Blob Blame History Raw
diff -up asymptote-2.02/doc/ asymptote-2.02/doc/
--- asymptote-2.02/doc/	2010-07-15 13:29:06.724312555 -0400
+++ asymptote-2.02/doc/	2010-07-15 13:29:23.594309625 -0400
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ options: ../
 	$(ASY) -h 2>&1 | grep -iv Asymptote > options
 asy.1: options asy.1.begin asy.1.end
-	cat options | grep \^- | sed -e "s/-\(.*\)  \([a-zA-Z].*\)/.TP\n.B -\1\n\2\./" | sed -e "/^.B/ s/-/\\\\-/g" | cat asy.1.begin - asy.1.end > asy.1
+	cat options | grep \^- | sed -e "s/-\(.*\)  \([a-zA-Z0-9].*\)/.TP\n.B -\1\n\2\./" | sed -e "/^.B/ s/-/\\\\-/g" | cat asy.1.begin - asy.1.end > asy.1
 asymptote.dvi: $(SOURCE) $(ASYFILES:.asy=.eps)
 	ln -sf asymptote.texi asymptote_.texi
diff -up asymptote-2.02/doc/options.BAD asymptote-2.02/doc/options
--- asymptote-2.02/doc/options.BAD	2010-07-15 13:27:41.245306277 -0400
+++ asymptote-2.02/doc/options	2010-07-15 13:28:42.669303759 -0400
@@ -2,87 +2,87 @@ Usage: ../asy [options] [file ...]
 Options (negate by replacing - with -no): 
--V,-View              View output; command-line only
--a,-align C|B|T|Z     Center, Bottom, Top, or Zero page alignment [C]
--antialias n          Antialiasing width for rasterized output [2]
--arcballradius pixels Arcball radius [750]
--auto3D               Automatically activate 3D scene [true]
--autobillboard        3D labels always face viewer by default [true]
--autoimport string    Module to automatically import
--autoplain            Enable automatic importing of plain [true]
--autoplay             Autoplay 3D animations [false]
--autorotate           Enable automatic PDF page rotation [false]
--batchMask            Mask fpu exceptions in batch mode [false]
--batchView            View output in batch mode [false]
--bw                   Convert all colors to black and white [false]
--cd directory         Set current directory; command-line only
--cmyk                 Convert rgb colors to cmyk [false]
--c,-command string    Command to autoexecute
--compact              Conserve memory at the expense of speed [false]
--d,-debug             Enable debugging messages [false]
--divisor n            Garbage collect using purge(divisor=n) [2]
--doubleclick ms       Emulated double-click timeout [200]
--embed                Embed rendered preview image [true]
--exitonEOF            Exit interactive mode on EOF [true]
--fitscreen            Fit rendered image to screen [true]
--framedelay ms        Additional frame delay [0]
--framerate frames/s   Animation speed [30]
--globalwrite          Allow write to other directory [false]
--gray                 Convert all colors to grayscale [false]
--h,-help              Show summary of options; command-line only
--historylines n       Retain n lines of history [1000]
--iconify              Iconify rendering window [false]
--inlineimage          Generate inline embedded image [false]
--inlinetex            Generate inline TeX code [false]
--interactiveMask      Mask fpu exceptions in interactive mode [true]
--interactiveView      View output in interactive mode [true]
--interactiveWrite     Write expressions entered at the prompt to stdout [true]
--k,-keep              Keep intermediate files [false]
--keepaux              Keep intermediate LaTeX .aux files [false]
--level n              Postscript level [3]
--l,-listvariables     List available global functions and variables [false]
--localhistory         Use a local interactive history file [false]
--loop                 Loop 3D animations [false]
--m,-mask              Mask fpu exceptions; command-line only
--maxtile pair         Maximum rendering tile size [(0,0)]
--maxviewport pair     Maximum viewport size [(2048,2048)]
--multiline            Input code over multiple lines at the prompt [false]
--multipleView         View output from multiple batch-mode files [false]
--multisample n        Multisampling width for screen images [4]
--O,-offset pair       PostScript offset [(0,0)]
--f,-outformat format  Convert each output file to specified format
--o,-outname name      Alternative output directory/filename
--p,-parseonly         Parse file [false]
--pdfreload            Automatically reload document in pdfviewer [false]
--pdfreloaddelay usec  Delay before attempting initial pdf reload [750000]
--position pair        Initial 3D rendering screen position [(0,0)]
--prc                  Embed 3D PRC graphics in PDF output [true]
--prompt string        Prompt [> ]
--prompt2 string       Continuation prompt for multiline input  [..]
--q,-quiet             Suppress welcome message [false]
--render n             Render 3D graphics using n pixels per bp (-1=auto) [-1]
--resizestep step      Resize step [1.2]
--reverse              reverse 3D animations [false]
--rgb                  Convert cmyk colors to rgb [false]
--safe                 Disable system call [true]
--scroll n             Scroll standard output n lines at a time [0]
--spinstep deg/s       Spin speed [60]
--svgemulation         Emulate unimplemented SVG shading [false]
--tabcompletion        Interactive prompt auto-completion [true]
--tex engine           latex|pdflatex|xelatex|tex|pdftex|context|none [latex]
--thick                Render thick 3D lines [true]
--thin                 Render thin 3D lines [true]
--threads              Use POSIX threads for 3D rendering [true]
--toolbar              Show 3D toolbar in PDF output [true]
--s,-translate         Show translated virtual machine code [false]
--twice                Run LaTeX twice (to resolve references) [false]
--twosided             Use two-sided 3D lighting model for rendering [true]
--u,-user string       General purpose user string
--v,-verbose           Increase verbosity level (can specify multiple times) [0]
--version              Show version; command-line only
--wait                 Wait for child processes to finish before exiting [false]
--warn string          Enable warning; command-line only
--where                Show where listed variables are declared [false]
--zoomfactor factor    Zoom step factor [1.05]
--zoomstep step        Mouse motion zoom step [0.1]
+-V,-View               View output; command-line only
+-a,-align C|B|T|Z      Center, Bottom, Top, or Zero page alignment [C]
+-antialias n           Antialiasing width for rasterized output [2]
+-arcballradius pixels  Arcball radius [750]
+-auto3D                Automatically activate 3D scene [true]
+-autobillboard         3D labels always face viewer by default [true]
+-autoimport string     Module to automatically import
+-autoplain             Enable automatic importing of plain [true]
+-autoplay              Autoplay 3D animations [false]
+-autorotate            Enable automatic PDF page rotation [false]
+-batchMask             Mask fpu exceptions in batch mode [false]
+-batchView             View output in batch mode [false]
+-bw                    Convert all colors to black and white [false]
+-cd directory          Set current directory; command-line only
+-cmyk                  Convert rgb colors to cmyk [false]
+-c,-command string     Command to autoexecute
+-compact               Conserve memory at the expense of speed [false]
+-d,-debug              Enable debugging messages [false]
+-divisor n             Garbage collect using purge(divisor=n) [2]
+-doubleclick ms        Emulated double-click timeout [200]
+-embed                 Embed rendered preview image [true]
+-exitonEOF             Exit interactive mode on EOF [true]
+-fitscreen             Fit rendered image to screen [true]
+-framedelay ms         Additional frame delay [0]
+-framerate frames/s    Animation speed [30]
+-globalwrite           Allow write to other directory [false]
+-gray                  Convert all colors to grayscale [false]
+-h,-help               Show summary of options; command-line only
+-historylines n        Retain n lines of history [1000]
+-iconify               Iconify rendering window [false]
+-inlineimage           Generate inline embedded image [false]
+-inlinetex             Generate inline TeX code [false]
+-interactiveMask       Mask fpu exceptions in interactive mode [true]
+-interactiveView       View output in interactive mode [true]
+-interactiveWrite      Write expressions entered at the prompt to stdout [true]
+-k,-keep               Keep intermediate files [false]
+-keepaux               Keep intermediate LaTeX .aux files [false]
+-level n               Postscript level [3]
+-l,-listvariables      List available global functions and variables [false]
+-localhistory          Use a local interactive history file [false]
+-loop                  Loop 3D animations [false]
+-m,-mask               Mask fpu exceptions; command-line only
+-maxtile pair          Maximum rendering tile size [(0,0)]
+-maxviewport pair      Maximum viewport size [(2048,2048)]
+-multiline             Input code over multiple lines at the prompt [false]
+-multipleView          View output from multiple batch-mode files [false]
+-multisample n         Multisampling width for screen images [4]
+-O,-offset pair        PostScript offset [(0,0)]
+-f,-outformat format   Convert each output file to specified format
+-o,-outname name       Alternative output directory/filename
+-p,-parseonly          Parse file [false]
+-pdfreload             Automatically reload document in pdfviewer [false]
+-pdfreloaddelay usec   Delay before attempting initial pdf reload [750000]
+-position pair         Initial 3D rendering screen position [(0,0)]
+-prc                   Embed 3D PRC graphics in PDF output [true]
+-prompt string         Prompt [> ]
+-prompt2 string        Continuation prompt for multiline input  [..]
+-q,-quiet              Suppress welcome message [false]
+-render n              Render 3D graphics using n pixels per bp (-1=auto) [-1]
+-resizestep step       Resize step [1.2]
+-reverse               reverse 3D animations [false]
+-rgb                   Convert cmyk colors to rgb [false]
+-safe                  Disable system call [true]
+-scroll n              Scroll standard output n lines at a time [0]
+-spinstep deg/s        Spin speed [60]
+-svgemulation          Emulate unimplemented SVG shading [false]
+-tabcompletion         Interactive prompt auto-completion [true]
+-tex engine            latex|pdflatex|xelatex|tex|pdftex|context|none [latex]
+-thick                 Render thick 3D lines [true]
+-thin                  Render thin 3D lines [true]
+-threads               Use POSIX threads for 3D rendering [true]
+-toolbar               Show 3D toolbar in PDF output [true]
+-s,-translate          Show translated virtual machine code [false]
+-twice                 Run LaTeX twice (to resolve references) [false]
+-twosided              Use two-sided 3D lighting model for rendering [true]
+-u,-user string        General purpose user string
+-v,-verbose            Increase verbosity level (can specify multiple times) [0]
+-version               Show version; command-line only
+-wait                  Wait for child processes to finish before exiting [false]
+-warn string           Enable warning; command-line only
+-where                 Show where listed variables are declared [false]
+-zoomfactor factor     Zoom step factor [1.05]
+-zoomstep step         Mouse motion zoom step [0.1]