Blob Blame History Raw
%define eclipse_base     %{_libdir}/eclipse
%define gcj_support      1

Name:      eclipse-epic
Version:   0.6.25
Release:   1%{?dist}
Summary:   Perl Eclipse plugin
Group:     Development/Tools
License:   CPL

# source tarball and the script used to generate it from upstream's source control
# script usage:
# $ sh
Source0:   epic-%{version}.tar.gz

BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)

%if %{gcj_support}
BuildRequires:    gcc-java
BuildRequires:    java-gcj-compat-devel
Requires(post):   java-gcj-compat
Requires(postun): java-gcj-compat
BuildArch:        noarch
BuildRequires:    java-devel
BuildRequires:    jpackage-utils
BuildRequires:    eclipse-pde >= 3.4
BuildRequires:    antlr
BuildRequires:    jdom
BuildRequires:    gnu-regexp
BuildRequires:    brazil
Requires:         java
Requires:         jpackage-utils
Requires:         eclipse-platform >= 3.4
Requires:         antlr
Requires:         jdom
Requires:         gnu-regexp
Requires:         brazil
Requires:         perl
Requires:         perl-PadWalker

EPIC is an open source Perl IDE based on the Eclipse platform. Features 
supported are syntax highlighting, on-the-fly syntax check, content assist, 
perldoc support, source formatter, templating support, a regular expression 
view and a Perl debugger.

%setup -q -n epic-%{version}

# ditch bundled libs in favor of building against fedora packaged libs
rm org.epic.lib/lib/jdom-1.1.jar \
   org.epic.lib/lib/antlr-2.7.5.jar \
   org.epic.lib/lib/brazil_mini.jar \
build-jar-repository -s -p org.epic.lib/lib jdom antlr gnu-regexp brazil

grep -lR jdom-1.1 *         | xargs sed --in-place "s/jdom-1.1/jdom/"
grep -lR antlr-2.7.5 *      | xargs sed --in-place "s/antlr-2.7.5/antlr/"
grep -lR gnu-regexp-1.1.4 * | xargs sed --in-place "s/gnu-regexp-1.1.4/gnu-regexp/"
grep -lR brazil_mini *      | xargs sed --in-place "s/brazil_mini/brazil/"

# put the source plugin together
for p in org.epic.perleditor \
         org.epic.regexp \
         org.epic.debug; do
  mkdir org.epic.source/src/$p
  pushd $p/src
  zip -r -q ../../org.epic.source/src/$p/ *

# make sure upstream hasn't sneaked in any jars we don't know about
for j in `find -name "*.jar"`; do
  if [ ! -L $j ]; then
    JARS="$JARS $j"
if [ ! -z "$JARS" ]; then
   echo "These jars should be deleted and symlinked to system jars: $JARS"
   exit 1

# parse grammar for grammar parser
pushd org.epic.perleditor/src/org/epic/core/parser/
for g in `find . -name "*.g"`; do
  antlr $g

# build the main feature
%{eclipse_base}/buildscripts/pdebuild -f org.epic.feature.main \
  -a "-DjavacTarget=1.4 -DjavacSource=1.4"

rm -rf %{buildroot}
install -d -m 755 $installDir
unzip -q -d $installDir build/rpmBuild/

# need to recreate the symlinks to libraries that were setup in "prep"
# because for some reason the ant copy task doesn't preserve them
pushd $installDir/eclipse/plugins/org.epic.lib_*/lib
rm *.jar
build-jar-repository -s -p . jdom antlr gnu-regexp brazil

# ensure source packages are correctly verisoned
pushd $installDir/eclipse/plugins
for p in org.epic.perleditor \
         org.epic.regexp \
         org.epic.debug; do
  PVERSION=_`ls -1 | grep $p | sed -r 's/.*_(.*)\.jar$/\1/'`
  mv org.epic.source_%{version}/src/$p org.epic.source_%{version}/src/$p$PVERSION

%if %{gcj_support}

rm -rf %{buildroot}

%if %{gcj_support}
%post -p %{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db
%postun -p %{_bindir}/rebuild-gcj-db

%doc org.epic.feature.main/license.html
%if %{gcj_support}

* Thu Sep 04 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.25-1
- Updated to version 0.6.25.
- New features: Persistent variables view options and Module::Starter

* Wed Jul 30 2008 Andrew Overholt <> 0.6.24-3
- Update for building with Eclipse SDK 3.4.

* Sat Jun 14 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.24-2
- Fixed package ownership of feature directory.

* Sun Jun 01 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.24-1
- Updated to version 0.6.24.

* Mon May 05 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.23-1
- Updated to version 0.6.23.
- Removed JDOM API patch that was moved upstream.

* Tue Apr 29 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.22-4
- Added missing dependency.
- Build the source plugin properly to support the "import as projects with
  source folders" feature of Eclipse.

* Sat Apr 19 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.22-3
- Use JPackage tools to create jar repositories.

* Sun Apr 13 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.22-2
- Updated package for new Eclipse plugin guidelines.

* Sun Mar 30 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.22-1
- Updated to version 0.6.22.

* Wed Feb 20 2008 Mat Booth <> 0.6.20-1
- Updated to version 0.6.20.

* Wed Dec 24 2007 Mat Booth <> 0.6.17-1
- Initial release.