Blob Blame History Raw
Name:           edflib
Version:        1.21
# Upstream has been encouraged to provide a shared library with proper ABI
# versioning (
# For now, we must make do with downstream .so name versioning
# (
# Make sure to increment the following integer each time there is an ABI change
# upstream.
%global downstream_so_number 1
Release:        %autorelease
Summary:        C/C++ library to read/write EDF+ and BDF+ files

# The entire source is BSD, except for the contents of unittest/, which are
# GPLv3+ (but do not contribute to the installed contents of the binary RPMs).
License:        BSD
%global tar_version %(echo '%{version}' | tr -d .)
# Upstream intends this library primarily as a copylib. The following is based
# on a sample Makefile from
#, with
# modifications to pass LDFLAGS and to implement downstream .so name
# versioning.
Source1:        Makefile

# Add support for big-endian platforms (fixes #9)
# See also:
# Since upstream decided against supporting big-endian platforms, this patch is
# applied *only* on s390x to keep the other architectures closer to upstream.
Patch0:         0001-Add-support-for-big-endian-platforms.patch

BuildRequires:  make
BuildRequires:  gcc

%global common_description %{expand: \
EDFlib is a programming library for C/C++ for reading and writing EDF+ and BDF+
files. It also reads “old style” EDF and BDF files. EDF means European Data
Format. BDF is the 24-bits version of EDF.

Documentation is available at}


Documentation is available at

%package devel
Summary:        Development files for edflib
Requires:       edflib%{?_isa} = %{version}-%{release}

%description devel

The edflib-devel package contains libraries and header files for developing
applications that use edflib.


%setup -n edflib_%{tar_version} -q
%ifarch s390x
%patch0 -p1
cp -p '%{SOURCE1}' Makefile.shared

%make_build -f Makefile.shared DOWNSTREAM_SO_NUMBER='%{downstream_so_number}'
%make_build -C unittest CC="${CC-gcc}" \

%make_install -f Makefile.shared \
    DOWNSTREAM_SO_NUMBER='%{downstream_so_number}' \
    PREFIX='%{_prefix}' \
    INCLUDEDIR='%{_includedir}' \


%license LICENSE

%files devel
