INSTALLATION ------------ Installing amavisd-new from Fedora Extras is simple. First, install the amavisd-new package: yum -y install amavisd-new Don't be alarmed at the number of dependencies this installs. This package tries to be as full-featured as possible, including many optional components for amavisd-new. Next, configure amavisd-new to start on boot: chkconfig --level 2345 amavisd on If you want to use the Clam Antivirus daemon (recommended), set it to start on boot as well: chkconfig --level 2345 clamd.amavisd on When you are ready, start the clamd.amavisd (optional but recommended) and amavisd services: service clamd.amavisd start service amavisd start Check /var/log/maillog for startup messages from both daemons. The next step is to integrate amavisd with your MTA. POSTFIX ------- The simplest method for enabling amavisd-new support in postfix is to use the content_filter configuration option to tell postfix to relay mail through amavisd-new using SMTP. In this configuration, incoming mail passes from postfix to amavisd and back to postfix. (Mail never actually leaves the control of postfix however, since amavisd does not answer OK until it scans the message and transfers it back to postfix. The worst that can happen is a failure at just the right time could allow a message to be queued twice.) Add the following to /etc/postfix/ content_filter = smtp:[]:10024 You will probably also want to limit the number of postfix processes to keep mail from coming in faster than it can be processed by adding the following to /etc/postfix/ default_process_limit = 20 Add the following to /etc/postfix/ inet n - - - 0 smtpd -o content_filter= Be sure to read the TUNING section in README.postfix for information on process limits. SENDMAIL -------- See README.sendmail* in this directory. Please note that amavisd-new's milter functionality is not enabled in this package. EXIM ---- See README.exim* in this directory.