version}-%{release}
Requires:         pkgconfig
Requires:         nspr-devel
Requires:         nss-devel >= 3.34
Requires:         openldap-devel
Requires:         libtalloc
Requires:         libevent
Requires:         libtevent
Requires:         systemd-libs
Provides:         svrcore-devel = 4.1.4
Conflicts:        svrcore-devel
Obsoletes:        svrcore-devel <= 4.1.3

%description      devel
Development Libraries and headers for the 389 Directory Server base package.

%package          snmp
Summary:          SNMP Agent for 389 Directory Server
Requires:         %{name} = %{version}-%{release}

Obsoletes:        %{name} <=

%description      snmp
SNMP Agent for the 389 Directory Server base package.

%package -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-lib389
Summary:  A library for accessing, testing, and configuring the 389 Directory Server
BuildArch:        noarch
Requires: openssl
Requires: iproute
Recommends: bash-completion
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-distro
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-ldap
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-six
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pyasn1
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-pyasn1-modules
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-dateutil
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-argcomplete
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-libselinux
Requires: python%{python3_pkgversion}-setuptools
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python%{python3_pkgversion}-lib389}

%description -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-lib389
This module contains tools and libraries for accessing, testing,
 and configuring the 389 Directory Server.

%if %{use_cockpit}
%package -n cockpit-389-ds
Summary:          Cockpit UI Plugin for configuring and administering the 389 Directory Server
BuildArch:        noarch
Requires:         cockpit
Requires:         389-ds-base
Requires:         python%{python3_pkgversion}
Requires:         python%{python3_pkgversion}-lib389

%description -n cockpit-389-ds
A cockpit UI Plugin for configuring and administering the 389 Directory Server

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}%{?prerel}

%if %{bundle_jemalloc}
%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}%{?prerel} -T -D -b 3

cp %{SOURCE2} README.devel


%{?with_tmpfiles_d: TMPFILES_FLAG="--with-tmpfiles-d=%{with_tmpfiles_d}"}
# hack hack hack
NSSARGS="--with-nss-lib=%{_libdir} --with-nss-inc=%{_includedir}/nss3"

%if %{use_asan}
ASAN_FLAGS="--enable-asan --enable-debug"

%if %{use_rust}

%if !%{use_cockpit}

%if %{use_clang}
export CC=clang
export CXX=clang++

%if %{bundle_jemalloc}
# Override page size, bz #1545539
# 4K
%ifarch %ix86 %arm x86_64 s390x
%define lg_page --with-lg-page=12

# 64K
%ifarch ppc64 ppc64le aarch64
%define lg_page --with-lg-page=16

# Override huge page size on aarch64
# 2M instead of 512M
%ifarch aarch64
%define lg_hugepage --with-lg-hugepage=21

# Build jemalloc
pushd ../%{jemalloc_name}-%{jemalloc_ver}
%configure \
        --libdir=%{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/lib \
        --bindir=%{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/bin \
make %{?_smp_mflags}

# Enforce strict linking
%define _strict_symbol_defs_build 1

# Rebuild the autotool artifacts now.
autoreconf -fiv

%configure --enable-autobind --with-selinux $TMPFILES_FLAG \
           --with-systemd \
           --with-systemdsystemunitdir=%{_unitdir} \
           --with-systemdsystemconfdir=%{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system \
           --with-systemdgroupname=%{groupname}  \
           --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir}/%{pkgname} \
           --enable-cmocka \

# lib389
pushd ./src/lib389
# argparse-manpage dynamic man pages have hardcoded man v1 in header,
# need to change it to v8
sed -i  "1s/\"1\"/\"8\"/" %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}%{?prerel}/src/lib389/man/dsconf.8
sed -i  "1s/\"1\"/\"8\"/" %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}%{?prerel}/src/lib389/man/dsctl.8
sed -i  "1s/\"1\"/\"8\"/" %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}%{?prerel}/src/lib389/man/dsidm.8
sed -i  "1s/\"1\"/\"8\"/" %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}%{?prerel}/src/lib389/man/dscreate.8

# Generate symbolic info for debuggers

#make %{?_smp_mflags}


mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/gdb/auto-load%{_sbindir}
%if %{use_cockpit}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/cockpit
make DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" install

%if %{use_cockpit}
find %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/cockpit/389-console -type d | sed -e "s@%{buildroot}@@" | sed -e 's/^/\%dir /' > cockpit.list
find %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/cockpit/389-console -type f | sed -e "s@%{buildroot}@@" >> cockpit.list

# Copy in our docs from doxygen.
cp -r %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}%{?prerel}/man/man3 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_mandir}/man3

# lib389
pushd src/lib389

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/%{pkgname}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/%{pkgname}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lock/%{pkgname}

# for systemd
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system/%{groupname}.wants

# remove libtool archives and static libs
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/*.a
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/*.la
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/plugins/*.a
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/plugins/*.la
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libsvrcore.a
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/

%if %{bundle_jemalloc}
pushd ../%{jemalloc_name}-%{jemalloc_ver}
make DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" install_lib install_bin
cp -pa COPYING ../%{name}-%{version}%{?prerel}/COPYING.jemalloc
cp -pa README ../%{name}-%{version}%{?prerel}/README.jemalloc

# This checks the code, if it fails it prints why, then re-raises the fail to shortcircuit the rpm build.
if ! make DESTDIR="$RPM_BUILD_ROOT" check; then cat ./test-suite.log && false; fi

if [ -n "$DEBUGPOSTTRANS" ] ; then
# reload to pick up any changes to systemd files
/bin/systemctl daemon-reload >$output 2>&1 || :

# Soft static allocation for UID and GID

getent group $GROUPNAME >/dev/null || /usr/sbin/groupadd -f -g $ALLOCATED_GID -r $GROUPNAME
if ! getent passwd $USERNAME >/dev/null ; then
    if ! getent passwd $ALLOCATED_UID >/dev/null ; then
      /usr/sbin/useradd -r -u $ALLOCATED_UID -g $GROUPNAME -d $HOMEDIR -s /sbin/nologin -c "user for 389-ds-base" $USERNAME
      /usr/sbin/useradd -r -g $GROUPNAME -d $HOMEDIR -s /sbin/nologin -c "user for 389-ds-base" $USERNAME

# Reload our sysctl before we restart (if we can)
sysctl --system &> $output; true

# Gather the running instances so we can restart them
for dir in $instbase/slapd-* ; do
    echo dir = $dir >> $output 2>&1 || :
    if [ ! -d "$dir" ] ; then continue ; fi
    case "$dir" in *.removed) continue ;; esac
    basename=`basename $dir`
    inst="%{pkgname}@`echo $basename | sed -e 's/slapd-//g'`"
    echo found instance $inst - getting status  >> $output 2>&1 || :
    if /bin/systemctl -q is-active $inst ; then
       echo instance $inst is running >> $output 2>&1 || :
       instances="$instances $inst"
       echo instance $inst is not running >> $output 2>&1 || :
    ninst=`expr $ninst + 1`
if [ $ninst -eq 0 ] ; then
    echo no instances to upgrade >> $output 2>&1 || :
    exit 0 # have no instances to upgrade - just skip the rest
    # restart running instances
    echo shutting down all instances . . . >> $output 2>&1 || :
    for inst in $instances ; do
        echo stopping instance $inst >> $output 2>&1 || :
        /bin/systemctl stop $inst >> $output 2>&1 || :
    for inst in $instances ; do
        echo starting instance $inst >> $output 2>&1 || :
        /bin/systemctl start $inst >> $output 2>&1 || :

if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then # Final removal
    # remove instance specific service files/links
    rm -rf %{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system/%{groupname}.wants/* > /dev/null 2>&1 || :

if [ $1 = 0 ]; then # Final removal
    rm -rf /var/run/%{pkgname}

%post snmp
%systemd_post %{pkgname}-snmp.service

%preun snmp
%systemd_preun %{pkgname}-snmp.service %{groupname}

%postun snmp
%systemd_postun_with_restart %{pkgname}-snmp.service

exit 0

%if %{bundle_jemalloc}
%license COPYING.jemalloc
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{pkgname}
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{pkgname}/schema
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{pkgname}/config
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/systemd/system/%{groupname}.wants
#%caps(CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE=pe) {_sbindir}/ns-slapd
%dir %{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/plugins
# This has to be hardcoded to /lib - $libdir changes between lib/lib64, but
# sysctl.d is always in /lib.
%dir %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{pkgname}
%dir %{_localstatedir}/log/%{pkgname}
%ghost %dir %{_localstatedir}/lock/%{pkgname}
%exclude %{_sbindir}/ldap-agent*
%exclude %{_mandir}/man1/ldap-agent.1.gz
%exclude %{_unitdir}/%{pkgname}-snmp.service
%if %{bundle_jemalloc}
%exclude %{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/bin/jemalloc-config
%exclude %{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/bin/
%exclude %{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/lib/libjemalloc.a
%exclude %{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/lib/
%exclude %{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/lib/libjemalloc_pic.a
%exclude %{_libdir}/%{pkgname}/lib/pkgconfig

%files devel

%files libs
%dir %{_libdir}/%{pkgname}
%if %{bundle_jemalloc}
%if %{use_rust}

%files snmp

%files -n python%{python3_pkgversion}-lib389

%if %{use_cockpit}
%files -n cockpit-389-ds -f cockpit.list

* Fri Mar 19 2021 Thierry Bordaz <>
- Bump version to
- Issue 4671 - UI - Fix browser crashes
- Issue 4229 - Fix Rust linking
- Issue 4658 - monitor - connection start date is incorrect
- Issue 4656 - Make replication CLI backwards compatible with role name change
- Issue 4656 - Remove problematic language from UI/CLI/lib389
- Issue 4459 - lib389 - Default paths should use dse.ldif if the server is down
- Issue 4661 - RFE - allow importing openldap schemas (#4662)
- Issue 4659 - restart after openldap migration to enable plugins (#4660)
- Issue 4663 - CLI - unable to add objectclass/attribute without x-origin
- Issue 4169 - UI - updates on the tuning page are not reflected in the UI
- Issue 4588 - BUG - unable to compile without xcrypt (#4589)
- Issue 4513 - Fix replication CI test failures (#4557)
- Issue 4646 - CLI/UI - revise DNA plugin management
- Issue 4644 - Large updates can reset the CLcache to the beginning of the changelog (#4647)
- Issue 4649 - crash in sync_repl when a MODRDN create a cenotaph (#4652)
- Issue 4513 - CI - make acl ip address tests more robust
- Issue 4619 - remove pytest requirement from lib389
- Issue 4615 - log message when psearch first exceeds max threads per conn

* Fri Feb 26 2021 Alexander Bokovoy <>
- Rebuild now that Dogtag is fixed to work with a fix to Issue 4609

* Fri Feb 12 2021 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Update dscontainer (#4564)
- Issue 4591 - RFE - improve openldap_to_ds help and features (#4607)
- Issue 4324 - Some architectures the cache line size file does not exist
- Issue 4593 - RFE - Print help when nsSSLPersonalitySSL is not found (#4614)
- Issue 4609 - CVE - info disclosure when authenticating

* Tue Feb 2 2021 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 4579 - libasan detects heap-use-after-free in URP test (#4584)
- Issue 4563 - Failure on s390x: 'Fails to split RDN "o=pki-tomcat-CA" into components' (#4573)
- Issue 4526 - sync_repl: when completing an operation in the pending list, it can select the wrong operation (#4553)
- Issue 4396 - Minor memory leak in backend (#4558) (#4572)
- Issue 4324 - Performance search rate: change entry cache monitor to recursive pthread mutex (#4569)
- Issue 5442 - Search results are different between RHDS10 and RHDS11

* Mon Jan 25 2021 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 4548 - CLI - dsconf needs better root DN access control plugin validation
- Issue 4513 - Fix schema test and lib389 task module (#4514)
- Issue 4535 - lib389 - Fix log function in
- Issue 4534 - libasan read buffer overflow in filtercmp (#4541)

* Thu Jan 14 2021 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 4381 - RFE - LDAPI authentication DN rewritter
- Issue 4539 - BUG - no such file if no overlays in openldap during migration (#4540)
- Issue 4513 - CI Tests - fix test failures
- Issue 4528 - Fix cn=monitor SCOPE_ONE search (#4529)
- Issue 4535 - lib389 - healthcheck throws exception if backend is not replicated
- Issue 4504 - insure that repl_monitor_test use ldapi (for RHEL) - fix merge issue (#4533)
- Issue 4504 - Insure ldapi is enabled in (Needed on RHEL) (#4527)
- Issue 4506 - BUG - Fix bounds on fd table population (#4520)
- Issue 4521 - DS crash in deref plugin if dereferenced entry exists but is not returned by internal search (#4525)
- Issue 4384 - Separate eventq into REALTIME and MONOTONIC
- Issue 4418 - ldif2db - offline. Warn the user of skipped entries
- Issue 4419 - Warn users of skipped entries during ldif2db online import (#4476)
- Issue 4414 - disk monitoring - prevent division by zero crash
- Issue 4507 - Improve csngen testing task (#4508)
- Issue 4498 - BUG - entryuuid replication may not work (#4503)
- Issue 4504 - Fix pytest test_dsconf_replication_monitor (#4505)
- Issue 4480 - Unexpected info returned to ldap request (#4491)
- Issue 4373 - BUG - one line cleanup, free results in mt if ent 0 (#4502)
- Issue 4500 - Add cockpit enabling to dsctl
- Issue 4272 - RFE - add support for gost-yescrypt for hashing passwords (#4497)
- Issue 1795 - RFE - Enable logging for libldap and libber in error log (#4481)
- Issue 4492 - Changelog cache can upload updates from a wrong starting point (CSN) (#4493)
- Issue 4373 - BUG - calloc of size 0 in MT build (#4496)
- Issue 4483 - heap-use-after-free in slapi_be_getsuffix
- Issue 4224 - cleanup specfile after libsds removal
- Issue 4421 - Unable to build with Rust enabled in closed environment
- Issue 4229 - RFE - Improve rust linking and build performance (#4474)
- Issue 4464 - RFE - clang with ds+asan+rust
- Issue 4224 - openldap can become confused with entryuuid
- Issue 4313 - improve tests and improve readme re refdel
- Issue 4313 - fix potential syncrepl data corruption
- Issue 4315 - performance search rate: nagle triggers high rate of setsocketopt (#4437)
- Issue 4243 - Fix test (4th): SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong (#4475)
- Issue 4446 - RFE - openldap password hashers
- Issue 4403 - RFE - OpenLDAP pw hash migration tests (#4408)
- Issue 4410  -RFE - ndn cache with arc in rust
- Issue 4460 - BUG - add machine name to subject alt names in SSCA (#4472)
- Issue 4243 - Fix test: SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong cookie (#4466) (#4466)

* Mon Nov 30 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 4105 - Remove python.six (fix regression)
- Issue 4384 - Use MONOTONIC clock for all timing events and conditions
- Issue 4243 - Fix test: SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong cookie (#4467)
- Issue 4460 - BUG  - lib389 should use system tls policy
- Issue 3657 - Add options to dsctl for dsrc file
- Issue 3986 - UI - Handle objectclasses that do not have X-ORIGIN set
- Issue 4297 - 2nd fix for on ADD replication URP issue internal searches with filter containing unescaped chars (#4439)
- Issue 4449 - dsconf replication monitor fails to retrieve database RUV - consumer (Unavailable) (#4451)
- Issue 4105 - Remove python.six from lib389 (#4456)
- Issue 4440 - BUG - ldifgen with --start-idx option fails with unsupported operand (#4444)
- Issue 2054 - do not add referrals for masters with different data generation #2054 (#4427)
- Issue 2058 - Add keep alive entry after on-line initialization - second version (#4399)
- Issue 4373 - BUG - Mapping Tree nodes can be created that are invalid
- Issue 4428 - BUG Paged Results with critical false causes sigsegv in chaining
- Issue 4428 - Paged Results with Chaining Test Case
- Issue 4383 - Do not normalize escaped spaces in a DN
- Issue 4432 - After a failed online import the next imports are very slow
- Issue 4404 - build problems at alpine linux
- Issue 4316 - performance search rate: useless poll on network send callback (#4424)
- Issue 4429 - NULL dereference in revert_cache()
- Issue 4391 - DSE config modify does not call be_postop (#4394)
- Issue 4412 - Fix CLI repl-agmt requirement for parameters (#4422)

* Sat Nov 7 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 4415 - unable to query schema if there are extra parenthesis
- Issue 4176 - CL trimming causes high CPU

* Wed Oct 28 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 2526 - revert backend validation check
- Issue 4262 - more perl removal cleanup
- Issue 2526 - retrocl backend created out of order

* Mon Oct 26 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 4262 - Remove legacy tools subpackage (final cleanup)
- Issue 4262 - Remove legacy tools subpackage (restart instances after rpm install)
- Issue 4262 - Remove legacy tools subpackage
- Issue 2526 - revert API change in slapi_be_getsuffix()
- Issue 4363 - Sync repl: per thread structure was incorrectly initialized (#4395)
- Issue 4392 - Update
- Issue 2820 - Fix CI tests (#4365)
- Issue 2526 - suffix management in backends incorrect
- Issue 4389 - errors log with incorrectly formatted message parent_update_on_childchange
- Issue 4295 - Fix a closing quote issue (#4386)
- Issue 1199 - Misleading message in access log for idle timeout (#4385)
- Issue 3600 - RFE - openldap migration tooling (#4318)
- Issue 4176 - import ldif2cl task should not close all changelogs
- Issue 4159 - Healthcheck code DSBLE0002 not returned on disabled suffix
- Issue 4379 - allow more than 1 empty AttributeDescription for ldapsearch, without the risk of denial of service (#4380)
- Issue 4329 - Sync repl - if a serie of updates target the same entry then the cookie get wrong changenumber (#4356)
- Issue 3555 - Fix npm audit issues (#4370)
- Issue 4372 - BUG - Chaining DB did not validate bind mech parameters (#4374)
- Issue 4334 - RFE - Task timeout may cause larger dataset imports to fail (#4359)
- Issue 4361 - RFE - add - dscreate --advanced flag to avoid user confusion
- Issue 4368 - ds-replcheck crashes when processing glue entries
- Issue 4366 - lib389 - Fix account status inactivity checks
- Issue 4265 - UI - Make the secondary plugins read-only (#4364)
- Issue 4360 - password policy max sequence sets is not working as expected
- Issue 4348 - Add tests for dsidm
- Issue 4350 - One line, fix invalid type error in tls_cacertdir check (#4358)

* Mon Oct 5 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 4347 - log when server requires a restart for a plugin to become active (#4352)
- Issue 4297 - On ADD replication URP issue internal searches with filter containing unescaped chars (#4355)
- Issue 4350 - dsrc should warn when tls_cacertdir is invalid (#4353)
- Issue 4351 - improve generated sssd.conf output (#4354)
- Issue 4345 - import self sign cert doc comment (#4346)
- Issue 4342 - UI - additional fixes for creation instance modal
- Issue 3996 - Add dsidm rename option (#4338)
- Issue 4258 - Add server version information to UI
- Issue 4326 - entryuuid fixup did not work correctly (#4328)
- Issue 4209 - RFE - add bootstrap credentials to repl agreement (upgrade update)
- Issue 4209 - RFE - add bootstrap credentials to repl agreement (UI update)
- Issue 4209 - RFE - add bootstrap credentials to repl agreement
- Issue 4209 - RFE - add bootstrap credentials to repl agreement
- Issue 4322 - Fix a source link (#4332)
- Issue 4319 - Performance search rate: listener may be erroneously waken up (#4323)
- Issue 4322 - Updates old reference to pagure issue (#4321)
- Issue 4327 - Update issue templates and
- Ticket 51190 - SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong cookie
- Ticket 51121 - Remove hardcoded changelog file name
- Ticket 51253 - dscreate should LDAPI to bootstrap the config
- Ticket 51177 - fix warnings
- Ticket 51228 - Fix lock/unlock wording and lib389 use of methods
- Ticket 51247 - Container Healthcheck failure
- Ticket 51177 - on upgrade configuration handlers
- Ticket 51229 - Server Settings page gets into an unresponsive state
- Ticket 51189 - integrate changelog in main database - update CLI
- Ticket 49562 - integrate changelog database to main database
- Ticket 51165 - Set the operation start time for extended ops
- Ticket 50933 - Fix OID change between 10rfc2307 and 10rfc2307compat
- Ticket 51228 - Clean up dsidm user status command
- Ticket 51233 - ds-replcheck crashes in offline mode
- Ticket 50260 - Fix test according to #51222 fix
- Ticket 50952 - SSCA lacks basicConstraint:CA
- Ticket 50933 - enable 2307compat.ldif by default
- Ticket 50933 - Update 2307compat.ldif
- Ticket 51102 - RFE - ds-replcheck - make online timeout configurable
- Ticket 51222 - It should not be allowed to delete Managed Entry manually
- Ticket 51129 - SSL alert: The value of sslVersionMax "TLS1.3" is higher than the supported version
- Ticket 49487 - Restore function that incorrectly removed by last patch
- Ticket 49481 - remove unused or unnecessary database plugin functions
- Ticket 50746 - Add option to healthcheck to list all the lint reports
- Ticket 49487 - Cleanup unused code
- Ticket 51086 - Fix instance name length for interactive install
- Ticket 51136 - JSON Error output has redundant messages
- Ticket 51059 - If dbhome directory is set online backup fails
- Ticket 51000 - Separate the BDB backend monitors
- Ticket 49300 - entryUSN is duplicated after memberOf operation
- Ticket 50984 - Fix disk_mon_check_diskspace types
- Ticket 50791 - Healthcheck to find notes=F
<<<<<<< HEAD

* Tue Sep 29 22:52:34 CEST 2020 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <> -
- Rebuilt for libevent 2.1.12 (attempt #2)

* Tue Sep 29 20:25:49 CEST 2020 Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek <> -
- Rebuilt for libevent 2.1.12
>>>>>>> 1aab708... Bump version to

* Thu Aug 27 2020 Josef Řídký <> -
- Rebuilt for new net-snmp release

* Mon Jul 27 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Jul 8 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 51175 - resolve plugin name leaking
- Issue 51187 - UI - stop importing Cockpit's PF css
- Issue 51192 - Add option to reject internal unindexed searches
- Issue 50840 - Fix test docstrings metadata-1
- Issue 50840 - Fix test docstrings metadata
- Issue 50980 - fix foo_filter_rewrite
- Issue 51165 - add more logconv stats for the new access log keywords
- Issue 50928 - Unable to create a suffix with countryName either via dscreate or the admin console
- Issue 51188 - db2ldif crashes when LDIF file can't be accessed
- Issue 50545 - Port remaining legacy tools to new python CLI
- Issue 51165 - add new access log keywords for wtime and optime
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues ( Port remaning acceptance test suit part 1)
- Issue 51070 - Port Import TET module to python3 part2
- Issue 51142 - Port manage Entry TET suit to python 3 part 1
- Issue 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 final
- Issue 50696 - Fix Allowed and Denied Ciphers lists - WebUI
- Issue 51169 - UI - attr uniqueness - selecting empty subtree crashes cockpit
- Issue 49256 - log warning when thread number is very different from autotuned value
- Issue 51157 - Reindex task may create abandoned index file
- Issue 50873 - Fix issues with healthcheck tool
- Issue 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 part2
- Issue 51166 - Log an error when a search is fully unindexed
- Issue 50544 - OpenLDAP syncrepl compatability
- Issue 51161 - fix SLE15.2 install issps
- Issue 49999 - build-cockpit should clean cockpit_dist first
- Issue 51144 - dsctl fails with instance names that contain slapd-
- Issue 51155 - Fix OID for sambaConfig objectclass
- Issue 51159 - dsidm ou delete fails
- Issue 50984 - Memory leaks in disk monitoring
- Issue 51131 - improve mutex alloc in conntable
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI tests
- Issue 49859 - A distinguished value can be missing in an entry
- Issue 50791 - Healthcheck should look for notes=A/F in access log
- Issue 51072 - Set the default minimum worker threads
- Issue 51140 - missing ifdef
- Issue 50912 - pwdReset can be modified by a user
- Issue 50781 - Make building cockpit plugin optional
- Issue 51100 - Correct numSubordinates value for cn=monitor
- Issue 51136 - dsctl and dsidm do not errors correctly when using JSON
- Issue 137 - fix compiler warning
- Issue 50781 - Make building cockpit plugin optional
- Issue 51132 - Winsync setting winSyncWindowsFilter not working as expected
- Issue 51034 - labeledURIObject
- Issue 50545 - Port remaining legacy tools to new python CLI
- Issue 50889 - Extract pem files into a private namespace
- Issue 137 - Implement EntryUUID plugin
- Issue 51072 - improve autotune defaults
- Issue 51115 - enable samba3.ldif by default
- Issue 51118 - UI - improve modal validation when creating an instance
- Issue 50746 - Add option to healthcheck to list all the lint reports

* Mon Jun 22 2020 Jitka Plesnikova <> -
- Perl 5.32 rebuild

* Fri May 29 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50931 - RFE AD filter rewriter for ObjectCategory
- Issue 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 part1
- Issue 51113 - Allow using uid for replication manager entry
- Issue 51095 - abort operation if CSN can not be generated
- Issue 51110 - Fix ASAN ODR warnings
- Issue 49850 - ldbm_get_nonleaf_ids() painfully slow for databases with many non-leaf entries
- Issue 51102 - RFE - ds-replcheck - make online timeout configurable
- Issue 51076 - remove unnecessary slapi entry dups
- Issue 51086 - Improve dscreate instance name validation
- Issue:51070 - Port Import TET module to python3 part1
- Issue 51037 - compiler warning
- Issue 50989 - ignore pid when it is ourself in protect_db
- Issue 51037 - RFE AD filter rewriter for ObjectSID
- Issue 50499 - Fix some npm audit issues
- Issue 51091 - healthcheck json report fails when mapping tree is deleted
- Issue 51079 - container pid start and stop issues
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI tests
- Issue 50610 - Fix return code when it's nothing to free
- Issue 50610 - memory leaks in dbscan and changelog encryption
- Issue 51076 - prevent unnecessarily duplication of the target entry
- Issue 50940 - Permissions of some shipped directories may change over time
- Issue 50873 - Fix issues with healthcheck tool
- Issue 51082 - abort when a empty valueset is freed
- Issue 50201 - nsIndexIDListScanLimit accepts any value

* Tue May 26 2020 Miro Hrončok <> -
- Rebuilt for Python 3.9

* Fri May 15 2020 Pete Walter <> -
- Rebuild for ICU 67

* Fri May 8 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 51078 - Add nsslapd-enable-upgrade-hash to the schema
- Issue 51054 - Revise ACI target syntax checking
- Issue 51068 - deadlock when updating the schema
- Issue 51042 - try to use both c_rehash and openssl rehash
- Issue 51042 - switch from c_rehash to openssl rehash
- Issue 50992 - Bump jemalloc version and enable profiling
- Issue 51060 - unable to set sslVersionMin to TLS1.0
- Issue 51064 - Unable to install server where IPv6 is disabled
- Issue 51051 - CLI fix consistency issues with confirmations
- Issue 50655 - etime displayed has an order of magnitude 10 times smaller than it should be
- Issue 49731 - undo db_home_dir under /dev/shm/dirsrv for now
- Issue 51054 - AddressSanitizer: heap-buffer-overflow in ldap_utf8prev
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI tests
- Issue 51047 - React deprecating ComponentWillMount
- Issue 50499 - fix npm audit issues
- Issue 50545 - Port to dsctl
- Issue 51027 - Test passwordHistory is not rewritten on a fail attempt

* Wed Apr 22 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 51024 - syncrepl_entry callback does not contain attributes added by postoperation plugins
- Issue 50877 - task to run tests of csn generator
- Issue 49731 - undo db_home_dir under /dev/shm/dirsrv for now
- Issue 48055 - CI test - automember_plugin(part3)
- Issue 51035 - Heavy StartTLS connection load can randomly fail with err=1
- Issue 51031 - UI - transition between two instances needs improvement

* Thu Apr 16 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50933 - 10rfc2307compat.ldif is not ready to be used by default
- Issue 50931 - RFE AD filter rewriter for ObjectCategory
- Issue 51016 - Fix memory leaks in changelog5_init and perfctrs_init
- Issue 50980 - RFE extend usability for slapi_compute_add_search_rewriter and slapi_compute_add_evaluator
- Issue 51008 - dbhome in containers
- Issue 50875 - Refactor passwordUserAttributes's and passwordBadWords's code
- Issue 51014 - slapi_pal.c possible static buffer overflow
- Issue 50545 - remove dbmon "incr" option from arg parser
- Issue 50545 - Port to dsconf
- Issue 51005 - AttributeUniqueness plugin's DN parameter should not have a default value
- Issue 49731 - Fix additional issues with setting db home directory by default
- Issue 50337 - Replace exec() with setattr()
- Issue 50905 - intermittent SSL hang with rhds
- Issue 50952 - SSCA lacks basicConstraint:CA
- Issue 50640 - Database links: get_monitor() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
- Issue 50869 - Setting nsslapd-allowed-sasl-mechanisms truncates the value

* Wed Apr 1 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50994 - Fix latest UI bugs found by QE
- Issue 50933 - rfc2307compat.ldif
- Issue 50337 - Replace exec() with setattr()
- Issue 50984 - Memory leaks in disk monitoring
- Issue 50984 - Memory leaks in disk monitoring
- Issue 49731 - dscreate fails in silent mode because of db_home_dir
- Issue 50975 - Revise UI branding with new minimized build
- Issue 49437 - Fix memory leak with indirect COS
- Issue 49731 - Do not add db_home_dir to template-dse.ldif
- Issue 49731 - set and use db_home_directory by default
- Issue 50971 - fix BSD_SOURCE
- Issue 50744 - -n option of dbverify does not work
- Issue 50952 - SSCA lacks basicConstraint:CA
- Issue 50976 - Clean up Web UI source directory from unused files
- Issue 50955 - Fix memory leaks in chaining plugin(part 2)
- Issue 50966 - UI - Database indexes not using typeAhead correctly
- Issue 50974 - UI - wrong title in "Delete Suffix" popup
- Issue 50972 - Fix cockpit plugin build
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50971 - Support building on FreeBSD.
- Issue 50960 - [RFE] Advance options in RHDS Disk Monitoring Framework
- Issue 50800 - wildcards in rootdn-allow-ip attribute are not accepted
- Issue 50963 - We should bundle *.min.js files of Console
- Issue 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 Password grace limit section.
- Issue 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 series of bugs Port final
- Issue 50954 - - fix date formatting issue

* Mon Mar 16 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50954 - Port to python(part 2)
- Issue 50955 - Fix memory leaks in chaining plugin
- Issue 50954 - Port to python
- Issue 50947 - change 00core.ldif objectClasses for openldap migration
- Issue 50755 - setting nsslapd-db-home-directory is overriding db_directory
- Issue 50937 - Update CLI for new backend split configuration
- Issue 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3
- Issue 50945 - givenname alias of gn from openldap
- Issue 50935 - systemd override in lib389 for dscontainer
- Issue 50499 - Fix npm audit issues
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50618 - clean compiler warning and log level
- Issue 50889 - fix compiler issues
- Issue 50884 - Health check tool DSEldif check fails
- Issue 50926 - Remove dual spinner and other UI fixes
- Issue 50928 - Unable to create a suffix with countryName
- Issue 50758 - Only Recommend bash-completion, not Require
- Issue 50923 - Fix a test regression
- Issue 50904 - Connect All React Components And Refactor the Main Navigation Tab Code
- Issue 50920 - cl-dump exit code is 0 even if command fails with invalid arguments
- Issue 50923 - Add test - dsctl fails to remove instances with dashes in the name
- Issue 50919 - Backend delete fails using dsconf
- Issue 50872 - dsconf can't create GSSAPI replication agreements
- Issue 50912 - RFE - add password policy attribute pwdReset
- Issue 50914 - No error returned when adding an entry matching filters for a non existing automember group
- Issue 50889 - Extract pem files into a private namespace
- Issue 50909 - nsDS5ReplicaId cant be set to the old value it had before
- Issue 50686 - Port fractional replication test cases from TET to python3 final
- Issue 49845 - Remove pkgconfig check for libasan
- Issue:50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 bug624080
- Issue:50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 series of bugs
- Issue 50786 - connection table freelist
- Issue 50618 - support cgroupv2
- Issue 50900 - Fix cargo offline build
- Issue 50898 - ldclt core dumped when run with -e genldif option

* Mon Feb 17 2020 Matus Honek <> -
- Bring back the necessary c_rehash util (#1803370)

* Fri Feb 14 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Remove unneeded perl dependencies
- Change bash-completion to "Recommends" instead of "Requires"

* Thu Feb 13 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50855 - remove unused file from UI
- Issue 50855 - UI: Port Server Tab to React
- Issue 49845 - README does not contain complete information on building
- Issue 50686 - Port fractional replication test cases from TET to python3 part 1
- Issue 49623 - cont cenotaph errors on modrdn operations
- Issue 50882 - Fix healthcheck errors for instances that do not have TLS enabled
- Issue 50886 - Typo in the replication debug message
- Issue 50873 - Fix healthcheck and virtual attr check
- Issue 50873 - Fix issues with healthcheck tool
- Issue 50028 - Add a new CI test case
- Issue 49946 - Add a new CI test case
- Issue 50117 - Add a new CI test case
- Issue 50787 - fix implementation of attr unique
- Issue 50859 - support running only with ldaps socket
- Issue 50823 - dsctl doesn't work with 'slapd-' in the instance name
- Issue 49624 - cont - DB Deadlock on modrdn appears to corrupt database and entry cache
- Issue 50867 - Fix minor buildsys issues
- Issue 50737 - Allow building with rust online without vendoring
- Issue 50831 - add cargo.lock to allow offline builds
- Issue 50694 - import PEM certs on startup
- Issue 50857 - Memory leak in ACI using IP subject
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50853 - Fix NULL pointer deref in config setting
- Issue 50850 - Fix dsctl healthcheck for python36
- Issue 49990 - Need to enforce a hard maximum limit for file descriptors
- Issue 48707 - ldapssotoken for authentication

* Tue Jan 28 2020 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
- Rebuilt for

* Thu Jan 23 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 49254 - Fix compiler failures and warnings
- Issue 50741 - cont bdb_start - Detected Disorderly Shutdown
- Issue 50836 - Port Schema UI tab to React
- Issue 50842 - Decrease 389-console Cockpit component size
- Issue 50790 - Add result text when filter is invalid
- Issue 50627 - Add ASAN logs to HTML report
- Issue 50834 - Incorrectly setting the NSS default SSL version max
- Issue 50829 - Disk monitoring rotated log cleanup causes heap-use-after-free
- Issue 50709 - (cont) Several memory leaks reported by Valgrind for 389-ds
- Issue 50784 - performance testing scripts
- Issue 50599 - Fix memory leak when removing db region files
- Issue 49395 - Set the default TLS version min to TLS1.2
- Issue 50818 - dsconf pwdpolicy get error
- Issue 50824 - dsctl remove fails with "name 'ensure_str' is not defined"
- Issue 50599 - Remove db region files prior to db recovery
- Issue 50812 - dscontainer executable should be placed under /usr/libexec/dirsrv/
- Issue 50816 - dsconf allows the root password to be set to nothing
- Issue 50798 - incorrect bytes in format string(fix import issue)

* Thu Jan 16 2020 Adam Williamson <> -
- Backport two more import/missing function fixes

* Wed Jan 15 2020 Adam Williamson <> -
- Backport 828aad0 to fix missing imports from

* Mon Jan 13 2020 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50798 - incorrect bytes in format string
- Issue 50545 - Add the new replication monitor functionality to UI
- Issue 50806 - Fix minor issues in lib389 health checks
- Issue 50690 - Port Password Storage test cases from TET to python3 part 1
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50754 - Add Restore Change Log option to CLI
- Issue 48055 - CI test - automember_plugin(part2)
- Issue 50667 - dsctl -l did not respect PREFIX
- Issue 50780 - More CLI fixes
- Issue 50649 - lib389 without defaults.inf
- Issue 50780 - Fix UI issues
- Issue 50727 - correct mistaken options in filter validation patch
- Issue 50779 - lib389 - conflict compare fails for DN's with spaces
- Set branch version to

* Mon Dec  9 2019 Matus Honek <> -
- Bump version to
- Fix python-argcomplete tinkering (#1781131)

* Fri Dec 6 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Fix specfile typo (bash-completion)

* Fri Dec 6 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50747 - Port readnsstate to dsctl
- Issue 50758 - Enable CLI arg completion
- Issue 50753 - Dumping the changelog to a file doesn't work
- Issue 50745 - ns-slapd hangs during CleanAllRUV tests
- Issue 50734 - lib389 creates non-SSCA cert DBs with misleading README.txt
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(cert)
- Issue 50443 - Create a module in lib389 to Convert a byte sequence to a properly escaped for LDAP
- Issue 50664 - DS can fail to recover if an empty directory exists in db
- Issue 50736 - RetroCL trimming may crash at shutdown if trimming configuration is invalid
- Issue 50741 - bdb_start - Detected Disorderly Shutdown last time Directory Server was running
- Issue 50572 - After running cl-dump dbdir/cldb/*ldif.done are not deleted
- Issue 50701 - Fix type in lint report
- Issue 50729 - add support for gssapi tests on suse
- Issue 50701 - Add additional healthchecks to dsconf
- Issue 50711 - `dsconf security` lacks option for setting nsTLSAllowClientRenegotiation attribute
- Issue 50439 - Update docker integration for Fedora
- Issue 48851 - Investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(last test cases for match)
- Issue 50499 - Fix npm audit issues
- Issue 50722 - Test IDs are not unique
- Issue 50712 - Version comparison doesn't work correctly on git builds
- Issue 50499 - Fix npm audit issues
- Issue 50706 - Missing lib389 dependency - packaging

* Fri Nov 15 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Fix dependancy issue

* Thu Nov 14 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50634 - Fix CLI error parsing for non-string values
- Issue 50659 - AddressSanitizer: SEGV ... in bdb_pre_close
- Issue 50716 - CVE-2019-14824 (BZ#1748199) - deref plugin displays restricted attributes
- Issue 50644 - fix regression with creating sample entries
- Issue 50699 - Add Disk Monitor to CLI and UI
- Issue 50716 - CVE-2019-14824 (BZ#1748199) - deref plugin displays restricted attributes
- Issue 50536 - After audit log file is rotated, DS version string is logged after each update
- Issue 50712 - Version comparison doesn't work correctly on git builds
- Issue 50706 - Missing lib389 dependency - packaging
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50683 - contains unused RPM-related targets
- Issue 50696 - Fix various UI bugs
- Issue 50641 - Update default aci to allows users to change their own password
- Issue 50007, 50648 - improve x509 handling in dsctl
- Issue 50689 - Failed db restore task does not report an error
- Issue 50199 - Disable perl by default
- Issue 50633 - Add cargo vendor support for offline builds
- Issue 50499 - Fix npm audit issues

* Sun Nov 03 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50592 - Port Replication Tab to ReactJS
- Issue 50680 - Remove branding from upstream spec file
- Issue 50669 - Remove nunc-stans in favour of reworking current conn code (add.)
- Issue 48055 - CI test - automember_plugin(part1)
- Issue 50677 - Map subtree searches with NULL base to default naming context
- Issue 50669 - Fix RPM build
- Issue 50669 - remove nunc-stans
- Issue 49850 - cont -fix crash in ldbm_non_leaf
- Issue 50634 - Clean up CLI errors output - Fix wrong exception
- Issue 50660 - Build failure on Fedora 31
- Issue 50634 - Clean up CLI errors output
- Issue 48851 - Investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(match more test cases)
- Issue 50428 - Log the actual base DN when the search fails with "invalid attribute request"
- Issue 49850 -  ldbm_get_nonleaf_ids() slow for databases with many non-leaf entries
- Issue 50655 - access log etime is not properly formatted
- Issue 50653 -  objectclass parsing fails to log error message text
- Issue 50646 - Improve task handling during shutdowns
- Issue 50627 - Support platforms without pytest_html
- Issue 49476 - backend refactoring phase1, fix failing tests
- Issue 49476 - refactor ldbm backend to allow replacement of BDB
- Issue 50349 - additional fix: filter schema check must handle subtypes
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(indexing more test cases)
- Issue 50638 - RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
- Issue 50636 - Crash during sasl bind
- Issue 50632 - Add ensure attr state so that diffs are easier from 389-ds-portal
- Issue 50619 - extend commands to have more modify options
- Issue 50499 - Fix npm audit issues

* Fri Nov 01 2019 Pete Walter <> -
- Rebuild for ICU 65

* Fri Sep 27 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Address perl provides and requires filter

* Wed Sep 25 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Remove perl filter change as it broke legacy tools

* Wed Sep 25 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50627 - Add ASAN logs to HTML report
- Issue 50545 - Port to lib389 CLI
- Issue 50622 - ds_selinux_enabled may crash on suse
- Issue 50595 - remove requirement
- Issue 50617 - disable cargo lock
- Issue 50620 - Fix regressions from 50506 (slapi_enry_attr_get_ref)
- Issue 50615 - Log current test name to journald
- Issue 50610 - memory leak in dbscan

* Wed Sep 25 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50581 - ns-slapd crashes during ldapi search
- Issue 50604 - Fix UI validation
- Issue 50510 - etime can contain invalid nanosecond value
- Issue 50593 - Investigate URP handling on standalone instance
- Issue 50506 - Fix regression for relication stripattrs
- Issue 50580 - Perl can't be disabled in configure
- Issue 50584, 49212 - docker healthcheck and configuration
- Issue 50546 - fix more UI issues(part 2)
- Do not use comparision with "is" for empty value
- Issue 50546 - fix more UI issues
- Issue 50586 - lib389 - Fix DSEldif long line processing
- Issue 50173 - Add the validate-syntax task to the dsconf schema
- Issue 50546 - Fix various issues in UI
- Bump version to
- Issue 50576 - Same proc uid/gid maps to rootdn for ldapi sasl
- Issue 50567, 50568 - strict host check disable and display container version
- Issue 50550 - DS installer debug messages leaking to ipa-server-install
- Issue 50545 - Port fixup-memberuid and add the functionality to CLI and UI
- Issue 50572 - After running cl-dump dbdir/cldb/*ldif.done are not deleted
- Issue 50578 - Add SKIP_AUDIT_CI flag for Cockpit builds
- Issue 50349 - filter schema validation
- Issue 48055 - CI test-(Plugin configuration should throw proper error messages if not configured properly)
- Issue 49324 - idl_new fix assert
- Issue 50564 - Fix rust libraries by default and improve docker
- Issue 50206 - Refactor lock, unlock and status of dsidm account/role
- Issue 49324 - idl_new report index name in error conditions
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50506 - Fix regression from slapi_entry_attr_get_ref refactor
- Issue 50499 - Audit fix - Update npm 'eslint-utils' version
- Issue 49624 - modrdn silently fails if DB deadlock occurs
- Issue 50542 - Fix crashes in filter tests
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50542 - Entry cache contention during base search
- Issue 50462 - Fix CI tests
- Issue 50490 - objects and memory leaks
- Issue 50538 - Move CI test to individual file
- Issue 50538 - cleanAllRUV task limit is not enforced for replicated tasks
- Issue 50536 - Audit log heading written to log after every update
- Issue 50525 - nsslapd-defaultnamingcontext does not change when the assigned suffix gets deleted
- Issue 50534 - CLI change schema edit subcommand to replace
- Issue 50506 - cont Fix invalid frees from pointer reference calls
- Issue 50507 - Fix Cockpit UI styling for PF4
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(indexing final)
- Issue 48851 - Add more test cases to the match test suite(mode replace)
- Issue 50530 - Directory Server not RFC 4511 compliant with requested attr "1.1"
- Issue 50529 - LDAP server returning PWP controls in different sequence
- Issue 50506 - Fix invalid frees from pointer reference calls.
- Issue 50506 - Replace slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr() with slapi_entry_attr_get_ref()
- Issue 50521 - Add regressions in CI tests
- Issue 50510 - etime can contain invalid nanosecond value
- Issue 50488 - Create a monitor for disk space usagedisk-space-mon
- Issue 50511 - lib389 PosixGroups type can not handle rdn properly
- Issue 50508 - UI - fix local password policy form

* Wed Jul 24 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
- Rebuilt for

* Fri Jul 19 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50355 - SSL version min and max not correctly applied
- Issue 50497 - Port tool to Python using lib389
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(Final)
- Issue 50417 - fix regression from previous commit
- Issue 50425 - Add jemalloc LD_PRELOAD to systemd drop-in file
- Issue 50325 - Add Security tab to UI
- Issue 49789 - By default, do not manage unhashed password
- Issue 49421 - Implement password hash upgrade on bind.
- Issue 49421 - on bind password upgrade proof of concept
- Issue 50493 - connection_is_free to trylock
- Issue 50459 - Correct issue with allocation state
- Issue 50499 - Fix audit issues and remove jquery from the whitelist
- Issue 50459 - c_mutex to use pthread_mutex to allow ns sharing
- Issue 50484 - Add a release build dockerfile and dscontainer improvements
- Issue 50486 - Update jemalloc to 5.2.0

* Mon Jul 8 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 50431 - Fix regression from coverity fix (crash in memberOf plugin)
- Issue 49239 - Add a new CI test case
- Issue 49997 - Add a new CI test case
- Issue 50177 - Add a new CI test case, also added fixes in lib389
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50474 - Unify result codes for add and modify of repl5 config
- Issue 50472 - memory leak with encryption
- Issue 50462 - Fix Root DN access control plugin CI tests
- Issue 50462 - Fix CI tests
- Issue 50217 - Implement dsconf security section
- Issue 48851 - Add more test cases to the match test suite.
- Issue 50378 - ACI's with IPv4 and IPv6 bind rules do not work for IPv6 clients
- Issue 50439 - fix waitpid issue when pid does not exist
- Issue 50454 - Fix Cockpit UI branding
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(index)
- Issue 49232 - Truncate the message when buffer capacity is exceeded

* Tue Jun 18 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 49361 - Use IPv6 friendly network functions
- Issue 48851 - Investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(bug772777)
- Issue 50446 - NameError: name 'ds_is_older' is not defined
- Issue 49602 - Revise replication status messages
- Issue 50439 - Update docker integration to work out of source directory
- Issue 50037 - revert path changes as it breaks prefix/rpm builds
- Issue 50431 - Fix regression from coverity fix
- Issue 50370 - CleanAllRUV task crashing during server shutdown
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(match)
- Issue 50417 - Fix missing quote in some legacy tools
- Issue 50431 - Fix covscan warnings
- Revert "Issue 49960 - Core schema contains strings instead of numer oids"
- Issue 50426 - nsSSL3Ciphers is limited to 1024 characters
- Issue 50052 - Fix according to audit-ci change
- Issue 50365 - PIDFile= references path below legacy directory /var/run/
- Issue 50428 - Log the actual base DN when the search fails with "invalid attribute request"
- Issue 50329 - (2nd) Possible Security Issue: DOS due to ioblocktimeout not applying to TLS
- Issue 50417 - Revise legacy tool scripts to work with new systemd changes
- Issue 48851 - Add more search filters to vfilter_simple test suite
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 49875 - Move SystemD service config to a drop-in file
- Issue 50413 - ds-replcheck - Always display the Result Summary
- Issue 50052 - Add package-lock.json and use "npm ci"
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter simple)
- Issue 50355 -  NSS can change the requested SSL min and max versions
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter_ld)
- Issue 50390 - Add Managed Entries Plug-in Config Entry schema
- Issue 49730 - Remove unused Mozilla ldapsdk variables

* Fri May 31 2019 Jitka Plesnikova <> -
- Perl 5.30 rebuild

* Fri May 24 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50041 - Add the rest UI Plugin tabs - Part 2
- Issue 50340 - 2nd try - structs for diabled plugins will not be freed
- Issue 50403 - Instance creation fails on 1.3.9 using perl utils and latest lib389
- Issue 50389 - ns-slapd craches while two threads are polling the same connection
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(scanlimit)
- Issue 50037 - lib389 fails to install in venv under non-root user
- Issue 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(userattr)
- Issue 50393 - maxlogsperdir accepting negative values
- Issue 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(roledn)
- Issue 49960 - Core schema contains strings instead of numer oids
- Issue 50396 - Crash in PAM plugin when user does not exist
- Issue 50387 - enable_tls() should label ports with ldap_port_t
- Issue 50390 - Add Managed Entries Plug-in Config Entry schema
- Issue 50306 - Fix regression with maxbersize
- Issue 50384 - Missing dependency: cracklib-dicts
- Issue 49029 - [RFE] improve internal operations logging
- Issue 49761 - Fix CI test suite issues
- Issue 50374 - dsdim posixgroup create fails with ERROR
- Issue 50251 - clear text passwords visable in CLI verbose mode logging
- Issue 50378 - ACI's with IPv4 and IPv6 bind rules do not work for IPv6 clients
- Issue 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests
- Issue 50220 - attr_encryption test suite failing
- Issue 50370 -  CleanAllRUV task crashing during server shutdown
- Issue 50340 - structs for disabled plugins will not be freed
- Issue 50164 - Add test for dscreate to basic test suite
- Issue 50363 - ds-replcheck incorrectly reports error out of order multi-valued attributes
- Issue 49730 - MozLDAP bindings have been unsupported for a while
- Issue 50353 - Categorize tests by tiers
- Issue 50303 - Add creation date to task data
- Issue 50358 -  Create a Bitwise Plugin class in
- Remove the nss3 path prefix from the cert.h C preprocessor source file inclusion
- Issue 50329 - revert fix
- Issue 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(keyaci)
- Issue 50344 - tidy rpm vs build systemd flag handling
- Issue 50067 - Fix krb5 dependency in a specfile
- Issue 50340 - structs for diabled plugins will not be freed
- Issue 50327 - Add replication conflict support to UI
- Issue 50327 - Add replication conflict entry support to lib389/CLI
- Issue 50329 - improve connection default parameters
- Issue 50313 - Add a NestedRole type to lib389
- Issue 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Delete and  Add)
- Issue 49390, 50019 - support cn=config compare operations
- Issue 50041 - Add the rest UI Plugin tabs - Part 1
- Issue 50329 - Possible Security Issue: DOS due to ioblocktimeout not applying to TLS
- Issue 49990 - Increase the default FD limits
- Issue 50306 - (cont typo) Move connection config inside struct
- Issue 50291 - Add monitor tab functionality to Cockpit UI
- Issue 50317 - fix ds-backtrace issue on latest gdb
- Issue 50305 - Revise CleanAllRUV task restart process
- Issue 49915 - Fix typo
- Issue 50026 - Audit log does not capture the operation where nsslapd-lookthroughlimit is modified
- Issue 49899 - fix pin.txt and pwdfile permissions
- Issue 49915 - Add regression test
- Issue 50303 - Add task creation date to task data
- Issue 50306 - Move connection config inside struct
- Issue 50240 - Improve task logging
- Issue 50032 - Fix deprecation warnings in tests
- Issue 50310 - fix sasl header include
- Issue 49390 - improve compare and cn=config compare tests

* Wed Apr 03 2019 Adam Williamson <> -
- Rebuild without changes to be newer than (see #1694990)

* Fri Mar 29 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Fix lib389 python requirement

* Fri Mar 29 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 50308 - Revise memory leak fix
- Ticket 50308 - Fix memory leaks for repeat binds and replication
- Ticket 40067 - Use PKG_CHECK_MODULES to detect libraries
- Ticket 49873 - (cont 3rd) cleanup debug log
- Ticket 49873 - (cont 2nd) Contention on virtual attribute lookup
- Ticket 50292 - Fix Plugin CLI and UI issues
- Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(misc and syntax)
- Ticket 50289 - Fix various database UI issues
- Ticket 49463 - After cleanALLruv, replication is looping on keep alive DEL
- Ticket 50300 - Fix memory leak in automember plugin
- Ticket 50265 - the warning about skew time could last forever
- Ticket 50260 - Invalid cache flushing improvements
- Ticket 49561 - MEP plugin, upon direct op failure, will delete twice the same managed entry
- Ticket 50077 - Do not automatically turn automember postop modifies on
- Ticket 50282 - OPERATIONS ERROR when trying to delete a group with automember members
- Ticket 49715 - extend account functionality
- Ticket 49873 - (cont) Contention on virtual attribute lookup
- Ticket 50260 - backend txn plugins can corrupt entry cache
- Ticket 50255 - Port password policy test to use DSLdapObject
- Ticket 49667 - 49668 - remove old spec files
- Ticket 50276 - 389-ds-console is not built on RHEL8 if cockpit_dist is already present
- Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Search)
- Ticket 50259 - implement dn construction test
- Ticket 50273 - reduce default replicaton agmt timeout
- Ticket 50208 - lib389- Fix issue with list all instances
- Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Global Group)
- Ticket 50041 - Add CLI functionality for special plugins
- Ticket 50263 - LDAPS port not listening after installation
- Ticket 49575 - Indicate autosize value errors and corrective actions
- Ticket 50137 - create should not check in non-stateful mode for exist
- Ticket 49655 - remove doap file
- Ticket 50197 - Fix dscreate regression
- Ticket 50234 - one level search returns not matching entry
- Ticket 50257 - lib389 - password policy user vs subtree checks are broken
- Ticket 50253 -  Making an nsManagedRoleDefinition type in src/lib389/lib389/idm/
- Ticket 49029 - [RFE] improve internal operations logging
- Ticket 50230 - improve ioerror msg when not root/dirsrv
- Ticket 50246 - Fix the regression in old control tools
- Ticket 50197 - Container integration part 2
- Ticket 50197 - Container init tools
- Ticket 50232 - export creates not importable ldif file
- Ticket 50215 - UI - implement Database Tab in reachJS
- Ticket 50243 - refint modrdn stress test
- Ticket 50238 - Failed modrdn can corrupt entry cache
- Ticket 50236 - memberOf should be more robust
- Ticket 50213 - fix list instance issue
- Ticket 50219 - Add generic filter to DSLdapObjects
- Ticket 50227 - Making an cosClassicDefinition type in src/lib389/lib389/
- Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(modify)
- Ticket 50224 - warnings on deprecated API usage
- Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(valueaci)
- Ticket 50112 - Port ACI test suit from TET to python3(Aci Atter)
- Ticket 50208 - make instances mark off based on dse.ldif not sysconfig
- Ticket 50170 - composable object types for nsRole in lib389
- Ticket 50199 - disable perl by default
- Ticket 50211 - Making an actual Anonymous type in lib389/idm/
- Ticket 50155 - password history check has no way to just check the current password
- Ticket 49873 - Contention on virtual attribute lookup
- Ticket 50197 - Container integration improvements
- Ticket 50195 - improve selinux error messages in interactive
- Ticket 49658 - In replicated topology a single-valued attribute can diverge
- Ticket 50111 - Use pkg-config to detect icu
- Ticket 50165 - Fix issues with dscreate
- Ticket 50177 - import task should not be deleted too rapidely after import finishes to be able to query the status
- Ticket 50140 - Use high ports in container installs
- Ticket 50184 - Add cli tool parity to dsconf/dsctl
- Ticket 50159 - sssd and config display

* Thu Jan 31 2019 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Jan 30 2019 Mark Reynolds <> -
-  Bump version to
-  Ticket 50151 - lib389 support cli add/replace/delete on objects
-  Ticket 50041 - CLI and WebUI - Add memberOf plugin functionality

* Wed Jan 23 2019 Pete Walter <> -
- Rebuild for ICU 63

* Mon Jan 14 2019 Björn Esser <> -
- Rebuilt for (#1666033)

* Fri Dec 14 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49994 - Add test for backend/suffix CLI functions
- Ticket 50090 - refactor fetch_attr() to slapi_fetch_attr()
- Ticket 50091 - shadowWarning is not generated if passwordWarning is lower than 86400 seconds (1 day)
- Ticket 50056 - Fix CLI/UI bugs
- Ticket 49864 - Revised replication status messages for transient errors
- Ticket 50071 - Set ports in local_simple_allocate function
- Ticket 50065 - lib389 aci parsing is too strict
- Ticket 50061 - Improve schema loading in UI
- Ticket 50063 - Crash after attempting to restore a single backend
- Ticket 50062 - Replace error by warning in the state machine defined in repl5_inc_run
- Ticket 50041 - Set the React dataflow foundation and add basic plugin UI
- Ticket 50028 - Revise ds-replcheck usage
- TIcket 50057 - Pass argument into hashtable_new
- Ticket 50053 - improve testcase
- Ticket 50053 - Subtree password policy overrides a user-defined password policy
- Ticket 49974 - lib389 - List instances with initconfig_dir instead of sysconf_dir
- Ticket 49984 - Add an empty domain creation to the dscreate
- Ticket 49950 -  PassSync not setting pwdLastSet attribute in Active Directory after Pw update from LDAP sync for normal user
- Ticket 50046 - Remove irrelevant debug-log messages from CLI tools
- Ticket 50022, 50012, 49956, and 49800: Various dsctl/dscreate fixes
- Ticket 49927 - dsctl db2index does not work
- Ticket 49814 - dscreate should handle selinux ports that are in a range
- Ticket 49543 - fix certmap dn comparison
- Ticket 49994 - comment out dev paths
- Ticket 49994 - Add backend features to CLI
- Ticket 48081 - Add new CI tests for password

* Thu Nov 1 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 50026 - audit logs does not capture the operation where nsslapd-lookthroughlimit is modified
- Ticket 50020 - during MODRDN referential integrity can fail erronously while updating large groups
- Ticket 49999 - Finish up the transfer to React
- Ticket 50004 - lib389 - improve X-ORIGIN schema parsing
- Ticket 50013 - Log warn instead of ERR when aci target does not exist.
- Ticket 49975 - followup for broken prefix deployment
- Ticket 49999 - Add dist-bz2 target for Koji build system
- Ticket 49814 - Add specfile requirements for python3-libselinux
- Ticket 49814 - Add specfile requirements for python3-selinux
- Ticket 49999 - Integrate React structure into cockpit-389-ds
- Ticket 49995 - Fix Tickets with internal op logging
- Ticket 49997 - RFE: ds-replcheck could validate suffix exists and it's replicated
- Ticket 49985 - memberof may silently fails to update a member
- Ticket 49967 - entry cache corruption after failed MODRDN
- Ticket 49975 - Add missing include file to main.c
- Ticket 49814 - skip standard ports for selinux labelling
- Ticket 49814 - dscreate should set the port selinux labels
- Ticket 49856 - Remove backend option from bak2db
- Ticket 49926 - Fix various Tickets with replication UI
- Ticket 49975 - SUSE rpmlint Tickets
- Ticket 49939 - Fix ldapi path in lib389
- Ticket 49978 - Add CLI logging function for UI
- Ticket 49929 - Modifications required for the Test Case Management System
- Ticket 49979 - Fix regression in last commit
- Ticket 49979 - Remove dirsrv tests subpackage
- Ticket 49928 - Fix various small WebUI schema Tickets
- Ticket 49926 - UI - comment out dev cli patchs
- Ticket 49926 - Add replication functionality to UI

* Wed Oct 10 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49968 - Confusing CRITICAL message: list_candidates - NULL idl was recieved from filter_candidates_ext
- Ticket 49946 - upgrade of 389-ds-base could remove replication agreements.
- Ticket 49969 - DOS caused by malformed search operation (part 2)

* Tue Oct 9 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49969 - DOS caused by malformed search operation (security fix)
- Ticket 49943 - rfc3673_all_oper_attrs_test is not strict enough
- Ticket 49915 - Master ns-slapd had 100% CPU usage after starting replication and replication cannot finish
- Ticket 49963 - ASAN build fails on F28
- Ticket 49947 - Coverity Fixes
- Ticket 49958 - extended search fail to match entries
- Ticket 49928 - WebUI schema functionality and improve CLI part
- Ticket 49954 - On s390x arch retrieved DB page size is stored as size_t rather than uint32_t
- Ticket 49928 - Refactor and improve schema CLI/lib389 part to DSLdapObject
- Ticket 49926 - Fix replication tests on 1.3.x
- Ticket 49926 - Add replication functionality to dsconf
- Ticket 49887 - Clean up thread local usage
- Ticket 49937 - Log buffer exceeded emergency logging msg is not thread-safe (security fix)
- Ticket 49866 - fix typo in cos template in pwpolicy subtree create
- Ticket 49930 - Correction of the existing fixture function names to remove test_ prefix
- Ticket 49932 - Crash in delete_passwdPolicy when persistent search connections are terminated unexpectedly
- Ticket 48053 - Add attribute encryption test cases
- Ticket 49866 - Refactor PwPolicy lib389/CLI module
- Ticket 49877 - Add log level functionality to UI

* Fri Aug 24 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Revert "Ticket 49372 - filter optimisation improvements for common queries"
- Revert "Ticket 49432 - filter optimise crash"
- Ticket 49887: Fix SASL map creation when --disable-perl
- Ticket 49858 - Add backup/restore and import/export functionality to WebUI/CLI

* Thu Aug 16 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49029 - Internal logging thread data needs to allocate int pointers
- Ticket 48061 : CI test - config
- Ticket 48377 - Only ship
- Ticket 49885 - On some platform fips does not exist

* Mon Aug 13 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Fix legacy tool scriplet error
- Remove ldconfig calls
- Only provide

* Fri Aug 10 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49891 - Use "__python3" macro for python scripts
- Ticket 49890 - ldapsearch with server side sort crashes the ldap server
- Ticket 49029 - RFE -improve internal operations logging
- Ticket 49893 - disable nunc-stans by default
- Ticket 48377 - Update file name for LD_PRELOAD
- Ticket 49884 - Improve nunc-stans test to detect socket errors sooner
- Ticket 49888 - Use perl filter in rpm specfile
- Ticket 49866 - Add password policy features to CLI/UI
- Ticket 49881 - Missing check for crack.h
- Ticket 48056 - Add more test cases to the basic suite
- Ticket 49761 - Fix replication test suite issues
- Ticket 49381 - Refactor the plugin test suite docstrings
- Ticket 49837 - Add new password policy attributes to UI
- Ticket 49794 - RFE - Add pam_pwquality features to password syntax checking
- Ticket 49867 - Fix CLI tools' double output

* Thu Jul 19 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49854 - ns-slapd should create run_dir and lock_dir directories at startup
- Ticket 49806 - Add SASL functionality to CLI/UI
- Ticket 49789 - backout original security fix as it caused a regression in FreeIPA
- Ticket 49857 - RPM scriptlet for 389-ds-base-legacy-tools throws an error

* Tue Jul 17 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 48377 - Move jemalloc license to /usr/share/licences
- Ticket 49813 - Revised interactive installer
- Ticket 49789 - By default, do not manage unhashed password
- Ticket 49844 - lib389: don't set up logging at module scope
- Ticket 49546 - Fix issues with MIB file
- Ticket 49840 - ds-replcheck command returns traceback errors against ldif files having garbage content when run in offline mode
- Ticket 49640 - Cleanup plugin bootstrap logging
- Ticket 49835 - lib389: fix logging
- Ticket 48818 - For a replica bindDNGroup, should be fetched the first time it is used not when the replica is started
- Ticket 49780 - acl_copyEval_context double free
- Ticket 49830 - Import fails if backend name is "default"
- Ticket 49832 - remove tcmalloc references
- Ticket 49813 - dscreate - add interactive installer
- Ticket 49808 - Add option to add backend to dscreate
- Ticket 49811 - lib389 should install autogenerated man pages
- Ticket 49795 - UI - add "action" backend funtionality
- Ticket 49588 - Add py3 support for tickets : part-3
- Ticket 49820 - lib389 requires wrong python ldap library
- Ticket 49791 - Update docker file for new dscreate options
- Ticket 49761 - Fix more CI test issues
- Ticket 49811 - Update man pages
- Ticket 49783 - UI - add server configuration backend
- Ticket 49717 - Add for tests
- Ticket 49588 - Add py3 support for tickets
- Ticket 49793 - Updated descriptions in dscreate example INF file
- Ticket 49471 - Rename dscreate options
- Ticket 49751 - passwordMustChange attribute is not honored by a RO consumer if using "Chain on Update"
- Ticket 49734 - Fix various issues with Disk Monitoring
- Update Source0 URL in rpm/

* Thu Jul 12 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
- Rebuilt for

* Tue Jul 10 2018 Pete Walter <> -
- Rebuild for ICU 62

* Tue Jul 03 2018 Petr Pisar <> -
- Perl 5.28 rebuild

* Mon Jul 02 2018 Miro Hrončok <> -
- Rebuilt for Python 3.7

* Fri Jun 29 2018 Jitka Plesnikova <> -
- Perl 5.28 rebuild

* Thu Jun 21 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Add python3-lib389 requirement

* Tue Jun 19 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Test for issue #49788
- Fixing 4-byte UTF-8 character validation
- Ticket 49777 - add config subcommand to dsconf
- Ticket 49712 - lib389 CLI tools should return a result code on failures
- Issue 49588 - Add py3 support for tickets : part-2
- Remove old RHEL/fedora version checking from upstream specfile
- Ticket 48204 - remove python2 from scripts
- Ticket 49576 - ds-replcheck: fix certificate directory verification
- Bug 1591761 - 389-ds-base: Remove jemalloc exports

* Tue Jun 19 2018 Miro Hrončok <> -
- Rebuilt for Python 3.7

* Fri Jun 8 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump verision to
- Remove reference ro stop-dirsrv from legacy tools

* Fri Jun 8 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump verision to
- Ticket 49640 - Errors about PBKDF2 password storage plugin at server startup
- Ticket 49571 - perl subpackage and python installer by default
- Ticket 49740 - UI - Replication monitor color coding is not colorblind friendly
- Ticket 49741 - UI - View/Edit replication agreement hangs WebUI
- Ticket 49703 - UI - Set default values in create instance form
- Ticket 49742 - Fine grained password policy can impact search performance
- Ticket 49768 - Under network intensive load persistent search can erronously decrease connection refcnt
- Ticket 49765 - compiler warning
- Ticket 49689 - Cockpit subpackage does not build in PREFIX installations
- Ticket 49765 - Async operations can hang when the server is running nunc-stans
- Ticket 49745 - UI add filter options for error log severity levels
- Ticket 49761 - Fix test suite issues
- Ticket 49754 - instances created with dscreate can not be upgraded with
- Ticket 47902 - UI - add continuous refresh log feature
- Ticket 49381 - Add docstrings to plugin test suites - Part 1
- Ticket 49646 - Improve TLS cert processing in lib389 CLI
- Ticket 49748 - Passthru plugin startTLS option not working
- Ticket 49732 - Optimize resource limit checking for rootdn issued searches
- Ticket 48377 - Bundle jemalloc
- Ticket 49736 - Hardening of active connection list
- Ticket 48184 - clean up and delete connections at shutdown (3rd)
- Ticket 49675 - Revise coverity fix
- Ticket 49333 - Do not remove versioned man pages
- Ticket 49683 - Add support for JSON option in lib389 CLI tools
- Ticket 49704 - Error log from the installer is concatenating all lines into one
- Ticket 49726 - DS only accepts RSA and Fortezza cipher families
- Ticket 49722 - Errors log full of " WARN - keys2idl - recieved NULL idl from index_read_ext_allids, treating as empty set" messages
- Ticket 49582 - Add py3 support to memberof_plugin test suite
- Ticket 49675 - Fix coverity issues
- Ticket 49576 - Add support of ";deletedattribute" in ds-replcheck
- Ticket 49706 - Finish UI patternfly convertions
- Ticket 49684 - AC_PROG_CC clobbers CFLAGS set by --enable-debug
- Ticket 49678 - organiSational vs organiZational spelling in lib389
- Ticket 49689 - Fix local "make install" after adding cockpit subpackage
- Ticket 49689 - Move Cockpit UI plugin to a subpackage
- Ticket 49679 - Missing nunc-stans documentation and doxygen warnings
- Ticket 49588 - Add py3 support for tickets : part-1
- Ticket 49576 - Update ds-replcheck for new conflict entries
- Ticket 48184 - clean up and delete connections at shutdown (2nd try)
- Ticket 49698 - Remove unneeded patternfly files from Cockpit package
- Ticket 49581 - Fix dynamic plugins test suite
- Ticket 49665 - remove obsoleted upgrade scripts
- Ticket 49693 - A DB_DEADLOCK while adding a tombstone (RUV) leads to access of an already freed entry
- Ticket 49696 - replicated operations should be serialized
- Ticket 49669 - Invalid cachemem size can crash the server during a restore
- Ticket 49684 - AC_PROG_CC clobbers CFLAGS set by --enable-debug
- Ticket 49685 - make clean fails if cargo is not installed
- Ticket 49106 - Move ds_* scripts to libexec
- Ticket 49657 - Fix cascading replication scenario in lib389 API
- Ticket 49671 - Readonly replicas should not write internal ops to changelog
- Ticket 49673 - nsslapd-cachememsize can't be set to a value bigger than MAX_INT
- Ticket 49519 - Convert Cockpit UI to use strictly patternfly stylesheets
- Ticket 49665 - Upgrade script doesn't enable CRYPT password storage plug-in
- Ticket 49665 - Upgrade script doesn't enable PBKDF2 password storage plug-in

* Tue May 15 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Add openssl-perl requirement for new python installer

* Tue May 8 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49661 - CVE-2018-1089 - Crash from long search filter
- Ticket 49652 - DENY aci's are not handled properly
- Ticket 49650 - lib389 enable_tls doesn't work on F28
- Ticket 49538 - replace cacertdir_rehash with openssl rehash
- Ticket 49406 - Port test to DSLdapObject implementation
- Ticket 49649 - Use reentrant crypt_r()
- Ticket 49642 - lib389 should generate a more complex password
- Ticket 49612 - lib389 remove_ds_instance() does not remove systemd units
- Ticket 49644 - crash in debug build

* Mon Apr 30 2018 Pete Walter <> -
- Rebuild for ICU 61.1

* Thu Apr 19 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49639 - Crash when failing to read from SASL conn
- Ticket 49109 - nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo should accept StartTLS as an option
- Ticket 49586 - Add py3 support to plugins test suite
- Ticket 49511 - memory leak in pwdhash

* Mon Apr 16 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Fix the devel srvcore requirements

* Fri Apr 13 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49477 - Missing pbkdf python
- Ticket 49552 - Fix the last of the build issues on F28/29
- Ticket 49522 - Fix build issues on F28
- Ticket 49631 - same csn generated twice
- Ticket 49585 - Add py3 support to password test suite : part-3
- Ticket 49585 - Add py3 support to password test suite : part-2
- Ticket 48184 - revert previous patch around unuc-stans shutdown crash
- Ticket 49585 - Add py3 support to password test suite
- Ticket 46918 - Fix compiler warnings on arm
- Ticket 49601 - Replace HAVE_SYSTEMD define with WITH_SYSTEMD in svrcore
- Ticket 49619 - adjustment of csn_generator can fail so next generated csn can be equal to the most recent one received
- Ticket 49608 - Add support for gcc/clang sanitizers
- Ticket 49606 - Improve lib389 documentation
- Ticket 49552 - Fix build issues on F28
- Ticket 49603 - 389-ds-base package rebuilt on EPEL can't be installed due to missing dependencies
- Ticket 49593 - NDN cache stats should be under the global stats
- Ticket 49599 - Revise replication total init status messages
- Ticket 49596 - fails to find db tombstone/RUV entry
- Ticket 49589 - merge svrcore into 389-ds-base
- Ticket 49560 - Add a test case for extract-pemfiles
- Ticket 49239 - Add a test suite for ds-replcheck tool RFE
- Ticket 49369 - merge svrcore into 389-ds-base

* Thu Mar 29 2018 Till Maas <> -
- Remove BR on tcp_wrappers (

* Tue Mar 6 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49545 - final substring extended filter search returns invalid result
- Ticket 49572 - ns_job_wait race on condvar
- Ticket 49584 - Fix Tickets with paged_results test suite
- Ticket 49161 - memberof fails if group is moved into scope
- Ticket 49447 - PBKDF2 on upgrade
- ticket 49551 - correctly handle subordinates and tombstone numsubordinates
- Ticket 49043 - Add replica conflict test suite
- Ticket 49296 - Fix race condition in connection code with  anonymous limits
- Ticket 49568 - Fix integer overflow on 32bit platforms
- Ticket 48085 - Add encryption cl5 test suite
- Ticket 49566 - ds-replcheck needs to work with hidden conflict entries
- Ticket 49519 - Add more Cockpit UI content
- Ticket 49551 - fix memory leak found by coverity
- Ticket 49551 - v3 - correct handling of numsubordinates for cenotaphs and tombstone delete
- Ticket 49278 - Add a new CI test case
- Ticket 49560 - nsslapd-extract-pemfiles should be enabled by default as openldap is moving to openssl
- Ticket 49557 - Add config option for checking CRL on outbound SSL Connections
- Ticket 49446 - Add CI test case
- Ticket 35 -    Description: Add support for managing automember to dsconf
- Ticket 49544 - cli release preperation
- Ticket 48006 - Add a new CI test case

* Mon Feb 19 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Add cyrus-sasl-plain requirement

* Thu Feb 15 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Fix python requirements for policycoreutils-python-utils

* Thu Feb 15 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Fix package requirements to use Python 3 packages for LDAP and SELinux

* Thu Feb 15 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Only exclude Ix86 arches

* Thu Feb 15 2018 Adam Williamson <> -
- Rebuild for libevent soname bump

* Fri Feb 09 2018 Igor Gnatenko <> -
- Escape macros in %%changelog

* Wed Feb 07 2018 Fedora Release Engineering <> -
- Rebuilt for

* Wed Jan 31 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- CVE-2017-15134 389-ds-base: Remote DoS via search filters in slapi_filter_sprintf
- Ticket 49546 - Fix broken snmp MIB file
- Ticket 49554 - update readme
- Ticket 49554 - Update Makefile for
- Ticket 49400 - Make CLANG configurable
- Ticket 49530 - Add pseudolocalization option for dbgen
- Ticket 49523 - Fixed skipif marker, topology fixture and log message
- Ticket 49544 - Double check pw prompts
- Ticket 49548 - Cockpit UI - installer should also setup Cockpit

* Fri Jan 26 2018 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49540 - Indexing task is reported finished too early regarding the backend status
- Ticket 49534 - Fix coverity regression
- Ticket 49544 - cli release preperation, group improvements
- Ticket 49542 - Unpackaged files on el7 break rpm build
- Ticket 49541 - repl config should not allow rid 65535 for masters
- Ticket 49370 - Add all the password policy defaults to a new local policy
- Ticket 49425 - improve demo objects for install
- Ticket 49537 - allow asan to build with stable rustc
- Ticket 49526 - Improve script
- Ticket 49516 - Add python 3 support for replication suite
- Ticket 49534 - Fix coverity issues and regression
- Ticket 49532 - coverity issues - fix compiler warnings & clang issues
- Ticket 49531 - coverity issues - fix memory leaks
- Ticket 49463 - After cleanALLruv, there is a flow of keep alive DEL
- Ticket 49529 - Fix Coverity warnings: invalid deferences
- Ticket 49509 - Indexing of internationalized matching rules is failing
- Ticket 49527 - Improve ds* cli tool testing
- Ticket 49474 - purge saslmaps before gssapi test
- Ticket 49413 - Changelog trimming ignores disabled replica-agreement
- Ticket 49446 - cleanallruv should ignore cleaned replica Id in processing changelog if in force mode
- Ticket 49278 - GetEffectiveRights gives false-negative
- Ticket 49508 - memory leak in cn=replica plugin setup
- Ticket 48118 - Add CI test case
- Ticket 49520 - Cockpit UI - Add database chaining HTML
- Ticket 49512 - Add ds-cockpit-setup to rpm spec file
- Ticket 49523 - Refactor CI test
- Ticket 49524 - Password policy: minimum token length fails  when the token length is equal to attribute length
- Ticket 49517 - Cockpit UI - Add correct png files
- Ticket 49517 - Cockput UI - revise config layout
- Ticket 49523 - memberof: schema violation error message is confusing as memberof will likely repair target entry
- Ticket 49312 - Added a new test case for "-D configdir"
- Ticket 49512 - remove backup directories from cockpit source
- Ticket 49512 - Add initial Cockpit UI Plugin
- Ticket 49515 - cannot link, missing -fPIC
- Ticket 49474 - Improve GSSAPI testing capability
- Ticket 49493 - heap use after free in csn_as_string
- Ticket 49379 - Add Python 3 support to CI test
- Ticket 49431 - Add CI test case
- Ticket 49495 - cos stress test and improvements.
- Ticket 49495 - Fix memory management is vattr.
- Ticket 49494 - python 2 bytes mode.
- Ticket 49471 - heap-buffer-overflow in ss_unescape
- Ticket 48184 - close connections at shutdown cleanly.
- Ticket 49218 - Certmap - support TLS tests
- Ticket 49470 - overflow in pblock_get
- Ticket 49443 - Add CI test case
- Ticket 49484 - Minor cli tool fixes.
- Ticket 49486 - change ns stress core to use absolute int width.
- Ticket 49445 - Improve regression test to detect memory leak.
- Ticket 49445 - Memory leak in ldif2db
- Ticket 49485 - Typo in gccsec_defs
- Ticket 49479 - Remove unused 'batch' argument from lib389
- Ticket 49480 - Improvements to support IPA install.
- Ticket 49474 - sasl allow mechs does not operate correctly
- Ticket 49449 - Load sysctl values on rpm upgrade.
- Ticket 49374 - Add CI test case
- Ticket 49325 - fix rust linking.
- Ticket 49475 - docker poc improvements.
- Ticket 49461 - Improve db2index handling for test 49290
- Ticket 47536 - Add Python 3 support and move test case to suites
- Ticket 49444 - huaf in task.c during high load import
- Ticket 49460 - replica_write_ruv log a failure even when it succeeds
- Ticket 49298 - Ticket with test case and
- Ticket 49408 - Add a test case for nsds5ReplicaId checks
- Ticket 3 lib389 - python 3 support for subset of pwd cases
- Ticket 35 lib389 - dsconf automember support

* Sat Jan 20 2018 Björn Esser <> -
- Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt

* Thu Nov 30 2017 Pete Walter <> -
- Rebuild for ICU 60.1

* Mon Nov 20 2017 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49457 - Fix spal_meminfo_get function prototype
- Ticket 49455 - Add tests to monitor test suit.
- Ticket 49448 - dynamic default pw scheme based on environment.
- Ticket 49298 - fix complier warn
- Ticket 49298 - Correct error codes with config restore.
- Ticket 49454 - SSL Client Authentication breaks in FIPS mode
- Ticket 49453 - to use pwdhash defaults.
- Ticket 49427 - whitespace in fedse.c
- Ticket 49410 - opened connection can remain no longer poll, like hanging
- Ticket 48118 - fix compiler warning for incorrect return type
- Ticket 49451 - Add environment markers to lib389 dependencies
- Ticket 49325 - Proof of concept rust tqueue in sds
- Ticket 49443 - scope one searches in 1.3.7 give incorrect results
- Ticket 48118 - At startup, changelog can be erronously rebuilt after a normal shutdown
- Ticket 49412 - SIGSEV when setting invalid changelog config value
- Ticket 49441 - Import crashes - oneline fix
- Ticket 49377 - Incoming BER too large with TLS on plain port
- Ticket 49441 - Import crashes with large indexed binary  attributes
- Ticket 49435 - Fix NS race condition on loaded test systems
- Ticket 77 - lib389 - Refactor docstrings in rST format - part 2
- Ticket 17 - lib389 - dsremove support
- Ticket 3 - lib389 - python 3 compat for paged results test
- Ticket 3 - lib389 - Python 3 support for memberof plugin test suit
- Ticket 3 - lib389 - config test
- Ticket 3 - lib389 - python 3 support ds_logs tests
- Ticket 3 - lib389 - python 3 support for betxn test

* Fri Nov 3 2017 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Add python-lib389 build requirements

* Fri Nov 3 2017 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 48393 - fix copy and paste error
- Ticket 49439 - cleanallruv is not logging information
- Ticket 48393 - Improve replication config validation
- Ticket lib389 3 - Python 3 support for ACL test suite
- Ticket 103 - sysconfig not found
- Ticket 49436 - double free in COS in some conditions
- Ticket 48007 - CI test to test changelog trimming interval
- Ticket 49424 - Resolve csiphash alignment issues
- Ticket lib389 3 - Python 3 support for
- Ticket 3 - python 3 support - filter test
- Ticket 49434 - RPM build errors
- Ticket 49432 - filter optimise crash
- Ticket 49432 - Add complex fliter CI test
- Ticket 48894 - harden valueset_array_to_sorted_quick valueset  access
- Ticket 49401 - Fix compiler incompatible-pointer-types warnings
- Ticket 48681 - Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /usr/bin/
- Ticket 49409 - Update lib389 requirements
- Ticket 49401 - improve valueset sorted performance on delete
- Ticket 49374 -  server fails to start because maxdisksize is recognized incorrectly
- Ticket 49408 - Server allows to set any nsds5replicaid in the existing replica entry
- Ticket 49407 - status-dirsrv shows ellipsed lines
- Ticket 48681 - Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /usr/bin/
- Ticket 49386 - Memberof should be ignore MODRDN when the pre/post entry are identical
- Ticket 48006 - Missing warning for invalid replica backoff  configuration
- Ticket 49064 - testcase hardening
- Ticket 49064 - RFE allow to enable MemberOf plugin in dedicated consumer
- Ticket lib389 3 - python 3 support
- Ticket 49402 - Adding a database entry with the same database name that was deleted hangs server at shutdown
- Ticket 48235 - remove memberof lock (cherry-pick error)
- Ticket 49394 - build warning
- Ticket 49381 - Refactor numerous suite docstrings - Part 2
- Ticket 49394 - slapi_pblock_get may leave unchanged the provided variable
- Ticket 49403 - tidy ns logging
- Ticket 49381 - Refactor filter test suite docstrings
- Ticket 48235 - Remove memberOf global lock
- Ticket 103 - Make sysconfig where it is expected to exist
- Ticket 49400 - Add clang support to rpm builds
- Ticket 49381 - Refactor ACL test suite docstrings
- Ticket 49363 - Merge lib389
- Ticket 101 - BaseException.message has been deprecated in Python3
- Ticket 102 - referral support
- Ticket 99 - Fix typo in create_topology
- Ticket #98 - Fix dbscan output
- Ticket #77 - Fix changelogdb param issue
- Ticket #77 - Refactor docstrings in rST format - part 1
- Ticket 96 - Change binaries' names
- Ticket 77 - Add sphinx documentation
- Ticket 43 - Add support for Referential Integrity plugin
- Ticket 45 - Add support for Rootdn Access Control plugin
- Ticket 46 - dsconf support for dynamic schema reload
- Ticket 74 - Advice users to set referint-update-delay to 0
- Ticket 92 - display_attr() should return str not bytes in py3
- Ticket 93 - Fix test cases in
- Ticket 88 - python install and remove for tests
- Ticket 85 - Remove legacy replication attribute
- Ticket 91 - Fix replication topology
- Ticket 89 - Fix inconsistency with serverid
- Ticket 79 - Fix and add tests
- Ticket 86 - add build dir to gitignore
- Ticket 83 - Add an util for generating instance parameters
- Ticket 87 - Update accesslog regec for HR etimes
- Ticket 49 - Add support for whoami plugin
- Ticket 48 - Add support for USN plugin
- Ticket 78 - Add exists() method to DSLdapObject
- Ticket 31 - Allow complete removal of some memberOf attrs
- Ticket31 - Add memberOf fix-up task
- Ticket 67 - Add ensure_int function
- Ticket 59 - lib389 support for index management.
- Ticket 67 - get attr by type
- Ticket 70 - Improve repl tools
- Ticket 50 - typo in db2* in dsctl
- Ticket 31 - Add status command and SkipNested support for MemberOf
- Ticket 31 - Add functional tests for MemberOf plugin
- Ticket 66 - expand healthcheck for Directory Server
- Ticket 69 - add specfile requires
- Ticket 31 - Initial MemberOf plugin support
- Ticket 50 - Add db2* tasks to dsctl
- Ticket 65 - Add m2c2 topology
- Ticket 63 - part 2, agreement test
- Ticket 63 - lib389 python 3 fix
- Ticket 62 - dirsrv offline log
- Ticket 60 - add dsrc to dsconf and dsidm
- Ticket 32 - Add TLS external bind support for testing
- Ticket 27 - Fix get function in tests
- Ticket 28 - userAccount for older versions without nsmemberof
- Ticket 27 - Improve dseldif API
- Ticket 30 - Add initial support for account lock and unlock.
- Ticket 29 - fix incorrect format in tools
- Ticket 28 - Change default objectClasses for users and groups
- Ticket 1 - Fix missing dn / rdn on config.
- Ticket 27 - Add a module for working with dse.ldif file
- Ticket 1 - cn=config comparison
- Ticket 21 - Missing serverid in dirsrv_test due to incorrect allocation
- Ticket 26 - improve lib389 sasl support
- Ticket 24 - Join paths using os.path.join instead of string concatenation
- Ticket 25 - Fix RUV __repr__ function
- Ticket 23 - Use DirSrv.exists() instead of manually checking for instance's existence
- Ticket 1 - cn=config comparison
- Ticket 22 - Specify a basedn parameter for IDM modules
- Ticket 19 - missing in python3
- Ticket 20 - Use the DN_DM constant instead of hard coding its value
- Ticket 19 - Missing file and improve make
- Ticket 14 - Remane dsadm to dsctl
- Ticket 16 - Reset InstScriptsEnabled argument during the init
- Ticket 14 - Remane dsadm to dsctl
- Ticket 13 - Add init function to create new domain entries
- Ticket 15 - Improve instance configuration ability
- Ticket 10 - Improve command line tool arguments
- Ticket 9 - Convert readme to MD
- Ticket 7 - Add pause and resume methods to topology fixtures
- Ticket 49172 - Allow lib389 to read system schema and instance
- Ticket 49172 - Allow lib389 to read system schema and instance
- Ticket 6 - Bump lib389 version 1.0.4
- Ticket 5 - Fix container build on fedora
- Ticket 4 - Cert detection breaks some tests
- Ticket 49137 - Add sasl plain tests, lib389 support
- Ticket 2 - pytest mark with version relies on root
- Ticket 49126 - DIT management tool
- Ticket 49101 - Python 2 generate example entries
- Ticket 49103 - python 2 support for installer
- Ticket 47747 - Add topology_i2 and topology_i3
- Ticket 49087 - lib389 resolve jenkins issues
- Ticket 48413 - Improvements to lib389 for rest
- Ticket 49083 - Support prefix for discovery of the defaults.inf file.
- Ticket 49055 - Fix debugging mode issue
- Ticket 49060 - Increase number of masters, hubs and consumers in topology
- Ticket 47747 - Add more topology fixtures
- Ticket 47840 - Add InstScriptsEnabled argument
- Ticket 47747 - Add topology fixtures module
- Ticket 48707 - Implement draft-wibrown-ldapssotoken-01
- Ticket 49022 - Lib389, py3 installer cannot create entries in backend
- Ticket 49024 - Fix paths to the dbdir parent
- Ticket 49024 - Fix db_dir paths
- Ticket 49024 - Fix paths in tools module
- Ticket 48961 - Fix lib389 minor issues shown by 48961 test
- Ticket 49010 - Lib389 fails to start with systemctl changes
- Ticket 49007 - lib389 fixes for paths to use online values
- Ticket 49005 - Update lib389 to work in containers correctly.
- Ticket 48991 - Fix lib389 spec for python2 and python3
- Ticket 48984 - Add lib389 paths module
- Ticket 48951 - dsadm dsconfig status and plugin
- Ticket 47957 - Update the replication "idle" status string
- Ticket 48951 - dsadm and dsconf base files
- Ticket 48952 - Restart command needs a sleep
- Ticket 48949 - Fix ups for style and correctness
- Ticket 48949 - added copying slapd-collations.conf
- Ticket 48949 - change default file path generation - use os.path.join
- Ticket 48949 - os.makedirs() exist_ok not python2 compatible, added try/except
- Ticket 48949 - configparser fallback not python2 compatible
- Ticket 48946 - openConnection should not fully popluate DirSrv object
- Ticket 48832 - Add DirSrvTools.getLocalhost() function
- Ticket 48382 - Fix serverCmd to get sbin dir properly
- Bug 1347760 - Information disclosure via repeated use of LDAP ADD operation, etc.
- Ticket 48937 - Cleanup valgrind wrapper script
- Ticket 48923 - Fix additional issue with serverCmd
- Ticket 48923 - serverCmd timeout not working as expected
- Ticket 48917 - Attribute presence
- Ticket 48911 - Plugin improvements for lib389
- Ticket 48911 - Improve plugin support based on new mapped objects
- Ticket 48910 - Fixes for backend tests and lib389 reliability.
- Ticket 48860 - Add replication tools
- Ticket 48888 - Correction to create of dsldapobject
- Ticket 48886 - Fix NSS SSL library in lib389
- Ticket 48885 - Fix spec file requires
- Ticket 48884 - Bugfixes for mapped object and new connections
- Ticket 48878 - better style for backend in
- Ticket 48878 - pep8 fixes part 2
- Ticket 48878 - pep8 fixes and fix rpm to build
- Ticket 48853 - Prerelease installer
- Ticket 48820 - Begin to test compatability with py.test3, and the new orm
- Ticket 48434 - Fix for negative tz offsets
- Ticket 48857 - Remove python-krbV from lib389
- Ticket 48820 - Fix tests to ensure they work with the new object types
- Ticket 48820 - Move Encryption and RSA to the new object types
- Ticket 48820 - Proof of concept of orm style mapping of configs and objects
- Ticket 48820 - Clitool rename
- Ticket 48431 - lib389 integrate ldclt
- Ticket 48434 - lib389 logging tools
- Ticket 48796 - add function to remove logs
- Ticket 48771 - lib389 - get ns-slapd version
- Ticket 48830 - Convert lib389 to ip route tools
- Ticket 48763 - backup should run regardless of existing backups.
- Ticket 48434 - lib389 logging tools
- Ticket 48798 - EL6 compat for lib389 tests for DH params
- Ticket 48798 - lib389 add ability to create nss ca and certificate
- Ticket 48433 - Aci linting tools
- Ticket 48791 - format args in server tools
- Ticket 48399 - Helper makefile is missing mkdir dist
- Ticket 48399 - Helper makefile is missing mkdir dist
- Ticket 48794 - lib389 build requires are on a single line
- Ticket 48660 - Add function to convert binary values in an entry to base64
- Ticket 48764 - Fix mit krb password to be random.
- Ticket 48765 - Change default ports for standalone topology
- Ticket 48750 - Clean up logging to improve command experience
- Ticket 48751 - Improve lib389 ldapi support
- Ticket 48399 - Add helper makefile to lib389 to build and install
- Ticket 48661 - Agreement test suite fails at the test_changes case
- Ticket 48407 - Add test coverage module for lib389 repo
- Ticket 48357 - clitools should standarise their args
- Ticket 48560 - Make verbose handling consistent
- Ticket 48419 - getadminport() should not a be a static method
- Ticket 48408 - RFE escaped default suffix for tests
- Ticket 48401 - Revert typecheck
- Ticket 48401 - lib389 Entry hasAttr returs dict instead of false
- Ticket 48390 - RFE Improvements to lib389 monitor features for rest389
- Ticket 48358 - Add new spec file
- Ticket 48371 - weaker host check on localhost.localdomain
- Ticket 58358 - Update spec file with pre-release versioning
- Ticket 48358 - Make Fedora packaging changes to the spec file
- Ticket 48358 - Prepare lib389 for Fedora Packaging
- Ticket 48364 - Fix test failures
- Ticket 48360 - Refactor the delete agreement function
- Ticket 48361 - Expand 389ds monitoring capabilities
- Ticket 48246 - Adding license/copyright to lib389 files
- Ticket 48340 - Add basic monitor support to lib389
- Ticket 48353 - Add Replication REST support to lib389
- Ticket 47840 - Fix regression
- Ticket 48343 - lib389 krb5 realm management
- Ticket 47840 - fix lib389 to use sbin scripts
- Ticket 48335 - Add SASL support to lib389
- Ticket 48329 - Fix case-senstive scyheam comparisions
- Ticket 48303 - Fix lib389 broken tests
- Ticket 48329 - add matching rule functions to schema module
- Ticket 48324 - fix boolean capitalisation (one line)
- Ticket 48321 - Improve is_a_dn check to prevent mistakes with lib389 auth
- Ticket 48322 - Allow reindex function to reindex all attributes
- Ticket 48319 - Fix ldap.LDAPError exception processing
- Ticket 48318 - Do not delete a changelog while disabling a replication by suffix
- Ticket 48308 - Add __eq__ and __ne__ to Entry to allow fast comparison
- Ticket 48303 - Fix lib389 broken tests - backend_test
- Ticket 48309 - Fix lib389 lib imports
- Ticket 48303 - Fix lib389 broken tests - agreement_test
- Ticket 48303 - Fix lib389 broken tests - aci_parse_test
- Ticket 48301 - add tox support
- Ticket 48204 - update lib389 for python3
- Ticket 48273 - Improve valgrind functions
- Ticket 48271 - Fix for self.prefix being none when SER_DEPLOYED_DIR is none
- Ticket 48259 - Add aci parsing utilities to lib389
- Ticket 48252 - (lib389) adding get_bin_dir and dbscan
- Ticket 48247 - Change the default user to 'dirsrv'
- Ticket 47848 - Add new function to create ldif files
- Ticket 48239 - Fix for prefix allocation of un-initialised dirsrv objects
- Ticket 48237 - Add lib389 helper to enable and disable logging services.
- Ticket 48236 - Add get effective rights helper to lib389
- Ticket 48238 - Add objectclass and attribute type query mechanisms
- Ticket 48029 - Add missing replication related functions
- Ticket 48028 - add valgrind wrapper for ns-slapd
- Ticket 48028 - lib389 - add valgrind functions
- Ticket 48022 - lib389 - Add all the server tasks
- Ticket 48023 - create function to test replication between servers
- Ticket 48020 - lib389 - need to reset args_instance with  every DirSrv init
- Ticket 48000 - Repl agmts need more time to stop
- Ticket 48004 - Fix various issues
- Ticket 48000 - replica agreement pause/resume should have a short sleep
- Ticket 47990 - Add check for ".removed" instances when doing an upgrade
- Ticket 47990 - Add "upgrade" function to lib389
- Ticket 47691 - using lib389 with RPMs
- Ticket 47848 - Add support for setuptools.
- Ticket 47855 - Add function to clear tmp directory
- Ticket 47851 - Need to retrieve tmp directory path
- Ticket 47845 - add stripcsn option to tombstone fixup task
- Ticket 47851 - Add function to retrieve dirsrvtests data directory
- Ticket 47845 - Add backup/restore/fixup tombstone tasks to lib389
- Ticket 47819 - Add the new precise tombstone purging config attribute
- Ticket 47695 - Add plugins/tasks/Index
- Ticket 47648 - lib389 - add schema classes, methods
- Ticket 47671 - CI lib389: allow to open a DirSrv without having to create the instance
- Ticket 47600 - Replica/Agreement/Changelog not conform to the design
- Ticket 47652 - replica add fails: MT.list return a list not an entry
- Ticket 47635 - MT/Backend/Suffix to be conform with the design
- Ticket 47625 - CI lib389: DirSrv not conform to the design
- Ticket 47595 - fail to detect/reinit already existing instance/backup
- Ticket 47590 - CI tests: add/split functions around replication
- Ticket 47584 - CI tests: add backup/restore of an instance
- Ticket 47578 - CI tests: removal of 'sudo' and absolute path in lib389
- Ticket 47568 - Rename DSAdmin class
- Ticket 47566 - Initial import of DSadmin into 389-test repos

* Mon Oct 16 2017 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49400 - Add clang support and libatomic

* Mon Oct 9 2017 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to
- Ticket 49038 - remove legacy replication - change cleanup script precedence
- Ticket 49392 - memavailable not available
- Ticket 49235 - pbkdf2 by default
- Ticket 49279 - remove dsktune
- Ticket 49372 - filter optimisation improvements for common queries
- Ticket 49320 - Activating already active role returns error 16
- Ticket 49389 - unable to retrieve specific cosAttribute when subtree password policy is configured
- Ticket 49092 - Add CI test for schema-reload
- Ticket 49388 - repl-monitor - matches null string many times in regex
- Ticket 49387 - pbkdf2 settings were too aggressive
- Ticket 49385 - Fix coverity warnings
- Ticket 49305 - Need to wrap atomic calls
- Ticket 48973 - Indexing a ExactIA5Match attribute with a IgnoreIA5Match matching rule triggers a warning
- Ticket 49378 - server init fails
- Ticket 49305 - Need to wrap atomic calls
- Ticket 49180 - add CI test
- Ticket 49180 - errors log filled with attrlist_replace - attr_replace

* Fri Sep 22 2017 Mark Reynolds <> -
- Bump version to