Blob Blame History Raw
Epoch: 1
ExclusiveArch: i386 ppc

%ifarch %{ix86}
%define eclipse_arch    x86
%ifarch x86_64
%define eclipse_arch	x86_64
%ifarch ia64
%define eclipse_arch	ia64
%ifarch ppc
%define eclipse_arch    ppc
%ifarch ppc64
%define eclipse_arch	ppc64
%ifarch ppc64pseries
%define eclipse_arch	ppc64

%define pkg_summary		C/C++ Development Tools (CDT) plugin for Eclipse
%define eclipse_name		eclipse
%define major   		2
%define minor   		0	
%define majmin  		%{major}.%{minor}
%define micro   		2
%define eclipse_base   		%{_datadir}/%{eclipse_name}
%define eclipse_lib_base 	%{_libdir}/%{eclipse_name}

Summary: 	%{pkg_summary}
Name: 		%{eclipse_name}-cdt
Version: 	%{majmin}.%{micro}_fc
Release: 	2
License:	Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 (EPL) <>
Group: 		Text Editors/Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
Requires: 	eclipse-ui

Source0: %{name}-fetched-src-with-tests-2.0.2.tar.gz
Source1: %{name}-rhdocs-r20041107.tar.gz
Patch0: %{name}-build-tests-patch
#Patch2: %{name}-debug-build-patch
Patch3: %{name}-ui-libhover-patch
Patch4: %{name}-no-cvs2-patch

BuildRequires: 	jpackage-utils >= 0:1.5
BuildRequires: 	gtk2-devel
BuildRequires: 	glib2-devel
BuildRequires: 	gnome-vfs2-devel
BuildRequires: 	desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires: 	eclipse-platform
BuildRequires: 	eclipse-jdt
BuildRequires: 	eclipse-pde
BuildRequires: 	libswt3-gtk2
BuildRequires: 	eclipse-gtk2
BuildRequires:  gcc-java >= 4.0.0-0.30
BuildRequires:  java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-devel >=

Requires: 	ctags gdb make eclipse-ui

BuildRoot: 	%{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot

The eclipse-cdt package contains Eclipse features and plugins that are
useful for C and C++ development.

%setup -q -c 
pushd "org.eclipse.cdt.releng"
%patch0 -p0
#%patch2 -p0
#pushd "org.eclipse.cdt.releng"
%patch3 -p0
%patch4 -p0

# Upstream CVS includes random .so files.  Let's remove them now.
# We actually remove the entire "os" directory since otherwise
# we wind up with some empty directories that we don't want.
rm -r org.eclipse.cdt.releng/results/plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.core.linux/os

# Overwrite documentation with our own
pushd org.eclipse.cdt.releng/results/plugins
/usr/bin/gzip -dc %{SOURCE1} | tar -xf -

export JAVA_HOME=%{java_home}
export PATH=%{java_bin}:/usr/bin:$PATH

# See comments in the script to understand this.
/bin/sh -x %{eclipse_base}/buildscripts/copy-platform SDK %{eclipse_base}
SDK=$(cd SDK >/dev/null && pwd)

# Eclipse may try to write to the home directory.
mkdir home
mkdir native

homedir=$(cd home > /dev/null && pwd)
nativehome=$(cd native > /dev/null && pwd)

pushd `pwd`
cd org.eclipse.cdt.releng

pushd results/plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.core.linux/library
make JAVA_HOME="%{java_home}" ARCH=%{eclipse_arch} CC='gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE'

# Call eclipse headless to process changelong releng build scripts
# need -Dosgi.install.area for
java -cp  $SDK/startup.jar \
    -Duser.home=$homedir \
    -Dosgi.install.area=%{eclipse_base} \
    -Dorg.eclipse.core.runtime.ignoreLockFile=true \
    -Dgnu.gcj.runtime.VMClassLoader.library_control=never \
    -Dgnu.gcj.precompiled.db.path=%{eclipse_lib_base}/eclipse.db \
     org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main \
    -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner \
    -DjavacFailOnError=true \
    -DdontUnzip=true \
    -DbaseLocation=$SDK \$SDK/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.1.0/scripts \

# Build the tests.  Note that we don't install them later.
#java -cp  $SDK/startup.jar \
#    -Duser.home=$homedir \
#    -Dosgi.install.area=%{eclipse_base} \
#    -Dorg.eclipse.core.runtime.ignoreLockFile=true \
#    -Dgnu.gcj.runtime.VMClassLoader.library_control=never \
#    -Dgnu.gcj.precompiled.db.path=%{eclipse_lib_base}/eclipse.db \
#     org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main \
#    -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner test \
#    -DjavacFailOnError=true \
#    -DdontUnzip=true \
#    -DbaseLocation=$SDK \
#$SDK/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.build_3.1.0/scripts \
#    -DdontFetchAnything=true

# Build the each .jar to .so. We have to extract them from the tar file
# that the releng build produces
for file in $(pwd)/org.eclipse.cdt.releng/results/I.*/*.zip; do
  case $file in
	 # Silly Eclipse build bug. Calls the result zip but really a tar.gz
	 tar -zxv -C $nativehome -f $file *.jar
	 cd $nativehome/eclipse/plugins
	 for jarname in `find . -type f -name "*.jar"`; do
		jarname=`echo $jarname | cut -c3-`
		gcj -fPIC -fjni -findirect-dispatch -shared -Wl,-Bsymbolic  -o $ $jarname

		# Once compiled, we don't care about the jar (it's still in the original tar)
		rm $jarname

		# Create a text mapping of the jar <-->so mapping for later use.
		echo %{eclipse_base}/plugins/$jarname::%{eclipse_lib_base}/plugins/$ >> %{name}.jarswithnativelibs

nativehome=$(cd native > /dev/null && pwd)
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
mkdir -p ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/%{eclipse_base}

for file in $(pwd)/org.eclipse.cdt.releng/results/I.*/*.zip; do
  case $file in
      # The ".." is needed since the zip files contain "eclipse/foo".
      (cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{eclipse_base}/.. && tar zxvf $file)

# Create mappings directory in eclipse lib base 
install -d -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{eclipse_lib_base}/mappings

# Create the initial changelog database
gcj-dbtool -n $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{eclipse_lib_base}/mappings/cdt.db 8000

# Create plugins directory in eclipse lib base
install -d -m755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{eclipse_lib_base}/plugins/

cd $nativehome/eclipse/plugins

# Install the text jar <--> so mapping we created when we compiled
install -m644 %{name}.jarswithnativelibs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{eclipse_lib_base}

# Copy the .so(s) we created earlier into the build root
for file in `find . -type f -name *.so`; do
	install -m755 -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{eclipse_lib_base}/plugins/`dirname $file`
	install -m644 $file $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{eclipse_lib_base}/plugins/`dirname $file`

# We move the libraries to libdir, leaving symlinks behind.  And since
# zip doesn't preserve file permissions, we must also mark all the .so
# files as executable.
find ./%{eclipse_base} -name '*.so' -print |
while read sofile; do
  newname=$(echo "$sofile" | sed -e 's,^./%{eclipse_base},%{_libdir}/eclipse,')
  mkdir -p ./$(dirname "$newname")
  mv $sofile ./$newname
  ln -s $newname $sofile

# Populate db with mappings
for j in `cat %{eclipse_lib_base}/%{name}.jarswithnativelibs`; do
  gcj-dbtool -a %{eclipse_lib_base}/mappings/cdt.db `echo $j | sed "s/::/ /"`

# Merge all dbs together after install
if [ -n "`find %{eclipse_lib_base}/mappings -name \*.db`" ]; then
   gcj-dbtool -m %{eclipse_lib_base}/eclipse.db `find %{eclipse_lib_base}/mappings -name \*.db`


# After uninstall has removed our db, again merge the dbs
# to remove our entries
if [ -n "`find %{eclipse_lib_base}/mappings -name \*.db`" ]; then
   gcj-dbtool -m %{eclipse_lib_base}/eclipse.db `find %{eclipse_lib_base}/mappings -name \*.db`


# Cannot get dir name org.eclipse.cdt.source.linux.*.x86_2.0.2 to glob
# properly. Will fix later  

* Thu Mar 3 2005 Phil Muldoon <> 2.0.2-2
- Moved upstream sources back to 2.0.2
- Revered back to releng build
- Added native build sections to spec file

* Tue Jan 11 2005 Ben Konrath <> 2.1.0-1
- add devel rpm and use the patched sources for it
- update sources to 2.1.0
- new build method that does not require pre-fetched sources

* Sun Nov 07 2004 Ben Konrath <> 2.0.2-1
- Update sources to 2.0.2
- Change which files are unzipped in the install phase - this changed in 2.0.2
- Update Red Hat documentation sources
- Remove no-cvs-patch as it is no longer needed (no-cvs2-patch is still needed)
- Update ui-libhover-patch 
- Add how-to document for doc and source tarball generation
- Add fetch-tests-patch for tarball generation

* Mon Jul 26 2004 Jeremy Handcock <> 2.0-11
- Update Red Hat documentation sources

* Fri Jul 23 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-10
- Set user.home on all java invocations

* Fri Jul 23 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-9
- Pass dontFetchAnything to the build

* Fri Jul 23 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-8
- Patch from Phil Muldoon to avoid cvs operations

* Fri Jul 23 2004 Jeremy Handcock <> 2.0-7
- Don't build on ppc64
- Require eclipse-ui, not eclipse-platform

* Fri Jul 23 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-6
- Set user.home when building

* Wed Jul 21 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-5
- Make .so files executable

* Wed Jul 21 2004 Chris Moller <> 2.0-4
- Add texthover

* Tue Jul 20 2004 Jeremy Handcock <> 2.0-4
- Update Red Hat documentation sources

* Fri Jul 16 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-3
- Make platform symlink tree before building

* Fri Jul 16 2004 Jeremy Handcock <> 2.0-3
- Add Red Hat-specific documentation
- Use `name' macro in source and patch names
- Correct BuildRequires to eclipse-platform

* Tue Jul 13 2004 Jeremy Handcock <> 2.0-2
- Don't require ant
- Prevent possible `build' section overload

* Mon Jul 12 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-2
- Document source fetching process
- Update to CDT 2.0 final
- Set -D_GNU_SOURCE when building

* Fri Jul  9 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-2
- Don't define prefix
- Don't require pango

* Fri Jul  9 2004 Jeremy Handcock <> 2.0-2
- Update sources to include tests from upstream
- Add new build patch for CDT tests
- Build CDT tests, but don't install them

* Thu Jul  8 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-1
- Removed unused patch

* Thu Jul  8 2004 Jeremy Handcock <> 2.0-1
- Revert previous patch; don't unset javacVerbose

* Thu Jul  8 2004 Jeremy Handcock <> 2.0-1
- Unset javacVerbose

* Tue Jun 15 2004 Tom Tromey <> 2.0-1
- Updated to 2.0 M8

* Mon Jan 19 2004 Tom Tromey <> 1.2.1-1
- Initial version