Blob Blame History Raw
--- ../azureus3orig/azureus3/org/gudy/azureus2/pluginsimpl/local/installer/	2007-12-03 10:07:11.000000000 -0500
+++ org/gudy/azureus2/pluginsimpl/local/installer/	2007-12-03 10:32:17.000000000 -0500
@@ -181,13 +181,6 @@
 		PluginUpdatePlugin	pup = (PluginUpdatePlugin)manager.getPluginInterfaceByClass( PluginUpdatePlugin.class ).getPlugin();
-		UpdateManager	uman = manager.getDefaultPluginInterface().getUpdateManager();
-		UpdateCheckInstance	inst = 
-			uman.createEmptyUpdateCheckInstance( 
-					UpdateCheckInstance.UCI_INSTALL,
-					"update.instance.install" );
 			for (int i=0;i<plugins.length;i++){
@@ -254,23 +247,6 @@
 					((InstallablePluginImpl)plugin).addUpdate( inst, pup, dummy_plugin, dummy_plugin_interface );
-					inst.addListener(
-						new UpdateCheckInstanceListener()
-						{
-							public void
-							cancelled(
-								UpdateCheckInstance		instance )
-							{
-								dummy_plugin.requestUnload();
-							}
-							public void
-							complete(
-								UpdateCheckInstance		instance )
-							{
-								dummy_plugin.requestUnload();
-							}
-						});
 					((InstallablePluginImpl)plugin).addUpdate( inst, pup, existing_plugin, existing_plugin_interface );
@@ -278,12 +254,8 @@
-			inst.start();
 		}catch( Throwable e ){
-			inst.cancel();
 			if ( e instanceof PluginException ){
@@ -347,138 +319,6 @@
-		try{
-			UpdateManager	uman = manager.getDefaultPluginInterface().getUpdateManager();
-			UpdateCheckInstance	inst = 
-				uman.createEmptyUpdateCheckInstance(
-						UpdateCheckInstance.UCI_UNINSTALL,
-						"update.instance.uninstall");
-			for (int i=0;i<pis.length;i++){
-				final PluginInterface	pi = pis[i];
-				final String	plugin_dir = pi.getPluginDirectoryName();
-				inst.addUpdatableComponent(
-					new UpdatableComponent()
-					{
-						public String
-						getName()
-						{
-							return( pi.getPluginName());
-						}
-						public int
-						getMaximumCheckTime()
-						{
-							return( 0 );
-						}
-						public void
-						checkForUpdate(
-							final UpdateChecker	checker )
-						{
-							try{
-								ResourceDownloader rd = 
-									manager.getDefaultPluginInterface().getUtilities().getResourceDownloaderFactory().create( new File( plugin_dir ));
-								rd.addListener(
-									new ResourceDownloaderAdapter()
-									{
-										public boolean
-										completed(
-											ResourceDownloader	downloader,
-											InputStream			data )
-										{
-											try{
-												if ( pi.isUnloadable()){
-													pi.unload();
-													FileUtil.recursiveDelete( new File( plugin_dir ));
-												}
-												UpdateInstaller installer = checker.createInstaller();
-												installer.addRemoveAction( new File( plugin_dir ).getCanonicalPath());
-											}catch( Throwable e ){
-												Debug.printStackTrace(e);
-												Logger.log(new LogAlert(LogAlert.REPEATABLE,
-														"Plugin uninstall failed", e));
-											}
-												// don't close the stream as we process it later
-											return( true );
-										}
-										public void
-										failed(
-											ResourceDownloader			downloader,
-											ResourceDownloaderException e )
-										{
-											if ( !downloader.isCancelled()){
-												Logger.log(new LogAlert(LogAlert.REPEATABLE,
-														"Plugin uninstall failed", e));
-											}
-										}
-									});
-									// the plugin may have > 1 plugin interfaces, make the name up appropriately
-								String	update_name = "";
-								PluginInterface[]	ifs = manager.getPluginInterfaces();
-							    Arrays.sort( 
-							    		ifs,
-									  	new Comparator()
-										{
-								      		public int 
-											compare(
-												Object o1, 
-												Object o2)
-								      		{
-								      			return(((PluginInterface)o1).getPluginName().compareTo(((PluginInterface)o2).getPluginName()));
-								      		}
-										});
-								for (int i=0;i<ifs.length;i++){
-									if ( ifs[i].getPluginID().equals(pi.getPluginID())){
-										update_name += (update_name.length()==0?"":",") + ifs[i].getPluginName();
-									}
-								}
-								checker.addUpdate(
-									update_name,
-									new String[]{ "Uninstall: " + plugin_dir},
-									pi.getPluginVersion(),
-									rd,
-									pi.isUnloadable()?Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_NO:Update.RESTART_REQUIRED_YES );
-							}finally{
-								checker.completed();
-							}
-						}
-					}, false );
-			}
-			inst.start();
-		}catch( Throwable e ){
-			Debug.printStackTrace(e);
-		}
 	protected PluginInterface