Blob Blame History Raw
# The base package is (somewhat unusually) a metapackage, so it’s normal that
# it has no files.
addFilter(r'edac-utils\..*: no-(binary|documentation)$')
# Since the edac-ctl binary is a Perl script, this could be a noarch
# subpackage, except that it has a dependency on dmidecode that is only
# available on certain architectures.
addFilter(r'edac-ctl\..*: no-binary$')
# Not real spelling errors:
addFilter(r" spelling-error \('[Cc](hipsets?|ommandline|tl)',")
addFilter(r" spelling-error \('[Ii]nit',")
addFilter(r" spelling-error \('libedac',")
addFilter(r" spelling-error \('[Mm]etapackage',")
addFilter(r" spelling-error \('[Pp]erl',")
addFilter(r" spelling-error \('[Ss]ysfs',")
addFilter(r" spelling-error \('[Uu]serspace',")