Blob Blame History Raw
--- org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/update/	2006-05-14 08:10:01.000000000 -0700
+++ org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/update/	2006-05-26 09:27:25.000000000 -0700
@@ -90,206 +90,19 @@
 		azureus_core	= _azureus_core;
-	  	UpdateManager um = azureus_core.getPluginManager().getDefaultPluginInterface().getUpdateManager(); 
-	  	um.addListener(
-	  		new UpdateManagerListener()
-			{
-	  			public void
-				checkInstanceCreated(
-					UpdateCheckInstance	instance )
-	  			{
-	  				instance.addListener( UpdateMonitor.this );
-	  			}
-			});
-	  	um.addVerificationListener(
-	  			new UpdateManagerVerificationListener()
-	  			{
-	  				public boolean
-	  				acceptUnVerifiedUpdate(
-	  					final Update		update )
-	  				{
-						final boolean	accept[]	 = {false};
-						Utils.execSWTThread(
-								new Runnable()
-								{
-									public void
-									run()
-									{
-										accept[0] = 
-											"UpdateMonitor.messagebox.accept.unverified",
-											SWT.YES | SWT.NO,
-											SWT.NULL,
-											false,
-											_main_window.getDisplay(), 
-											MessageBoxWindow.ICON_WARNING,
-											MessageText.getString( "UpdateMonitor.messagebox.accept.unverified.title" ),
-											MessageText.getString( 
-													"UpdateMonitor.messagebox.accept.unverified.text", 
-													new String[]{ update.getName()})) == SWT.YES;
-									}
-								},
-								false );	
-						return( accept[0] );
-	  				}
-	  				public void
-	  				verificationFailed(
-	  					final Update		update,
-	  					final Throwable		cause )
-	  				{
-	  					final String	cause_str = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage( cause );
-						Utils.execSWTThread(
-								new Runnable()
-								{
-									public void
-									run()
-									{
-										Utils.openMessageBox(
-											_main_window.getShell(),
-											SWT.OK,
-											"UpdateMonitor.messagebox.verification.failed",
-											new String[]{ update.getName(), cause_str });
-									}
-								});
-	  				}
-	  			});
-	    SimpleTimer.addPeriodicEvent( 
-	            new TimerEventPerformer()
-	            {
-	            	public void
-					perform(
-						TimerEvent  ev )
-					{
-	            		performAutoCheck(false);
-					}
-	            });
-	    	// wait a bit before starting check to give rest of AZ time to initialise 
-		new DelayedEvent(
-				2500,
-				new AERunnable()
-				{
-					public void
-					runSupport()
-					{
-						performAutoCheck(true);
-					}
-				});
 	protected void
 		final boolean		start_of_day )
-		boolean check_at_start	= false;
-		boolean check_periodic	= false;
-		boolean bOldSWT = SWT.getVersion() < 3139;
-			// no update checks for java web start
-		if ( !SystemProperties.isJavaWebStartInstance()){
-			// force check when SWT is really old
-			check_at_start	= COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "update.start", true ) || bOldSWT;
-			check_periodic	= COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter( "update.periodic", true );
-		}
-			// periodic -> check at start as well
-		check_at_start = check_at_start || check_periodic;
-		if (	( check_at_start && start_of_day) ||
-				( check_periodic && !start_of_day )){
-			performCheck(bOldSWT);	// this will implicitly do usage stats
-		}else{
-			new DelayedEvent(
-					5000,
-					new AERunnable()
-					{
-						public void
-						runSupport()
-						{
-							if ( start_of_day ){
-                                MainWindow.getWindow().setStatusText("");
-							}
-							CoreUpdateChecker.doUsageStats();
-						}
-					});
-		}
 	public void
 	performCheck(final boolean bForce)
-		if ( SystemProperties.isJavaWebStartInstance()){
-				// just in case we get here somehome!
-			if (Logger.isEnabled())
-				Logger.log(new LogEvent(LOGID,
-						"skipping update check as java web start"));
-			return;
-		}
-			// kill any existing update window
-	    if ( current_update_window != null && ! current_update_window.isDisposed()){
-	      SWTThread.getInstance().getDisplay().syncExec(
-	      		new AERunnable() 
-				{
-	      			public void 
-					runSupport() 
-	      			{               
-	      				current_update_window.dispose();
-	      			}
-	      		});
-	    }
-	    if ( current_update_instance != null ){
-	    	current_update_instance.cancel();
-	    }
-		MainWindow mainWindow = MainWindow.getWindow();
-	    mainWindow.setStatusText("MainWindow.status.checking ...");
-	    	// take this off this GUI thread in case it blocks for a while
-	   AEThread t = 
-		   	new AEThread( "UpdateMonitor:kickoff")
-				{
-			    	public void
-					runSupport()
-			    	{
-			    		UpdateManager um = azureus_core.getPluginManager().getDefaultPluginInterface().getUpdateManager(); 
-			    		current_update_instance = 
-			    			um.createUpdateCheckInstance(
-			    				bForce ? UpdateCheckInstance.UCI_INSTALL : UpdateCheckInstance.UCI_UPDATE,
-			  					"update.instance.update" );
-			    		current_update_instance.start();
-			    	}
-				};
-		t.setDaemon( true );
-		t.start();
 	public void