Blob Blame History Raw
    Copyright (c) 2017, Lukas Holecek <>

    This file is part of CopyQ.

    CopyQ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    CopyQ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with CopyQ.  If not, see <>.

#include "aboutdialog.h"
#include "ui_aboutdialog.h"

#include "common/shortcuts.h"
#include "common/textdata.h"
#include "common/version.h"
#include "gui/icons.h"

namespace {

QString helpKeys(const QString &description, const QString &keys)
    static bool odd = true;
    odd = !odd;
    return QString("<tr class='%1'><td>%2</td><td class='key'>%3</td></tr>")
            .arg( odd ? "odd" : "" )
            .arg( escapeHtml(description) )
            .arg( escapeHtml(keys) );

QString helpUrl(const char *url)
    return QString("<a href='%1'>%1</a>").arg(url);

QString helpMail(const char *url)
    return QString("<a href='mailto:%1'>%1</a>").arg(url);

QString helpLink(const QString &name, const QString &link, ushort icon)
    return "<tr>"
           "<td class='info'>" + name + "</td>"
           "<td valign='middle' align='center' class='help-icon icon'>" + QString(QChar(icon)) + "</td>"
           "<td>" + link + "</td>"

QString helpDeveloper(const char *name, const char *mail)
    return QString("<div>%1 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='info'>%2</span></div>")

QString helpLib(const char *name, const QString &description, const QString &copyright, const char *url)
    return QString("<p><span class='library'>%1</span>"
                   "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='info'>%2</span><br />%3<br />%4</p>")
            .arg( escapeHtml(description) )
            .arg( helpUrl(url) );

QString helpSection(const QString &title, ushort icon)
    return "<div class='section'>" + escapeHtml(title)
            + "<span class='section-icon icon'>&nbsp;&nbsp;" + QString(QChar(icon)) + "</span></div>";

QString helpParagraph(const QString &text)
    return "<p>" + escapeHtml(text) + "</p>";

} // namespace

AboutDialog::AboutDialog(QWidget *parent)
    : QDialog(parent)
    , ui(new Ui::AboutDialog)
    ui->textBrowser->setText( aboutPage() );

    delete ui;

QString AboutDialog::aboutPage()

        "<head><style type='text/css'>"


        "<table><tr valign='middle'>"
        "<td><img src=':/images/logo.png' /></td>"
        "<div id='title'>CopyQ</div>"
        "<div id='subtitle'>" + escapeHtml(tr("Clipboard Manager")) + "</div>"
        "<div id='version'>" + COPYQ_VERSION "</div>"

        "<table class='links'>"
            + helpLink( tr("Author"), QString::fromUtf8("Lukáš Holeček"), IconUser )
            + helpLink( tr("E-mail"), helpMail(""), IconEnvelope )
            + helpLink( tr("Web"), helpUrl(""), IconHome )
            + helpLink( tr("Wiki"), helpUrl(""), IconBook )
            + helpLink( tr("Donate"), helpUrl(""), IconGift )

        "<p id='copyright'>Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017</p>"


        + helpSection(tr("Development"), IconPencil)
        + "<p>"
            + helpDeveloper("Adam Batkin", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Giacomo Margarito", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Greg Carp", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Ilya Plenne", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Jörg Thalheim", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Kim Jzhone", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Kos Ivantsov", "")
            + helpDeveloper("lightonflux", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Lukas Holecek", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Marjolein Hoekstra", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Martin Lepadusch", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Matt d'Entremont", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Michal Čihař", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Patricio M. Ros", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Robert Orzanna", ">")
            + helpDeveloper("Ryan Wooden", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Scott Kostyshak", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Sebastian Schuberth", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Tomas Nilzon", "")
            + helpDeveloper("Wilfried Caruel", "")
            + helpDeveloper("x2357", "")

            + helpLib("Qt", "",
                      "The Qt Toolkit is Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. and other contributors.", "")
            + helpLib("Weblate", tr("Free web-based translation management system", "Weblate description"),
                      "Copyright (c) 2012 - 2016 Michal &#268;iha&#345;", "")
            + helpLib("Font Awesome", tr("Iconic font used in the application", "Font Awesome description"),
                      "Created & Maintained by Dave Gandy", "")
            + helpLib("LibQxt", "",
                      "Copyright (c) 2006 - 2011, the LibQxt project", "")
            + helpLib("Solarized", tr("Color palette used for themes", "Solarized palette/themes description"),
                      "Copyright (c) 2011 Ethan Schoonover", "")

        // keyboard title
        + helpSection(tr("Keyboard"), IconKeyboard)

        + helpParagraph(tr("Application shortcuts can be changed in Preferences dialog."))

        + helpParagraph(tr("Global shortcuts (system-wide shortcuts) can be set in Command dialog (default shortcut is F6)."))

        + helpParagraph(tr("Type any text to search the clipboard history."))

        // keyboard table
        + "<p><table id='keys'>"
            + helpKeys( tr("Item list navigation"), tr("Up/Down, Page Up/Down, Home/End") )
            + helpKeys( tr("Tab navigation"),
                        tr("Left, Right, %1, %2", "Keys for tab navigation (%1, %2 are the standard keys).")
            + helpKeys( tr("Move selected items"), tr("Ctrl+Up/Down, Ctrl+Home/End") )
            + helpKeys( tr("Reset search or hide window"), tr("Escape") )
            + helpKeys( tr("Delete item"), shortcutToRemove() )
            + helpKeys( tr("Put selected items into clipboard"), tr("Enter") )
            + helpKeys( tr("Change item display format"), tr("Ctrl+Left/Right") )
            + helpKeys( tr("Edit Item"), tr("F2") )

        + "<p></p>"
