Blob Blame History Raw
diff -Naur Coin-2.5.0.orig/src/3ds/SoStream.cpp Coin-2.5.0/src/3ds/SoStream.cpp
--- Coin-2.5.0.orig/src/3ds/SoStream.cpp	2007-10-01 03:22:46.000000000 +0200
+++ Coin-2.5.0/src/3ds/SoStream.cpp	2017-02-17 17:18:45.351412708 +0100
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
   if (!gotNum) { setBadBit(); return FALSE; } \
   char *ce; \
-  s = '\0'; \
+  s = NULL; \
   _convertType_ tempVal = _convertFunc_(buf, &ce, 0); \
   if (ce != s) \
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
 gotAll: \
   char *ce; \
-  s = '\0'; \
+  s = NULL; \
   double tempVal = _convertFunc_(buf, &ce); \
   if (ce != s) \
diff -Naur Coin-2.5.0.orig/src/3ds/SoStream.cpp.orig Coin-2.5.0/src/3ds/SoStream.cpp.orig
--- Coin-2.5.0.orig/src/3ds/SoStream.cpp.orig	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
+++ Coin-2.5.0/src/3ds/SoStream.cpp.orig	2007-10-01 03:22:46.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+ *
+ *  This file is part of the Coin 3D visualization library.
+ *  Copyright (C) 1998-2007 by Systems in Motion.  All rights reserved.
+ *
+ *  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ *  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ *  ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *  See the file LICENSE.GPL at the root directory of this source
+ *  distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
+ *
+ *  For using Coin with software that can not be combined with the GNU
+ *  GPL, and for taking advantage of the additional benefits of our
+ *  support services, please contact Systems in Motion about acquiring
+ *  a Coin Professional Edition License.
+ *
+ *  See for more information.
+ *
+ *  Systems in Motion, Postboks 1283, Pirsenteret, 7462 Trondheim, NORWAY.
+ *
+ *
+#include <config.h>
+#endif // HAVE_CONFIG_H
+//  Part of the 3DS File Loader for Open Inventor
+//  developed originally by PC John (
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <Inventor/SbString.h>
+#include <Inventor/errors/SoDebugError.h>
+#include <Inventor/SoInput.h>
+#include <Inventor/C/tidbits.h>
+#include "SoStream.h"
+#define STUB assert(FALSE && "Unimplemented SoStream behaviour.")
+#define MAX_NUM_LENGTH 32
+SoStream::StreamEndianOrdering SoStream::getHostEndianOrdering()
+  switch (coin_host_get_endianness()) {
+  default: assert(FALSE && "unknown byteordering"); return SoStream::HOST_DEP;
+  }
+void SoStream::updateNeedEndianConversion()
+{ needEndianConversion = endianOrdering != getHostEndianOrdering()
+                         && endianOrdering != HOST_DEP; }
+void SoStream::setEndianOrdering(const StreamEndianOrdering value)
+{ endianOrdering = value; updateNeedEndianConversion(); }
+SoStream::StreamEndianOrdering SoStream::getEndianOrdering() const
+{ return endianOrdering; }
+#define HTON(_type_) \
+static void hton_##_type_(_type_ value, char *buf, const SbBool needConv) \
+{ \
+  union { \
+    _type_ v; \
+    char b[sizeof(_type_)]; \
+  }; \
+  v = value; \
+  if (needConv) { \
+    unsigned int j = sizeof(_type_)-1; \
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(_type_); i++) \
+      buf[i] = b[j--]; \
+  } else \
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(_type_); i++) \
+      buf[i] = b[i]; \
+#define NTOH(_type_) \
+static _type_ ntoh_##_type_(char *buf, const SbBool needConv) \
+{ \
+  if (needConv) { \
+    union { \
+      _type_ v; \
+      char b[sizeof(_type_)]; \
+    }; \
+    unsigned int j = sizeof(_type_)-1; \
+    for (unsigned int i=0; i<sizeof(_type_); i++) \
+      b[i] = buf[j--]; \
+    return v; \
+  } else \
+    return *((_type_*)buf); \
+inline static void hton_uint8_t(uint8_t value, char *buf, const SbBool needConv)  { buf[0] = value; }
+inline static uint8_t ntoh_uint8_t(char *buf, const SbBool needConv)  { return buf[0]; }
+inline static void hton_int8_t(int8_t value, char *buf, const SbBool needConv)  { buf[0] = value; }
+inline static int8_t ntoh_int8_t(char *buf, const SbBool needConv)  { return buf[0]; }
+inline static void hton_int16_t(int16_t value, char *buf, const SbBool needConv)  { hton_uint16_t(value, buf, needConv); }
+inline static int16_t ntoh_int16_t(char *buf, const SbBool needConv)  { return (int16_t)ntoh_uint16_t(buf, needConv); }
+inline static void hton_int32_t(int32_t value, char *buf, const SbBool needConv)  { hton_uint32_t(value, buf, needConv); }
+inline static int32_t ntoh_int32_t(char *buf, const SbBool needConv)  { return (int32_t)ntoh_uint32_t(buf, needConv); }
+#define SOSTREAM_RW_OP(_suffix_, _type_, _printString_, _readCode_) \
+SbBool SoStream::read##_suffix_(_type_ &value) \
+{ \
+  if (isBinary()) { \
+    char temp[sizeof(_type_)]; \
+    readBinaryArray(&temp, sizeof(_type_)); \
+    value = ntoh_##_type_(temp, needEndianConversion); \
+  } else { \
+    _readCode_; \
+  } \
+  return !isBad(); \
+} \
+SbBool SoStream::write##_suffix_(const _type_ value) \
+{ \
+  if (isBinary()) { \
+    char temp[sizeof(_type_)]; \
+    hton_##_type_(value, temp, needEndianConversion); \
+    writeBinaryArray((void*)&value, sizeof(_type_)); \
+  } else { \
+    SbString s; \
+    s.sprintf(_printString_, value); \
+    writeBinaryArray((void*)s.getString(), (size_t)s.getLength()); \
+  } \
+  return !isBad(); \
+#define SOSTREAM_INT_READ(_convertFunc_, _convertType_, _retType_, _check_) \
+do { \
+  if (isBad()) \
+    return FALSE; \
+ \
+  char buf[MAX_NUM_LENGTH]; \
+  char *s = buf; \
+  const char *e = &buf[MAX_NUM_LENGTH-1]; \
+  SbBool gotNum; \
+ \
+  getChar(*s); \
+  if (*s == '-' || *s == '+') \
+    s++; \
+  else \
+    ungetChar(*s); \
+ \
+  getChar(*s); \
+  if (*s == '0') { \
+    s++; \
+    getChar(*s); \
+    if (*s == 'x') { \
+      s++; \
+      gotNum = readHexInt(s, e); \
+    } else { \
+      ungetChar(*s); \
+      gotNum = readDigInt(s, e); \
+    } \
+  } else { \
+    ungetChar(*s); \
+    gotNum = readDigInt(s, e); \
+  } \
+ \
+  if (!gotNum) { setBadBit(); return FALSE; } \
+ \
+  char *ce; \
+  s = '\0'; \
+  _convertType_ tempVal = _convertFunc_(buf, &ce, 0); \
+ \
+  if (ce != s) \
+    assert(FALSE && "Wrong integer number buffer parsing."); \
+ \
+  _check_ \
+  value = (_retType_)tempVal; \
+} while(0)
+#define DEFAULT_CHECK1(_maxVal_) \
+  if (tempVal > _maxVal_) \
+    setBadBit(); \
+  else
+#define DEFAULT_CHECK2(_minVal_, _maxVal_) \
+  if (tempVal < _minVal_ || tempVal > _maxVal_) \
+    setBadBit(); \
+  else
+#define SOSTREAM_F_READ(_convertFunc_, _retType_) \
+do { \
+  if (isBad()) \
+    return FALSE; \
+ \
+  char buf[MAX_NUM_LENGTH]; \
+  char *s = buf; \
+  const char *e = &buf[MAX_NUM_LENGTH-1]; \
+  SbBool gotNum; \
+ \
+  getChar(*s); \
+  if (*s == '-' || *s == '+') \
+    s++; \
+  else \
+    ungetChar(*s); \
+ \
+  gotNum = readDigInt(s, e); \
+  if (!gotNum) { \
+    getChar(*s); \
+    if (*s == 'I') { \
+      s++; getChar(*s); \
+      if (*s == 'N') { \
+        s++; getChar(*s); \
+          if (*s == 'F') { \
+          s++; \
+          goto gotAll; \
+        } else setBadBit(); \
+      } else setBadBit(); \
+    } else { \
+      if (*s == 'N') { \
+        s++; getChar(*s); \
+        if (*s == 'A') { \
+          s++; getChar(*s); \
+          if (*s == 'N') { \
+            s++; \
+            goto gotAll; \
+          } else setBadBit(); \
+        } else setBadBit(); \
+      } else \
+        ungetChar(*s); \
+    } \
+    if (isBad()) \
+      return FALSE; \
+  } \
+ \
+  getChar(*s); \
+  if (*s == '.') { \
+    s++; \
+    gotNum = readDigInt(s, e) || gotNum; \
+  } else ungetChar(*s); \
+ \
+  if (!gotNum) { \
+    setBadBit(); \
+    return FALSE; \
+  } \
+ \
+  getChar(*s); \
+  if (*s == 'e' || *s == 'E') { \
+    s++; \
+    getChar(*s); \
+    if (*s == '-' || *s == '+') s++; \
+    else ungetChar(*s); \
+ \
+    if (!readDigInt(s, e)) { \
+      setBadBit(); \
+      return FALSE; \
+    } \
+  } else \
+    ungetChar(*s); \
+ \
+gotAll: \
+  \
+  char *ce; \
+  s = '\0'; \
+  double tempVal = _convertFunc_(buf, &ce); \
+ \
+  if (ce != s) \
+    assert(FALSE && "Wrong float number buffer parsing."); \
+ \
+  value = (_retType_)tempVal; \
+} while(0)
+SbBool SoStream::getChar(char &c)
+  assert(isBinary() && "getChar can be used for text files only.");
+  if (!isReadable()) setBadBit();
+  if (isBad()) return FALSE;
+  switch(streamType) {
+  case MEMORY:
+    if (bufPos < bufferSize) {
+      c = buffer[bufPos++];
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+    setBadBit();
+    return FALSE;
+  case FILE_STREAM:
+    STUB;
+    return FALSE;
+  case SO_INPUT_WRAP:
+    return soinput->read(c);
+  default:
+    assert(FALSE);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+void SoStream::ungetChar(const char c)
+  assert(isBinary() && "ungetChar can be used for text files only.");
+  if (!isReadable()) setBadBit();
+  if (isBad()) return;
+  switch (streamType) {
+  case MEMORY:
+    if (bufPos > 0 && bufPos <= bufferSize) {
+      --bufPos;
+      return;
+    }
+    assert(FALSE && "Strange playing with file pointer.");
+    setBadBit();
+  case FILE_STREAM:
+    STUB;
+    return;
+  case SO_INPUT_WRAP:
+    soinput->putBack(c);
+    return;
+  default:
+    assert(FALSE && "not handled");
+    break;
+  }
+void SoStream::putChar(const char c)
+  assert(isBinary() && "putChar can be used for text files only.");
+  if (!isWriteable()) setBadBit();
+  if (isBad()) return;
+  switch (streamType) {
+  case FILE_STREAM: STUB; break;
+  case MEMORY: {
+    assert(bufPos <= bufferSize && "Wrong file buffer position.");
+    if (bufPos == bufferSize)
+      if (!reallocBuffer(bufferSize+1)) {
+        setBadBit();
+        return;
+      }
+    buffer[bufPos++] = c;
+  }
+  default:
+    STUB;
+  }
+size_t SoStream::readBinaryArray(void *buf, size_t size)
+  if (!isReadable()) setBadBit();
+  if (isBad()) return 0;
+  switch (streamType) {
+  case MEMORY:
+    assert(bufPos <= bufferSize && "Wrong read buffer position.");
+    size_t amount;
+    if (bufPos + size > bufferSize)
+      amount = bufferSize - bufPos;
+    else
+      amount = size;
+    memcpy(buf, &buffer[bufPos], amount);
+    bufPos += amount;
+    return amount;
+  case FILE_STREAM:
+    return fread(buf, 1, size, filep);
+  case SO_INPUT_WRAP: {
+    size_t pos = soinput->getNumBytesRead();
+    if (soinput->readBinaryArray((unsigned char*)buf, size))  return size;
+    else  return soinput->getNumBytesRead() - pos;
+  }
+  default:
+    assert(FALSE);
+    return 0;
+  }
+size_t SoStream::writeBinaryArray(void *buf, size_t size)
+  if (!isWriteable()) setBadBit();
+  if (isBad()) return 0;
+  switch (streamType) {
+  case FILE_STREAM: return fwrite(buf, 1, size, filep);
+  case MEMORY: {
+    assert(bufPos <= bufferSize && "Wrong write buffer position.");
+    if (bufPos+size >= bufferSize)
+      // if not enough space => realloc
+      if (!reallocBuffer(bufPos+size)) {
+        // if can not realloc => setBadBit and copy only what is possible
+        setBadBit();
+        size = bufferSize - bufPos;
+      }
+    memcpy(&buffer[bufPos], buf, size);
+    bufPos += size;
+    return size;
+  }
+  case SO_INPUT_WRAP: assert(FALSE && "Unsupported operation."); return 0;
+  default: assert(FALSE); return 0;
+  }
+SOSTREAM_RW_OP(  Int8,   int8_t,   "%d", SOSTREAM_INT_READ(strtol,   int32_t,   int8_t, DEFAULT_CHECK2(-128, 127)));
+SOSTREAM_RW_OP( UInt8,  uint8_t, "0x%x", SOSTREAM_INT_READ(strtoul, uint32_t,  uint8_t, DEFAULT_CHECK1(0xff)));
+SOSTREAM_RW_OP( Int16,  int16_t,   "%d", SOSTREAM_INT_READ(strtol,   int32_t,  int16_t, DEFAULT_CHECK2(-32768, 32767)));
+SOSTREAM_RW_OP(UInt16, uint16_t, "0x%x", SOSTREAM_INT_READ(strtoul, uint32_t, uint16_t, DEFAULT_CHECK1(0xffff)));
+SOSTREAM_RW_OP( Int32,  int32_t,   "%d", SOSTREAM_INT_READ(strtol,   int32_t,  int32_t, DEFAULT_CHECK0));
+SOSTREAM_RW_OP(UInt32, uint32_t, "0x%x", SOSTREAM_INT_READ(strtoul, uint32_t, uint32_t, DEFAULT_CHECK0));
+SbBool SoStream::readDigInt(char *s, const char *e)
+  STUB;
+  return FALSE;
+SbBool SoStream::readHexInt(char *s, const char *e)
+  STUB;
+  return FALSE;
+SOSTREAM_RW_OP(Float, float, "%e", SOSTREAM_F_READ(strtod, float));
+SOSTREAM_RW_OP(Double, double, "%e", SOSTREAM_F_READ(strtod, double));
+size_t SoStream::readBuffer(void *buf, size_t bufSize)
+  return readBinaryArray(buf, bufSize);
+size_t SoStream::writeBuffer(void *buf, size_t bufSize)
+  return writeBinaryArray(buf, bufSize);
+SbBool SoStream::readFromStream(SoStream &stream)
+  size_t amount = stream.getSize() - stream.getPos();
+  readFromStream(stream, amount);
+  return !isBad();
+SbBool SoStream::writeToStream(SoStream &stream)
+  return stream.readFromStream(*this);
+size_t SoStream::readFromStream(SoStream &stream, size_t bytes)
+  int al;
+  if (bytes > 1048576) al = 1048576;
+  else al = bytes;
+  void *temp = malloc(al);
+  size_t trans = 0;
+  do {
+    if (trans+al > bytes)  al = bytes - trans;
+    size_t amount = stream.readBuffer(temp, al);
+    size_t written = this->writeBuffer(temp, amount);
+    trans += written;
+    if (isBad()) break;
+  } while (trans < bytes);
+  free(temp);
+  return trans;
+size_t SoStream::writeToStream(SoStream &stream, size_t bytes)
+  return stream.readFromStream(*this, bytes);
+SbBool SoStream::readZString(char *buf, int bufSize)
+  uint8_t c;
+  do {
+    if (bufSize-- == 0) { setBadBit(); return FALSE; }
+    operator >> (c);
+    *(buf++) = c;
+  } while (c != '\0');
+  return !isBad();
+SbBool SoStream::writeZString(const char *buf)
+  do {
+    operator << (buf);
+  } while (*(buf++) != '\0');
+  return !isBad();
+SbBool SoStream::readStream(SoStream &stream)
+  STUB;
+  return FALSE;
+SbBool SoStream::writeStream(const SoStream &stream)
+  STUB;
+  return FALSE;
+void SoStream::setPos(size_t pos)
+  switch (streamType) {
+  case FILE_STREAM:  fseek(filep, pos, SEEK_SET); break;
+  case MEMORY:  if (pos > bufferSize) setBadBit();
+                else bufPos = pos;
+                break;
+  case SO_INPUT_WRAP: {
+    size_t cpos = getPos();
+    if (pos >= cpos) {
+      size_t num = pos - cpos;
+      char c[16];
+      size_t d;
+      while (num > 0) {
+        d = num<=16 ? num : 16;
+        if (readBinaryArray(&c, d) != d) {
+          setBadBit();
+          break;
+        }
+        num -= d;
+      }
+    } else {
+      assert(FALSE && "SoStream::setPos() to move back in the stream is not supported.");
+      setBadBit();
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+  default:  assert(FALSE && "Unsupported operation."); break;
+  }
+size_t SoStream::getPos() const
+  switch (streamType) {
+  case FILE_STREAM:  return ftell(filep);
+  case MEMORY:  return bufPos;
+  case SO_INPUT_WRAP:  return soinput->getNumBytesRead();
+  default:  assert(FALSE); return 0;
+  }
+size_t SoStream::getSize() const
+  switch (streamType) {
+  case FILE_STREAM : {
+    size_t cpos = ftell(filep);
+    fseek(filep, 0, SEEK_END);
+    size_t size = ftell(filep);
+    fseek(filep, cpos, SEEK_SET);
+    return size;
+  }
+  case MEMORY:  return bufferSize;
+  case SO_INPUT_WRAP: assert(FALSE && "Unsupported operation."); return 0;
+  default: assert(FALSE); return 0;
+  }
+void SoStream::setBadBit()  { badBit = TRUE; }
+void SoStream::clearBadBit()  { badBit = FALSE; }
+SbBool SoStream::isBad() const  { return badBit; }
+void SoStream::setAccessRights(SbBool readEnabled, SbBool writeEnabled)
+{ readable = readEnabled; writeable = writeEnabled; }
+SbBool SoStream::isReadable() const  { return readable; }
+SbBool SoStream::isWriteable() const  { return writeable; }
+SbBool SoStream::reallocBuffer(size_t newSize)
+  assert(streamType == MEMORY);
+  assert(newSize > 0);
+  if (newSize <= bufferAllocSize) {
+    bufferSize = newSize;
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  size_t newAllocSize = size_t(bufferAllocSize * 1.5);
+  if (newAllocSize < newSize)
+    newAllocSize = newSize;
+  char *newBuffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, newAllocSize);
+  if (newBuffer != NULL) {
+    buffer = newBuffer;
+    bufferSize = newSize;
+    bufferAllocSize = newAllocSize;
+    return TRUE;
+  } else
+    return FALSE;
+void SoStream::setBinary(const SbBool flag)  { binaryStream = flag; }
+SbBool SoStream::isBinary() const  { return binaryStream; }
+SbBool SoStream::getBuffer(void *&buf, size_t &size) const
+  if (streamType != MEMORY)
+    return FALSE;
+  buf = buffer;
+  size = bufferSize;
+  return TRUE;
+size_t SoStream::getBufferSize() const  { return bufferSize; }
+void SoStream::setBuffer(void *buf, size_t size)
+  emptyBuffer();
+  STUB;
+void SoStream::resetBuffer()
+  assert(streamType == MEMORY && "You can perform resetBuffer() only on memory streams.");
+  bufPos = 0;
+void SoStream::emptyBuffer(size_t streamSize)
+  closeStream();
+  streamType = MEMORY;
+  if (streamSize == 0) {
+    buffer = NULL;
+  } else {
+    buffer = (char*)malloc(streamSize);
+  }
+  bufferSize = 0;
+  bufferAllocSize = streamSize;
+  bufPos = 0;
+void SoStream::loadBufferFromFile(FILE *fp)
+  this->emptyBuffer();
+  SoStream temp(fp);
+  this->readFromStream(temp);
+  setPos(0);
+void SoStream::loadBufferFromFile(const char *const fileName)
+  this->emptyBuffer();
+  SoStream temp(fileName);
+  this->readFromStream(temp);
+  setPos(0);
+void SoStream::storeBufferToFile(FILE *fp)
+  size_t cpos = getPos();
+  setPos(0);
+  SoStream temp(fp);
+  temp.readFromStream(*this);
+  setPos(cpos);
+void SoStream::storeBufferToFile(const char *const fileName)
+  size_t cpos = getPos();
+  setPos(0);
+  SoStream temp(fileName);
+  temp.readFromStream(*this);
+  setPos(cpos);
+void SoStream::commonInit()
+  streamType = CLOSED;
+  binaryStream = FALSE;
+  badBit = FALSE;
+  readable = writeable = TRUE;
+  endianOrdering = BIG_ENDIAN_STREAM;
+  updateNeedEndianConversion();
+  commonInit();
+SoStream::SoStream(size_t streamSize)
+  commonInit();
+  emptyBuffer(streamSize);
+SoStream::SoStream(FILE *fp)
+  commonInit();
+  setFilePointer(fp);
+SoStream::SoStream(const char *const fileName)
+  commonInit();
+  openFile(fileName);
+  closeStream();
+SoStream::StreamType SoStream::getStreamType() const  { return streamType; }
+void SoStream::closeStream()
+  switch (streamType) {
+  case FILE_STREAM:
+    fclose(filep);
+    break;
+  case MEMORY:
+    free(buffer);
+    break;
+  default:
+    break;
+  }
+  streamType = CLOSED;
+  clearBadBit();
+void SoStream::setFilePointer(FILE *newFP)
+  closeStream();
+  streamType = FILE_STREAM;
+  filep = newFP;
+FILE* SoStream::getFilePointer()  const
+  assert(streamType == FILE_STREAM);
+  return (FILE*)&filep;
+SbBool SoStream::openFile(const char *const fileName)
+  FILE *f = fopen(fileName, "r+b");
+  setFilePointer(f);
+  return TRUE;
+void SoStream::closeFile()
+  STUB;
+void SoStream::wrapSoInput(SoInput *input)
+  SoStream::closeStream();
+  streamType = SO_INPUT_WRAP;
+  soinput = input;