Blob Blame History Raw
%global with_tests 1

Name: cozy
%global rtld_name com.github.geigi.cozy

Summary: Modern audiobook player

# cozy itself is GPLv3+
# ASL 2.0 comes from bundled python3-inject
License: GPLv3+ and ASL 2.0

Version: 0.7.2
Release: 1%{?dist}


BuildArch: noarch

BuildRequires: desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: gtk3-devel >= 3.22
BuildRequires: libappstream-glib
BuildRequires: meson >= 0.40.0
BuildRequires: python3-devel
BuildRequires: xmlstarlet

%if 0%{?with_tests}
BuildRequires: gstreamer1-plugins-base

BuildRequires: python3dist(apsw)
BuildRequires: python3dist(distro)
BuildRequires: python3dist(mutagen)
BuildRequires: python3dist(peewee) >= 3.9.6
BuildRequires: python3dist(pygobject)
BuildRequires: python3dist(pytest-runner)
BuildRequires: python3dist(pytest-mock)
BuildRequires: python3dist(pytz)
BuildRequires: python3dist(requests)

Requires: file
Requires: glib2
Requires: gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free
Requires: gstreamer1-plugins-good
Requires: gstreamer1-plugins-ugly-free
Requires: hicolor-icon-theme

# Not available in official Fedora repos
# Requires: gstreamer1-libav

Provides: bundled(python3-inject)

Cozy is a modern audiobook player for Linux.

Here are some of the current features:
- Import your audiobooks into Cozy to browse them comfortably
- Sort your audio books by author, reader & name
- Remembers your playback position
- Sleep timer
- Playback speed control
- Search your library
- Offline Mode! This allows you to keep an audio book on your internal storage
  if you store your audiobooks on an external or network drive.
  Perfect for listening on the go!
- Add mulitple storage locations
- Drag & Drop to import new audio books
- Support for DRM free mp3, m4a (aac, ALAC, …), flac, ogg, opus, wav files
- Mpris integration (Media keys & playback info for desktop environment)

%setup -q

# Add a nonsensical <p> tag at the beginning of <description> for every
# <release> in the appdata XML - needed to pass validation
xmlstarlet ed \
	--insert component/releases/release/description/ul \
	--type elem -n p -v 'List of changes:' \
	< "data/%{rtld_name}" > appdata.patched
mv ./appdata.patched "data/%{rtld_name}"

%meson_build com.github.geigi.cozy-update-po
%meson_build extra-update-po

%find_lang %{rtld_name}

%if 0%{?with_tests}
appstream-util validate --nonet %{buildroot}/%{_datadir}/metainfo/%{rtld_name}.appdata.xml
desktop-file-validate %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/%{rtld_name}.desktop

%files -f %{rtld_name}.lang
%license LICENSE
# License for bundled(python3-inject)
%license cozy/ext/inject/LICENCE

* Mon Sep 28 2020 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <> - 0.7.2-1
- Update to latest release
- Use python3dist() for specifying dependencies

* Fri Sep 25 2020 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <> - 0.7.1-1
- Update to latest release

* Fri Sep 25 2020 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <> - 0.7-1
- Update to latest release
- Put tests behind an enable/disable macro

* Fri Sep 11 2020 Artur Frenszek-Iwicki <> - 0.6.19-1
- Initial packaging