Blob Blame History Raw
# Upstream includes option for generation of optimized binaries,
# however, specifically generates bytecode versions for certain
# executables even when optimized option is set, namely the following:

# coq-tex, coq_makefile, coq-interface, coqwc, coqdoc, parser, coqdep,
# gallina

# (coqtop.byte, coqide.byte binaries are also made available.)

# .coqide-gtk2rc also produces an rpmlint warning due to its name,
# however, this name is proper as per the Coq documentation

# Disable creation of the debug package: if bytecode executables are
# created will ruin them, while if optimized
# executables are created they will be stripped by the Makefile
# anyway, thus we won't get anything useful from the debug info
# package creation.
# It appears as though ALL of these are necessary to prevent unwanted
# stripping

%define __os_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/brp-compress %{nil}
%define _enable_debug_package 0
%define debug_package %{nil}

Name:		coq
Version:	8.1pl4
Release:	3%{?dist}.1
Summary:	Coq proof management system

Group:		Applications/Engineering
License:	LGPLv2
Source1:	Coq-Library.pdf.gz
Source2:	Coq-Reference-Manual.pdf.gz
Source3:	Coq-Tutorial.v.pdf.gz 
Source4:	Coq-RecTutorial.pdf.gz
Source5:	coq-refman-html.tar.gz
Source6:	coq-stdlib-html.tar.gz
Source7:	RecTutorial.v
Source8:	coqide.desktop
Source9:	coq-icon.png
Source10:	README.coq-emacs
Patch0:		makefile.patch
Patch1:		cmxa-install.patch
Patch2:		makefile-strip.patch
Patch3:		check.patch
Patch4:		makefile-parser.patch
Patch5:		parser-man.patch
Patch6:		coq-lablgtk-2.12.patch
BuildRoot:	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
BuildRequires:	ocaml >= 3.08, ocaml-camlp5-devel, gtk2-devel, ocaml-lablgtk-devel, desktop-file-utils, emacs, prelink

%if 0%{?fedora} < 9
BuildRequires: tetex, tetex-latex
# There's no ocaml-camlp5-devel for ppc64 in Fedora <= 8
# bz# 458467
ExcludeArch: ppc64
BuildRequires: texlive-latex, texlive-texmf
ExcludeArch: s390 s390x

Coq is a formal proof management system. It allows for the development
of theorems through first order logic that are mechanically checked by
the machine. Sets of definitions and theorems can be saved as compiled
modules and loaded into the system.

This package provides the main Coq binary without an optional IDE,

# The IDE's package name will become "coq-coqide".  That way,
# searching for either "coqide" (the Ubuntu/Debian package name, and
# also the full name of the IDE) or "coq" and "ide" will find
# this. (If the package were named "coq-ide", the former would fail.)
%package coqide
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Summary:	Coqide IDE for Coq proof management system
Requires:	coq

%description coqide
Coq is a formal proof management system. It allows for the development
of theorems through first order logic that are mechanically checked by
the machine. Sets of definitions and theorems can be saved as compiled
modules and loaded into the system.

This package provides Coqide, a lightweight IDE for Coq.

%package doc
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Summary:	Documentation for Coq proof management system

%description doc
Coq is a formal proof management system. It allows for the development
of theorems through first order logic that are mechanically checked by
the machine. Sets of definitions and theorems can be saved as compiled
modules and loaded into the system.

This package provides documentation and tutorials for the system. The
main documentation comes in two parts: the main Library documentation,
which decribes all Coq.* modules, and the Reference Manual, which
gives a more complete description of the whole system. Included are
also HTML versions of both. Furthermore, there are two tutorials, the
main one, and one specifically on recursive types. The example code
for the latter is also included.

%package emacs
Group:		Applications/Engineering
Summary:	Elisp files for Coq proof management system
Requires:	coq, emacs

%description emacs
Coq is a formal proof management system. It allows for the development
of theorems through first order logic that are mechanically checked by
the machine. Sets of definitions and theorems can be saved as compiled
modules and loaded into the system.

This package provides emacs mode files for formatting Coq input.

%setup -q

# Patch description:
# Considered each of the seven patches from the Debian Coq package:

# Credit goes to the Debian patch creators for their patches
# (See
# For most patches I merely reproduced the results in non-dpatch
# form. I opted for no patching in cases where it did not seem
# necessary or immediately correct.

# - browser.dpatch: changes firefox option for linux, however, link
# x-www-browser does not exist in Fedora setup, and changing this
# option does not actually fix the problem in the IDE wherein a
# browser window needs to be open in order to actually open any help
# file -> do not change until the real source of the problem can be
# detected
# - check.dpatch: suppress a test warning, similar change made in my
# check.patch
# - cmxa-install.dpatch: fixes cmxa install by testing for opt, similar
# change made in cmxa-install.patch
# - configure.dpatch: fixes detection of ocamlopt - We do this detection
# seperately anyway in this RPM, no change made
# - coqdoc_stdlib.dpatch: extra documentation option - Perhaps do this
# in the future, but for now, no change made
# - makefile.dpatch: fix testing on non-native architecture compiles, similar change made in makefile.patch
# - no-complexity-test.dpatch: turn off some of the tests - Perhaps this
# change was made due to a failure in complexity tests when they
# "don't run quickly enough", which is likely to be incredibly
# variable, but unsure, so no change made


# I created patch3 to consistently strip native-code binaries, unlike
# the inconsistent way it was done in the original makefile

# This patch may not be strictly necessary unless the tests are
# incorporated into the build process somehow. However, the tests don't
# work properly without it.

# Rename binary parser -> coq-parser to avoid a name conflict with
# other packages (and also to be more informative)
# Patch manpage as well.
# Upstream agreed this was a good idea.
mv man/parser.1 man/coq-parser.1

# Minor fix to accommodate a changed signature in lablgtk 2.12
if grep accepts_tab %{_libdir}/ocaml/lablgtk2/gText.mli; then

# Fix some files that are not in UTF-8 encoding

mv $f $f.old; iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 < $f.old > $f; rm $f.old

%define emacs_lispdir %{_datadir}/emacs/site-lisp
%define tex_dir %{_datadir}/texmf/tex/latex/misc

# Seems like setup only sets up the main file
gunzip *.gz
for f in *.tar; do
tar xf $f

%define opt %(test -x %{_bindir}/ocamlopt && echo 1 || echo 0)

# optimized binary ppc64 building does not work at the moment - the
# log files are no real help, but we fail on bootstrap with the
# optimized compiler:
# bin/coqtop.opt -boot -nois -compile theories/Init/Notations
# appears to be the command that dies. It appears that the status of
# OCaml has been somewhat uncertain on ppc64, perhaps this is the cause?
# However, bytecode compilation DOES work -> do this for now
%ifarch ppc64
%define opt 0

# Define opt flag based upon prior opt detection and restrictions
%if %{opt}
%define opt_option --opt
%define opt_option --byte-only

bash configure -prefix %{_prefix} -libdir %{_datadir}/coq -bindir %{_bindir} -mandir %{_mandir} -emacs %{emacs_lispdir} -coqdocdir %{tex_dir} %{opt_option} -reals all -camlp5dir %{_libdir}/ocaml/camlp5
make world VERBOSE=1

# Fix permissions in the documentation
chmod -R a+rX refman stdlib

# Clear any execstack permissions that ELF binaries may have
for f in bin/*; do
file $f | grep "ELF" && execstack -c $f

rm -rf %{buildroot}

make COQINSTALLPREFIX="%{buildroot}" install

# Install desktop icon and menu entry

%define coqdatadir %{_datadir}/coq
%if %(test -d %{buildroot}%{coqdatadir} && echo 1 || echo 0) != 1
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{coqdatadir}
cp coq-icon.png %{buildroot}%{coqdatadir}

sed -i -e 's|ICON-LOCATION-BASE|%{coqdatadir}|' coqide.desktop

desktop-file-install --vendor="fedora"			\
--dir=%{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications		\

# Install main Coq .v files

for d in `find contrib theories -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d`; do
ls $d/*.v 1>/dev/null 2>&1 && mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{coqdatadir}/$d && cp -pr $d/*.v %{buildroot}%{coqdatadir}/$d 2>/dev/null || true

# Install tutorial code

%define tutorialcodedir %{coqdatadir}/tutorial
%if %(test -d %{buildroot}%{tutorialcodedir} && echo 1 || echo 0) != 1
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{tutorialcodedir}
mv RecTutorial.v %{buildroot}%{tutorialcodedir}

# Make sure that prelink does not foul up our bytecode executables by
# stripping them with a cron job. This is done in install to ensure
# that exactly the files that are eventually installed are in the
# list, not all of the files in the bin directory of the build

%define prelinkfilename %{name}-prelink.conf
cd %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
for f in *; do
file $f | grep "not stripped" | sed -e 's/:.*//' -e 's!^!-b %{_bindir}/!' >> %{prelinkfilename}

%define prelinkconfdir %{_sysconfdir}/prelink.conf.d
mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{prelinkconfdir}
mv %{prelinkfilename} %{buildroot}%{prelinkconfdir}

rm -rf %{buildroot}

# Note: we want to keep both coqtop.opt and coqtop.byte because the
# byte compiled version can be used to compile new version through
# coqmktop

%doc %{_mandir}/man1/*
# %%{_bindir}/coq-parser
# %%if %%{opt}
# %%{_bindir}/coq-parser.opt
# %%endif
# Exclude ide files to put in a separate package
%exclude %{_bindir}/coqide*
%exclude %{coqdatadir}/ide
%if %{opt}
%exclude %{coqdatadir}/*.cmxa
# We DO want to replace any such file with this name - it will only be
# for Coq, and we want to correctly reflect the set of files that
# needs to be blacklisted from prelink with this new install
%config %{prelinkconfdir}/%{prelinkfilename}

%files coqide
%doc INSTALL.ide
# Exclude a corrupted file from the tarball
%exclude %{_datadir}/coq/ide/coq.png
# Instead include a non-corrupted icon somewhere else
%dir %{coqdatadir}

# Is it ok to assume this is what desktop-file-install renames coqide.desktop to?

%files doc
%doc Coq-Library.pdf
%doc Coq-Reference-Manual.pdf
%doc Coq-Tutorial.v.pdf
%doc Coq-RecTutorial.pdf
%dir %{coqdatadir}
# Standard permissions with - in defattr make the manual unreadable... unknown how to fix
%doc refman
%doc stdlib

%files emacs
%doc README.coq-emacs

* Wed Jun 17 2009 S390x secondary arch maintainer <> 8.1pl4-3.1
- ExcludeArch s390, s390x as we don't have OCaml on those archs

* Wed Mar 04 2009 Alan Dunn <> - 8.1pl4-3
- Minor change to cmxa-install patch instruction
- Fixed to work with lablgtk 2.12

* Tue Feb 24 2009 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 8.1pl4-2
- Rebuilt for 

* Fri Dec  5 2008 Richard W.M. Jones <> - 8.1pl4-1
- New upstream version 8.1pl4.
- Attempt to rebuild against OCaml 3.11.0.
- Run make with VERBOSE=1 so we can see the actual commands.
- Pass -camlp5dir to configure so it uses camlp5 (overriding existence
  of camlp4 if it happens to be installed).

* Wed Oct 22 2008 Alan Dunn <> 8.1pl3-5
- Added Coq .v files into the main package at user request.

* Tue Sep 09 2008 Alan Dunn <> 8.1pl3-4
- Added creation of prelink blacklist for any bytecode files.
- Fixed execstack status for binaries.

* Tue Aug 05 2008 Alan Dunn <> 8.1pl3-3
- Changed parser to coq-parser to avoid name conflict with
- Made make process noisy again.

* Sun Jul 20 2008 Alan Dunn <> 8.1pl3-2.1
- Minor bump for Fedora 8 to bring it into line with the rest.

* Thu Jul 17 2008 Alan Dunn <> 8.1pl3-2
- Added check for Fedora distribution number to allow for Fedora 8 release.

* Wed Jun 14 2008 Alan Dunn <> 8.1pl3-1
- Initial Fedora RPM version.